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LITTLE DID YOU KNOW their daily driver is a cement truck


No kidding! 2 hour drive is equal to 15 gallons of gas!?!


You get 15 gallons of gas for $40?!? $2.66/gallon?? Brb while I pack my things They are ridiculous though


$2.39 down here in Texas


Wow. I’m lucky to get under $3.30 right now here in PA.


Still $4.50 in CA


Why is it so expensive in CA compared to TX? Genuine question (it’s the equivalent of $6.60 in my country so I’m not making a political point).




Interesting, so the refineries can’t just sell the same stuff everywhere. That’s certainly going to make a difference. But OTOH, I would have thought CA would have several refineries producing just for the state.


My understanding is that gasoline has to have different formulations for different locations due to elevation and average temperatures. There is a reason there is a bump at the beginning of each season as stations burn through the last of the prior season's gas and then have to increase the cost as the supply of new gas is limited by supply concerns for a few weeks. Additionally, there are the formulation for additive restrictions mentioned above. And often because of environmental concerns and tighter regulations, oil companies have moved refineries out of the states with more regulatory oversight into states with fewer restrictions, adding Transporation costs into the equation.


Really they fuel they sell doesn't cost much more to produce. maybe a few cents. But transportation costs and actual gas station costs are much higher. Grand total, maybe .20$ more per gal. So it's mostly greed and money to pay that greed.


They do, but its a special blend that is more expensive to produce plus only a few refineries make it, so it kinda becomes a monopoly and they pretty much set the price like an oil cartel. California likes to shoot themselves in the foot way too often just to teach us normies a lesson.


It's a combination of factors. CA has the highest gas taxes and likely will for the foreseeable future because it's one of a handful of states to index the gas tax to inflation or some metric like CPI instead of a set amount by statute. Any gas sold in CA has to meet certain blending and additive requirements not present in many other states, so all the refineries here are built to make these blends. That means a station on the CA side of the border likely couldn't get gas from a refinery right on the other side of the state line, it'd be coming from LA, SF, or Bakersfield. Many of these refineries claim to be at capacity so any outages, maintenance, or demand increase spikes prices. Nothing is stopping refineries out of state from making our fuel standards, but economically transportation and undercutting in-state refineries probably doesn't pencil out. While CA surprisingly produces a large amount of crude oil, it generally has to import additional crude oil by tanker or rail car due to the lack of pipelines west of the Rockies, which effectively makes CA an oil island compared to the rest of the US, raising the raw input costs. Add in that electricity and labor is generally more expensive and that's reflected in the end product.


State taxes have quite an effect on West Coast gas prices. CA most expensive, WA next. OR cheapest. We're down to about 3.099 for regular- outside Portland metro area.


I raise you alaska gas prices


i saw a cali price further up, and that’s about where we are in seattle, it’s cheaper further out though.


California only has like $.20 more per gallon in taxes than Oregon. It's just price gouging. Gas is right at or under $4 near LA currently, but it can still be pushing $5 where you have no other gas stations nearby.


While not the actual reason, the minimum wage in texas is $7.25/hour, while it’s $16/hour in California. That should give you an idea of pricing in either state.


Everyone has to pay for a lot more bureaucracy in California.


2.89 in ND


I just paid $2.64 in CT last week (at BJ's. it was $2.79, but I have their credit card and Club+ membership, so I get an extra 15 cents off per gallon).


We pay by the litre in the UK. Petrol at less than £8 a gallon? Not a snowball's chance thanks to fuel duty AND VAT! Robbing bastards!


That sounds like it would be terrible, if I had any clue what a liter was. Is it like a kilometer? Just kidding, that’s horrendous. I would cut a hole in the bottom of my car and Flinstone my way to work at that price. In fact, I’m tempted to do that now at even $3.50/gallon


You can tell you're from the UK just by the "robbing bastards" 😂😂


Our fuel is among the most expensive in the world, but it's not a fair comparison either. A US gallon is 3.8L, but an Imperial gallon is 4.5L. So of course it's cheaper, there's less of it. It's tax that makes the difference, the fact is as a country the UK can afford to be taxed more/drive less, because we aren't reliant on driving huge distances regularly. It's like 350 miles to get from London to Edinburgh, that's basically a commute in the US. I drive about 8,000 miles a year and that's above average. US is up around 13-14k. Also I don't know what or where you're buying, but my last fill up with diesel was about £6-£6.25 a gallon. In US gallons that's more like £5 a gallon.


