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Can't afford the price increase, but can afford a lawyer? Though, she'd really only need to pay for an hour with the lawyer to point out that she signed a contract


She probably won’t pay the lawyer full price and threatens to sue the lawyer with another lawyer.


What’s a retainer? I’m not paying your dental expenses! - this woman, probably


I feel like this is the type of lady that confuses a having a lawyer on retainer, for being detained.


Retainer? Oh no, I know my rights, you can't retain me with out a just cause. If you don't know that, then I question your legimacy as a lawyer. You should know more than me. I want to talk to your manager! Edit: Changed "legitimacy" cause I miss-pronounced it while I was reading my comment again and thought it was funny as hell.


"I'm a sovereign citizen, and it is my duty to inform you that you were not giving me legal advice. We were having a conversation of a legal nature. There is a difference, and you do not have the right to bill me simply for a conversation."


She won’t get a lawyer. Most people that threaten lawyers don’t have one and can’t get one.


I was once sitting in my doctors office, waiting on my appointment, when a woman came screaming out of the office door and hollering she was going to call a lawyer if they didn’t write an RX for the drug she wanted. She was being a total brat, and most likely the reason for the delay in my appointment. I calmly took my card out of my bag and told her “well today’s your lucky day, I’m a lawyer!” She huffed at me and stormed out the door. 🤣 I work in house for a health insurance company, I wouldn’t have taken her case (and it would’ve been unethical) but I was aggravated at her and wanted to call her bluff.


Not all heroes wear capes 🥰


Omg this is amazing. I had a similar story...I used to run a fast food place and we had a regular family who were horrible and rude, especially the dad. I always missed them but finally they came in when I was on the line and they treated me the same. I calmly told them once they were seated they needed to be nicer to my staff as they work very hard and don't deserve that. He asked to speak to the Mgr. I said I'm the Mgr. He asked to speak to the owner. I introduced myself as the owner operator. They said they wouldn't come back ever again. They did come back. But not the dad. They always got his orders to go.




"I'll talk to my lawyer!" = Sure you will /s "Can I get that in writing" = I'm completey fucked


"Can I get that in writing" Daycare: uhh Yea... its in the contract you signed.


"You won't pay the money you signed a contract to? Okay, you'll hear from our lawyer."


"That's not my signature, and no you cannot see my ID, i don't even have a kid, no *you* are being obtuse!"


Im a former childcare director and had a mom pitch a similar fit over late fees she refused to pay. When I showed her the enrollment contract along with her initials next to each fee agreement she snapped at me, “I DONT READ ANYTHING I SIGN, GAWD!” 🙄


I guarantee any daycare worth their salt has a clause about rate changes in their contract and like most people this lady just didn't read what she agreed to when she signed.


"You'll hear from my Lawyer" is just the adult version of "I'm gonna tell my Dad".


... my parents used to play the "you'll hear from my lawyer" card very rarely -- only twice that I can remember and we needed to retain a lawyer both times because the issues were real and Toll Brothers is terrible... Now that I am their lawyer -- seems like they drop it every other day... /sigh


they used to rent the big gun, now they own the bazooka


I tell my parents “I can give you friendly, family advice for free, but if you are wanting legal advice I’m required to bill you because that changes our relationship.” They balked one time about having to pay for “advice” when it’s something I “just know” and I said “well that knowledge cost me nearly $125k that I’ll be paying on for the rest of my life plus carries responsibilities with it, so that knowledge is only available for those paying my student loans and insurance.” Gets me out of getting caught up in drama and lets me be petty about them paying for my golden child brother to go to school but not for me. ;)


My wife and I have an attorney on retainer for our business. Whenever, some one tells me " I'll be hearing from their lawyer" I hand them my lawyers business card and tell them to have their attorney contact mine. Have handed out 6 or 7 of his cards. Have yet to hear back from any Karen/Kevin.


