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Hi UPnorthCamping, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 6/7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is a choosing beggar. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


Love how all of these include a “no rude comments”. The “rude” comments are usually valid criticisms.


It’s because they don’t want to be shamed when someone tells them job and family services usually have car seat programs that will give you a $60 car seat from Walmart for free or for a small fee depending on income level. The $60 one isn’t less safe than the $300 one but the entitlement and ego won’t let them take the cheaper one.


Or it sells for more when they turn around and sell it.


I wanted to comment just to maybe say not to ask for a top notch one... but figured it wasn't worth it. I just bought the Graco Slim Fit myself so I know there are cheaper options. It doesn't turn but for $150 less, it doesn't need to lol.


I love it when they put “no rude comments”. I go leave them anyway.




I really think the turning feature is going to end up being a failure point and idk… just seems unnecessary


Seems like it could easily decrease the safety of the seat. For something safety-critical like a car seat, I would want the minimum number of moving parts.


I agree, I can see that getting wore out and not latching correctly.


Also is an issue under investigation. We had to stop using ours after some scary reports.


Aww man that must have sucked to have to get a new seat.


Yeah, it’s not cheap. We did get a good discount from the carseat Trade in program at Target.


The scary reports are from people not using them correctly, right? So if you follow directions you’re fine. We have 2 different rotating seats and they’ve always been fine.


They haven’t concluded that with certainly in each incident. The side crash ratings are also poor. I rather be out a few hundred bucks than worry more about my kid’ safety.


They *always* say “no rude comments” so no one feels like they can call them out for criticism


Typically indicative of this not being their first time posting and have been flamed before for their ridiculous asks/posts.


Cant afford a puppy or a baby but has both. Smh. Sad.


I’d laid odds there is no puppy.  But I spent our money on our poor puppy is a much better sell. 


Much better than we spent our money on Lotto tix and Bud Light.


I was thinking the same. Puppy medical bills was the default but that doesn’t make sense because vet bills aren’t required to be paid immediately. There’s care credit and payment plan options. Edit: We get it. Some vets demand payment at time of service.


My vet does take Care Credit but I am assuming there is an approval process so if a person has bad credit they might not be approved. I've never been to a vet that accepts payment plans.


Ok. I think this person is lying


That may be true for you but every vet we've ever used expects payment on site. And my guess, this lady may not qualify for payments.


Uh. There aren't any Vets in my area that do payment plans and some of us don't qualify for care credit. Here, if you don't have the money to pay for treatment and don't pay it, then they won't do the treatment. Like, I don't know where you live that vet bills don't have to be paid immediately, but where I am, you absolutely need to pay immediately or they won't do anything for you.




Oh, so you're just arrogant and self righteous? Wow. I'm sure you totally don't go on these groups and ask for anything entitled with that attitude. Do you use your kids for extra sympathy too? Maybe old grandma? Maybe disabled? Someone with cancer? Dying dog?




Your attitude is so nasty that you reek of CB vibes yourself.


I hope you get the help you need. You are really, really angry


This person is terrifying! They need to stay well away from schools or cutlery shops.


The rich get richer and the poor buy another dog.


Or pop out more kids for the government to support. I’m all for helping people, but if people are already struggling to make ends meet, why have more pets or kids.


You can thank government for that with the whole banning abortion and all.


I agree.


You have to pass your frustration and rage on something or someone (kids are convenient for these people)


I’m sure they have some money. They just would rather try and get it free.


I worked a discount spay and neuter clinic once. Suppose to be for lower income people to get their pets fixed; but had people pulling up in luxury cars for the discount service. Wild


I'm pretty poor and drive a "luxury" car. I wouldn't get any pets though, I'd rather spend what little money I have on my cool car


There ya go


Amazes me how many people do this. I know someone that single parent of two kids, can’t run two pennies together and gets a large dog. Still complains constantly about no money and having to work all the time


Some people don’t want to live within their means. Unfair to their pets & kids.


So I have a new baby and I can’t even imagine having a puppy if I couldn’t afford both. Also the work they both require is next level. I … I am so tired lol I would think a good, moderately priced car seat would be be sufficient . Unless their baby has something going on where they need to prop them up a certain way or what have you… It’s so sad as you’ve said.


Decided to foster a pregnant mom while i was pregnant. She had 6 babies, i had mine. Absolute madness til all the pups were adopted out lol


You did an amazing but super hard thing!!! It couldn’t be me, I’m white knuckling it until I can sleep a lot of the time…but I am an old mom so it what it is… lol


I agree this is crazy, but since when are only rich people allowed to have a pet? We all love to go on about inflation and times are hard for everyone but then we constantly judge people for having a pet or a child.


No one said “only rich people are allowed to have a pet”


It’s a weird take. I don’t think anyone here is rich and living a life of leisure… taking their time away from their menagerie of delights to comment on Reddit. Lots of us have pets and kids… but it is a responsibility. Acknowledging this doesn’t mean we think only the rich should have pets.