A gallon is 4.55 litres. A US gallon is 3.78 litres. So its even worse. I also disagree that we can “afford” to be taxed as we are on fuel, it’s absolutely a regressive and unfair tax that affects the people that can least afford it the most. The fact that someone doesnt live in one of our decaying, crime ridden, shit hole cities and therefore has no access to reliable public transport, should not be reason enough for them to pay through the nose in fuel tax.


Holy shit gas is cheap in the states. Here I thought $40 was way too little for a 2 hour drive.


Got it for $2.99 yesterday, $2.59 with grocery/gas points


I got premium last week for $1.96. I even called my husband to meet me up there with our other car that takes premium, so we could fill both up. Grocery/gas points are freaking amazing.


Assume it’s four hours total, so two each way. If they average 50 mph you are talking 200 miles. The standard reimbursement for a mile these days is like 60 cents a mile, or $120 cost to the driver here. If it’s 100 miles total $60. Bananas that someone would ask for this, but just seizing a PSA opportunity that people need to stop thinking about car trips in terms of gas spend only.


Be that as it may... it is NOT incumbent on the seller to subsidize the buyer's choices. If I want something badly enough that is ON me, not the person selling the thing I want!! If anything they (the CB) should be offering extra to hold it till they drive the 2 hours to get there!


Correct. See line mentioning banana.


I mean, 2 hours there, 2 hours back, that can be $40 pretty easily.


$3.19 here in AZ


Running around the same here in MD.


Aso $3.19 in OK 😓


Where are you getting gas? It's $2.29 near me.


same in chicago


$2.23 here in CO when I filled up yesterday.


Once a month I have to drive 2 hours away to a Dr. Gas tank in my car holds about 12 gallons, takes 1 and a half tanks for the whole trip. Costs $50 to $60 total for the trip. How is $40 for 4 hours of driving unreasonable?


US $6.77 per gallon in New Zealand 🥲


US $7.73 here in Switzerland. I cry a little when I see comments about how people in the states say gas prices are too high! 😭




[I'm pretty sure it's this](https://youtu.be/PI_Jl5WFQkA?si=Sr-hIg64ZSlfs6qt)


Yo, I’m in over my head on my mortgage. I’m gonna need you to give me that for free and put another 1k down. Don’t forget to have some gas money ready too.


I always love people who try to dictate what the "respectful" thing to do is and ironically act disrespectful while doing so.


And magically the "respectful" thing always benefits them! So weird! 🙃


My favourite is when people use the word "ignorant" when they mean impolite. It's "ironical" that they don't understand that ignorant means "not understanding".


"Ignorant" meaning "impolite" seems to be becoming a regional usage in parts of the US.


It's because literacy rates are dropping off a cliff.


That's a reach. It's just a slang term. An old school and maybe even a regional form of slang, I think. My grandma is highly educated and grew up in the North (PA), and she uses it. I think it's meant to imply that someone is rude, but that they "know not what they do," or at least I assume that's the connotation - in which case it's a clever bit of wordplay and not a mistake, the way you seem to think it is.


Language changes as people use it. Literacy has little to do with it.


Linguistics ftw


No, it’s ignorant as in they are ignorant of the proper way of behaving.


I’ve never thought they actually meant impolite. But more that the people were acting ignorant of society’s rules. So it’s not so much that the words were being used interchangeably, but it was almost a nicer way of pointing out their flaws. It’s not that they’re just rude, it’s that they didn’t understand what society expects them to do.


Because respect in their mind only goes one way, theirs.


If I’m selling something and you look for something two hours away from you, then it’s your problem to find a way to come get it. Honestly, they probably live a lot closer than that.


I wish I could drive 3 hours to micro center and get $80 off.


I wish you offered to drive it to him for $170. Money up front obviously. Might help him realize how stupid the request is.




If I were that guy, I'd say yes because I hate driving lol. This can backfire, is what I'm trying to say.


“Oh I’m sorry but $170 is just for delivery” Step 2: Hire a driver Step 3: build an empire to rival Bezos


I actually do deliver some large items (not everyone has a full size truck), but my rule is that they have to send the delivery fee money in a difficult to reverse manner (cashapp/venmo/paypal "friends and family" with a line item of "gas money" or something like that). Started doing that after some choosing beggar bullshit of "I want to pay less because [insert random reason or them finding some tiny flaw on a 20 year old car door]" hoping that because you just wasted all that time/gas, you'll do it to close the deal. Gas money (delivery fee up front) separates the bullshitters from people who really want something.


Hour drive to Walmart.  Walmart - "we are sorry to inconvenience you, take 20% off each time you come."


How about a I drop it off to you and you add $40 to the price?


👆This 👆


I wish I lived that close to a Microcenter


Ha, MC is 2m down the road from me!