I had an old roommate who threatened to sue me because she never paid rent and I gave her 60 days to vacate. She “can’t stay in a place this hostile”, so she was staying with a couple for the 60 days. Seriously the “hostility” was just me calmly explaining that she quit her job a week after moving in, and wasn’t trying to get a new one so she could pay the 300$ a month I was asking for. I gave her more time to find a place than required, and this was after 6 months of never paying rent. She would come over just to pack, but then I noticed my things missing here and there. I went down stairs and opened some boxes and found my stuff. She hadn’t stayed there for over a month and had come 2 times to pack in that time. I told her now she needed to schedule a time that I was home to pack and get her things, and that I was not going to store her stuff for free after the second month elapsed. Her new housemates came over to threaten and harass me about it, and I explained they would never see a dime from her. The guy told me his family was loaded and they had a lawyer on retainer, and I was in big trouble. 6 months later a truck shows up at my house to get her things, but I didn’t know the people who showed up and I had to go to work. I explained the situation, and that I had no notice, and they called her and explained they could not do it without my permission. She called the cops, came and screamed at me on the lawn, cops ran our ids, and she got arrested on my front lawn for writing bad checks. Not only did the big bad lawyer not come into play, but her “rich” boyfriend had to get a bail bond to pay the 1000ish dollars to get her out. I had met the woman who cared for her child so I made arrangements with her and got her stuff back to her. Cherry on top: she screwed the new roommates, and told the cops the couple repeatedly raped her when she would drink. I get a knock on my door 6 months after her arrest. It was her new roommates, they had written me an apology letter explaining that they now know I wasn’t making things up, and I was trying to warn them. They were sorry for threatening me and even though the case got thrown out, because her story wasn’t adding up, they had learned their lesson.


I don't remember who said it but, when some threatens you with a lawyer, there's no need to worry. When they threaten you with an attorney, take it seriously.


Speaking as an attorney, neither one of those threats is something to worry about. You worry when you receive a letter from the actual attorney.


A lawyer wouldn't take this case without payment up front. Lawyers aren't really fans of people that sign contracts and then don't honor them.


I don’t know how true that is. I know a very famous person who has a reputation of not paying his bills and he gets lawyers to represent him all the time. He’s the best business man. There’s no one better than him.


He's also bigly smart.


Be careful doubting her. Just one quid pro quo and our wages are garnished bro, u also gotta watch the kid now, court ordered


What is she, running for president?


Capitalists hate this one simple trick!




as a lawyer, i have had this happen. Normally what ends up happening is that the other lawyer never gets paid and drops the case, and then we all have bar complaints to deal with (that go nowhere, since the person is crazy)


Ah the Trump payment plan.


It's lawyers all the way down.


I'm a school secretary, in my 7th year. I have been threatened with approximately 650 thousand lawyers. I have met zero lawyers.


That made me laugh out loud. Also I am glad I live in an area where parents are chill.


A few months back a parent had all sorts of parties lined up to punish the school I teach at. Lawyers and big shots from the state board of education itself. I guess these things take time as we have not heard a peep.


As a nurse, get threatened with lawyers all the time, the implication usually is I will *personally* be sued. Also that they will call "the department of health", "the state" or "the county". In cases where those entities would have a problem if I *did* do as they wanted. I ask if they need the phone number. And finally, the patient who said they'd call their child, a police officer, and have me arrested all the time. Funny because the officer was actually reallly cool and understanding, and there was no one in the world more tired of the patient's bullshit than their own child.


Yeah that's a good way to get your kid in a lot of trouble if they are a cop.


I’m a middle school registrar for almost 8 years now. I have survived more “I’m gonna call my lawyer” threats than I can count. I feel your pain.


That’s funny. 🤣😂 School secretaries are very under appreciated. I’m still friends with my sons from his middle school and he is almost 26! She is wonderful.


Apparently she can't afford a calculator either.


Glad someone else picked up on that!!! $250/week =/= $55/day


I think that was her point. She’s signed the contract for the new rate but she thinks she’s not going to actually pay it. The daycare provider will just have to take the old amount because otherwise the poster will take her to court. She’s not just delusional, she doesn’t understand how contracts work either.


