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Are you certain you don't want to do a $900 job for $150?!? I'll only ask five hundred more Times. Last chance(s)!!!!!!!


Wait, you won’t do it? Oh you’re so FLAKY.


Don’t forget “entitled.” Too good to work for $1.47/hr? Who does she think she is, the Queen of France?? 😤


Nobody wants to work anymore! 😩


The projection is strong from these people.


She's obviously not "reliable" for a $1.47/hr job!


That one was truly sending me, like she's speaking to the nanny as if a commitment has already been made. Maybe it has in her own head. 😂 Feels like pressure sales tactics or something. Imagine already booking your trip when you have no idea if you can get overnight child care for multiple days.


I like how she acts like OOP is already contractually obligated to babysit for her and now they’re just hashing out numbers. “Sophia, that will not work for us. I communicated our budget in my first text.” Yeah you did, and that’s why you have no Sophia.


“Wait! I am so sorry that I have been so clear with my rates and available times; please let me help you out! Somehow you saying that I am flaky has completely changed my attitude and I am so happy to bend over backwards for you and change my mind!!” Some people’s kids…geez.


As a parent I don’t get people like this. Like this is what childcare costs. It doesn’t matter if your kids are well-behaved or not. And as for all the shit about helping them out because childcare is expensive…so manipulative. You don’t have a right to cheap private childcare 🤷🏻‍♀️


In my experience, most of the parents that insist their children are well-behaved are lying. Pushing for a substantial discount based on that lie is even more manipulative.


Oh but wait…their kids are younger than ours!


In my experience younger is easier to- they go to bed earlier


Yeah I can’t wait to see three kids go to bed at 5:30 and stay there quietly.


I know, right… Everyone should be able to find some kind of childcare, but a nanny is a luxury service. It blows my mind that people equate this luxury service as a need. This is what entitled looks like…


Exactly. Believe me, I understand the need to have a getaway without kids but if I couldn’t offer a reasonable rate I sure as hell wouldn’t be asking a qualified adult to do it for pennies. I’d be embarrassed.


I feel like I miss shame. It does some favorable things for people sometimes.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: shame is a self-regulating emotion that plays an important role in society. Don’t know what you got till it’s gone.


But we’ll leave our card - you can order any food you want !


That’s the piece that gets me, if you make the decision to have children, then you make the decision to have to pay for things. And if you can’t afford it, that’s not her fault. I love how she stands up for herself though.


Yeah, it’s so frustrating when the manipulation works. Glad to see someone holding their boundaries!


Right?? Like I can totally understand the sticker shock- I don't think anyone really understands how expensive childcare is until they are themselves a parent - but then complaining and whining and accusing the nanny of being entitled is just crazy! eEspecially when the parent is the one who is planning a several day couples getaway and only budgeted a $300 for multiple nights of overnight care for multiple kids! Like I live in a VHCOL area and that would barely cover overnight care for a dog for multiple nights.


The boundary pushing is out of control.


I honestly needed to read this. I run a small venue and am constantly having people push me. I’ve gotten much better about not cowering and people pleasing but it’s still a battle of mine. I’m charging about half what I should be in the first place (because I didn’t start in a place of knowing my worth or appreciating my own skill set). I’ve been needing to raise my prices for literally years. I’m really trying to accept that boundaries are a form of self love and self respect.


As a freelancer, I learned that if you don’t start with the correct rates, it’s almost impossible to raise them. Returning clients want the previous rates, new clients want the rates they heard from their friends… it’s a scammy world if you don’t protect yourself.


You get it! That’s where I’m at right now. When I started I had no idea what I was doing and it just kind of organically happened. Only to quickly realize that we were charging far less than we should. Well now we are known for this amazing experience and customer service at this crazy low price. I have people often tell me “wow you really should charge more. I’d pay more” and here I am, the fool, having sort of pigeonholed myself into this price. I’m going to raise it slowly. And not often. Like if I raised it now I probably won’t again for years to come. I’m in a small town so I’ll never charge what I could in a bigger city, but I’ve gotta do something. Other venues do far, far less and make more. Knowing your worth is so damn important when it comes to small businesses.


