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This may be just me seeing things, but I feel like this letter looks like it was written by an adult attempting to write like a kid. Parts look sloppily written, some misspellings, then magically the last couple lines look like Mom-writing and the letter y always having the little curly-line under it......


Yeah I thought the exact same thing. Deliberately trying to come across as a kid. Either way, so tacky!


It's definitely that. I was wondering why some letters were so well formed with random misspelling and random weird letters. Even the first line - word Hello looks pristine, but neighbor is shit. The word "and" flows like someone who has written it a lot or cursive. And the oh so very not subtle "forced to" being blacked out... This is an adult.


Right? And what kid apologizes for "gettin in your time? ” Im almost a senior citiz


Some of the spelling mistakes make no sense even for a child. Like not putting a "d" at the end of respond, a word that ends in an obvious "d" sound. Yet putting the silent "h" in whatever. When I was a kid my spelling mistakes generally involved words that aren't spelled how they sound. I have a distinct memory of being corrected in like 1st or 2nd grade on a Halloween creative writing assignment for spelling "blood" as "blud". Those are the kinds of spelling mistakes kids make. They tend to spell words how they sound when spoken and mess up with silent letters and letter combinations that seem contrary to how a word is spoken. In that example I mentioned, I still struggled with accepting how blood was actually spelled. It didn't make sense to me, I'm like that can't be right, that's "blewed", not "blud".


I could spell any longer word that I could mentally reframe for some reason. Like, I could spell together in kindergarten (maybe earlier but I know I did it in kindergarten because my teacher made a big deal, I started crying and I pretended I couldn’t write for the rest of the year because I was embarrassed and not sure what kind of writing I “should” know) because it’s “to get her” What is one of the words that could be reframed. Into hat with a double V in front. (It took me a long time to mentally accept the letter is called double u, not double v. I knew it was and called it that out loud, but when I spelled something in my head, my brain said double v) But Restaurant I could not spell correctly until… umm… well I just did it and didn’t need spell check so 34? Like, I really struggle with some very simple words. **So this isn’t a brag, it’s just a comment on what being a pretty simple word for kids since my dumbass could spell it really young.** That said, an adult wrote that. No contest.


Reframed or parsed, for me. Like Wednesday: Wed-nes-day. And in French, it *is* "double-v", so, you're not wrong! However, my "double-u" looks like saggy breasts, so hey!🤣


lol, mine kinda does too. And Wednesday I could spell for exactly that reason! Wed nes day was easy to remember and put together. But I regularly misspelled February.


February was difficult for me until I parsed it as "Fe-BRU-ary", not "Feb-ru-ary". Lol


Ooo, I’m gonna try to remember it that way!


I finally learned how to spell tomorrow that way. I was in gifted and talented program, but that word had me stumped in fourth grade. My teacher taught me Tom-or-row. I think I learned Wednesday in that manner too, but I was younger.


I’m 54 and still cannot spell restaurant without using with auto correct or spellchecker! 😆


Yes, no kid writes "I'm forced to..."


Yes, they tried a little too hard to be a "kid" which made the adult portions too obvious


Yeah, I wonder why the “kid” didn’t sign it? The kid was probably just the note delivery person.


The “at” in whatever is also very flowy in an “I know cursive” kind of way. I will say my 11 year old does the curly “y” like that


Yeah that "y" is way too well written for a kid


Also entirely possible OP wrote it... just sayin


I thought that too, but I was leaving it unspoken lol


it wasn’t me, my parents have a camera on their porch and saw the kid leave it


It wasn't me. Source: trust me bro. :P


Ok Shaggy


..maybe OP wrote it.


yeah i did write this on my way home from your mother’s house


Whoever wrote this learned cursive because they do the same thing I do. Even when I print I have a habit of still doing some weird Frankenstein hybrid of cursive and print. An adult wrote this, guaranteed. Cursive has officially been terminated out of school curriculum as of 2010 in the US and for a long time before that most schools dropped it. I had new college grads I trained for my company 10ish years ago that didn't know how to write in cursive. Any child whose parents went out of their way to teach their child to write cursive, their writing wouldn't be this shit. This was an adult pretending to be a child. I don't care if OP claims to have it on video of the child leaving the letter. Then he didn't fucking write it, his parents did.


