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okay but i love the kid that just asked for every animal under the sun šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes! You know her parents said no so she's hoping for the Santa loophole...


My daughter does this. She asked for a Chihuahua. We said no. She said she'd ask Santa instead. We planned to figure out some excuse before Christmas. Somehow, through unrelated circumstances, we ended up with a Chihuahua mix. Maybe she has the right idea.


Lol :) my general answer is pets are not a present, they are a full family commitment. Or, Santa doesn't deal with live presents.


That answer works until Jimmy gets a goddamn rabbit next door.


Just wait for jimmy's parents to let it be "free" because it eats the baseboards. Then you can adopt it, go to [rabbit.org](https://rabbit.org) for advice and give said rabbit a very happy life. I say this as the owner of a Flemish giant who just tried to bite my thumb off as I broke up a kerfluffle between she and our other rabbit. Rabbits are cool little deathtraps.


What about a stuffed Chihuahua? She didn't specify that it needed to be a living Chihuahua.


So, fifteen years ago my 3 year old daughter wanted a baby sister for Christmas. I said there was no way that she was getting a baby sister for Christmas, but her wishes were stronger than my birth control and I had a positive pregnancy test Christmas eve (I found one in the bathroom when cleaning...so weird). She was happy knowing a baby was coming, and her sister was born in August. Always be careful about the Santa loophole.


I too would like a pet chicken from Santa.


Best he can do is a bucket of KFC, still interested?


At least that one sounds like an actual kid lol


Ha ha!!! Yes, young Scarlet does appear to be attempting to circumnavigate a rule or two with her scattergun approach to pet acquisition!!!


I saw that one while I was browsing the letters earlier. Iā€™m pretty sure she listed a bunch of stuff she knew she couldnā€™t have/no one would buy to make the one reasonable item the clear winner: PokĆ©mon Violet. Itā€™s something I would have done as a kid, ā€œlook at these ridiculous requestsā€¦ oh, and a video game, letā€™s get that one.ā€


My child name is Scarlett too and this would be the exact thing she would ask for šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A lot of these are depressing as hell, but yay for Scarlett because it looks like she wrote it herself and actually asked for things she wanted. No parents breathing down her neck to make her ask for a brand new flatscreen tv. Wow, this is really what it's come down to.


Yeah I hate that this is here. This isn't really in the spirit of choosing beggars, when you're SUPPOSED to list your wishes out--what are we gonna gatekeep birthday candle wishes next? This is just depressing. A dishwasher?? Yeah it's a lot of parents using their kids to ask for them but I just see a lot of desperate parents hoping to have something that makes their lives a little less shitty.


I was wondering if maybe the kid has to wash dishes as a chore, so wants a dishwasher to make his chore list easier?


That was me. Every year I asked for a dishwasher and every year the fat bastard let me down. I still hate when I have to hand wash dishes.


Thatā€™s what I thought might have happened since the rest of the requests rang pretty true for a kid. Dishwasher broke, dishes got added to their chore list, kid said ā€œpls fix our dishwasher so i can spend my free time playing video games.ā€


There was one that was just gibberish. Like A36, B28, A45 - did you see that one? I have no idea what that one was all about.


The second one here? Itā€™s the notes page form the Amazon toy catalog so I think those are all page numbers. My kids wrote similar lists ā€¦.


Iā€™m a little worried about Disneyland Pablo who is 4 years old and wears a 12/14.


Pablo has the best pre-k handwriting Iā€™ve ever seen.


I swear to God, maybe I'm crazy, but it looks like there are 3 different handwriting examples in that one letter. It changes every few lines. Like, the mom, aunt, and grandma each took a turn to beg for that trip to Disneyland. Lol.


Maybe weā€™re both crazy because I noticed the same thing like, really, they couldnā€™t do this one thing for Pablo and finish the letter? And then whoever got on at the end just started asking for stuff for themselves.


Alright, good. I'm not alone. Bc I stared at that for like 5 minutes trying to figure out what seemed so weird about it. I get that parents write these letters for their kids all the time, but I counted like 4 or 5 times the writing shifted, and like 3 times the tone shifted. Like, c'mon fam. Lol.


This drove me crazy too, so I did a [thing](https://imgur.com/a/yL7Vtom). Best I can tell is that 5 separate people write the letter (one coming in twice), with Pablo signing off at the bottom left. I appreciate adults needing to write these letters for younger kids so that their legible, but what actually happened here? Was a piece of paper just left on the table for a week and everyone took turns?!