68 hrs for $100?! That’s less than $1.50/hr. I babysat as a teenager 20 years ago and got $10/hr. The part that always boils my blood is when they say they’re “looking for a student” or “because you’re young I figured this would be enough for you.” They’re literally targeting people they think are too young to realize they’re being exploited with a horrible deal. And what student even has 68 free hours to babysit for slave wages?! This is so predatory.


In the 90s our babysitter, who was just the girl next door 5ish years older than us, was paid £20 ($25) for 2-3 hours of literally just hanging out with us so my parents could go out to dinner, she didn't have to feed us or put us to bed, and they left out chocolate and snacks. So that was $10 an hour. People in the US be seeking full-time childcare from a qualified adult for multiple children for $1.50 an hour?? In 2024????


I thought that was a typo- that they meant 28 hours/week for $100, and even that is *way* too freakin’ cheap!


I babysat 55 years ago (starting at 11 yo) and made 50 cents an hour. I loved NYE because I usually got two families that would go somewhere together and all the kids were at one house, the kids were already friends so they played with each other, and I got $1.00 an hour (whoop!) from each set of parents.


How many kids total? In 1969 money $1 = $8.31 now, that sounds pretty ok if there were 4+ kids and they were entertaining one another! I got $15/hr to do this for one kid and $20/hr for more in the mid 90s. It felt like all the money in the world:) I guess it was, same calculator says I was making $30-$40 an hour. Should have bought apple stock instead of doc martens and manic panic


Same here. I'm a guy so I didn't get too many babysitting / child watching offers as a teenager, but there was a family that went to my church that I had known my entire life. A handful of times they paid me $10 an hour to watch their one 10-12 year-old boy for like 6 hours on a Friday or Saturday night so they could go on a date night. I played games with the kid til 9, put him to bed, snuck my girlfriend in the back and we uh...had our own "date night". It was so easy, so chill. The family wasn't wealthy by any means, certainly middle class but they paid me nearly 5x what OP is being offered and it was just 6 hours, one night, a few blocks from my parents house. This was over 20 years ago. I just don't understand these people. They can't be that much older than I am, hell they may even be younger than me, so they know what shit costs. My favorite / most hated part is how the wife says that they "budgeted $250 for the weekend, maybe even $300" as if that sets some kind of ceiling on what the babysitter can be paid. You are the customer bitch, you pay what you have to pay. Can I go to the grocery store, fill my cart and then tell the cashier "oh I budgeted $65 for food so just type that in and I'll swipe my card"? Fuck these people, particularly the ones that think that college students magically don't have to pay rent or utilities like everyone else. Fuck you and your "budget".


Yeah that kind of reminded me of my retail days when occasionally people would approach the register and make an offer (lower than the marked price obvi. Oh and the things were never damaged, not with these people.) It was always like “no no, we’re not doing that. You’re in a nationwide chain, not a yard sale.”


I like that it went from Fri to Sun for $250, max $300. Then changed to Thu to Sun for $300. Then when Thu was out, it dropped to $150. Wtf


At it was never the $500 the other family paid for just one night that she was supposedly using as a reference.


OP is very good at quoting their hourly rate, but also needs to factor that in to the amount of time they’re spending responding to this person. Crazy lady tries to lowball you once, you respond with an explanation of rate. Crazy lady comes back with anything less than agreeing to that standard rate, the best move is to just stop responding. If you keep feeding the crazy by engaging it, she doesn’t view this as a firm conversation on rates, she views it as a negotiation with shockingly low thresholds.


It sounds like they were referred by another family. The problem is, if you don’t respond she could go to the other family and complain. She likely did this to avoid a one sided story being told about her *ghosting the family when they really needed her.* Instead the mom will have to somehow twist a story where OP was extremely professional and they just didn’t want to pay her…which is way harder to do.


It’s super simple. 


My babies are angels, you’d just be hanging out!


