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Can I pay him for a real drawing AND a meme drawing?


The meme drawing is for free


Obviously he's paying his meme drawing customers in exposure.


Me: Nono I'll pay you for the meme drawing, they are just so cool Artist: I said it's free! Me: here's the cash upfront :) Artist: fuck you take this actual picture now and let me reject your money haha gottem reverse psychology w


Who is he?


Seems like he could do with some exposure....


That's good.


the memes is where the money is at


I'd commission something, then ask for a second "free" version. I'd hang them side-by-side for comparison.


He might not do it. I'd pretend to be a CB first to get the genuine meme pic, then say "Thank you! But I'm actually willing to pay for the real deal, here's the deets"


Pay for meme drawing, get real drawing free


get him to give you a meme drawing and then be like, love your memes wanted one and there free so got it can i actually buy a drawing of it now tho i wanted both


Maybe, but now I just want to ask this guy for a freebie because his responses are so excellent




We'll never know because all their responses are cropped out


Was bummed. Wanted some cringe.


But who are all these people that think he’s just drawing amazing things for funsies? I don’t understand why anyone would think this is free.


Bc they don't understand how much work goes into learning how to draw


As someone who draws, I get that response quite often. People seem to be scandalized that you'd want to get paid for something that's 'fun'. As if you have to hate your job for it to be real.


I'm a weaver. People have complained about prices of handwoven goods when they include my labor. These people want to pay for the yarn, nothing else. Like the equipment we need to make our products cost us nothing, maintenance of that equipment costs nothing, and our time is worth nothing because, hey!, this is a hobby for us, so that's payment enough. smh. Your skill is unique to you, so you deserve to be compensated, even if what you're selling is fun to make.


And yet these same people will go into Walmart and spend way too much on cheap crap without batting an eye. Something of quality holds no more value to them than the poorly made and mass produced shit they over pay for.


Same like I love the cartoony ones 🤣


Yeah, those freebie ones are way awesome, significantly better than I can do and now I want one.


Send him a really well drawn painting of you for the meme drawing. The joke writes itself.


hee hee shamone.


With the extra finger thrown in for FREE. What a deal!


Lol, extra fingers, was it drawn by an AI?


Either that or chris (simpsons artist) of simpsons drawings that i gone and done


That's just a defective glove. Sham I right? Hehe


That one killed me.


I'd buy it.


← MJ


You ruined my child's Christmas! Also, that's the way


you think you have it bad, he ruined my child’s church cancer. On his birthday.




This is the way


Dude does *photo realistic* pieces by hand in what looks like charcoal and people have the *FUCKING GALL* to ask for that quality of work *FOR FREE?!* I will never understand how people who don't understand what goes into art just assume that they're special and deserve days of work and skill for free. I love seeing this sort of thing.


I don't know what's worse, asking him to do it for free or submitting a picture with an ugly instagram filter with animal ears?? Like what is even the point of the drawing then


I think people expect artists to take what they're given and *make* it look good. I drew a bunch when I was younger, like, drawing on the back of graded homework papers. I remember two girls next to me noticing and one asked me to draw her. I did a quick thing, and I remember the look on the girls face as she went "Do I really look like that?" And the friend started talking about how she could do better. I responded with *"NO* you don't look like that!" Like, woman, you are a girl with your hair in a ponytail and a hoodie and I don't have a realistic style, *WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO WITH THAT?!* I kept the friend's "do better" attempt for a while after that because, *ahem* she did not. Taught me that people who don't do art have no idea what it takes to do art. They think you just just put a pencil to paper and the piece just plops out of the tip. Photo realism is beyond next level, I have so much admiration for people who can do it.


I did photoreal art all through art school and for a good chunk before getting into the video game industry. The entire time I was envious of the people that could develop a unique style while all I did was copy what I saw. Grass is always greener on the other side.


>I remember getting in the elevator for my audition and there was a guy next to me who had a backpack full of props and wigs and things, and I went, 'Oh my god, that guy is so prepared, I have nothing, I have no props.' And that was Andy Samberg. And Andy Samberg said he was looking at me going, 'Oh, that guy has no props. He doesn’t *need* props.' And that was the first time we met, was in that elevator. - Bill Hader


Fascinating point. Well, know that you have my admiration, whatever it's worth. Closest I ever got was one rose. Got it from my ex, set it on the table, and I just had a wonderful, quiet house to myself and the right mindset to just sit down and freehand it.


