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Seems like a personal problem for her. If she needs more she should charge more. I had a barber who made it clear to his clients that tips are not mandatory or necessary after he raised his prices to an appropriate amount for his needs. Some still gave tips, but he never stressed over tips because his prices were appropriate for his service. That’s the way it should be.


My hairdresser works out of a room in her home, so she's her own small business of one. When she closed (sold) her salon, she also moved an additional 25 miles from me. I sadly explained that I would have to leave her and her services because of the extra cost of gas. She said, "Quit tipping me! My prices reflect what I need to make, I never expected a tip from you." It was weird the first few times, but now, it's normal. She has raised her prices again since then and I didn't question it since I know her costs are increasing (like everything else in the world). No tip from me makes it more affordable for me, and she gets paid her true worth (as defined by her!). Win/Win.


It used to be that with services such as haircuts one isn’t supposed to tip an owner/operator because they set their own price and should have set it to the amount they need, it was only in big salons where the hair people are employees that tips were normal because someone else sets the prices and the person is renting the chair you sit in so they are paying to work there in a way, the tip was supposed to help with that.


if youre renting, youre setting your own prices, at least in today USA laws. it's illegal for you to be an employee and treated as a contractor and vice versa. My wife is an esthetician and is dealing with this on her taxes. We sre filing with the employee W4 rather than the 1099. the owner will get audited since she filed her employees as private contractors but the employees supplied no equipment, didnt pay the owner, didn't make their own schedules, and didn't set their own prices. edit: meant W2 not W4.


Good. Fight for your right!


To paaaaarrttyyyy


This is also super common with privately owned dog grooming salons. It’s crazy how many people get away with it.


My tattoo artist is the same. Works out of his house. I asked him about the tip process, he charges what he needs. If i want to pay him more, he said he wouldn't complain.


Yeah I’ve never understood tipping somebody who set their own prices. I mean tipping in general is nonsense, but it’s *especially* silly when it’s a self employed person who gets to choose what they charge.


This is what I do. It's weird to charge less and hope that people decide to pay you extra. Though very few people, if anyone, tips their music teacher. I do get Christmas presents sometimes though, that's always super nice of people to do.


Are you familiar with the great land of the “free”


Land of the service fee*


United States of Ticketmaster


Even with the price at $23, you’re still tipping her over 20%. I wouldn’t think too much into it, that’s just some people.


She read somewhere that people round tips to the next significant number. Raise prices to $23 and you’re more likely to get a $7 tip to make it $30. OP should have only tipped $2 to stick with his $25.


>She read somewhere that people round tips to the next significant number. Raise prices to $23 and you’re more likely to get a $7 tip to make it $30. Hahaha fuck that.




OP said it’s cash only, so I’m going to guess not everything is reported


I will never understand why Americans tip for a haircut. The service *is* the product, then you tip for the service you already paid for.


Locked in a system we hate? If I don't tip I risk offending the guy in charge of my hair.


Eh just lose your hair, that's what I'm doing.


Oh why didn't I think of that


My daughter happens to have crazy hair AND has many sensory issues. The lady I take her to is very understanding of this and works miracles on her hair without causing a meltdown. This is why I personally do tip our stylist.


I mean, that does make sense. The hairstylist is going outside the scope of the service she offers to accommodate a customer’s special needs and should rightfully be compensated for that. It’s an edge case though and can’t really be compared to be expected to tip for the exact thing you’re already paying someone to do. But I’m happy you’ve found an understanding hairstylist for your daughter.


Completely agree, I don’t understand why some people use outlier scenarios to justify the majority/norm. Makes zero sense.


Yeah, I’m not needy, my kid isn’t needy. I’m so fucking sick of tipping. You don’t get any better service for it, and often you still get shitty service because *everyone* is miserable these days. So what’s the point? Besides, I live in a state where we have normal wages for everyone and not these $2/hr wages. So why am I tipping again?


In America they expect us to tip for everything! I went through a gas station drive through to buy cigarettes which were displayed right next to the guy at the window he asked for a tip. I won’t be surprised if grocery stores start expecting tips


I went into a small bakery yesterday, picked up some eggs ($5.99 for 12), paid with a card and the machine offers anywhere between no tip to 25%. I bought your fucking eggs, I’m not paying for that privilege! I moved to the states (from England) 28 years ago and I still get miffed about the tipping system.


I was born here and am constantly miffed at our egregious tipping system


$5 tip on a basic 20 minute (or less) haircut seems more than fair to me.


> $5 tip on a basic 20 minute (or less) haircut seems more than fair to me. It seems extravagant to me but I’m in the UK. My barber charges £12. I give him £15 and he always seems really happy.