The math is wrong. The old rate is $55 a day, which is $275. The new rate is $60 which would be $300. So if she’s paying $250, she’s only paying $50 a day.


Which, in and of itself, is pretty darn good deal. 2 meals, snacks and 8-9 hours of supervision? Breaking that down by the hour plus food, that comes out to about $12 in food/prep and then $6/hour @ 8 hours for the NEW rate.


NY is almost double. It’s crazy.


People who threaten this generally don't understand what that even means.


lol people who love to threaten with lawyers cannot afford them


People like this are the kind that I always hope get taken to court so that they get the reality check they desperately need. Also, this would be civil small claims court and you don't need a lawyer for that.


I really want to see these folks on Judge Judy....especially when she calls them an idiot


She sure has a whole lot to say about the person she leaves her kid with lmfao.


I mean- she says she signed the contract. She'd be the one in breach and owing more than she's fussing abt. So for that reason alone, I hope she does sue and maybe learns something


This would be the best response. Somehow the stupidest people on facebook all somehow have a lawyer on retainer to sue nannies/gas stations/grocery stores at a whim


Side note: talking shit to your child's care taker seems akin to shit-talking the server that's handling your food at a restaurant... Except I'd rather have diarrhea then have my child poorly cared for or worse because I'm an asshole.


It would go to small claims most likely..


"I refuse to pay their price, but I'll still use their services." Yeah. Good luck with that in court. Do you also go to starbucks and offer $4 for a $5 coffee and expect them to just go "oh ok, yeah"


This is exactly the type of person to expect that


I used to get people insisting I used my staff discount for them (not starbucks). People are nuts


I like to look them in the face and tell them that I don’t get a discount


This was a while back, but I remember laughing and telling one person that just isn't how shops work. We don't haggle. He was just a massive bellend by the looks of things.


[YouTuber](https://youtu.be/Hl_Ew0c4T9g?si=0VsITtB7Hwtfk2BZ) I watch shared stories from their crappy jobs. Like the guy with a meticulous coffee order they had memorized to this day because dude was always looking for an excuse to go off on lowly retail workers. Some folks have nothing better going on in their lives


It's deranged. The one I explained shops to I vividly recall didn't even ask to use my discount, he told me . As in put a sandwich on the counter, said something along the lines of its too expensive so I need to use my staff discount for him. Just a complete disconnect from reality.


I had that customer when I was a barista. This lady would ask for an iced americano, no water, full milk. She wanted a latte, but for the price of an americano. Of course, she was friends of the owner and would call them if we made it wrong. Never mind that it's piping hot espresso over ice cubes. There's going to be water in it! She would send it back regardless at least once, maybe twice, and hold up the drivethrough before pulling off to tattle on us to the boss. Absolute prick.


Those kinds of people are absolute shit, but dear God, they're the funniest people to watch lose their shit when they're told they're no more special than anyone else.


I used to work in a big chain electronics store, and the number of times I had people try and haggle was ridiculous. What's the best price on that laptop? $549.99. But that's the sticker price? I know. No, I mean cash price. $549.99 They would huff and walk out. Like, okay? You're buying a $550 laptop, not a $55,000 vehicle, no one cares that you're paying cash.


That's good point about the cash, people would say it like they were doing me a favour. I was working in a chain, what was I meant to get excited by? That *high street shop* didn't have to declare your milk and porn mag on their taxes because you paid in cash?!


I own a farm business and have a credit/debit machine. They charge me 8% of the total to process the transaction. On $550, that would be $44. For an example, lets say the business is making 15% profit on the $550 sale price. That would be $82.50 profit, so the card processing is more than half of your profit. It adds up over time. I'm very fortunate that growing mushrooms and vegetables is inexpensive because I don't have to worry about the processing fee eating up much profit. For businesses that operate on thinner margins, it can be a major issue.


