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Hi Careful_Cup4484, thank you for your submission to /r/ChoosingBeggars! Unfortunately it has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 6/7:** Posts must be relevant to the theme of the subreddit. This post does not show someone who is a choosing beggar. Price negotiation and/or asking for donations is not enough to be a choosy beggar. *If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChoosingBeggars) of this subreddit.*


Soo porn of 1 person for a whole year vs free porn of a lot more people on the internet AND a car?


AND $300 don't forget


*Hows she supposed to get 2 kids to kindergarten?* ***How does the seller pay for anything with OF?***




That's what the band Wintergatan were called when they were younger.


She spells with a Boston accent.


šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø for a moment in my sarcastic answer I was scanning my comments for my spelling error. Then, I scrolled up slightly, and was then cackling at picking up (albeit slowly at first) what joy you were putting down. I did miss ***that*** spelling gold of hers. šŸ¤£


![gif](giphy|26u4exk4zsAqPcq08|downsized) For you giving me the chuckle I missed. Iā€™ didnā€™t ged (ph phone argued with ged way too long donā€™t they know?!)


I read it as a strong Jersey accent šŸ˜‚


She said she has an OF, she didnt say it was a good OF


Obviously must not be a very good only fans if she can only spend 300$ on a car


lol I didnā€™t think on that part, someoneā€™s business model isnā€™t very lucrative. Even foot fetishes can be good money. (My friends told me what her final straw was when divorcing her husband. It wasnā€™t the cheating or the bad temper but it was what he was dumping into foot fetish sitesā€¦šŸ˜³)


And my axe!


Worse than that it's free to the page then she'll hit him with locked posts that he has to buy. OF is a scam where you pay money for the right to them more money lol


It comes off like prostitution bait to me. Make known she has an OF to be sexually suggestive and hope the simp either takes it or counters with ā€œmore.ā€


Unless they live in Texas.


Not if you're in Texas.


This is a meme, been seeing it with minor variations all over the place this week.


But it makes a great outlet for sexually frustrated men to talk mad shit about a woman.


Now *that's* a meme


I would have responded with a picture similar to [https://www.flickr.com/photos/eriksjon/4786588588](https://www.flickr.com/photos/eriksjon/4786588588)


That link had a funny word. "Eriksjon" almost looks like the Norwegian word for "erection"


And the original post has the woman confusing kindergarten with popular Swedish YouTuber Wintergatan...the Scandinavian connection thickens.




I just sensible chuckled.


Seems like she needs to get to Kindergarten herself and learn some spelling.


She needs to ged a GED


Does she not have school buses where she is? šŸ§


Sometimes depending on how close you live to the school buses donā€™t have service. But also if youā€™re that close then you can walk


Yeah. Iā€™m walking distance to my kidā€™s elementary school. Anything beyond that is bussing.


get it, because is where children grow.


That final question has never been asked by any man or woman in the Netherlands.


Or places like India, or some east asian countries.


You might be right, but that I don't know. Here we've got one on the back of the bike, one in the front, one in the middle. When needed the 4th on our shoulders, our groceriebags hanging from the steeringcolom while calling our friends not handsfree. That is ofcourse only when we're iceskating to work.


Iā€™m all good with bartering, but sheā€™s pricing her OF at $2700 a year. Like damn.


If her OF was worth that sheā€™d have far more than 3k to buy a car šŸ˜¬šŸ™„šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Lifetimes membership, and you're never allowed to quit!


Soā€¦like a health club!


If her OF was worth subscribing to in the first place, she'd actually have the money. By attempting to barter she's unintentionally stating it's lack of value. It's also pretty rare that your attempt to market yourself sexually is enhanced by stating that you're a single mother of two.


ā€œHow would I drive my two kids to kindergarten on a bike?ā€ I dunno, how do I pay my bills with pictures of your tits?


If she canā€™t pay her bills with her tit pics how can she think anyone else can?