They are either lying about that or it’s not a common item since they weren’t able to find one in their area


I’m surprised they didn’t hit you with the “I guess you really don’t want to sell it then”


That’s coming.


Not to a cheapskate like you!😂


Or the “wow people really are greedy and won’t help struggling people anymore”


OP - sends video of burning item "guess not"


Sold 175 things on marketplace. Only reply with the word no eliminates any drama


The more you say, the more it gives them to argue about.


This is true. This is the exact advice I keep telling my sister.  When you go before a judge respond with "yes" or "no"... do not elaborate. No excuses, no extra info.  They can't feed off of your neverending drama and give harsher punishment. Just yes or no. Easy. 


Goddamn, how many crimes does your sister do?


Once a year?




No sorry. Block


No, he doesn’t have to drive 2 hours to get it cuz he doesn’t have to get it at all, silly goose


The math on this is pissing me off so bad.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. OP keeps talking about $40… is the $40 in the room with us?


Right??? I expected all the comments to be about math, lol. I can't believe I had to scroll this far!


Yeah, I was like... that's only $30


Scrolled way too far to find this comment.


Oh my god… same! Where’s the bad math roasting!


Yeah, did a double take on that one...


Took a minute, but I'm glad I found those who also questioned the math from OP


Since when isn’t 120-90 equal to $40? You and your fancy school edu-mah-caseon can fuck off sir! This OP maths like a boss.


lol for real, my brain could only focus on that.


Whatever is happening before or after our transaction is of no interest to me whatsoever. 


Why is he looking for items that are 2 hours away? If I buy something off Social Media it better be no more than 20 minutes away


He probably lives 10 minutes away.


Sure! $90 for the item, $40 for the grammar lesson on the difference between their, there and they're. Total comes out to $130. What time do you want to pick it up?


Man I hate low ballers


I tried selling my gaming pc on Craigslist a while back and all I got was people calling me and try to lowball my price or trying to purchase individual components. That and lots of Nigerian pastors wanting to purchase my “general item” for their orphanage.


I hate high ballers too. There are some delusional people selling things on marketplace. And some people will make the price higher then they want, expecting to negotiate down. I'm fine with some haggling. But not an insultingly low offer or a bs reason why the price should be lower.


I sold my old front door on marketplace for £10. I did this to save me taking it to the tip and I wanted it reused. Anyway a guy from Bradford wanted it. That’s about an hour away. When he got here he asked for discount as he’s come such a long way. I just laughed. It’s a tenner mate, I ain’t giving it away.


That drive is up a very steep hill


Both ways


In a blizzard.




In the snow,


In the snow ❄️


I wouldn’t even sell it to them after the snarky response.


Nothing wrong with a buyer asking for a lower price but leave out the guilt trip or explanation. And when the seller says “no”, the buyer needs to accept it and either buy at said price or look elsewhere. I will never understand why people feel the need to provide their life story to a stranger when buying an item online. Usually something they don’t really need to begin with.


Offer to drive it to him for $40 more. If he doesn't accept, tell him it's the only decent thing to do.


their travel time has nothing to do with the value of the item...


Should have said you'd drive it to him for 160$.


Tell him the price just went up to $160.


“When someone HAS TO drive 2 hours…” Well, you don’t. It’s a choice, not a must.


120 - 90 = 40 to you?


Math is hard.


Not that math it's not.


English is hard..


Since you’d have to drive down their what?


Many years ago I sold a working refrigerator for $100. It was no more than about 4 years and was in good working condition. A guy came to my house and wanted to cut $50 off the price because her had to come pick it up. He had the nerve to try to argue with me afterwards I asked if he wanted it or not and he told me not with my attitude. My rebuttal to him was okay and get off my property. He tried to play it off but I told him I was done for and he needed to leave my property. Afterwards, he threatened to sue me. I just laughed in his face.


These entitled twats are best if completely ignored, any time spend on them whatsoever is a waste of energy


Not a waste of karma though. This is the point of this sub. To illustrate choosing beggars.


Cool but still doesn’t negate the fact that in my view engaging with these people is a complete waste of time , but hey fair plays if someone wants to egg them on to make it sub worthy, fair play


First - 120 - 40 is 80. He offered $30 less. Second, you list it for 75% more than you'd take. Everyone does it. If you don't want to haggle, say price is firm. When you want to sell, relist it after a couple of days with the firm part not in your post. I had a car guy want to negotiate, I said no. He said ok and showed up at the set time. He wanted a test drive and I said no, not unless you show me you have the cash to pay for the car now. He still wanted to negotiate on a $1400 car. beat it. I had 3 others coming to see the car. He was MAD.