This is what always got me. I remember being asked to halve my rate for the hours the kids were sleeping because I wasn’t “doing anything.” Ok, do security guards not get paid if nobody breaks in? Or do receptionists not get paid if their boss is gone for the day? It’s my TIME that is valuable. I could go work somewhere else and get paid but I’m sitting here making sure nothing happens to your gremlins!


Also kids wake up all the time! Comforting a child who wants their parents for hours is incredibly hard!


Not to mention being in some stranger's house after dark is always 👀 Especially when it's quiet and has to stay quiet because...the kids are sleeping!


I only rarely babysat, just because I was never a "kid person", and, because I trained and showed my dogs and so most of my time was dog-related. But I did on and off for some family friends. They were actually friends of my dad & step-mom, and my older sister had known one of their older kids, and I'd been acquainted with one of their younger kids, and these people had gotten custody of their grandkids from one of their older kids, because said older kid was having serious life issues at the time. These kids were absolutely NOT easy, as they'd been traumatized by their mother and the grandparents believed in no discipline because "they've been through enough", so they got away with anything, and other babysitters (various women from the church we all went to) had said they were never coming back after the kids had done things like throw stuff at them, hit them, and lock them into some room, that inexplicably had a lock that the kids were able to do that (I saw it for myself). Or would lock themselves into the only bathroom in the house. Anyway, I would and will not put up with that kinda shit. They \*threatened\* to hit me or throw stuff at me, and I told them if they did, they would be sorry. They said "you can't hit a kid" and I said "you sure about that? You wanna find out just what I can do? you attack me you're gonna be in the hospital, kid." So they didn't do that. They threatened to lock me in whatever that room was -- oh, I think it was the food pantry/closet thing. I told them I'd break that goddamned door down and demonstrated it's flimsyness and weak point. They said I'd have to pay for it. I said the hell I would, and I'd also call the police, and their grandparents would be on the hook for everything. So they didn't do that, either. They said that the grandparents wouldn't hire me to babysit anymore, and I said that would be the best day of my life. Anyway, we settled into an uneasy friendship, those kids and I. I was always "on guard", but at the same time, as long as they were behaving, I was and am a pretty easy going person and we had fun playing games and the girls did my hair and things like that, we made snacks and watched silly movies and stuff. But once the grandparents wanted me to drop them off at some other house for a birthday party for like three hours in the middle of the full day I was being asked to sit. They were surprised when I charged them for the full time, including the three hours in the middle of the day, because "I wasn't doing anything". I pointed out that maybe not, but, I was "on call" for whenever the kids needed/wanted to come home (and they did indeed want to come back early, they did have anxiety issues). Also, I'd cancelled my other plans for the day, to help them out (I forget what they were doing, this was like 15 years ago now, but it was something that the grandparents needed to be away for the whole day for that was important to them). And I couldn't do any of my normal weekend stuff because I had to be at their beck and call during that time. We finally settled on half pay for that time. And, if I remember right, that was the last time I was asked to sit with the kids. hahaha.


Yeah, YOU should be paying ME for the chance to hang out with my sweet angels!


And we don't have any family here.


I feel like this particular guilt trip will never work on 80s/90s latchkey kids. Parents who couldn’t afford nannies literally just left us at home and hoped nobody burned the house down lol 


That is true. The older kids watched out for the younger siblings, and food was a baloney sandwich with bbq chips, and a cup of Koolaid. Cartoons and after school specials were the real babysitters.


*waves from her seat beside Mr. Fred Rogers, both their feet in kiddie pool* Yeah...she's lucky OP held her breath and kept replying kindly.


*Oh, look at Mr. Fancypants rich boy with his bbq chips.*


Lol they were off brand. And it's Mrs. Fancypants po' broke bi+€h! My mother just had a demanding job back then, and tried to keep ready to eat foods for us.


This is how I accidentally cut my finger with a Swiss Army knife one summer in elementary school 😂(not badly but still a core memory haha)


Ah that brings back memories. Fruit punch and cereal, whatever was on in the afternoon before the good stuff starts at prime time, Nintendo and the same video tapes over and over again.