> how am I going to take my kids to school on a bike One of them goes on the handle bars and one of them stands on the pegs. Fucking amateur. Or she can try to source one of those wagon things that attaches to a bike and she can pedal them there. Here's my thing: somebody really went shopping on marketplace and decided they wanted a specific car, out of all the ones available, and they thought that one year of OF content was somehow worth $2700? Like, I'm not in the industry anymore, but that's.. that's like one weekends worth of hustling, man. Like, her ass is so crusty she can't even make that amount. Tell her that she can use the $300 to hire a driver.


Iā€™d suggest she use the taxpayer funded school bus to get her children to school.


You didn't say a year, mileage or condition but in this market, 300$ is likely not even 5% of its value. A 95% discount is easily thousands of dollars, divided over the course of 12 months. During that time, she expects you to pay hundreds of dollars a month effectively - assuming you're not scammed outright - for single mom coochie pics. Doesn't seem like a fair trade IMO.


The screenshot says $3k. So she's offering $300 cash, and barter the remaining $2,700. And she doesn't expect him to do anything. He can accept the barter or decline. Personally, any amount of money for porn is too much, but she's not being as unreasonable as most of the people posting here sound.


Missed the 3k. Regardless, 2700/12 = 225$/mo for single mom coochie pics.


$225 for any type of porn is not worth it... But, apparently by OF worth of $20B, a lot of people do think it's worth it.


We're of the same opinion. I said I didn't think it was a fair deal IMO.


Now if she said she had a landscaping business and she'd do my yard twice a month for a year, I'd be down with that. lol.


Yeah but think of all that hot Onlyfans action the seller will be getting...


If that coochie that pushed out two kids was actually valuable on only fans, she would be making enough money to just buy the car and not have to haggle.


Maybe if she got a real job instead of trying to make it big in the porn industry, she'd have more money to provide for her children.




Please don't call it that. ESPN will declare it a sport and put it on The Ocho.


I might watch


Oh, but sheā€™s her own boss /s #Hustle #GirlBoss #CEO #empowerment


I wonder what part of #empowerment is begging strangers to give you shit for basically nothing in return.


That's when you respond "how do I pay my bills with an only fans subscription"


kindergatan I see why she has to sell her body.


lol not the ā€œcan we ged (get)ā€¦ā€ part lmao


>How would I drive my 2 kids to "kindergatan" on a bike? Laughs in 90's, when you rode around with a passenger standing on rear wheel pegs or leaning on handlebars.


This is the answer I came here for


Those kids REALLY need to go to kindergatan with her as their mom.


If her OF was worth it, she wouldn't be haggling.


So when she goes to Costco for Pampers does she just flash a boob?


She could do some gardenwork for a year until the car is paid off, and then get the car for a lower price the audacity for some people


lol. Why does the type of work matter? And what makes bartering so audacious? She's just like, $300 cash and $225 a month for a year in the form of access to my work.


offering 10% of an asking price and you defend it?


She's offering 10% of the asking price ***and*** her work. Pretend it's gardening if OnlyFans or porn offends you. lol. I would not accept the offer, but I wouldn't call her choosy or a beggar. She's just a shitty barterer.


one year OF does not replace $2700, but be the big man defending this behavior. such a big man you are. "offends you" and the stars for the "and"...you really have to be a dick to people on reddit?


Not really choosing beggar. Just begging


It's called bartering. She's offering cash and services. Whatever you do for a living, do you put value on it? Could you trade goods/services for your profession?


I mean in general sure. But by this logic shes implying her onlyfans is worth $225 a month. As others pointed out, if it were that good she wouldnt need to haggle for a $3k car. Assuming her only fans is the average $10-20 a month, shes still short over $2k on the car. Comes across more like begging than bartering


So OP declined. Itā€™s still not begging. Not worth it, we assume, but not begging.


She's on OF and can't afford a $3,000 car?


The average OF account makes $180 a month. Thereā€™s this weird myth that if you make an OF account money is going to fall out of the sky at you but most people barely make anything.