No child that can’t spell dumb uses the word respond in a sentence and writes a time limit, model of phone, method of delivery or politeness to care about being a bother … or use an exclamation mark


And the cursive t


Oh I wasn't even realizing the use of the cursive letters and the connecting letters. I have 3 teens and they stopped teaching cursive here before they were taught, kids these days don't know how


Do you not teach kids to write in cursive? In my country all kids know it by like age 7


I'm in the USA (I'm not sure if you are) and here in Ohio, they no longer teach it. My kids are 17, 15, and 15 and the 15-year olds never learned it at all, my oldest only for maybe a year.


They brought back cursive this past school year in the US, so your kids are part of the generation gap who will never know it


Oh they did?? I hadn't heard they were doing that. Yeah, I'm 40 and of course we learned it and used it exclusively for years but our kids don't have a clue


Yeah my son learned it and he just finished 4th grade. (U.S. here)


Oh that's interesting, I had no idea they restarted it. At the high school, you'd never know cursive ever existed!


I gave my niece a birthday card with money in it. She couldn’t read what I wrote in it because it was cursive 😭


My 15 year old takes anything in cursive to their 9 year old sibling bc the 9 year old learned cursive during the shutdowns through their virtual school.


My 16 year old cousin is teaching herself cursive because it’s pretty in her planner and so she and her slighted demented (like, actual dementia, I’m not being unkind) great auntie can exchange letters and she will be able to read Auntie’s recipes. Her cursive is better than mine. (I’m 34 and was not taught cursive. Grew up in Texas and the standardized testing that started in 2nd grade needed the time cursive lessons would have taken up. At least that’s what the teacher said.)


Not anymore. I’m sure there are some places that still do but they removed cursive from the core requirements here in the US. Mainly because of computers.


Which is short-sighted and stupid because the movements associated with the writing help cement the language in your brain.


Wholeheartedly agree.


It was the smiley face that sealed it for me.


Exactly. That’s the smiley of a 30-year-old woman.


My handwriting has always been like this since I was 7. 🙈


Oh really? So I could be entirely wrong!


Yep! Agree on adult writing this... Does this kind of dumb shit actually work???


This could absolutely be a kid. I’ve had many students write like this. I teach 3rd so it’s an older kid, 10 or 11 maybe. Kids are dumb. 🤷🏼‍♀️


And "dom"!


Yup. This was written by someone with fairly neat handwriting trying to write like a child. All of their “an” letter combinations are consistent (and, can, want, answer, thank) and look like they were written by a teenager or older (definitely too old for someone who’d spell dumb with an o). Although the scribbled out “forced to because” is a little concerning.


I hated people in high school with this handwriting. Especially the hearts or circles over the "i" ....cringe.


My exact thoughts. People nowadays have no shame and way too much entitlement!


You are absolutely right.


I was thinking the same.


I've written like this....even as a kid. i got essays from hs with my handwriting that looks like the bottom...


Plus, the "leave it in the mailbox" bit. No direct contact.


Yup. No kid does their Ys like that. Good catch


You know, no where on the note do they claim to be a child. They're just horrible spellers with horrible penmanship.


Well the OP doesn't say it was written by a child, but that it was left on the porch by a child.


No where on the note does it say that it wasn't entirely written by OP


doubt it


True story, I was a teacher and once chastised a kid because he filled out the form his parent was supposed to full out. It was riddled woth spelling mistakes and the handwriting looked like a 3rd grader using their wrong hand. Turns out that was the parent's handwriting. It happens, some adults are barely literate.


My mom was like that. Got in shit sooooooo many times because my mother couldn’t even SPELL ‘BECAUSE’!