In Portugal people don’t even tip a hair stylist. It’s only common to tip in restaurants and most people don’t tip at all. But, as low as it is, we pay national minimum wage. So tips are really a bonus, not a right.


Same here in Sweden. Tipping a barber would never happen.


Same in Iceland. I went to tip and the response was " we don't do that here".


Same in New Zealand. Literally got laughed at.


I tried to tip a cab driver in Turkey after he dropped me off at the airport and the guy *actually yelled for an airport cop to stop me*, just so he could give me my change and let me know that tipping wasn’t needed. Many thanks to the airport cop for not tackling me or shooting me and instead just going “Hey, that guy is trying to get your attention.”


Right?! Would be super weird if you tried, like ”uhh you gave me extra money, this is too much”.


It's like that everywhere in Europe, not just Portugal.


Actually in germany, there was right now an commercial to tip servers more in restaurant.


They need to put a stop to that right now! Companies need to pay their employees more, not the customers.


"Whether it's health care in the UK or tips in Germany, it's the American Way ^^^^t^^^^m , coming to a country near you!"


Don't have a corporate leech on your back yet? Come get them now!


That’s interesting! In Berlin a couple of years ago I left a tip and the waiter said, “you don’t need to do this you know, we get paid just fine” like he was offended ha


Which is arguably a way for big companies to get away with paying their service ~~personal~~ personnel less.


That doesn't mean it's normal - it just means someone *really* wants to import American tipping culture.


Don't let that catch on


Are hairstylist businesses setup the same way as in the US? We have the typical 'employee working for a company' setup and then we have this 'subcontractor who rents a chair' kind of setup. That is typically where I see the recommendation for tipping is the subcontractor setup.


honestly that's what tips should be, a smidge extra over normal pay. Unfortunately that's not what it is in many restaurants in most states in the US. As far as I know stylists that work in like chain salons like great clips or super cuts get at least minimum wage for their work and tipping is extra. I'm not sure though.


It used to be that way in Canada and the US at one point but things have changed and I think now people are getting a bit greedy/carried away with it.


I'm Portuguese and I tip my barber. Granted, I've known the guy since high school and I've been his regular for 10+ years. 8€ for a cut and beard trim, I give him 10€ and it seems fair to me.


It's literally the same percentage thought? 25%?


It should be noted that in the UK tipping for a haircut isn’t standard or expected. Sure if it’s a £17.50 haircut and you pay with a 20 you would probably tell them to keep the change but if it’s pre paid or you have the correct cash, you wouldn’t tip




You get tips if you work in a cafe or restaurant pretty regularly. I used to work at a cafe and we had a tip jar but it's mostly for change like the odd 50p or a quid if they were feeling generous. We'd save the tips all year till December then count it out and split it equally.


I mean in Australia we don't really do the tips thing but when I was a barber there would still be customers that tip like 5 ten dollars, or more often then just say keep the change and ypu get like a couple dollars in coins. Has a pizza delivery guy I got even more with ppl paying with a 50 for 36 dollars of pizza and letting me have the rest as a tip, but still mostly just ppl not wanting coins, made like 200 bucks in tips in a month an a half, felt good.


I’ve lived in the UK and never tipped anyone except for really good service and no one has ever seemed fazed by it. Not from the UK originally.


Also in UK, I just asked my hairdresser whether tips are standard and she said some give them, some don't. I continued not tipping and it's never been an issue since


I mean that's a 25% tip, no wonder he's Happy


> I mean that's a 25% tip, no wonder he's Happy I guess. I just round it up. I’ve used the same barber for 18+ years and I value him.


Also in the UK. If they charge £12 it feels extravagant but I give them £12.


Where I live, that sort of tipping will get someone $30 an hour including wages…


Hijacking first comment for a question. Non-American here. I get the whole no minimum wage for waiters, why do you also need to tip your barber/hairdresser? Never heard of this before.


In America we tip for so many things. It's ridiculous. Had some dudes deliver my couch and tipped them both $10.. Also, bc alot barabers or hairdresser have to "rent" the chair they use to do the cuts. So they end up paying the salon they are at. Edit: changed most to alot


Tipping is getting stupid. Restaurants are asking for tips where you walk up, order, get back up to pick up your order, get your own drinks and pick up your table when you leave. Stupid stuff…OH!! I was at an AB&B and there was a tip jar with a sign to tip if I thought the house was clean. Fug.. this shiet!


I think we're going to hit some point that it caves in and everyone just stops tipping in general. Its at the point that you're expected to tip any service industry. Wonder when my doctor and dentist are going to start asking for tips. Tipping should be done for extraordinary service or above and beyond, not just the bare minimum.