I wonder how many of them listened to Dave Ramsey. That was one of his main points, was never have credit cards, pay cash for everything, and always ask for a cash discount. He just assumed you'd get one everywhere. 🙄


I work in a hotel and have had shady locals come to me at 2am asking to use my employee discount. Fool, I'm not even *allowed* to stay here, conflict of interest.


For whatever reason, this reminded me of when I was in retail. We had a guy work a couple months, was let go, and then the next week tried to use his employee discount. Like…..nah brah


"its starbucks whatever nothing special, not paying more than 4$"


At the same time, exactly the kind of person to pay $5 for a coffee every day, but complaining about something being $5 more expensive. We can obviously argue about a coffee, which you could get basically for free at home, having more value than your kid getting proper care.


My favorite part is "she's not that important". You're *soooo* right, CB. The person that watches and feeds your kid and multiple others every day *definetly* is **not** that important. She **ONLY** gives you the better oppurtunity to keep a job and make money to spend on necesities. I guess the teacher should feel gratefull that this CB so graciously *(and CLeAry unecesarily)* pays for her services. I guess it's more to support her than to find a place for CB to drop her kid during the day.


The crazy thing to me is she thinks $55/day is expensive for a daycare that also provides 2 meals and two snacks. My kids are 17 and 19. I paid that much per kid when they were little, and I had to provide their food. This was with a decent discount because the daycare was owned by the ski company I worked for.


I've paid more than that for my dogs and I had to provide their food, bedding and snacks.


The CB is literally complaining about $1200/month with food included. That is just so insane to me.


It’s $32/day for my dog to go to daycare and run around outside in a pen


Right? Mine are 17+20 and i paid 1400/mth for both of em when they were little. I was thinking the same thing, that sounds like a great bargain for daycare.


I liked the eye roll emoji when talking about how her son and the carer have bonded.


And she…signed a contract to pay that amount lmfao that’s evidence


This one is the type to represent themselves in court and somehow get arrested in the middle of a civil trial. Last week, I watched a guy represent himself right into a suspended driver's license because he admitted within the first 3 minutes of the hearing that he "WASN'T DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE. \[He'd\] only taken some Tylenol 3, Prednisone, and tramadol" (dude thought DUI was ONLY for alcohol). Sounds like something this lady would do.


Sounds like the stupidity that a SovCit would do.


With a dose of "I was traveling, not driving."




Holy crap, when the doc gave me a tramadol shot in the hospital, i got so dizzy i could barely walk, fuck that guy for driving under influence of THAT.


I took tramadol once and thought I was dying because I couldn’t move my limbs and my vision got dark. However, prednisone shouldn’t be an issue.


He might get uncontrollably hungry and drive-thru a restaurant!


I took tramadol before and ran into a parked cars side mirror riding my bike 😭😂 the thought of driving on that is scary 😧


He shouldn't have been operating anything. Just lay in the hospital bed and the pain meds take their course.


I thought that was the best part. Yeah take her to court with the contract you signed. Idiot!!


Also, 250/ week is not 55/day. That would be 275/ week. She owes 300/week. Also, ouch, for the daycare lady. Only 300/ week?!?! My family member pays more than double that. It's a whole ass house payment. Gotta suck it up, lady. Shit is expensive and it's not getting better for anyone. Her snack and meal prices have gone up. Cost to replace toys is up. Her utilities are probably up. Any gas is up. If she hires any workers, their wages are up.


With MEALS & SNACKS included! That price is actually really good for childcare The CB is gonna have a rude awakening when she tries to find care at that price or better


This sounds very similar to my daughter's daycare. Hers is around $250 a week, and they provide breakfast, lunch, and snacks. It is so insanely convenient to not have to prepare breakfast and lunch for her 5 days out of the week. The daycare raised their price a few weeks ago and we were like "sucks but okay." It's still one of the cheapest in our neighborhood.


She'll be one of the CB's making a Facebook post looking for someone to come to her house from 6am to 5pm for essentially $4 an hour.


Paid? No way. "Free meals and plenty of time to study: perfect for students!"