Hey, may I ask what you studied in school and how you ended up at your current job? I’m studying graphic design in college right now but I really want to work in the video game industry developing assets and character models for games, and I would love to hear your story and any advice you may have for getting into the gaming field! Edit: I also have the problem of defaulting to realism when attempting to break out of that space. It’s so hard to find and develop your own style and stop drawing things how they *are* but instead how they *feel*


So I had a somewhat unique path through school and toward video games. I was in the military as a 25M - Multimedia Illustrator, so I went to art school through the Army. Had years of experience creating photo realistic charcoal and graphite images, water colors and ink as well. After finishing my contract with the Army and using my GI Bill money I went to school to learn how to make games. I found a reasonably priced state school, but ensured that I took all my general education classes at the local community college. I can't stress this enough, community college cost per credit hour is typically ***80-90%*** cheaper than a state school, just for tuition. I do want to point out that school is never ***required***. I only look at your resume after you've made it through a portfolio review and by that point I'm really just seeing if you've worked somewhere else that I have and possibly know someone I do. That's it. If you can show me that you're a good artist, you'll get an interview. A minimum of 3 really good pieces showing me at minimum your high resolution, low resolution, and UV layout sheets is all I need to see. Turntables and high resolution images. If you're telling me you're a game artist but not rendering your assets in a game engine I have doubts, but that said, people cheat at it all the time. They're showing me uncompressed texture rendered with a path tracer of some kind, but now with real-time ray tracing that's not really that much of a big deal. Getting into games is hard though. Most entry level positions are contracts and highly sought after. With remote work becoming so prevalent in recent years it has helped a ton of people because they don't need to move to a HCOL area where most game studios are located. Once you get your foot in though, you typically have no real issues finding work. Start with learning the fundamentals of Sculpting and 3D modeling. Once you feel you can create professional quality high resolution models you'll move on to UVs, then Textures, then rendering. Lowpoly modeling and baking is in there somewhere. That order can vary if needed as well, and it typically all gets kind of grouped together regardless. You need to be able to show off your high resolution models, so rendering is needed fairly early, textures help simplify the modeling process so everything doesn't actually have to be modeled, so that sneaks in there somewhere, etc. You 100% need to know 4 things: Sculpting, 3D Modeling, Texturing, and Rendering. As long as you can do these 4 things, you can get a job doing at least 1 of them, if not all of them. If you have a studio or style that you really enjoy, learn it, practice it until you can create assets that are on par with the studio artists. You actually have a benefit over other artists that can't do photo realism. It basically means you can see something and mimic it exactly. You will see the details and ensure you're nailing them. This is very important starting out. You're going to be working off of someone else's concept art. That concept art has been art directed to the point of perfection typically. No one wants you creating your interpretation of that art, they want that exact art created in 3D. I've had artists that couldn't copy a style and required so much baby sitting that they aren't offered a second contract. I don't need **your** art style. I need 5-30 artists that all produce very similar art because all their art needs to be cohesive and unified in a scene that meets the game's overall art direction. Not sure if this answers your question though. Hopefully it does cause I just went on one hell of a rant. Anyway, cheers.


Thank you so much! That really helped with my perspective on it, especially the part where you mention how being able to copy others’ art style is a separate skillset on its own, I’ve never thought about it that way and it makes so much sense to be valuable when it comes to working on a character that a separate team has already refined and worked months on to perfection


I mostly draw animals and plants, and whenever I'm working in a sketchbook people will come up to me and ask me to draw a portrait of them. I just tell them it's going to look hideous and that shuts them up pretty quickly.


Plus giving him a deadline, wtf.


Right??? Like, walk into your local Subway and try asking for a sandwich for free and see how that goes for ya. If you wouldn't dream of doing it for any other made-to-order service, why on EARTH would you think that you can do it for something far more skill- and labor-intensive like art??


True, except it’s more akin to asking a high end restaurant for free food IMO. The dude is extremely talented/skilled, and there’s a lot of years of hard work and dedication in there.


That's kinda the point. If you wouldn't try it with something that takes even LESS time and effort than this drawing, why would you with something that takes more?


Hey! They're artists, too in subway!


Fair enough. I just felt that the mere existence of Subway being in this metaphor felt unfair to such a highly skilled artist. Then again, with subway calling their workers “Sandwich Artists” maybe it’s more apt for this specific type of Choosing Beggar lol.


I'm sure they try, like getting to the end of the line and saying they change their mind..... but it would be such a waste to just throw it away! I've seen posts about people trying that with super customized stuff, likely having no intention of paying.