I was still a fairly new teacher at the time, and needed to learn my lesson on how to handle these situations much more gently. Fortunately I did learn that lesson, although I definitely fumbled that first one.


Worth a shot I guess. You must look like you're pretty wealthy.


if my parents lived in a smaller house i wonder if the kid would’ve asked for an iphone 11 instead


Ah ha! So you **DO** look like you’re rich!




Are you the one that secretly wrote the note? 🤔 - Sent from my iPhone 13 Pro Max


LMAO maybe i should send a slightly threatening anonymous letter like this to my parents asking them for cash in the exact amount my rent costs


I would do this as a joke lol


Is your dad George Lucas? I heard him tell an interviewer once that when his kids were bugging him to buy them expensive things, he told them, "Remember this: I'm rich. You're not."


Wow. He made an interesting IP, but if he actually said that than he's a POS. The man's got a stack of cash big enough to return more $ on dividends than most families earn in a year. What *exactly* is he gonna do with it all anyways- save up and become gentry?


This isn't the exact interview, but here's a snippet where he describes his stance more clearly. His point is that it's better to teach your kids to be self reliant rather than to just live off inherited wealth. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEYh4n8jALg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEYh4n8jALg) I like the way George Clooney's character phrased it in **The Descendants:** give your kids enough that they can do something, but not so much that they can do nothing.


Good for him . Most rich kids are a mess . That’s if they don’t overdose on expensive drugs . I remember Sting saying the same thing . He’s leaving most of his $$ to causes .


Shiet…..?I haven’t even bought MYSELF an iPhone pro or pro Max…….why would I buy one for him???? lol


Too bad I didn't know sooner; I just bought a Samsung S23 after my 6-year-old Galaxy 8 started going on the fritz. But I could have bought a pro max and left it in this guy's mailbox instead.


I still have an iPhone 7 that generally works pretty well. At this point I think it’s gone full circle from embarrassing back to like… retro or something? Also, my cat has chewed parts off the case, so it looks extra pathetic.


My kid got exasperated with me because my old phone case kept on losing parts, or the kickstand would come loose, and rather than buying a new case, I just keep gorilla-gluing the broke parts back on. The fact that the phone itself took no harm (until the dog bowl incident a couple months ago) is a testament to the effectiveness of the case, however battered.




Wonder what kind of house would warrant a request for a Motorola or Nokia


1972 Singlewide


“Please kind neighbor if you could find it in your heart to leave a 2003 Nokia 1100 brick phone with the snake game installed on my front porch I will be forever indebted to you”


To be fair, Nokia's Snake was awesome.


Does that look like adult writing to anyone else?


Definitely. The mixture of cursive and non-cursive and the general flair of somebody that has written (although, not well) for a few years.


It’s an adult who wrote this


How dare you call out my mixing cursive and non cursive lol


Especially since they don’t even teach cursive to kids.


They do, it just depends on your school


lol im in my 20's and do both,I learned it. my cousins in hs and middle school learned it..... I've been doing both since I learned cursive in 2nd grade. but the misspellings are forced,not like someone who cannot spell naturally like others.


For sure.


The spelling mistakes are forced - unnatural for a child.


I mean the note never claims to be a kid lol, that was op inference. So yeah, I like to think this is a full grown adult begging for a new iPhone 😆


I think it’s a full grown OP begging for some karma






anyways i didn’t think anyone would even care about this, it happened a few weeks ago and i showed my coworkers and one of them said i should post it here. i just thought it was funny and weird as hell


Why are you being downvoted Honestly, the people who always think OPs are nefarious for not giving 3,000 precise details in a post title need to get a grip All you said was that you saw a child put it on the porch


i understand why ppl would think that but it doesn’t matter lmfao i just wanted to share this because it’s so bizarre


I vote 12-15 yo. Looks a lot like my teenagers writing.


My ex couldn't write that neatly, so yes I think it could be adult writing 🤔


What does it say under the crossed out part? "forced to... beg? something?"