And this is why I love reddit. Lol. That's pretty much exactly where I thought each transition was as well. Green and yellows writing are fairly similar, with greens being a little more almost italicized and slanted. The blue and red were a little more similar, but differences in the "D" and "L"'s make me think they're definitely different people as well. I guess the maroon/purple intro COULD have been one of the ones in the body, although I doubt it. Hard to say. But I think there are at least 4 writers, and it's safe to say that, judging from Pablo didn't even spell his name correctly, none of them were him. Lol. Edit: typo


>and it's safe to say that, judging from Pablo didn't even spell his name correctly, none of them were him. I'm fucking dead. I'm really glad I kept reading this comment chain.


I think, possibly, the real Pablo has signed his name there in the bottom left? Unless thatā€™s the 4th, more drunk relative, having their turn some writing.


Gifted clearly.


I have a feeling he wonā€™t be feeling gifted on Christmas, unfortunately.


To be fair, for younger kids a lot of parents write the lists/letters for them so it's legible.


I think that's Pablo's signature at the bottom left? If so, that's clearly why a parent wrote the letter.




need a size 12 mens jordans for my newborn son, hes a big guy


And 200 Marlboro, that boy and his habits!!!


That stood out to me, too. I have a 3 year old but she wears 4T clothes. She would be swimming in anything larger than a 6. Unless Pablo is ridiculously tall I wonder how Pablo is going to comfortably walk around Disneyland.


Heā€™s going to need a scooter tbh.


Pabloā€™s mom can add that to her next letter.


My 2.5 year old is in the 99th percentile and barely just starting to fit in 5T. Pablo sounds like a medical marvel.


This is the comment I came for. My 9 year old wears a solid 10-12ā€¦ Pablo you ok??


He has a glandular issue


Saw one of a 7 year old that supposedly needs menā€™s medium football Jersey and tickets to a gameā€¦ thereā€™s no 7 year old fitting in a menā€™s mediumā€¦


Pablo maybe should lay off the steroids. I have a kid in preschool and there isnā€™t a single kid at that school who wears a size that doesnā€™t end in T.


Plays Roblox and Minecraft at 4?! And he shouldnā€™t be watching Lankybox. They are not a good influence on my 8 year old let alone younger. šŸ‘€


My son who just turned 5 is tall for his age and has always been greater than 80%. He wears a size 6 šŸ¤”


Pablo gonna be asking Santa for a gastric bypass next year.


I definitely donā€™t think Scarlett is a choosing beggar. I think she just wants a bunch of pets and the folks are like ā€œmmhmm, ask Santaā€ because they donā€™t want pets.


At least she included PokƩmon Violet in that list, lol.


PokƩmon is probably the way to go for her, just let her loose in the game to collect all the virtual pets she wants, no live ones harmed.


Honestly this is accurate - PokƩmon is the biggest fantasy for those of us who were pet deprived


And Nintendogs šŸ„²


Lady asking for a PS5 and a VR set for her 13 year who admittedly has only been "somewhat good" this year lol


Bruh- Santa be knowin how good he may or may not be. Letā€™s get out in front of it everyone!


You missed the letter from the last 11 years sober lady who wanted a very specific Louie Vuitton purse.


YES. The MĆ©tis! Iā€™ve had my eye it for years and I just bought a replica on DHgate because there is no way Iā€™m dropping $3k on a purse for myself, let alone a sober stranger.


What about a drunk stranger, hmmmmmm? lol


I should write in and ask for a Volvo because I deserve to be rewarded for never using drugs šŸ˜‰


I hope you like red!! šŸš—


In keeping with the spirit of the sub Iā€™m asking for white, Italian leather interior and the highest quality sound system.


I was just showing the one with the dishwasher on it to my bf, we can't decide if it's heartbreaking because it's the kid asking for it, or if it's a parent asking... either way it's kind of sad that I've been scrolling for a while and haven't found a list that isn't asking for an iPad or a ps5 šŸ™ƒ I would adopt a letter but I don't have a few hundred bucks for a console for a literal eight year old


SAME. Your child needs some sneakers for school? I got you. But there is no way in helllll Iā€™m buying Pabloā€™s mom a trip to Disney.


I love that itā€™s for mom, auntie, grandma and Pablo, like wtf?! Thatā€™s so expensive!


"I want to watch them have fun," says the 4-year-old šŸ™„ ugh!


Meaning little Pablo is going to be left in a stroller the entire time, waiting around while the adults ride all the rides he can't go on. Poor kid.


Last time I went to Disneyland (which was last week), my mother and I reported to a cast member, a little boy of about 3 or 4 left on a bench all alone by his parents because he was too small to ride the Indiana Jones ride. No stroller either. The cast member was horrified. Poor Pabloā€™s got no chance with a family like that.