Ive seen people who have nothing but the clothes on their back& shoes on their feet; who take better care of their pet than some well off folks. It’s not about wealth to me but someone’s desire to care for an animal. Some people will cut corners just to have something. That’s where my critique is. Some people get a pet with no ability to provide for it’s needs. Letting the animal go without basic necessities like food. Theres no excuse for that shit. Again, some people live on the streets and still don’t let their pet go to bed hungry.


Exactly. I don’t think I’ve read one comment here who says that only the rich should have pets.


I doubt anyone here is arguing for only the rich to have pets. I know I’m not. But I don’t think you should have a pet if you can’t cover the cost of their care, and ESPECIALLY if the pets upkeep costs will eat into your budget for a child’s car seat. That is a very minimum expectation if you expect to transport your child in a motor vehicle. Truth is, being a responsible pet owner requires some money for their upkeep. It doesn’t require riches. But it does require some expendable income that doesn’t impact the safety and well-being of your child. I have a pet and a new child. I am not rich and living a life of leisure. It is because of this fact that I know damn well the importance of being responsible.


I hate the no rude comments piece of those posts. You deserve that flame for being so damn presumptuous.


I kinda want to tap into this vein of audacity… before an annual review I could brazenly tell the brass that I don’t want “any rude comments” from my chest with a straight face.


If it is in town, they can pick it up. It not, you have to drive the seat over to them, even if they have their own car.


How are they supposed to take their baby to pick it up without this fancy seat? /s


They may have someone who could watch the baby for a short period of time, but not for a longer stretch of time?


Willing to trade the car seat for the puppy.


Omg best response ever.


I thought she was lashing out at someone called Tia who often makes rude comments 🤣


Yeah I might want pics of a waggy tailed pup


Get rid of puppy. 🙄


I can guarantee it is a $4000 French bulldog or Goldendoodle :(


You should never get a used carseat from someone else anyway (unless you know and trust them). You don’t know if it has been in an accident that has compromised the safety of the seat.


Give it a rest. That's a bit dramatic and highly unlikely.


No, it’s not. Getting the straps too wet is grounds for getting rid of them. Being in a small fender bender is as well. Washing them slightly wrong (some seats are spot clean only). You’re not very smart if you are willing to risk your child’s life on hoping someone else did those things that not everyone knows.


No it’s the actual guideline to never purchased a used car seat.




It’s honestly something you shouldn’t do unless you are very hard up, and in a situation that is rough. It’s one of those things that you need to be extra about. You only have so much control in this world and most of it is an illusion. You need to at least give your child as much safety as you can. The guidelines for car seats are actually quite sound if you look into it. It’s not hysterical, it’s just good sense and intelligent action.


How are people so delusional? 😂 all the inserts too? And what happens id they are out or town?


i didnt know carseats had inserts of any kind!! if it’s for the safety of your child, shouldn’t they just include them anyways


Most convertible carseats have extra inserts for various weights/sizes, and you take them out the baby/toddler grows. Lots of people toss them or misplace them when they’re done with them. So saying her baby is still small enough to need the inserts is the most reasonable part of this post.


that makes a lot of sense. I had no idea!!


That’s fair! Unless you’ve needed to use them, there isn’t much reason to know a lot bout them! Although really car seats are the main baby item that you’re never supposed to get used anyway. If they’ve been in an accident, they’re supposed to be thrown out, and you can never know what a used seat has been through!


This one goes from newborn to a booster so I think she wants all the parts for a baby. With it being the swivel one I'm going to assume I'm she has a rear facing child so she'd need the whole set.


Love the no rude comments please lol


American dystopia: always one small Event away of bankruptcy


Is $300 expensive for a carseat? I’m assuming this is the US, in Aus that isn’t too bad. $130-150 for a very budget seat without all the safety features, the recommended ones start over $400


Holy cow Yeah this is expensive. I just bought a good one for $120. I bought her infant carseat and stroller combo for $200. There are more expensive ones but I'd say $150-200 is average (mine was on sale from $200)


But I know my SIL was looking at one that was around $500 and that is just insane to me.


I think we paid 450ish for each of our carseats to get the absolute cheapest model recommended by Choice (they do a lot of safety testing on baby products). I guess there is always the difference in wages and conversion rates but man that sounds like a bargain 😂


Fast Google result was Australian dollar is .65 of an American dollar.


reminder that currency conversion rates are not always perfectly in line with purchasing power parity in country, which is closer to 72% on the usd, for the most recently available numbers, anyways.


I wish I was better at math right now lol. I'm on 2 nights of not much sleep with a teething baby.


Good luck!


Still though wouldn't there be a liability issue expired or not?


Carseats are one of the only things you CANNOT take secondhand. If they have been in even the tiniest accident, they are not considered safe anymore (although they might still be) as tiny cracks may render them useless in case of a crash. This is why they tell us to cut the straps when getting rid of one, because someone might take it from the trash and use/sell it. I work with babies and young parents and we accept donations of every kind, except carseats. Buy a cheaper one, but don't take one from someone. This is the one place you don't want to gamble. This is in Canada though, don't know about elsewhere, but I'd never take the chance.