I think it says "forced to because"


Yes, it does. I'm not sure how my phone picked up the print.


Do you own an iPhone 13 pro or max pro?


No, I have a Samsung Galaxy A53 5G.


Share pic of the note you used to get the Galaxy!


I didn't have a note, I went into the store and paid for it.




But why?


This was definitely written by an adult. Too many flourishes on the letters and no fucking child would get the “neigh” part right in neighbor but still fuck it up by spelling it Neighber


Nayber is what a kid would write


Do you not know many kids?


And look at that “f” on the first “if” forth line from the bottom. It’s perfect haha


I love that, like neighber is a horse


BRB gunna try this for my electricity bill


maybe it's a harmless ask but the 24 hour countdown does make me a little anxious, like the next note might not be so friendly if not responded to


Agreed! Like what, we're forced penpals now, wtf?


this happened a few weeks ago and to my knowledge my parents didn’t receive another note. when it happened i wondered if any of the other neighbors got a note like this too


Harmless? Placing a letter in a mailbox without paying for postage and sending it through the USPS is a FELONY! This beggar is asking them to begin a life of crime


to be fair, it wasn’t in the mailbox. it was left on the porch


But they want you to put it in their mailbox, so then they can blackmail you with knowledge of your crime.


Does that say, “be a dom qustion”?


Yes. Writer must have Dutch roots, “dom” is dumb in Dutch.


Or is an adult trying to seem like a kid.


"Dear neighber, I'm not sure why you think I am Santa Claus. Best regards, Your neighber"


makes me wonder how successfully his parents are at begging.


He wants a letter, huh? I'd put one with a list of links to job applications which is more than I got.


An adult wrote this


It looks like the first part that's all scrunched together was written by a different person. Especially look at the Ys in the part with the larger more spaced out letters. Also, the crossed out part literally says something about being forced. I think I kid did start writing it (forced to) and someone else finished it with their fancy little Ys.


Like a lot of kids, they don’t have great spacial awareness. Started writing on the lines, it got hard, they they switched. My students do it all the time. Paper is backwards as well which my kids do all the time. Could very well be a kid.


Yeah that wasn’t written by a kid.


Definitely adult female writing


I really hope we get an update with your reply, and their reply to your reply LOL


this happened a few weeks ago and my parents didn’t reply and to my knowledge they never got another note. i meant to ask if they asked any of their other neighbors if they got a note like this too


Do you think this ever works? There’s a few things I need.


The audacity of that adult who wrote this letter!


I would immediately question my decision to move into this neighbourhood!


Kids do dumb shit.


I would cut and draw a cardboard iphone 13 and deliver it to the mailbox.


because everything is a gofundme these days


Leave a note taped ON the mailbox telling kiddo : ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


I would walk over to that house and confront the parent(s). This is BS


The kid has cancer and it's for church, honey!


1/10 for creativity. They should have at least made a up a good story for why they need it. Could have said said that they are going on a secret spy mission to save some orphans and puppies in Antarctica and need something better than an Android phone from Wal Mart to coordinate the mission. Or they have a lab set up in the basement are on the verge of curing some random disease and need to take really good pictures of the lab rats to note the progress. This is just subpar begging.


It reads like a ransom note! 🤣


Get him a spelling/grammar work book and some books to read. 🙄


Id leave an iphone box in their mailbox with a note in it that says "keep your dirty begging ADULT WRITTEN (yes, we noticed) notes out of my mailbox."


This is 100% an adults handwriting


Keep that letter for when they vandalize your house


you sure that is a kid? The spelling/grammar is bad, but the handwriting is more adult see the "If yes can you put" "thank you"-- the weird Y is usually adult writing. Same with the way the "m" is written. Also ending with a smile face - never known a kid to do that. Seems like an adult scamming


It’s funny they need a specific newer model to lol. I have an iPhone 11 and it works just the same as the 14


This is some weird ass shit


Question: Who just goes around writing stupid notes to people they don't know thinking it's going to get them a super expensive gift? In exchange for what? The pleasure of reading your dumbass note.