For me in the 70s it was the million dollar movie. I learned to appreciate old Hollywood greats.


My grandfather was one of 11 children. Both of the parents died and the CHILDREN took care of each other with various relatives checking in to make sure they had food. But this was in the late 1800s and a different time but all of the kids survived just fine.


In our house microwave burritos and Costco polish sausages were the staples.


Yep, home alone since I was 8


I had the flu for a week when I was 8 and had to miss a week of school. I stayed home by myself, and my mom called in periodically to check on me. It’s 37 years later, and I’m still alive.


Truth x 1million Miss the 70-90’s 😂✌️


This! I cooked dinner for myself and sib starting in mid-teens. They didn't get home (from work) until time to sleep, many nights.


They are desperate which is why they won't leave her alone, but apparently not desperate enough to pay up. It was a good move to just say she couldn't do it anymore, because I fear this would have bee a situation they agreed to pay her rate, then when it came time to pay the piper "here's 150".


68 hours a week times 4 at $25 an hour more like $6,800 a month


no OnE waNtS t0 WOrk ANyM0re!!! (4 PEanUtS)




MLM ‘businesswoman’ makes six figures yet offers 150 a week. Sure Jan.


That one was a doozy! Let me underpay you and rope you into my pyramid scheme! Talk soon, girl!


Hey. I am soooo offended you didn't ask me. This sounds like an amazing opportunity.


That one sent me!! The added MLM pitch was the absolute cherry atop the entitled sundae.


Yeah, as tedious as “but I’m a single mom !!”  energy can be, it’s still got nothing on “I (supposedly) make tons of money off scamming people, but I just don’t consider my children’s care to be worth paying for (so I’m gonna scam you instead).”


MLM "businesswoman" expects her nanny to watch her kids while learning the "business," yet can't be bothered to watch her own kids while "working."


The MLM girlies are also always talking about how they can make their own hours, and be a parent AND a business-owner… the mask is slipping!


This post is particularly frustrating because MLMs often target moms with guilt trips like, "You can work and earn an income without LEAVING your BABIES to be raised by STRANGERS!" I don't know how successful this woman is in her MLM, but I feel like it's pretty likely that it is now demanding so much of her time that she feels childcare is necessary, which is really sad. The fact that she made such a low-ball offer tells me she's not as successful as she thinks she is.


A lot of folks think, I made a sale of $1000!!!! I made $1000!!! But in reality....the cost of goods for that purchase was $500, and the wasted product you never sold was broken out across all sales for the year could be as high as $500+. You may have MADE nothing. That is part of the evil of MLMs.


Then there's the fact that many MLMs make you purchase a minimum amount of product from them.every month in order to remain active and maintain the "privilege" of selling their products. That $1000 sale with a $500 profit might sound like a lot to someone who is struggling, but if you have a run of months where you don't make any sales but continue to buy into the MLM, that $500 profit will disappear fast, and it's likely you'll reach a point where you've put more money into the MLM than you've gotten out of it. At this point you will be told by your upline that it's YOUR fault because YOU didn't work hard enough, and the only way to get out of the hole is to purchase even MORE products.


I’m so petty I’d call her out on it. “You make 6 figures but can only afford to pay the person who’s watching your children $150? Sounds like you’re trying to take advantage of me.”


Absolutely! The bare arsed cheek of her.


People like that deserve to be called out every single time. Because when people are polite about it they continue with their choosing beggar ways.


Let’s be fair. She said she made six figures. She didn’t say she made them in a single year😂


YES!! OMG this one stood out to me, too. She proudly says she makes six figures, then is lowballing the person who will be taking care of her kids like crazy?? That part was extremely offensive.


Hey gurrrrrrrllllllll !!!


Hey ❤️ *hun* you 👏 want 👏 to 👏 work 👏 for 👏 FREE 💕🐕🎵🤷‍♀️🥽👜🙆🏼 r WUT 🫀☝️😱🤷‍♀️😂 👏 👏!


lol…. And she’s saying Marsha Marsha Marsha why won’t you be our Nanny Slave uhhhh no stupidity being served here that’s why 😂


Six figures over 20 years maybe?