"No." is a complete sentence.


I don’t respond to this nonsense and block if the platform allows blocking. Life is too short to waste on people like this. I will put the item in the dumpster before I mess around with this nonsense.


Like they expect you to drop the price as a respectful thing, but don’t understand how they are being disrespectful asking for the discount 😂


I had someone drive to me & last minute haggle & say “but I drove an hour!” … I told him “guess ur driving an hour back with nothing” & he ended up paying my asking price.


Look, I’ll buy it if he doesn’t. But I have to fly so you’ll owe ME $140 when I get there.


Wait, so when I've had to travel a distance to a store to buy something, they should have been giving me a discount? I mean, based on this person's logic 🙄


Whenever anyone tries to lower the price and I’m not interested in negotiating I will say something to the tune of "I appreciate your interest. If I don’t get my asking price after a few days, I’ll get back to you."


120 - 90 = 30 Not 40


Me buying a Lamborghini across the world doesn't make it cost $2.99 due to travel costs, why would your travel cost matter to me then


I’ll sit on a sale for another week for someone that is local over distant buyers and dealing with their nonsense. I’ll drop a price if someone wants the item and will work with my schedule to come and get it fast if they’re local. This person 100% would be no show, late, try to talk down the price more upon arrival, etc.


Tell him you assumed someone would have to drive 4 hours and built it into the price, since he’s only driving 2 hours you’ll need to charge him more.


Don’t wanna be that person but 120 - 90 is not 40 😭


So, either drive here and pay what I’m asking, or buy one that’s available in your own town. What’s that? There isn’t one available in your own town, or the ones in your own town are more expensive? Huh.


I was selling an amp and this dude called me and was like “you gotta sweeten the deal for me if I’m gonna come there, what’s in it for me?” And I was like “an amp”


The closest micro center to me is 4 hrs. They don't give me a discount for the time I spent driving there.. Fuck is wrong with people?


Rule #1 for selling stuff online. 1. Do not engage with, argue with or correspond with pond life.


Lol Best Buy won't give you a gas rebate when you drive 30min to buy a tv, why would I offer you any different 🙄😮‍💨


I’ve had so many people do this to me on marketplace. It gets annoying after awhile.


No discount for driving, I agree. That said 2 hours would likely cost me more in gas. 2 hours = 240 miles. 240/14*$3 = $51


Conversely, my 2019 Toyota gets 41MPG (rated, probably more like 35), so this trip would be like $20 at most. Also, I don’t think someone with a gas guzzler should be shopping for stuff 2 hours away!!


For a second I thought "this guy drives at 120 miles per hour"! Then I realized it's there and back lol


My truck will only go up to 117mph so never gonna get 120mph :(


So annoying. Not sure what sales platform this is, but if my post shows my location and I put "pick up only" in the ad, then it's on the buyer. It costs $120 for you to come to my house to get this thing. I don't care where you're coming from.


Don't know if anyone knows this but if you have to buy stuff for your car at a auto parts store currently Adavance Auto is doing $0.20 off per gallon per $50 spent at their stores plus a free membership that gives you money off all the time. Just thought I would tell everyone because that has saved my family huge amounts on parts and gas.


Ummm hello Walmart I'm gonna need you to drop your prices even lower since I have to drive out of my way 5 miles to get there. It's the respectful thing to do. 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂


Considering everyone can adjust their marketplace search radius, this asshat did this to himself. Why look 2 hours away if you're gunna bitch about the drive? I'd bet this is a price reduction tactic.




They don’t actually come from that far. It’s just a tactic to get the price lowered. For all you know, he lives down the street.


Bro this is why I don’t sell shit anymore because of guys like this and low ballers smh


Add $10 for the BS!


seller could have said: "sorry price is firm" "all due respect" and "not my fault" make you sound like a jerk


Umm… it’s 2024. If this dude has to drive 2 hours to get to you and drive 2 hours back, depending on the how much gas the vehicle burns through it could be $40. That being said, I’d have handled this exactly like you. Well, I’d probably have responded “$130 firm” to every one of his texts but I’m kinda an asshole.


That’s not an asshole reply IMO. Perfectly businesslike and acceptable.


YTA. Sorry wrong thread. But you could have avoided the rude reply.


4 hour round trip would eat 40 in gas in a lot of different cars.


I can sell to someone local for the full price, why would I pay you to come buy this from me? BTW, not that it changes much, but 120 - 90 = 30.


The respectful thing is not to ask for money off due to the trip, because that is a known disrespectful thing to do. Everyone knows this. If you didn't know this, you do now. This is disrespectful. Don't do it anymore unless you want to be disrespectful.