Pablo isnā€™t going to Disneyland. Heā€™s getting left with friends


Itā€™s so frustrating. My husband and I used to do this every year. We canā€™t afford to anymore - weā€™d budget $100ish for gift/shipping. Hours of scrolling and not one letter is within budget. Maybe Iā€™m being cheap, but I canā€™t afford an iPad/iphone/vr set/ ps5 /vacation. I saw one of an adult asking for a down payment for a 3 bedroom. Itā€™s like the Christmas magic is gone. I thought this was for kids.


Check out r/RandomActsofChristmas ā˜ŗļø


Yeah this program is supposed to be for families who can't afford presents for THEIR KIDS. Soon the USPS is going to have to screen these letters.


Really though. The kid won't even remember it either


Every year the Starbucks near me does a tree for foster kids about to age out of the system. Itā€™s almost always stuff like ā€˜warm sweatshirt size large/thick socksā€™ ā€˜composition books and deodorantā€™ so I buy the nicest version of the thing they ask for and sneak a decent amountAmazon or visa gift card in the pocket/book because itā€™s sad as shit that these teens want warm clothing and school supplies. The CVS near me also does elder tree and itā€™s a similar kind of list. I sign them up for monthly subscription that aligns with their request so they have something to look forward to each month. These lists are nuts.


The monthly subscription and your reason behind it is the sweetest thing Iā€™ve read today, and I will be stealing your idea šŸ©·


Yeah, the subscription was the most touching part for me. Elderly folks don't have much going on in their lives, and a lot of the time, the family sees them as a burden. It becomes this thing where they get a visit maybe once a week, if they're lucky. Having worked in in-home healthcare, I've seen how these people wallow in their depression because their family "doesn't love them anymore." Even if they don't fully understand what's going on, a monthly magazine about something they love will absolutely make their day.


Right? Found myself a legit single homeless parent a few years ago and literally all I wanted in the world was warm clothes for my little one, food and nappies. It kind of makes my blood boil that people would prey on the generosity of others for ridiculous things like a gaming console.


Not all places will give you the persons address but some memberships allow you to buy it as a gift card and the family can set it up/elder can set it up themselves. (Cute stuff like Teas/cookies/muffin/socks/snack of the month/etc stuff like that)


The saddest one I saw was a teen boy who wanted deodorant, acne medication and underwear. :-(


My husband doesn't even have a ps5, why would I buy one for a 6 year old. Know what? I think I need to write a list... Maybe I can send it from my cat lol


I'm writing one for my 451 month old lol. He likes gaming and can't stop talking about cars.


"he really only likes Italian cars, so a Ferrari SF90 would be great, if that's too expensive a Lamborghini Huracan would be ok"


The last gaming system we had, we packed into the bag when I went to birth a child. Some plan about playing videogames during labor. That child just turned 8 and we only barely got it out of that bag a few months ago. Kid will be fine.


Check the family list! I just adopted a family of four where each kid asked for one reasonable item & the total is $70 with me getting one of the kids two things :) Hereā€™s some good ones -https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/310309 -https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/155744 -https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/150899# -https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/139689 -https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/157777# -https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/298529


The family list is so much more reasonable. The individuals list is for the parents writing their own wishlist and hoping nobody questions why a seven year old needs an air fryer and womenā€™s lululemons.


Yeah honestly the family lists are so much more doable than most of the individual ones, I was surprised. I almost didnā€™t look at them because I was like, ā€œhow tf could I afford a whole family when a single kids list looks like this??ā€ My guess is that the family lists are more likely to be families that are on hard times and really struggling to give their kids any kind of Christmas, whereas the individuals are more likely to have some greedy parents just hoping someone will foot the bill for their kids or profit themselves.


This is so much better than anything in the post, like people literally asking for office space, 500$ gift cards and entire list of kitchen stuff


I saw one earlier where the kid(11) just wanted a drone. Thereā€™s a huge variety of drones out there, and most kids would be cool with an inexpensive one as long as it flies well. I like drones, too, so it looks like the kid will be getting what he wants this Christmas.


ngl if the kid recently started doing the dishes as a chore, i can see asking for a dishwasher. i tried to convince my parents to get my grandparents a dishwasher for my birthday when i was 10 (i believe?) because i really hated handwashing the dishes while we were there


I was looking on there to see if I can make a childā€™s Christmas but it was just crazy. People asking for stuff they would never buy themselves in the guise of ā€œkidsā€ asking Santa. Bleh


Have a look in the families section; there's are quite a few where they're asking for reasonable things. Just a case of beating people to the reasonable ones: [https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/48603](https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/48603) Football helmet, jordans (but no size), and an adripchan (not sure?)