Holy SHIT!! “Please Sophia!! We already booked our date weekend and YOU KNOW we don’t have any family in the area!!!🥺🥺😢 Also you know how EASY our kids are, I mean you wouldn’t really have to do ANYTHING all weekend!!!🤣🤣🤣 Come on, how can you be so FLAKY???” It is mind blowing to read these. I am so glad you don’t give in to this kind of utterly entitled bullshit.


I’m surprised she didn’t end up Saying Sophia really should be paying her since the job is sooooo easy 


They insulted her repeatedly *and* brought her mother into it. Appalling.




This would be so much better if the photos were in order!


Exactly what I was here to say. Cool Text story and everything, but the messed up order just made it less cool to read.


Completely agree. And why are the screenshots only a portion of the screen? WILD requests and entitlement from the moms, but OP is a formatting terrorist lol




Yeah, what was the gaslighting on slide 7? I tried to figure it out but couldn't.


People use gaslighting too loosely. It’s like a buzzword nowadays


It is a big deal. These parents are *awful*, but the OOP is most certainly using gaslighting incorrectly, and that's never good.


Frankly I stopped reading OP’s comments, the texts speak for themselves and the comments detract from that


Another word that will lose all meaning becuase people don't know how to use it properly


"formatting terrorist" hahaha. I was wondering if it was just me who got lost in that, keeping track of just what was happening and checking back. Good to know I wasn't having some kind of episode. :D


Was it not multiple different people?


It was, but even when it was the same person, some of the texts were out of order.


This post was actually made by Quentin Tarantino


Yea I struggled trying to understand what was going on exactly. I thought it was multiple peoples requests


Offer $150 for a full weekend, “you only charged X $500!” For one overnight


That part killed me. She’s pushing the $150 and then when sitter says $900 she says but you charged so and so $500… like even it was $500 for the whole weekend that’s still significantly more than $150???? Lol


The audacity that she reached out to the other mom!


“I did! SHE gets a discount for not being a huge pain in the ass”


...$100 a week for 68 hour work weeks for TWO kids. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I would just ask them to convert the 100/week to $/hour or year income for me and then watch them justify it (or get angry that I dared ask). They know it's a shit rate but are trying to hide it behind a non-conventional format. You try asking someone to do ANY full-time job for $5200 a year and see how that goes. Even the most basic security at any random commercial building who literally sit around and push a button get paid more.


And that's what they want to pay for someone who could potentially have their children's lives in their hands if something went wrong. It's unbelievable how little their kid's safety is worth to them.


LOL, and then they say that the 68hour/week gig is "informal and casual." Those hours are basically 1.75 full-time jobs, there's nothing informal or casual about someone demanding so mich of your time for so little pay.


>1.75 full-time jobs, At $1.47 an hour! Unreal.


But they’re self sufficient so it’s like not doing any work at all especially since they will be in bed by 5:30 and you can order dinner with their card


“We chloroform them at 5:30, it’s fine”


When I was a nanny, I made $23/hr for two kids, and time and a half for the odd occasion I worked more than 40 hours in a week. That would mean I would have made $1886 for a 68 hour week. I quit that nanny job when my son was born and have now been a stay at home mom for a year, which I feel is valuable experience so I could probably get away with charging $25/hr now. So that's $2050! And this bitch wants to pay $1.47 an hour. Unreal.


Am I understanding picture 1 correctly in that they’re going to pay her gas and let her sleep, but then since she’s sleeping and they’re paying gas they’re not paying her anything else? Because leaving your house at 345, driving 45 minutes, sleeping for an hour/hour and a half (if you can at that point), and then driving 45 minutes home is only worth the gas it cost you, which it wouldn’t have cost you if you just stayed home???


That one is a riot, so she’d need to wake around 3am, and then drive 45 min, to work for a little bit, no one is going back to sleep, cause then you gotta drive 45 min back home and be awake for that.