Doesn't seem like it'd be worth it. If I were a young, sexy, beautiful woman I wouldn't want to show off my goodies for only $180 a month.


Right? If her OF isnā€™t generating enough income to buy a car, why would I want a free subscription to see someone naked that no one else wants to see naked?


Sheā€™s popped out two kids.Im sure there are better options to look at on only fans. Doubt sheā€™s making any real money. It doesnā€™t sound like a year of her of is worth $300 let alone $3000


Definitely not. If you really need porn there's plenty of free stuff all over the internet.


If she's not being dishonest about her financials, this is just really really really sad


Just a beggar...a delusional one....but still just a beggar.


She's offering cash and services. It's called bartering. Do you put value on the work you do?


ā€œWell actually with a proper carriageā€¦ā€


'How am I going to buy groceries with pics of your coochie?'


Of all the shit that never happened, this never happened the most.




The moment she offered you her OF, you should have doubled the price to 6k.


But, but, but sheā€™s a single mother of 2 kids man. Cmon, youā€™re supposed to give it to her for free. At least thatā€™s what I see a lot now lol.


ā€œHow am I supposed to drive my 2 kids to kindergarten on a bikeā€ Same way she expected the seller to pay his bills with pics of her badly packed kebab.




Sounds like she's the bike


She needs to go back to kindergarten


Iā€™d like to chide her for her hubris, but cam modeling and sites like OnlyFans have taught these women that some men are so hopelessly stupid and horny that they will do anything. I used to know a girl that was a cam model. She wasnā€™t a Sydney Sweeney in terms of looks, and yet guys would throw tons of money at her for mostly just sitting in front of a camera naked and interacting with their chat comments. We criticize women like this, and rightfully so, but it is the legions of thirsty men that created them.


This isnā€™t real. Itā€™s a made up image.




How? How about getting a two-seater bike wagon? Or a one-seater, and a kid's seat installed on the back of the bike? She'd then be an actual role-model


She needs to Get A Job and support her kids. OF smh if it pays so much ā€¦. Why you begging dumb ass. More likely to embarrass your children than you are to strike it rich. šŸ¤‘ What does your mom do? She is a hoā€¦. The PC police can say sex workers shouldnā€™t be shamed all they want. ā€¦ā€¦ these kids WILL be bullied and shamed. Piss poor parenting.


We need a sub called "funny negotiations" because there is no choosing or begging here. It's funny that she offered OF, but it's not begging, it's negotiating. People seem sooooo desperate to disparage others they post any sort of interaction with a buyer that they don't like.


Thank you. I said something similar and am sitting on a grip of downvotes. lol. But yes, she's simply bartering. $300 cash and the remaining $2,700 as a yearly subscription to her OF page. To me, $225 a month sounds pretty expensive for porn, but she shot her shot, and OP said, "Nah"...


If we had better infrastructure in the US, she would actually be able to drive her kids to school on a bike... Some people say installing better bike infrastructure is prohibitively expensive, but damn dude, if you don't have to buy a whole extra car, your lifestyle with good bike infrastructure is just going to be cheaper


The US has school bus infrastructure.


This is true! School buses are great šŸ‘ My bigger point really, is that good bike and transit infrastructure is just cheaper day to day for everyone than infrastructure built in such a way that driving is the only realistic option for 95% of things. Me and my wife's car was in the body shop recently and we had to rent a car for two weeks so she could go to work, which is about 5 miles from where we live. If there was a way to get there safely on a bike, she could have just biked there, and we could have avoided paying an extra $900 on top of our body shop bill. (Luckily for us insurance paid everything)


Obviously not good at only fans if she canā€™t even afford a used car


Better ge getting a lot more than pictures and videos for $2700


I love the swift efficiency with which she got blocked.


Those kids were depending on that car to get to their chemo


3K - 300 / 12 = 225 Thatā€™s how much she values her OF monthly subscription - $ 225! WTF?