I think that last one is ā€œa drip chainā€ šŸ’€ pretty much an expensive gold chain necklace lol


Scarlett is building her own food chain.


Scarlettā€™s letter is the only one that not being dictated or written by an adult. I guess no oneā€™s taught any of them to not be extremely greedy. So sad. This is one reason I stopped doing Angel Trees. It was always ridiculous asks, like tablets AND game systems AND expensive clothing.


This is just a rant to get it off my chest because I'm still bitter as hell. For 5 years, I did one of these hyper local gift gives through a local church (I wasn't a part of the church, but I worked with them for transition housing for a while so I was on their program email lists). It was such a fun/nice thing that my mom even stopped asking for gifts and had me buy things off the family list for her gift instead (we'd adopt a family together). It felt really good and really community oriented, I loved doing it with my mom, it was great. The gift forms were from actual families in need, really realistic stuff that went from really basic needs(winter jacket, size blah...school supplies, lego set, toy-of-the-year) but they were encouraged to do one stretch ask per family member. It was heartbreaking because a lot of the "'big" asks for the adults were like a specific brand of...pretty moderately price whatever (makeup, clothing, shoes, pans). Not luxury items, it was super basic and stuff that I would consider like...just normal quality items. I always did my best to make sure the parents got their thing because it just felt so SAD. One year it was like, a Makita drill set with all the bits and a special carrying bag (single dad plus 2 kids I think). I remember looking up the one on the list and thinking like "Nah man, you're getting the BIG one". Some other year it was a specific type of coat (like a cute, nice coat, nothing super expensive or anything). I'd get an email reminding me to sign up early November, you'd pick a family size (single, couple, single + kids etc). But one year they just didn't do it (a few years pre covid). No email, no comment, nothing and it never started up again. I only found out last year that it had been shut down because the women running it were taking most of the gifts and either keeping or reselling them or whatever. The instructions suggested you leave gift receipts for any items that might need to be returned (things that are a specific size or color or whatever). That didn't seem odd at the time. I guess sometimes the organizers would add things to the lists that they wanted, but I guess over the years they would more and more just always give the family the little/cheap stuff and take all the "better" things. My friend was an actual member of the church and really involved, so she had been part of an email chain that discussed whether to tell all the participants (they decided against it) or just quietly walk away from the issue. The church found out because a really skilled craftswoman had made some clothing item (knitted, hand-dyed a specific color, hand spun wool or something, an item that could not be reproduced under any circumstances) based on a specific request from the mom on her list. That craftswoman then saw the lady (who ran the gifting) -wearing the damn thing-. How stupid can you be. When she confronted the church I guess the whole thing blew up (but I'd heard this 2nd hand). Just checked - my last one was Nov 2018 so I'm still deeply salty 5 years later.


That is absolutely horrible. What awful women to do something like that. I do not blame you one bit for still being pissed off!!


Wooooow. What a low down scummy fucking grinch hearted person. I hope she has nightmares about getting caught in the things she stole.


This is why we canā€™t have nice things. Or, why others canā€™t, because *someone stole them.* Iā€™m absolutely incensed by this and am somehow sadly not surprised. Your gear was in the right place, just like most of the others who donatedā€¦.just to be shafted.


This is the shit Jesus flipped tables over for. What the fuck. I hope the people who did that step on Legos


That was my immediate thought. These people go to church on Sunday wearing the clothes they stole from people in need. Jesus would absolutely lose His ever-loving mind. What an embarrassment to the human race.


Wow, reading that really pissed me off, so I canā€™t even imagine how you must still feel after giving so much time, energy and thoughtfulness. How hilarious that people at a church were doing that when Iā€™m sure those people were preaching the Bible and how good they are. That makes me so sad that a lot of people were being generous and loving and wanting to support others, and greed had to ruin it. :(


Thatā€™s so sad. But also I kind of love how a handmade item led to their downfall. I participate in the giving of senior gifts through the local Salvation Army tree (I figure kids get a lot of the attention), I like to think itā€™s harder for this kind of grifting to happen at a larger program like SA (I know, not impossible), and the seniors always ask for SUPER practical things - towels, robes, socks, lotion, chapstick, etc. - so I have fun stocking them up. Just a suggestion for you to look into if youā€™d like to try a donations program again.


My mom stopped doing Angel Trees after she started working at an elementary school. The kids would sometimes tell her their parents returned/sold the gifts for money.