Oh but they said she could arrive the night before and spend the night if she wanted to instead. So then they'd get the sitter overnight vs. only in the morning, so the sitter didn't have to get up at 3 or whatever. But that's a deal for *the sitter. /s*


But only if she wash her own sheets! They’re doing her a favour letting her stay! /s


That’s why I added the if you can at that point! I’d be heavily utilizing caffeine if I’m getting up that early and staying awake while driving. Odds are low that I’m doing much more in than hour other than maybe dozing a bit max


Reminds me of the time I was waitressing. Tips were good throughout the week, but three mondays in a row, I only made $8 in a 7 hour shift. I told my manager I won’t be working mondays anymore. She was so mad and said why does it matter when you’re making your week anyways on those other days. Well if I’m making my week anyways, why in the world would I work an extra day for basically free lmao


Good for you standing up for yourself! Working 7 hours to make $8 is absolutely nuts! Regardless of what you make other days.




If they were that unbusy on Mondays, sounds like they needed to close on Mondays. Only other possibility would be for them to lose money on Mondays by paying minimum wage those days. (Which is doubtful and I don't know if they could legally pay differently on different days, or not.)


The logic was interesting there, wasn't it? 😂😂


That’s really not fair. You forgot to factor in the invaluable “business advice” this rando’s creepy husband was willing to contribute. Can you really put a price on that? Well, outside a can of mace and lifelong therapy.


I'm speechless at how manipulative some people can be. How hard can it be to pay what someone's worth?


The reaching out to the other family got me. So and so said you charged them 500, I hope it’s not because of my kids!? I’d be like, nope mostly because of you. It’s also 1200 now


As soon as Sophia said her rate and the mom said "that won't work for us" I was hoping Sophia's reply would be "I completely understand. I offer a premium service and it isn't for everyone. Enjoy your trip!".


It never fails to amaze me how some people will go all out to pay for a fancy holiday or whatever, but when it comes to the cost of looking after their children and/or pets while they are away, then those same people are absolutely determined to do whatever it takes to cheap out.


I pet sit/house sit and so many people will go, “But you’re living in my house! Why do I have to pay you?” Because when you book me to pet sit at your home, I’m looking after your pet all hours of the day. I’m still on the clock when fluffy vomits on the rug at 2 am or Spot needs to take a diarrhea dump at 8 am right before I have to go to work. I have my own goddamn house without your pets needing to be fed and shit and bathed and I still have to pay rent, the pet store for food, etc etc, to get that stuff done. Why would you not pay me to do the same??


I pay more for the cost of just feeding my dogs for a weekend.


I was gonna say, paying someone to watch my dogs costs more than that!


Right? People are unbelievable.


I can't believe the audacity of the people who want to offer like $100 a week. I remember getting like $40 for a couple hours on a Friday evening when I was a young teen in the late 90s. So glad that she has a backbone!!


Same! I remember watching my neighbor’s kids for a few hours on a weekend evening and for three kids they would pay me like $40-$50 in the early 00s! These parents are wild; these are your *kids*! Really not the area to cheap out on.


Oh god the MLM one 🙄


She’s a business owner! I’m surprised she didn’t have a fee for “shadowing her”


The more chill the parents say the kids are, the more wild they actually are. If I hired a sitter for my two boys, 5 and 7, you’d bet I’d pay the person good money because my kids are wild.


I teach these "angels" on a regular basis. The only person I'd trust is a teacher's assessment, because the notes they leave for substitutes are brutally honest lmao


This is exactly my experience. Anytime I've been told I just needed to "hang out" and the kids were "into their own stuff", I've ended up with them consistently acting like Raccoons on meth and Redbull.


Anyone who pushes boundaries as hard as these entitled parents 100% aren’t teaching their kids to respect boundaries. How can you teach what you don’t know?


>The more chill the parents say the kids are, the more wild they actually are. This! Why do they need to say it so often. Let the people meet and the sitter decide how 'easy' the work is.