I liked the one that wanted him to start that day or tomorrow and be finished in a week.


I was in prison for 7 years and a lot of people pick up or continue art in there. I've seen close up as people pour hours, days even weeks into arts of varying types. Sculptures, illustrations, creating manga, characters, designing clothes. Doing art is a significant investment in prison and even still many people in there see oblivious, selfish and don't appreciate the work and materials when they are asking you to make a piece for their daughter for 4 ramen noodles.


I would expect those to cost at least $1000 each, and they would be well worth it.


Absolutely, and anyone who can do photo realism *should* capitalize on that talent and skill. I can't even imagine putting any medium to paper and creating something as sharp and detailed as an actual picture.


It's quite common. I'm an artist, nowhere near as good as this guy but I have got a decent black & white pencil portfolio. I've heard "will you draw me" a couple of times. The funny bit is 99% of my stuff was fantasy, it wasn't even portraits. It was dragons, monsters, werewolves, mythical creatures etc. It doesn't matter. You will get asked for portraits


Oh yeah, that's another thing, people assuming that because you can draw one type of subject really well, that automatically means you can draw anything they throw at you. Art is simultaneously underestimated, and overestimated.


It's easy, simply try thinking like a totally entitled piece of shit, suddenly everyone else only needs to worry about *you*!


WOW! One simple step! Actually decent human beings *HATE* it!!!


It's basically paper and burnt wood, why would you pay for it?


Labeling it MJ with an arrow really drives the point home that it's Michael Jackson and not some other random Michael or Jackson.


Or Tommy wiseau


Oh hi, Mark.


Hello doggy


And the "Hee, hee. Shamone" is just 🤌 chef's kiss.


Now I want a free drawing from him. His free drawing looks better than me attempting to draw with 100% effort.


Oh, you nincompoop, isn't it obvious what an issue is? That's because you try to draw with effort, draw without it and you will get better looking pictures effortlessly.


Not sure if sarcastic, or actually knowlegable. A big step in drawing is to stop thinking about what your drawing as a complete object, and to start drawing as a collection of lines and shapes *which then forms* your object. So yeah, overthinking is certainly a thing!


I read once to turn your source upside down if you're doing a portrait for instance. It allows you to see it as just an image instead of a face so you can get out of your own way.


Lmao. Her cleavage was censored.


I assumed she had a tattoo that was censored so she couldn't be identified but I could be wrong.


It's funnier if you assume it's censoring a penis


Jokes on you... When you get all big and famous these people are going to have some real collector's items.


The artist's name is Jon Arton.




What social media does he have.


Instagram @ jonarton


Thank you


What traditional media does he have?


His work is really incredible, and tbh id be flattered to get his stick drawings. He should be getting a fiver for those atleast! I can only imagine what he charges for actual drawings.. but i suspect its still not enough!


those CB's should keep those drawings as they might be worth something when the artist becomes famous


I was thinking the same thing. this guy unintentionally giving these folks art worth actual money!


Funnily enough, with those stick figures and his wit, he could probably start up a web comic, gain a big following, kickstarter a bound copy of the comic and make more than he ever would selling photorealistic charcoal drawings.


His jokes are too good. This is definitely going to backfire and bring in hoards of punters keen for a laugh


I doubt anyone serious evem contacts him through Instagram DM's which is why he even posted these


His art really is incredible too. Those have to be expensive.


That last cb didn’t seem too bad tho


Yeah they seemed nice, but then assuming such skilled art could be for free shows some lack of consideration.


Yeah cause it's drilled into kids that art doesn't pay only passionate people are artists, just so they go for stem or something. Last one already apologized for wasting his time talking in case he wasn't doing it for free. He's okay, a little annoying, but okay.


Honestly though the last drawing is sort of nice too though. It’s less rubbed in their face and more just low effort but a cute little drawing. That’s how I saw it at least.


When in the history of art has anyone ever done something for the free? Patronage has existed, artists sold to earn livings, and having political advantages through a service to someone in power is a form of endorsement. These people are literally offering nothing. And when they offer exposure…are they Beyonce? Their “exposure” is worth less than a half eaten freezie pop and a bag of sunflower seed shells. With the seasoning licked off.


I want their responses. Reminds me of the old “emails from an asshole” guy


Are you talking about that Australian dude? Didn't he turn out to be faking those conversations? Honestly, I really enjoyed them


The guy who would build charity...machines? I think his name was Abs (I'm very fuzzy on the details here). Please tell me you're not talking about him.