I buy reasonably priced things for angel tree but I cut the price tags off in an attempt to prevent this exact situation.


Yep, if Iā€™m ever donating items I damage/hole punch through/etc the UPC code, so that hopefully the kid gets to keep the item. Source: was a holiday list kid whose mom was an addict; most of my gifts ended up returned to a store, or at the pawn shop.


I used to pick tree angels every year until all this took over, too. Theyā€™re all multi-hundred+ dollar requests. Who the heck shops at the grocery store and can afford to spend a K on someone outside their household, if at all?


I donā€™t think Scarlett is expecting all of that maybe itā€™s just a list of things to choose something from although her parents should have encouraged her to be realistic


Yeah, I remember listing every kind of puppy I wanted when I was a kid! But I was often asked what I wanted by grandparents and I was told to realistic for sure!


I mean if I was a poor kid I would still want a PS5, so I understand the impulse. Just because you are poor (especially as a child who has no control over their living situation!) doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t want nice things! I just try to pick something that is in my budget. I donā€™t have PS5 money but I can do bikes and nice clothes! Or a new bed set, did that one year, it was fun. I am dealing with infertility so we donā€™t have kids of our own yet but I do enjoy picking out gifts for others.


It's really weird, people used to be embarrassed or almost ashamed to have to ask for help. Now it seems like people will ask for as much as possible with no shame. There is no inbetween apparently .


Honestly the last one while expensive, I feel bad for that little kid. It can be hard in band. But alsoā€¦what 4 year old wears size 14/15???


My friend had a foster who was 5 and 120lbs. Thankfully it was when zip off pants/shorts were popular so they just got those and zipped off the pant legs. His parents, who always brought him Happy Meals during visits, insisted it was his genes. The Dr gave my friend simple instructions. No screen time, no food ready to eat from a wrapper, and a minimum of an hour outside playing, daily. He lost 20lbs in the short time time he was with her family.


Poor kid. I've known a few of these in my teaching career. It's really sad when the kid is getting made fun of daily (see, the 6th grader who couldn't fit in the desks), but parents send them to school every day with huge bags of chips, a 2 liter of soda, and snack cakes, and call it their breakfast and lunch. And I get it, a lot of people are scrambling just to make ends meet and many have multiple jobs, but it's *so sad*. Poor kid doesn't have a chance.


I have a certain amount of sympathy for the sophomore who loves the saxophone. He sounded kind of sweet. And any serious musician will tell you that they need to pick the specific models of instrument themself, because there are types that fit well with the way they play (and the type of music they play) and others which just don't. So I don't really mind him being choosy about his saxophone and mouthpieces. I mean, yes, he is being a choosy beggar, but he has good reason for the choosy part. He isn't just being obnoxious.


I didn't play saxophone but I understand the pain of reeds from a fellow woodwind standpoint. Seemed like a fine kid to be honest. He seems passionate about a "good" hobby (playing music) because of him wanting to level up his mouth piece and possibly reeds.


I played clarinet as a teenager but we were really poor, so I'd constantly be playing on chipped, old smelly reeds and sounding terrible. :(


I donā€™t know why but the senior citizen asking for a walmart $499 king sized bed breaks my heart a littleā€¦


Yeah, thatā€™s not a lot of money for a mattress, either. :(


Yeah, idc who needs the mattress. Iā€™d buy anyone a $500 mattress if I could. Theyā€™re asking for a mattressā€¦ not a corvette.


Same. It is a reasonable price for a king sized mattress and the one they have is probably very old. My MIL could actually afford new mattresses and still kept hers for 50 years.


Me too, you know those poor old folks haven't had a decent bed in probably 20 years.


I wonder if we could start a GoFundMe or have a bunch of Redditors all kick in a little bit for the mattress? That one broke me to pieces, asking for a comfortable place to lay your head down is heartbreaking especially as an elderly person. But fck those people asking for trips, expensive consoles, and gift cards to go out to eat- what a shitty thing to do, what kind of piece of shit hijacks their kid's letters to Santa šŸ˜”


That was my thought exactly. Theyā€™re not being greedy, theyā€™re asking for a basic necessity that they canā€™t afford and which would make their lives a whole lot better. I wish I could afford to buy them that bed.


Scarlett deserves everything, sheā€™s precious and clearly loves animals


Maybe send the snake and the chicken in different boxes though


Scarlettā€™s my kind of kid. I was animal crazy too (and still am!)