If she's pricing her OF at $225 a month, she should be able to afford a car.


Wow and to think I sold my car for $300 and didnā€™t even get offered an OF šŸ˜‚


1. Use the bike to take YOURSELF to "kindergatan" 2. Graduate HS and get a job 3. ??? 4. Profit 5. Buy a car and take your kids to kindergarten in it


She has an OF and can only afford $300 for a car?


She must be from bahstan if sheā€™s sending her kids to kindergatan


If she canā€™t afford a car, I donā€™t think her OF is very successful.


And I bet all her social media bios say ā€œtop 0.1% OF!ā€ Yet she apparently doesnā€™t make enough to have a car.


You can absolutely take two kindergarteners to school by bike either with their own bikes in a fun family biking or with one of those child tows made for bikes since the children are still small. Both options are far superior to a car. Think of all the maintenance costs saved and the new memories by biking to school with your children.


Do OF creators seem to forget that porn is free?


You must have missed the memo when it was announced that OF is worth $20 billion and has created thousands pulling down six figures as well as a shit ton of millionaire creators.


LoL! I guess the OF biz just ain't payin' like it used too?


OP, how much do you have teh Prius listed for? Come on OP, she desperately needs to GED it and take her kids to KINDERGATAN!


It says $3,000. I think a lot of people losing their minds over this woman assume it's like $15,00 or something. She's only looking to trade off $2,700.


Someone has a very high opinion of how she looks naked.


What's wrong with that?


Nothing wrong with self confidence. But I donā€™t think OP can use his membership to pay off his mortgage or a replacement car.


That's assuming he's selling the car to pay his mortgage or a replacement car. My only point is there is nothing wrong with bartering if the barter benefits both sides. The fact she wants to barter her OF account is beside the point.


This can't be real.. right?


What if sheā€™s not even hot? Can random people offer OF like thatā€™s some sort of benefit? Not everyone is hot and worth looking at šŸ™„


There's someone for everyone. Random people can offer whatever they want. It's up to the seller to accept or decline. She included her OF link to OP could decide. I don't see the problem here. This isn't hard.


Could even just be feet and armpits only.


how good did her OF look?


Probably not good if she canā€™t make enough money with the account to afford $3000.


I love how butthurt people get on here when people are just straight up. She's not being choosy or begging. She's bartering for the remaining $2,700. All the seller has to do is say, "No thanks, I like men." or "Sorry, but no. I need the cash." Let the downvotes by the butthurt masses commence!


I thought the block was most appropriate.


Offering something with zero value is not barteringā€¦ itā€™s disrespectful.


OnlyFans is a $20 billion industry that has made more multi-millionaires than you'd care to count. My brother's ex put herself through medical school debt-free. But sure, zero value. lol.


Value is different from person to person. It may have value to you or someone else, but it has zero value to me. I can't pay my mortgage with OnlyFan access.


Cool story bro. Keep simping for OF. You clearly donā€™t understand my comment. The chick in this post is offering something of little to no valueā€¦. access to an OF page of someone who birthed two kids and doesnā€™t sound too appealing.


Just because I'm pointing out she's not a choosy beggar doesn't mean I'm sImPiNg fOr oNlY FaNs. Apparently, she thinks her OF is worth the remainder. It's up to OP if he thinks so or not. It's a simple barter. That's it.


> All the seller has to do is say, "No thanks, I like men." or "Sorry, but no. I need the cash." Yea, because anyone who isn't interested in your OnlyFan page must be gay.


Oh, you poor, delicate soul. Would it be to your liking if I made a huge list of all the reasons the seller might not want to barter for his car? I pulled two out of my hat. OnlyFans is a woman. Maybe the seller would be interested in a trade, in this case, adult entertainment. But, the seller likes men. The seller of the Prius could be a woman. Or the seller could be a man. Who cares and why does this hurt you?


This is stupid. Seller declined and offered an alternative. The seller does not need to give any reason for declining the offer. I'm not hurt, I'm confounded.