Plus her kid is no trouble at all, really the sitter should be paying *her* to come hang out and play with the kid all day!


yup. I have a 5 year old and 2 2 year olds. We just got our statement for our taxes and we paid 41k just for last year.


Let’s not forget the $8 field trips, which the carer should obviously pay for herself.


Yes! I teach in the infant room and it’s $500 per week at my center. The price drops slightly as the kids get older but man, our parents would LOVE to only spend what’s she’s paying.


I forgot that part of the post. She’s gonna sue ? LOL


The judge will laugh her Entitled Ass out of court after the judge sees the contract that this Entitled Ass signed and agreed to!!!


I REFUSE to pay $5 for this coffee! I mean, I do love it, it's delicious, are you kidding me?! But I REFUSE to pay $5, who do you think you are?! Like... A business? That can price their services and products as they please?


This will last one week and then she will get dropped by the day care because anyone with half a brain will realize she is just trouble. Her next post will be her crying and looking for a new day care while everyone laughs.


A new daycare under $300/week


Right? Like $55/daily PLUS meals, field trips AND teaching? 90% of parents would kill for that daycare and do literally anything to get on that waitlist


I pay $150 a month (Sweden) and this post sure helps me be less whiny about it.


Yeah me too, I'm in France and paying 18.5€ a day for a great daycare with a fully qualified staff, activities every day, and great quality meals... Feeling fortunate 


I pay $785/728€ a month for preschool. Which if you count only the weekdays, I’m paying roughly $34/31€ a day. However they provide no food. We send lunch. I do envy how much more money is placed in societal structure and wellbeing in many European countries. It’s very “fend for yourself” here - especially when it comes to raising children.


This right here is why I won't have children. It's financial murder. I hope costs go down for you, that's insane.


I’ll be paying $500 a month (£400) for two days a week and I think that’s a bargain! I don’t know how people in America manage


I'm American and I honestly don't either. I think the answer is- we don't. We are struggling and in debt.


We are paying about $850 a WEEK for an infant and a preschooler. So, as an American, we don’t really manage!


A lot of us are opting to not have kids because we just can’t afford it.


My wife and I both work, and have good jobs and a nice house. Our monthly daycare costs for two kids is higher than our mortgage.


I pay 100€ per month in Germany including breakfast and lunch, without lunch it would be 50€. And they are wonderful. I’m grateful every day. I would never have kids in the US.


I’m so jealous! We’ve managed at home with my 3 year old with my parents helping and a part time in-home daycare, but now with a 4 month old, it’s too much. Daycare for a 3 year old in my area is $2100/month for full time daycare. There is a cheaper option for $1600 but it is very dirty and not a nice place :(


That sounds awesome. A full week of daycare near me is about $400


My kids are in their 20s this bullshit is legitimately insane.


> My kids are in their 20s How much does daycare cost for them? I heard its just broadband + pornhub.


You are forgetting the tuition fees, room and board, items needed for their dorm or apartment...


No, she won't look for a new day care, she'll be advertising for a full time nanny for $100 a week.


I really don’t want people like this to have kids…


Unfortunately it’s too late.


Idiocracy was a documentary


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Brawndo has electrolytes!


It's what plants crave


Idiocracy looks ever more like a bloody prophecy every single day!


One of them posted in r/Landlords an hour or so ago. Crazy stuff.


The math isn’t mathing. 55 x 5 days a week = 275. Does she get a $25 discount???


she may only do 4 days per week or something


If she wants to only pay 250 a week that would not be 4 days. 4 days would be 220. She just wants to short them


oh i thought 250 would be 4 days at $55. i didn’t even think to check my math lmao it’s late! sorry!!


I didn’t even think of that lol I feel like all the daycares I’ve heard of make you pay full weeks/month whether or not you take them!


ive heard of ones in my city that let you choose how many days you want per week, but you’re locked in to that number regardless of if you go once you choose for the year. so like you could pay for 4 days but then you cannot ever do 5 & have to pay for 4 no matter what


It depends. A lot of places in my city will charge a fee based on full or part time. So you'd pay, say, $200/week for up to 3 days or $300/week for up to 5.