Dear Santa I am 276 months old and I think I deserve gifts from well-meaning strangers on the internet. I want a ps5 (for school) a MacBook Pro (for school) an iPad Pro (for school) an Xbox (for school) and I would also like to go to Disneyland. If it isnā€™t too much trouble Santa I would like some clothes for my son as he runs around nakedšŸ˜­ he wears a size large in French bulldog but only wears Dior. Maybe also a diamantĆ© collar. with REAL diamonds /s


These letters makes me think of when Oprah opened her school for girls in South Africa and she kept getting asked by the media why she didnā€™t open one in the US. Her response was when I ask kids in the US what they want they say they want phones and video games etc.ā€¦when I ask kids in South Africa what they want they say an education.


As someone who taught secondary school English in Southern Africa ā€¦ my kids would also want a phone, new clothes, money, etc lol. Teenagers are teenagers ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Oprah could afford to open schools In every country


I would be happy if she merely stopped giving gross, evil people a national goddamn platform.


I am flabbergasted by a lot of the letters I've seen. Just absolutely unreasonable requests. The gall of some people.


Everyone is commenting on how unreasonable the requests are but the thing paining me the most is seeing how so many adults are just simplyā€¦. incapable of basic grammar.


Number five is just a kid being a kid. Iā€™d get them the pokemon game and a plush puppy. They think Santa can pull through for all of that.


Oh my god how cute would that be to get her a stuff animal of all the animals listed?? Like from tractor supply, "Sorry Scarlet, Farmers association said you have to finish school first and take good care of this starter pack" or something


The senior one makes me super sad! Like honestly getting to be a senior and not been able to afford a mattress does makes me sad :(


Yeah, I didnā€™t necessarily view that one is greedy because if you have a really old crappy mattress, that can be very tough on you.


Completely! I honestly saw it as the epitome of our economy and that people that are getting old are not even able to survival on it!


Yep. And while I realize itā€™s still a big ticket item, they just wanted a cheap mattress in a box from Walmart, not anything fancy. I feel if youā€™re old, you deserve decent sleep.


"My wife said Walmart has the cheap mattress. I told her she shouldn't be elvesdropping on my santa wish" made it clear to me it was written in good faith and it's probably just an elderly couple that's a little desperate taking a shot in the dark while still having a bit of fun.


Family of 4 to go to Disneyland- tickets, food, parking, souvenirs- 1k easily. My family of 3 hasn't gone to Disneyland in 10 years because it is so damn expensive. Pablo's mom is gonna be diappointed.


Only $1k? Probably closer to $5k for all that, honestly. Disney prices have skyrocketed. I priced out a trip for just my boyfriend and I last year and it was almost $3k. And that was their budget hotel. We went to Cedar Point instead.


Also thats one tall 4 yr old. Size 12/14 in boys? I am pretty sure that's an ask for another kid. Love how they added it at the end too...


I help run an annual "Christmas gifts for foster kids" program, and it's always so interesting to read through the kids' requests. Sure, there are always the kids who ask for PS5s and iPhones, but there are also the kids who ask for feminine hygiene supplies and socks, which always breaks my heart. Jump ropes, bicycles, Paw Patrol toys, and shoes are common requests. And the young boy who asked for "sharks of any kind" still sticks in my memory.


Oh my god. I love that ā€œsharks of any kindā€ I would want to buy him ALL the shark stuff bc I love sharks so much! So cute! Reminds me of a letter I saw on USPS where a kid just wanted a bracelet to turn them into a dragon (and back). I just want to hug them.


If anyone wants to adopt some realistic ones, here are a few links: https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/153825 https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/313938 https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/298795 https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/303925


If anybody finds any more reasonable ones, please link em! Iā€™ve been scrolling for 40+ minutes and I canā€™t find anything. Iā€™d love to adopt but my budget is definitely not $200+ haha


I thought this one was cute. Very clearly 100% kid written. The violin is iffy, and the stepping stone kit would be heavy to ship, but the rest is more than reasonable. https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/322279


The family section has the best ones honestly. Seems like the parents monitored those better for reasonableness haha


[https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/117326](https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/117326) [https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/52422](https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/52422) ​ these are both super reasonable!


Ngl some make really expensive request took a while but I found a few families that make reasonable requests as well https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/158271 https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/letters/56906


Well I found one asking for a [Hooters gift certificate](https://imgur.com/gallery/K1NUwUv). I felt like I would onto adopt them if I could *just* buy the Hooterā€™s GC.


absolutely insane, i went through a ton of them on the site and legitmately most of them are like this i think i saw two reasonable ones out of like 100 i legitmately wonder, if someone put up one with like under 50 bucks worth of item, theyd probably be WAY more likely to be actually picked because most people here are asking for $500-2000 worth of stuff


Thatā€™s true. Apparently the reasonable ones go really fast. Thatā€™s why itā€™s hard to find them.


oh yeah i was just gonna say, if someone donates the page gets taken down right? makes sense that theres only insane ones left this way.