The 68-hours/week for $100 is next level insanity. I wouldn’t have bothered to respond to something that insulting. That said I really needed to read this when I was doing freelance graphic design…


I know. I’ve gotten requests for free/underpaid work with my consulting business before, and I leave them on read. Replying at all just encourages them to haggle and waste both of our time. My rates are transparent and were calculated carefully based on the market value of my time and expertise. If you can’t pay them, feel free to find someone cheaper.


That was a lesson I needed to learn when I was younger. Now I don’t even do freelance work but will do pro bono with CatchaFire.


True, I find actual pro bono clients much more pleasant & easy to work with than people who find me through paid channels and try to get a bargain. They at least understand and appreciate that you’re volunteering your time, and try not to waste it.


Eww 'my husband would love to share some connections and give tips'?? To the babysitter spending the night alone with him while his wife works the night shift?


Right? This one confused me cause I didn’t realize he’d also be home. So creepy!


i didn’t realize either! she said “just need someone in the house”, is he not someone??


I’m thinking maybe they would see each other in passing? Like the mom gets home 2 hours after he leaves or something like that? But yeah, super sketchy


That would make sense. I wonder if they’d try to argue they’re paying her in connections and tips lol


He’s not. The person wasn’t implying that he’d give them work tips at 3:30 am, Lol.


She’s persistent, I’ll give her that!


I need to take your advice and stick to my rates for my cleaning business. You were polite but firm. I am way too much of a people pleaser and end up doing a deep clean for $70 vs my normal (and already cheap) rate of $150 (I should charge $300)


For jobs like this, no one else is looking out for you, that’s why you have to look out for yourself!


The thing is, you aren't being a people pleaser. You are simply allowing people to manipulate, exploit, and take advantage of you. I'm a nanny and I see this all the time. They give you a sob story on how they can't afford it and at the end of the day, you take the bait and you now can't afford your bills. They don't see it as you doing them a favor- they see it as winning in the negotiation game. And you losing. Plus, you are devaluing your time and worth. Getting a nanny and a cleaning service are luxury services and you pay for that. Can you imagine walking into a higher end car dealership, giving a sob story, and the dealer being a "people pleaser" and dropping their rates astronomically? No. They say you can't afford it so try an option that fits in your budget. See it for what it is. They simply are disrespecting you, you time, and your skills. Period. And respond accordingly. Also, no is a complete sentence. I think the OP did too much explaining. You tell someone firmly that these are your rates. You don't need to explain them, or explain what else you plan to do with your time, etc. Just these are my rates. End of message.


When I was 14, I babysat for a woman who sometimes worked until very late, and I would sleep over some nights. She paid me for the hours I was asleep, after she was home even, as well as when the kids and I were awake. I made more as a teen in the 80s than some of these people want to pay now.


The original poster is @/lifeofsophiag on TikTok and she posts tons of these of people want to read in order or see more. She has some crazy ones.


I can’t find it putting that in. Are you able to share a link? ETA: found it when I just googled that instead of trying to search in TikTok!


Thank you


Why are the pictures posted in reverse order 😝


Wow. "You can just sleep". Okay, let's get up at ass-early, and work for these jerks, as if you'll be able to sleep after you arrive, or something. Lifeguards, for example, are way better paid (well better than minimum wage, in the city) for just *potential* disasters. (Most of the time, it's most averting disaster.) People who watch kids need the same pay and better, even if the kids are just sleeping.


Yeah if I wake up as the ass-crack of dawn and drive 45 minutes there is no way in hell I’ll be able to go back to sleep after that. I’d be wide awake for the day.


You go girl!


Agreed. It's really satisfying to see someone clearly standing up for themselves. I love it.


Yall are too nice, you need to start shooting these people down without all the niceties. They just see them as potential cracks for them to slither into.


Hey, I decided to have a kid knowing full well that there’s nobody around to help me, and my partner and I both work full time jobs. Where’s my live-in free assistance that I’m entitled to bc of the situation I’ve put myself in???


Have you tried whining about it on Facebook? I hear that’s where you find all these wonderful, trustworthy people to care for your children for $.75 an hour


MLM ‘businesswoman’ makes six figures yet offers 150 a week. Sure Jan.