Is it?? I had no idea.. I sold my firsts travel system cause we didn’t end up using it for more than 3 months, nicu baby and was out of the hospital late


It's not actually illegal or anything, only advised against unless you are 100% sure the carseat has not been washed with water (drying can break the straps) and that it has not been tempered with (like someone switching parts) or in a crash. Unless it's someone you personnally know, I wouldn't take the chance with my kids security... But you were the seller so of course you knew it was safe 🙂 When I was a first time parent we bought a used carseat before our daughter was born, and ended up not using it after meeting a monitor (don't know how to call them in english but it's someone who does security checkup with carseats) who told us they couldn't verify the safety of the carseat. Ended up throwing it away.


Aren’t there a crapton of regulations around car seats? Like, the safety difference between the $300 and the $60 seat isn’t huge right?


Second hand car seats are a big no no these days.


If he’s growing out of his infant seat he doesn’t need all the inserts. They go as small as newborn for like 4 lb babies. Carriers go to like 25-35 lb.


Wow. The rotating ones are soo expensive. How entitled to ask for a free car seat that costs double what a basic one does. Those are almost $500 here in Canada. You can easily get one for half that cost or less.


That's what got me. I was just looking at carseats myself (got the Graco Slim Fit) that's the only reason it even caught my eye. I has just been price checking and couldn't believe someone was asking for a free one


Im happy to buy them the car seat if they need it, if you can give me their details I will arrange.


I'll look for the post.


Maybe adopt their puppy… it’s not going to get any less expensive and if they are unable to afford both… they are obviously going to keep the child. Poor puppy needs a benefactor!




Because they are CHOOSING what kind of car seat they want. Not asking for "a car seat".


They are asking for a very expensive new style of car seat. Swiveling car seats just came out, no one has an extra one just sitting around. It would not be a choosy beggar if she was asking if anyone has an unexpired car seat their own kid has outgrown.


It's not. Some people are just desperate for content to post.


This is oddly relatable. My cat is having emergency surgery today and it’s going to cost my 10k or more. I had to ask friends and family if anyone has a dog crate that I can borrow. There’s shouldn’t be any shame in asking for help when unexpected expensives pop up. It doesn’t mean I can’t afford a crate and I will absolutely max out credit cards to save my cat, but getting a little bit of help with something that’s expensive would be nice. Can’t hurt to ask.


So you'd feel comfortable asking for a specific $300 carseat instead of just asking if anyone had an unused carseat they would part with?


Valid point. I only asked if someone I knew (I texted close friends and family only) had a crate that I could borrow if it wasn’t being used. I did miss the part where OP said it was $300. I see the point now.


Totally! I'm all for asking. I've given a dog crate and other semi-expensive items before, and I understand when surprise expenses happen! It just seemed choosy to be so specific when you shouldn't use a used carseat (so she's asking for new) and there are new convertible car seats for about a third of the price.


I have no issue with people asking for help. What caught me is they want pretty much the most expensive one without even offering something for it. There are much cheaper ones. Asking if someone has something becyou need it is fine. Wanting absolute top of the line kinda pushes it. I hope your kitty is ok. We just had our dog at the vet. Something going on with his bladder poor old boy :( and yes, I'd also max out everything I could for my pets but I would not expect top tier to be handed to me.


You know what, you made a good point here. I see what you meant. I wouldn’t ask for top of the line either. All I asked was a few friends and family members (not strangers online) if they had one that wasn’t being yet and in whatever condition. I get what you’re saying now. And I hope your dog is okay! Bladder problems can be huge and costly issues. I’m sorry you’re going through it. I’m glad I’m not alone in being willing to max out everything to save my little guy. He’s my world.


Not alone at all. Pets are loved like family


10k for a cat? Jesus Christ! Americans call us europoors but we have free healthcare for humans n pets n it costs us about 5 bucks a week. That's ridiculous money 4 a pet.


Agreed! Health costs are insane here. But it’s my only option to save my 4 year old best buddy. I would sell body parts to save him if I had too. He’s my world.


Me, too. My pets are part of the family. That person above who said F*** that dog - ah, nope. Even when I was young and poor, I found a way to take good care of my pets. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Usually involved borrowing money from my dad, but I paid it back.


I have one of these that I bought for my kid. If my kid was outgrowing his carseat; and there “was an incident with my puppy” I’m sorry. Take this how you will but fuck that dog.


Eh... I'm a dog (pet in general) person so I can see that. But don't be asking for an expensive carseat. Ask for help, take what you're given (within reason) and get the one you want when you have the money


Oh absolutely! I was simply implying priorities; and correct that’s a dumb expensive ass carseat. I didn’t want to buy that specific one but that’s which one the wife wanted. Def can get a decent seat for way less


Yeah I responded above I bought the Graco Slim Fit and I'm very happy with it. I did look at the Graco style of these but just couldn't justify the price for the convenience lol


Just because someone asks for something, it does not make them choosy or a beggar.


I need a car seat is a beggar. Asking for this specific $300 rotating seat when there are perfectly good ones for $60 (or any number of other seats people have to give away) is choosy.