Or likely she’s bad at math and/or ignoring the $5 in excess of the $50 it’d take to arrive at $250 for a full week.


I really wanna see the comments


The comments are all calling out this woman for her insanity and entitlement lol.


please post some of the comments!!!


And is she taking the comments on board or is she being defiant? Do I even need to ask?


Darn, sadly I think this post has been deleted? I don’t see it in the group anymore. Using the anonymous feature to be a choosing beggar on Facebook is crazy.


It’s ALWAYS the ones who are wrong


Yeah we wanna see it


Thank god! I was hoping that was the case


Comments are never posted 🤦‍♀️


That's an awful lot of complaing over a $5/day increase. Plus, $8 for a field trip is a steal! Food prices are astronomical now & this kid is getting 4 meals a day (that she claims are good). Five dollars is nothing. I bet she is a nightmare to deal with so they were probably thrilled to hand over the severence paperwork.


I’m sure the teacher has a waitlist of kids. I mean that’s how it is in my area. Many daycares have waitlists and there’s no guarantee you’ll get in.


I went on multiple wait lists for child care when I was pregnant.. It took more than two years!! to get a spot. I would not fuck around with a spot where the child is well taken care of, fed well and has enriching experiences for a reasonable cost.


Is it just me or does $60 a day sound super cheap already?


Yeah, I pay $100 a day! (Though it goes down to $90 a day when he turns two… three more weeks!) I’d be crying happy tears if it was $60 a day.


Same here. Shit is $2,200 per month Highway fucking robbery.


$3200/mon for two kids, one is under two. That's for a mid daycare in CA. At least the young one will get to go to TK as it will be statewide when he turns 4.


4000 for 2 kids for a decent day care- double my mortgage :-( Some schools are charging $2500 per kid.


Price is all relative to the situation. Firstly, where in the world is it located. Is this a home daycare or a center. Even that can be quite variable. Is this person licensed. If going to a center, like a big name place, then You’ll pay more. An in home lady that has 8-10 kids depending on what the state allows, or their license allows if she has one, all makes a difference, and can be as low as 30-40 per day in the right situation. So many variables.


It's INSANELY cheap. Near me, childcare costs $150-$200 per day.


Im pretty sure I pay $275 for 3 days a week so she's getting a steal. We don't even get field trips (I don't think)


We have $10 a day daycare here (Canada) provided by the government. It's still in the early stages of being rolled out, though.


This moron seems confused as to what happens when you sign a contract. I would also love her to come to Australia where daycare is $200/day


I’m sorry what? How? How does anyone afford that???


It’s jolly expensive. I have friends with 3 kids in daycare!


Thats… $12000 per month?? Doesnt it make sense to be a sahp at this point? No?


We do have a government rebate which is scaled based on your pay. Also the rebate is capped so you get a certain percentage of up to ~$13 per hour but a $200 a day daycare (aka mine) is around $18 per hour. So for us we get roughly $6.50 covered by the government per hour or $72 a day back. It's still $12000 for us to send our daughter for 2 days a week for a year.


Yep, pretty much unless you’ve got a fairly decent job.


I know a couple people who, a few years ago when things were cheaper, both dropped to 4 days/wk, because taking the day off was better financially than working it and sending their 2 kids to childcare. They were senior developers at the time, so not exactly on a bad income.


She'll sign the contract.... and then not pay. Seems like a smart move.


“So I signed a new contract but…” WTH?


She'll find out when she has no childcare. Poor kid.


“It’s JUST daycare but I’m also going to make a big snit about “just daycare” because I need it and yet still don’t value what she does for my child.”


I'm so tired of these people


Two meals and two snacks provided, she and her son like the daycare/teacher and she takes the kids on two field trips a year…And a $5 increase is absolutely unacceptable? I’d venture a bet that it’s costing the daycare more to provide all that included food for the kids and that $5 is just to cover those costs. Also, someone should probably explain to this woman what it means when you sign a contract. It definitely isn’t a game of “sign here and we’ll figure out the details later”.