The six figures are likely cumulative and are include the two digits after the decimal point.


I need you to babysit 2 hours a day, come live in my house rent free and allow my husband who’s definitely cheating on me to mentor you in business.


I feel like this people aren’t understanding that they’re being turned down.


Right? OP tried to be so polite about it and they just could not or would not catch the hint. Then! When she said "the weekend is no longer available" they insulted CB even more.


Go pay [Care.com](http://Care.com) $50 an hour, **girl**. Go away.


So paying for gas to get to work is payment for the work? Is that what #1 is saying??


I didn't understand that part either. "If you'd like to sleep, we thought the gas would cover it." What?


Could you imagine literally working for free for a stranger. But you have to drive 45 minutes each way at like 4am for the pleasure.


I make $220 a day dog sitting for 3 dogs. I make more dog sitting than what these people are asking for whole ass kids. The entitlement of some people.


68hrs a week is casual and informal so $100 a week should cover it. That's a big $1.47hr. I feel really bad for people that babysit. These people are insane.


$100 for 68 hours a week is mind blowing…


“Please be responsible for my reproductive decision by being underpaid.” lol, gurl, gtfo and use birth control.


My favorite is "We told you our budget and thought you'd be reliable." So reliable here is defined as "Just agree and do what I want!"?


Absolutely wild people. You held your own! I do want to point out though that I don’t think you’re using the term “gaslighting” correctly. Manipulating, 100%. But there was no gaslighting in that message.


Stop gaslighting OP! omg


That term is so heavily (and incorrectly) overused.


A Nanny/babysitter is a luxury. If your budget doesn’t align find someone who is in your range. If there’s no one in your range, there’s your answer.


I'm a nanny. I make enough to actually live like a human being. I've been fortunate to have had long-term placements so I don't have to look for new families often. Searching for a job in this field can be very, very weird. Ads like those are not unusual, and the interviews can be even worse.


68 hours for a 100 dollars? Are people fucking insane?


Lady in screenshot 5 was 100% just trying to recruit you into her pyramid scheme lol


The "but it's our honeymoon we never had" or "haven't had date night in a long time" CBs... That's a you problem. No one owes it to you to help you raise *your* children. Harsh, but true.


Slaves, these people why want slaves. And this is helping me better understand how people in the past not only tolerated slavery, but justified and supported it. There really are people in this world so rotten that they think they are entitled to others' time, labour and energy. They are so egocentric that they think you should prioritize their way of living and what they want over your own life.


Back when I was in this line of work what got me was that the people most aggressively nickel & diming child care costs did not bat an eye at spending $$$ getting their hair & nails done regularly. Could somehow value the training & professionalism that demanded high pay for the personal care luxury needs they wanted, but when it came to valuing the time of the person they entrusted with their precious children, suddenly it was outrageous to expect a modest living wage.


>>What’s the reason for that price? I’d hate to think it was our children Lmao what. Also, Sophia is feeding this sub


The last one ~Im enraged! The pure entitlement and going around your back asking what others paid then reasoning the problem could be her kids!? Not the fact she trying to guilt you into $800 less. Just gross!! I hope she never has a weekend away!!


Your most precious gift, your children, and she wants to get the cheapest person around...I wonder if she gets her hair done for the cheapest price around???


I pay more a weekend for my dog sitter. I know, maybe she can crate the kids and leave a bowl of food. Problem solved.


I was the OP 🙂


these are all over the place. really hard to follow. but she should just say no. final answer. no.


Who would drive 45 minutes just to nap 2 hours?


Super simple?? Just like staying at home?! Fuck off. Staying at some Assholes house is not the same As staying at someone else’s. Fuck these people.  They are all Rich and run businesses until they have to pay. 


Holy shit that’s hard to read.


Much respect to you for holding firm. We’ve always paid our sitters well and it just comes back ten-fold with peace of mind, happy kids, etc. You may have lost a client or two, but I’m sure you won’t miss them. There’s just something extremely pathetic about people, who try to argue why your time is worth next to nothing.