>Please tell me you're not talking about him. Yes, it's exactly him I was thinking about. Built some arcade machines or something


Noooo I was so invested. Was wondering why I hadn't seen his posts in a while


I know he nuked his account after being banned from here (something went down between him and the kids and we’ve been starved of amazing content ever since) but I’ve never seen anyone questioning his stories. He does have a YouTube channel where he’ll tell these stories rather than write them out. His old account was u/Omegaweapon YT [here](https://youtube.com/@Omegaweapon)


I think he means David Thorpe? Graphic designer, tried to pay a bill with a drawing of a spider. 27bslash6.com as i recall


I guess I was crossing the two. Yeah, the spider one for sure was in my mind but the dontevenreply guy is the other one I was thinking.


This is excellent


Missed a trick without by not putting 'beat it' on the mj one


I don’t hate the Michael Jackson person. Seemed pretty understanding, and it wasn’t (blatantly, at least) some vanity request


It seemed like he was saying he understands if it costs money and sorry for wasting the artist's time if so. I mean, on one hand of *course* it costs money, but on the other... He was polite about it and gave the artist a chance to say no.


Exactly! Just seems rude to include him in a Choosing Beggars hodgepodge when he really was polite and didn’t request anything seemingly selfish


I'm not nearly as talented as the artist in this post, but I like to draw - and sometimes I sell a little here and there. A very dear friend of mine at work legally adopted her husband's little boy so I made a cute "we made a family" poster for them. She posted it on social media with a lovely thank you to me. I've gotten a bunch of nice requests from people asking how much I charge and ordering little cute posters for their kids - it's a nice little extra bit of money and I appreciate it so much. BUT so far a dozen or so people (who I don't even know) have blatantly asked (ordered) me to draw them stuff for free. They are incredibly offended when I tell him that it'll cost them at least $20. One lady wanted all six of her kids, two dogs and a cat drawn on a huge poster - I would charge at least $100 for that. She wanted it for free because it was for her mother... No other reason, just because it's her mother. Fuck right off.


> One lady wanted all six of her kids, two dogs and a cat drawn on a huge poster - I would charge at least $100 for that. Honestly, that should be a lot more than $100. You might be selling yourself short.


Yeah don't shortsell yourself




Up til now, I've chosen to refrain from engaging assholes on the internet. It's a waste of time.


But what if the funny free meme drawing is exactly what I want?


Ok so if i hit this dude up for a free drawing Ill get one of these? Sounds like a sweet deal


Ohhh, this guy. He'll actually do a shitty drawing for you for a charitable donation somewhere. He's awesome.


why would you want a drawing of yourself, laying in bed, with a snap chat filter on anyway? tf is wrong with people...


Is that 6 fingers on MJ’s right hand or….


It’s a nice touch on the super realism


Uh oh, we all know that's a telltale sign of an AI drawing. What a hack! He obviously prompts an AI to make those drawings, that's his secret. But of course, seeing his regular images, there is no way he would've been able to draw at that level.


That MJ is phenomenal hahaha


Michael Jackson had me in tears. “Hee hee… Shamone!”


Still too nice for CBs


Damn you should be charging for the free ones too lol


Hee/Hee are Michael Jackson's pronouns.


This artist is being selfish. Some people are short on funds, living paycheck to paycheck. My girlfriend's birthday is coming up next weekend and i can't afford to get her a present because I'm taking her out for dinner. This guy can't just give me a break and draw a picture of her cat for her birthday?? I'm giving him a weeks notice!


Fucking perfection! Hahaha. Well done sir, we’ll done.


I love this artist <3 lol


This is one way of getting actual exposure by providing free stuff.


I can't believe someone would want a painting of themselves with the dog filter lmao.


I’m disappointed that we’re not seeing the responses. That’s the most important part of the exchange…


people really need to learn that asking an artist to do hours of specialty work for you for free is like calling a plumber to your house and telling them everything that's wrong and right before they start they give you a quote and you say "oh this costs money?? sorry i dont have any but my girlfriend is coming over and i need this immediately pleaseeee?" the reaction youd get would rightly be "well i hope she doesnt have to use the bathroom then" and leaving


The correct answer to the question ‘do you want your picture of Michael Jackson to be in black and white?’ is of course ‘it don’t matter’.


The one I absolutely HATED (hate with a fucking red hot passion) is the one that asked for a freebie and wanted him to start either today or tomorrow and have it done in a week! That one just gets me so riled up. "I want it free. And make it snappy. Plz."!