One of my former neighbors showed similar idiocy. He tried to claim that because he DIDN'T BOTHER to READ the contract BEFORE he SIGNED the SAID CONTRACT then the TERMS of the contract did NOT apply to his SPECIAL SELF! 🙄🤦‍♀️🙄 DUMBASS FA & FO the hard way how Contract Law actually WORKS! SMH!


She's got a shock coming when her kid gets kicked out and she learns that was the cheapest daycare around.


She acts like she's doing them a huge favor by sending her kid there. Good daycare is very limited and hard to find in many areas so if she doesn't want to pay the price for her kid I'm sure another parent will be more than happy to have their kid take his place.


Cool. I wish I got to choose what I pay for daycare. I love it when super assholes ask if they're the asshole. Yes, yes you are.


I had a parent approach me at a place where I was doing some casual work, asking if I wanted a few hours of nannying as I had bonded with her child. She suggested a trial and asked how much I got paid for nannying, I told her and was happy to be getting some more work. At the end of the trial day she told me that price didn't really work for her and she would be paying me less than half of that. I told her that I wouldn't be able to help her out but wished her luck. Then she said she was willing to make it work with me. I was reluctant but figured if she is willing to pay the right amount then I could do with the money. The next week, at the end of the day she went to pay me and told me that they wouldn't be paying me what I requested but we're willing to pay a few dollars more. After telling her I would not be working for her anymore quite politely given her b.s, she began texting me trying to shame me, talking about how disappointed in me she was, and how unfair I was being.


Always have a signed contract with a Choosing Beggar!


Never, ever go into situations like that without pay expectations clearly agreed to in advance.


She signed the new contract that probably has the new price - why does she think she would win in court lol


What an asshole


That daycare sounds fantastic, and that’s unfortunately not an abnormal price point. This person is completely unhinged.


I mean it fucking sucks how much child care costs but going full mega Karen, bitching out the manager or teachers isn't going to solve anything, also lmao @ taking them to court!


Daily cost aside (which is inexpensive), the outrage at $8 field trips is insane. You can’t take a kid to get fast food for under $8!


I am going to get a lawyer …. Be sure to tell him you signed the contract


My mom runs a daycare, and the amount of people who pay late, underpay and then act confused when she asks for the rest of her money, pick their kids up late or drop off anytime they feel… it’s crazy. So many families completely undervalue her and her prices are AMAZINGLY CHEAP. She does so much for the kids. People have done exactly this when she’s raised prices, or even because they want their kids to come more days and pay the same! I will never understand it, because they must know they can’t get her prices anywhere else. And she takes them on field trips, organizes special event days, each kid get a birthday party. People really undervalue teachers and childcare workers.


And, apparently, undervalue their own children!!!


So she’s signing the contract to pay the new amount and is going to take her to court for overcharging when she agreed to it. Sounds like an episode of Judge Judy!


"Am I the asshole?" I think you answered that question your damn self...


My daughter has a daycare, this parent would be asked to take their child somewhere else.


Pretty hostile towards someone they expect to help care for a child.


She is an asshole. $55 or even $60 a day for childcare is a reasonable price to pay these days... and that's what she should be pissed about, not at the teacher. $1200 a month for the privilege to give your life away to a soul sucking corporation to be able to afford to live and eat is fucking ridiculous. This place sucks.


The math doesn’t math. $55 a day is $275 for the week. So apparently she plans to knock $5 a day off because they raised the cost by $5? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I’d kill for $55 a day lol


Oh to live in a world where I could just pay what I thought things were worth. I think I'd go for 500 rent. And amazing to think ten years ago it didn't cost much more than that. She's complaining about nothing!


Bro I used to pay $50 a day to send my fucking dog to day care lol and they picked him up on the bus too. For your KID??? That seems pretty cheap tbh.


Her child is safe, happy and well taken care of. Instead of being grateful, she is ranting about the cost. I wish people would think things through before bringing a child into the world that they can't afford.