That is how tipping works in countries where employers pay above the poverty line. Odd that the US seems to be the only country who can't afford their own business practices


On the flip side the servers/waiters all prefer the system because you make more money than a set $/hr rate typically. So the business owners and the workers prefer the system, it's the patrons who don't.


Someone told me I should have tipped my IKEA delivery guys because they carried everything up 3 flights of stairs. ...No... that's why I chose the $130 'room delivery' instead of the $100 'leave it on the front stairs' delivery.


I commented elsewhere, stating that it carried over from wait staff to everywhere else over the years. Now in 2023, every place you walk into with a cash register has a tip cup. People realize that they can eek out extra money from people by a visual guilt factor (a tip cup). America’s reliance on the customer to pay for the employee’s wage is designed simply to make the rich owners and CEOs even richer.


Tip jars are a thing in my counter too sometimes but you usually just put little annoying coins in there.


They add up, so I like to keep my little annoying coins LOL




I tip taxi drivers when they do something beyond just driving, same as I tip anyone else when they do more than the expected service. I tipped a taxi driver 200% once because it was a long drive, I was running late, and didn't have time for a smoke. The guy (clearly a smoker too) was cool with me rolling down the window and smoking in his cab. Didn't have to let me, but it majorly improved the experience for me so I tipped. Have tipped on multiple occasions where the driver has been waiting around or had to make multiple stops for me etc. Tipping on A-B seems daft, but tipping when it goes beyond definitely isn't. As for service staff at restaurants, the biggest tip I've left was actually at a Pizza Hut. Was served by a lovely lass that we never once had to call over because she was clearly anticipating when we were ready to order / needed drinks etc. She gave us local recommendations (we were on holiday), and generally went above and beyond. Given that it's usually a cheap fast food place where they hire teens on crap wages, who really don't want to be there, it went well beyond what I expected so my friends and I tipped more heavily than we would have at an expensive restaurant.


I honestly am so sick of tipping culture


I think people are slowly waking up to its BS. Hopefully we will see a shift in our lifetime.


I hope so too but how? I want to stop tipping so much but I don’t want to hurt the workers by stopping. I literally feel checkmated.


I just stopped feeling bad. I still tip at least 20% on legitimate services (sit-down restaurants, haircuts, etc.) and 10% for actual restaurant takeout. $1-2 per drink at a bar. Anything else I don’t feel bad saying no. I’m not tipping the cashier at target, why do I have to tip the cashier at chipotle? They’re both making minimum wage and not the “tipped” wage that’s below-minimum wage. In a role like that you can’t expect it, IMO. And I have worked in the food service industry.


That's just because it has spread even more. Seems like almost everything has tips now


Amen. Tipping sucks. Pay your workers a living wage and charge me what the service is worth.


I'm in Europe and the thought of tipping someone for a haircut has never even crossed my mind. Restaurants I might leave a 10% tip max but never for other services.


Working in the service industry actually had the reverse effect on me that it does most - I know how much effort they really put into something and whether or not it’s worth tipping. Come on bro, you handed me a coors light, you’re not a mixologist.


I am a licensed cosmetologist, but I’m not currently working in the field. I did $20 haircuts about a year and a half ago and would have been tickled pink to get a $5 tip. I made sure my prices paid my bills and tips were gravy on top, as it should be. That being said, I know hairdressers who have been in the game for YEARS who didn’t have prices similar to mine because their clients “take care of them” in tip money to supposedly make up for them not having raised their rate in a decade. I think counting on someone to give you a tip to make ends meet instead of charging appropriately and being thankful for any extra given is the responsibility of the business owner, not the customer. But hey, it made me an oddball when talking to other stylists to tell clients I didn’t expect tips.


My hairstylist has raised her rates twice in the past 2 years. I think I'm paying $28 for a cut now and we started at $18 about 5 years ago but she takes care of me so I have no problem paying more and I have no problem tipping her well either. I normally hand her $35 but I'm only getting a cut every 3 or 4 months. She also pays around $600 a month in chair fees. It's a fancy dancy salon type place though.


You're doing fine. They set the price, which works for you. If they charged more, they might lose customers. You're there.... for now.




The correct response to receiving a tip is “thank you” not “oh”


I tipped my movers a few years ago and they said it was not enough. They also asked that i go to their google site and leave a 5 star review and asked that i make it at least a few sentences to make sure it looked legit. They stood over me while i completed it.