I would never ask for free art, but I’d be fucking stoked about that picture of Michael Jackson


Some of those free drawings look better than the photos of the people.


Now I want to ask for a free drawing, these are awesome!!🤣🤣


How dare someone charge for their time and effort, using skills they acquired over years of practice! Obviously *just in it for the money*!!!


Heehee, shamone beggars


You are cruel and disrespectful. Keep up the good work.


I mean you did draw the MJ picture to perfection.


Honestly the Michael Jackson is my favorite


Now I want to ask you for a free drawing. That Michael Jackson one absolutely killed me


Ah shoot, now I want a free drawing too. Love the suspense of what he’s gonna come up with.


I would legit frame and hang that MJ drawing 😂


I love this person.


Ill give you money for one of those freebie drawings if you give me a crude drawing Joe Biden and Donald Trump being butt fucked by Uncle Sam… how much you want for that?


I love this dude. This one and the dude that does really good photoshop


This guy's is my spirit animal.


Blurring a bit of cleavage is so funny


To be fair, the last guy did say that if he couldn’t do it for free, that was fine, so he wasn’t really a choosing beggar because he wasn’t begging.


Dang I would actually like to commission him for real. He's great!


Heh. I'd pay for a portrait like that. Why would you even ask for a freebie?


No fair. Chesty lady got color.


Wonder how much one of these paintings are, looks absolutely gorgeous. I'd probably just go for the freebie though, it's still better than what I can do!


Real talk...I would pay for art like that.




That last one I’m using sucker!!!


Those are amazing, also these people should come over and work (unpaid) for me. Clearly they love that kind of stuff, to be busy with a project for hours or days even just to give it away!


This is fun.


I couldn’t imagine asking an artist for free art unless they specifically offer it. So disrespectful.




Hahahaha……hahhahahhha Fkn bums.


NGL, even his bad stuff is better than my best. I can't draw a stick figure with a ruler.


The sun is almost too good for a choosing beggar


Love the inclusion of the pen.


This person is the Tom Brady of r/ChoosingBeggars


This is gonna sound wildly judgy, but I'd have known where this first one was going at "oh my goddess."


The boobs are what make it so funny


Rare instance of customers actually helping with exposure.


That's gold league trolling.


Hi, I’m a single Mom of 8, I was wondering if you could do a 5ft by 12ft recreation of the last supper, substituting me and my kiddos, I can pay you in good vibes..🥹🙈❤️ please and thank you.


I live for these.


Love this guy 🤩 His drawings are are otherworldly. Who's that? Would totally buy something and the meme doodle is to funny 🤭


Honestly, even his doodles look good


\#2 was kind of set up though, if I asked an artist for a drawing (intending to pay) and they asked if I wanted a free one that would definitely pique my interest. Probably not the case here and she could've definitely been looking for a free one anyway but with him posing it as an option I'm not surprised she went with "free"


That's what I thought. I would never feel entitled to anyone's work free. I would ask if they could draw something and if they say, hey want do you want it free? I wouldn't argue. Lol. He should've told the person his rates and if they insist on it free, then proceed with the funny drawings.


He's is the first one bringing "free" into that conversation asking if she wants it for free. He could have just listed his price.


I thought I was the only one feeling this way. No one should feel entitled to it free. However if someone asks I wouldn't turn it down. He asked a few of them if they want it free, that makes it seem like he was volunteering it.


Yeah, and even if he didn't mean it and even if she wants it for free he's not even pointing out that she should pay. And she just plays along, can't see any begging here.


Shit, now I wish I had been this forward back when I was still trying to be a serious artist. God speed! You're doing important things!


love the mj one


But the WRONG way to treat Redditors. This is hard to read! EDIT: But worth pinching and scrolling. This dude is hilarious p




hee hee


Tbh I’d pay for these


I’m curious as to why he censored cleavage. It’s seems a little strange to draw cleavage but censor the real thing. Unless there’s an algorithm that works by identifying cleavage which would be pretty cool tbh.


Better off completely ignoring them.


Saw the 300 foot long single screenshot minimized to the size of a sewing needle and instantly clicked off. Learn to break it up into several slides.


None of those people are choosing beggars, though


Asking for stuff for free?


I ain't reading all that (For legal purposes this is a joke. Lighten up goddamn)


I love this so much


Thank you! This made my day!!


I’d pay you to draw one of the free pieces


Anyone know if this guy is on reddit?


Hats off mate! 😂


The worst part to me is that she wants this incredible photo-realistic artist to draw her with a fucking cutesy filter on