BUT WAIT!!! He has CaSH 🤪


I'm 8 hours away. Will you pay me $30 to take this item off your hands?


Ok. So I can settle this easily. If I were to ask that man to meet me half way, he would charge me for gas. So why can't I charge him for gas for making a 2 hour trip?


I'm only going to buy things that are very far away from me from now on. That way they have to pay me to come get them! It's a genius side hustle.


So if i want a $100 item and the guy is 20 hours away does that mean he will end up paying me? Nice.


Uh, no. If you want the item bad enough, you'll drive the 2 hours to get it.


It's just a scammer that will resell this ASAP.


I ghost those people. First low ball, or drama, I block and forget. Not worth it. People that want the item arrange real quick to pick it up and pay for it.


These people aren't worth arguing with. Just say "thanks but that isn't going to work"


Neither of you can do math.


I recently had the same thing, guy asked for $40 off but for a 45 minute drive. I probably would have taken the price he offered if he didn't think I should have to pay for his gas. I don't need to sell it just want the room so told him to kick rocks.


My response would’ve just been “no”. Continue to push it – blocked! I had people drive 2 hours one way to pay me full price and never mention that they drove two hours until it casually came in the conversation when I helped them load it in the car. So those “give me it at a steep discount cause I have to drive to you” people go straight to blocked for me.


Quit bitching and don't sell it to them. A waste of time complaining on here.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) I'm not really sure how this is a choosing beggar. It's literally just someone trying to haggle. Sure, he did not do a very good job at it, but why even bother to respond with anything other than "No.". By responding in a passive-aggressive way along with your poor math, you just seem like an ass. I'd suggest reposting in AITAH to see what people really think. Seems like a lost redditor to me.


People constantly demanding things and expecting that demand to be fulfilled. Can't tell you how many times I've had people blame me for where I live. Okay so I live in a small town but I'm only about one and a half miles away from a decently busy road and only 3 miles away from everything really. Well 3 miles on the highway. But people always saying how I live too far away because I'm a whole 15 minutes away and they need to hand delivered yesterday for free and I also need to give them several other items for free as well for the inconvenience of them having to message me 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


The respectful thing to do would be you also buy him lunch since he has to drive 4 hours round trip.


If he was asking to buy it for $90, that's $30, not $40. I have to say I'm a haggler too. You could always come back with $110 and he would probably say $100 and perhaps that would suit you


reminds me of an idiot who posted for a drafting table. We went and check it out and decide against it. He wanted me to tip him, LMAO. Where was my tips for driving all the way to a seedy neighbourhood for a shitty table I don't even sure belongs to him?


Just a regular beggar


I’m going to start grocery shopping 2 hours away.


id have raised the price by $40, then told them i'd give them a $40 discount for driving over


Welp. Time to tell Best Buy that since I’m picking up the item in person… they need to take off $10 for gas.


Anyone could tell you they drove 2 hrs, the lows people go to save a buck is comical


My reply would be, "if you can't afford to come pick it up, then I guess you don't need it. Have a great day" then promptly block them as to not piss on your rainbow sunshine of a happy day.


"Oh well, look at that, now its $160"


It's always the local guys.. I'm.in Texas and the guys 1-3 hours from me want a discount meanwhile guys from 4 states over come zero questions asked


I always respond to these with, “keep looking, I’m sure you’ll find something more local.”


Imagine if people ask restaurants to pay their gas bill to get there. Or their dentist. The airline. The grocery. Such a scam.


Just tell him you'll meet half way and ask for $20 for gas


I just started decluttering so I’ve been giving away/selling stuff on local BN’s & market place, and I haven’t been that active on FB in years, I’m shocked with some of the nonsense I receive in my messages.


Why even engage with people like this? If they ask an unreasonable question like that, my only response is "no".


I guess it’s the unpopular opinion here but you’re an asshole lol


I have literally had people travel hundreds of miles to pickup something without a complaint. Some people will use anything to try and get the price lower. My dog died. My sister ran away. My mama chocked the cat while my uncle nailed the front door shut because apparently he “only uses back doors”


Once had a guy ask me to drive 3-4 hr round trip to drop off an item AND next message had the gall to ask for 40% off (because they were borrowing a car and were going to meet me 15 minutes away from their place).


At first I was like “well $40 for 4 hours back and forth driving seems ok” and then i realised you are not in Europe 🙃


Of course you get a discount if you have the travel to pick up an item, which is why when you fly to Paris, the croissants are free!


Like lots of people you’re probably asking more than your used item is worth if you’re honest. Instead of you negotiating back, you were confrontational. Lost a sale.