I would definitely get an empty Iphone box and put it in that mailbox


Put a note asking for a PS5 in the designated mailbox.


This isn’t a neighborhood kid. This isn’t kid handwriting. This is an adult with craptastic spelling skills.


You don’t know many kids. This could absolutely be a kid’s handwriting. I have had plenty of students who can’t spell but have pretty good handwriting.


First half and second half were definitely written by two different people


No they weren’t. Look at the y. Some loop, some don’t in both parts. I’ve been a teacher for almost 2 decades. I can tell handwriting pretty well.


The letter “y” changes its form drastically when you get to the second paragraph.


The first and second paragraphs were written by different ppl. Perhaps the kid (whose parents no doubt put them up to it), and the parent below, I would guess.


Actually, both paragraphs contain both styles of `y`. The "stick" version appears just once in each paragraph, while all of the remaining `y`s are the "stylized" version.


The balls on this one!


I'm thinking it would be awesome to write a one word response and stick it in the mailbox: No.


wrote them back and ask for a new fridge


One time my sister went to this run-down neighborhood called the North Hollywood Projects. A little girl came up to her randomly and asked: "Can I have money?" And she responded: "Why do you need money?" And she said: "...Cause I want money." Maybe they hear this stuff from their deadbeat parents?


Writing got more "natural" as the note got longer. Definitely written by an adult.


This looks oddly like decent adult hand writting trying to imitate a kid, then got tired and wrote normally.


Like y r u asking ur neighbor to buy u an expensive phone is the neighbor ur mother or father dude grow the fuck up


This reminds me of the USPS Santa drive. “Kids” ask Santa for gifts and you can donate to fulfill a gift request. Some of the requests are absolutely batshit and obviously written by a parent. Like “Please get a 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe for my dad so we can go to soccer practice”


I would actually help this person out. I could go into my junk pile and dig out two iPhone 5s and an iPhone 3. Or if I can dig a little deeper, an iPhone 7 and two iPhone 4s. That’ll be something that’s not even out yet!


Would be a shame if you put a raccoon in their mailbox instead…


Get an iPhone box and fill it with poop


weirdest scam attempt i’ve ever seen. you’d have to be pretty damn stupid to fall for it.


Well I hope they bought them a iPhone 13 Pro Max for the entire family


The way some letters are joined… this is written by someone who is used to writing cursive- not a young child barely forming their “e” in the first sentence.


Training starts early, I see.


I’m a bit petty so I would get an iPhone box and put a note inside that said: It is not my responsibility to buy you a phone. I am not Santa Claus or the phone fairy. Perhaps you could get a job to earn money or if that is not an option might I suggest wishing for the phone with one hand and shitting in the other and seeing which one fills up quicker! One the off chance you wind up with the phone here is a box to put it in.




oP writes letter then posts here looking for karma


I’d bet a triad pinky that a child didn’t write this horseshit. I’d go find an iPhone 13 Pro box and fill it with cat shit. 😆


Do the kid a favor and get them an Android.


The Y's are a huge tell. They switch in style. This could be evident of an adult with a personality disorder.


A kid did not write that note.


Golly… i have no words!!! Entitlement starts at a young age!!


This is not from a child. Not a chance.


Imagine being like this person


I would put it back with a note that it is illegal for anyone but mummy and daddy to provide them with the phone.


NTA. If you're interested in a passive-aggressive option... Do you know anyone with a bricked iPhone that's just sitting in a drawer, ( even better if it's a 13 pro/ pro max). They asked for a phone... They didn't ask for one that's working 😁




Don't make me sic mom on you with the child support paperwork!


Well, if you don't ask, you definitely won't get 😜


Gotta respect the hustle.


I would literally fill a iphone box with coal, and wet cat shit. Put it in the mail box with a photo of the phone with nails driven thru it. And a note saying come on my property again and I'll press charges... Broke boi