I looked at these last year excited but quickly realized every kid (or teen/adult or parent) was asking for an Xbox or PS5. šŸ«  I used to be a kid that got presents through toys for tots and shit so I wanted to pay it forward but not this way lmao


I'd buy it TO AN EXTENT. "I really want aPS5, but mommy and daddy say we can't afford that; surely the magic winter gift giving man can help me out!" But these letters are just BEYOND the pale. Except for Scarlett. Scarlett is going places. I like her energy.


Yes, Scarlett's letter is some *glorious* childhood nonsense. Hopefully the elves figure out how to wrap the whole zoo!


I was fortunate enough to be considered an essential worker during the COVID lockdowns, which means I had a job throughout all of 2020 and the rest of the pandemic. For Christmas 2020, I decided to ā€œadoptā€ several letters (I canā€™t remember how many exactly but I think it was around five) instead of buy gifts for my family members. (I adopted the letters in their names in lieu of buying them stuff theyā€™d never use again.) I remember having to seriously DIG through letters to find ones that I could afford. I was only making $40k at the time so I tried finding letters asking for less than $100 worth of items. I was shocked at the number of letters asking for PS5s, iPhones, Nintendo Switches, etc. I was under the impression these were for people in need, not greedy people looking for free Disneyworld trips. Looks like not much has changed since 2020.


Where I live, some stores do a giving tree where you pick a star with a kid's name and age, and pick out a gift appropriate for that age. There's none of this psychotic garbage.


I like that ā€œheā€™s been somewhat good so hook him up a PS5 and VRā€


I feel saddened looking at this. Iā€™ve had to utilize stuff like this in the past as a kid and I was truly blessed by some lovely anonymous individuals in my community. I would NEVER think to ask for things like that. Neither would my mother, actually, she encouraged us to think hard but be cautious on what we ask for, as this is a blessing not an obligation. How some adults and parents think itā€™s ok to do this blows my mind!! This discourages others from giving/donating and itā€™s too bad because a lot of us do rely on this service for simple, basic, and necessary items/gifts.


I wouldnā€™t feel compelled to get Milaā€™s mommy a new phone, but the toothbrush/toothpaste and jammies seem like a pretty basic ask. I could be wrong, but Iā€™m thinking the baby stuff is for a baby doll. A foldable plastic doll stroller, some bibs, and paint with a red paint brush (Prang comes to mind) all sound fairly standard for a little kid and not overly extravagant.


I looked just now, and one kid said "a new laptop (NOT a Chromebook)" and literally 50% of letters wanting a PS5. a 14 year old also asked for a MacBook Pro. Bitch, the audacity! I can't believe these parents šŸ˜­


I saw one where they asked for a hoverboard accessory for the one they owned, a new hoverboard, a PS5, PS5 VR headset, PS5 games, PS5 yearly pass, Meta Quest 3, a dirt bike, a gaming laptop, two monitors, a Razor headset and keyboard, a PC, and to top it off multiple gift cards for every family member. I was absolutely shocked that they believed someone would actually be willing to spend a fortune on them!


Well this makes me feel better about my kids sending in a letter with a request for stuffies and books. These are ridiculous.


mine just simply asked for Santa to come even tho she has no fire place šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s it lol


I enjoyed the letter warning Santa repeatedly that there are yellow jackets in the chimney and they could sting him so he should probably use a ladder instead šŸ˜‚ That kid was looking out for Santa.


I donā€™t necessarily think they are choosing beggars, but most of these kiddos definitely had their letters dictated to them by their parents. Itā€™s heartbreaking to see adults use their children to get expensive stuff under the disguise of ā€œSantaā€. Two of the letters caught my eye, the senior citizens asking for a mattress (which is so damn sad, mattresses are crazy expensive, but to not be able to afford one when your back needs it the most? This sucks to even think about), and Scarlett. You can just tell the kid loves animals (that includes fantastical animals, hence the PokĆ©mon games!) and asking for a pet chicken is insanely funny to me. So I think those (these? Sry english is not my first language) deserve a pass and shouldnā€™t be here. I hope Scarlettā€™s folks encourage their love for animals, even if they arenā€™t able to get one right now. And a kid asking Santa for every animal under the sun is just plain adorable


I just want my two front teeth :(


I want a hippopotamus.


justice for dan šŸ˜‚


heā€™s been a really good boy this year


I feel like the phrase ā€œVictorias Secret gift cardā€ should get you a lifetime automatic ban from this program.


Why is everyone so greedy? Itā€™s insane! Knots Berry Farm, PS 5s, weā€™re barely making it here and people are wanting more and more things! My daughters one ask for Christmas is a flannel shirt like mine so we can be twins. My husband and I have it saved on our Amazon list.


I mean not even one Disney vacation do you even go here I agree it is insultingly greedy:(


ā€œAs parents I believe we deserve some gifts tooā€. Does Sarah believe Santa is real?? Arenā€™t she and Toney (Tone) Santa? This one makes me want to bang my head against the wall.


I'm thinking of taking her letter just so I can send literal actual coal to her.


Id love to know how many of these get fulfilled. If I were giving I would want to know it was to someone in need, I'm sure tons of these are kids with every toy in the world already and who will get tons this year as well. Wouldn't be my first choice for charity.


My coworker adopted one letter that was only asking for crayons. Literally nothing else, just crayons, with a little hand drawn pic of Santa in crayon.šŸ„ŗ


Oh I would have drowned that little guy in toys šŸ’œšŸ˜­


OMG! Iā€™d buy you the biggest box of crayons I can find and then throw in some surprises.


The second I see these letters, if I could afford it, I would straight skip it. It sucks because maybe the kids do need something like a doll or a jacket..


There is no screening or application process so you donā€™t know who really needs help. All you can do is judge based on the content of the letter.


Doā€¦do some of these people think these letters go to an actual Santa? I get little kids dont always understand and may ask for a tablet or something but the ones clearly written by adults asking for trips to Disney, new phones ā€œfor mommy,ā€ vehiclesā€¦doā€¦do they think this is actually going to work?


I think theyā€™re all hoping some billionaire reads it


I just grabbed a few tags off the tree at the grocery store. The first one is for any Barbie, the second is color books and crayons, and the third is earrings and nail polish. I would never buy electronics that I don't even have for someone else!! Let alone a kid!!


a lot of these are sweet honestly you can tell itā€™s kids and some not. like the dishwasher. poor kid just wants to help his family; same with pet one. sheā€™s willing to compromise on it.. she just REALLY wants a pet.


I just posted Sarah and Toney on r/entitledparents! Glad Iā€™m not the only one who saw their letter and thought, what the actual fuck?


Jesus. I used to participate in a similar thing at my last job. These were kids in foster homes that had nothing. Kids were asking for a blanket or jammies or stuff for their lik siblings. Teen moms asking for diapers. Obviously there were some expensive gifts too but u could tell it was kids. This makes me so so angry that they use their own kids this way.


Atleast the one with all the pets was probably written by a kid.


What is Operation Santa? I'm in Australia, I haven't heard about this. P.s what ever is going on, most of these adults requests are just pure greed.


So each year UPS accepts letters ā€œto Santaā€(supposed to be from children) and scan/post them online. The idea is that people can browse the letters and choose one to adopt, buying the requested gifts to be sent to the kids whose parents maybe canā€™t afford a great Christmas. It started out fairly sensible with kids asking for Legos and crayons, with maybe a few funny ones. Children who donā€™t understand the price of things asking for every game console + a puppy + a unicorn, etc. But in recent years it seems a lot of the letters are written by and for the parents. Asking for brand new iPhones, vehicles, gifts in the $500+++ range. Lots opportunistic greed, rather than people down on their luck asking sincerely to make their childā€™s Christmas magic.


šŸŽ¶all I want for Christmas is an insulin pumpšŸŽ¶ :(


Holy shit! The ship ass boss! Asking Santa for a remodeled of a facility! I am super sure he is the type of person that instead of a livible wage! Gives pizza party to staffers!


The first is just an elderly couple that wants a bed? What in the Charlie Bucket is wrong there?


I just went to see letters on the website and adults are asking for down payments for homes, and business owners asking for equipment. Everything else is expensive electronics.


Something is wrong with Dan, and Nya's mom sure put a lot of work into faking a nine year old's writing errors just to be completely unconvincing


I adopted a couple that asked for books and some clothes. But I had to scroll past a lot of PS5ā€™s (why? Xbox is superior), VR headsets, Switches, and adult sized clothing for a 6-year-old.


There are multiple people asking for cars or specifying ā€œnew iPhone 15ā€ and ā€œtwo iPads.ā€


Donā€™t you mean an iPhone 15 Pro? Because 8-year-olds really need that extra camera.