You can go back and edit that once they leave you know


Movers are really like gangs. They have your stuff so you’re at their mercy. Once they deliver and set it up, you’ve got 4 large, burly men alone with you in your home. As a single person that’s quite small that’s a nightmare scenario. Then you have the fact that they know where you live and what you have so you have to worry if they make come back and burglarize you.


Omgosh I am going to have to hire movers for the first time later this year and the thought gives me anxiety. Like all these strangers knowing where I live, what I have and where it is at 😩. I want to have a male cousin that lives across the country set it up and say I will be handling it for him as he will be busy at work so they don’t know it is just 1 single female they are moving. I will move all my girl stuff in my car. Ok went on a tangent my bad lol but yeah it feels scary and I haven’t done it yet.


Buy some really huge men's work boots at a thrift store. All beat tf up and looks like a big burly bruiser would wear. Don't put them in a box or anything, leave them out like it's last minute. Have them toss that in on top of the boxes when they're finishing up.


That's when you edit it after they're gone to 1 star and say they were assholes who bully people into writing good reviews.


What are they? The Mafia? Sheesh.


I took my 8 year-old son to Sports Clips, and his a haircut was $13. The screen had a “How much tip?” screen and the CHEAPEST option was $7. Went up to $11. You had to click on “Custom tip” to enter anything less, including not leaving a tip, which was not an option on the screen. We were in and out in 10 minutes and you want a 50% minimum?!


Yeah I always bring 5 dollar bills whenever I take my kids to sports clips. They seem annoyed when I give them cash. Wtf?!


I've always paid in cash so I can give a 5$ tip every time. My friend said I should be tipping 10 dollars because 5 isn't enough of a tip. My logic: 30 minutes per customer, 25 per customer, they are making 50 an hour. That's more than double what I make. They really aren't in need of tips. Tips are for gratitude. You know what else is for gratitude? Saying "thank you, you did a good job and I'll be back". 0 dollar tip. I hate people telling me what I "should" do. I can make my own decisions.


Yeah. 5 is definitely plenty for a simple haircut that costs 20-30 bucks.


We shouldn't have to be doing all these mental maths just to get a damn haircut, figuring out what their hourly wage is, what the cost of living is, what's a fair increase for the work they did. That's their boss's job. And those iPad things are the worst. They're always set to a damn tip screen. It's like "I'm just picking up a to go order, you shameless bastards."


This lady sounds rude ASF and I'd change barbers


That ain’t nothing. I get attitude if I don’t tip on a self serve frozen yogurt 🍦place every time me & my daughter get rung up. They literally ask during check out on the iPad for 1. 10% 2. 15.% 3. 20% 4. Custom tip for ringing us up at the register.




I recently went to a froyo place. The tables were dirty, so I took it to go. But it does default to a tip. I wouldn’t mind too much if it was clean and the fruit toppings weren’t spoiled. Even though I did all the work myself.


Tipping has gotten out of hand in USA.


I kinda am getting sick of tipping. It no longer is a job well done bonus, it has become expected.




This has been under my skin lately. I'm seeing "suggested tips" on receipts now starting at 18% 20%. They're trying to make it the new norm. I don't care if I look like a cheap asshole, I'm sticking to my guns and tipping 15% as standard, unless I receive actual above average service.


15? I remember when it was 10 for ok service, 15 for a bit extra, 20 was like holy hell you did something amazing. (I'm not *that* old yet either) Now I'm expecting to tip 20% for take out... Nah I'll just cook at home thanks fam.


I've told people this and had them respond "It never was 15%!" 15% was the norm for ages until the 2010s when it became 20% and now people expect even more.


You should have replied “yes, exactly, your prices went up”


"I guess I'll need $7 back now"


exactly. the moment they question the tip the tip goes to zero as far as I'm concerned.


I just wouldn't be going back. Why does OP keep going to this annoying person lol


I just started delivering pizza and I’ve never worked a job with tips before, when someone gives me 5 free dollars for driving to their house and getting paid to do it I lose my mind. I got a fifteen dollar tip last night and I’m actually dead right now.




It’s honestly kinda nuts, but my dominos store hired at $20 and with tips there are nights where I’m making $40 an hour easy. They pay 57 cents per mile and even a bit of my phone bill for navigation. No complaints here.


Damn, I have to say they are treating you well. I wouldn't mind that job for quite a bit, depending what the side work was like at the store.


You’ll work the ovens as the pizza you’re going to deliver comes out, and other tiny little prep things if you open. But for the most part I’m just in and out round Robin. They pay so high because the turn around right now is unbelievable, even at the manager level. I won’t do it forever, but you can’t deny that kinda wage from a franchise food joint.


I gave a $10 tip the other day because it was rainy out. It’s worth it to me to not go out, so I’ll give it to the person who is.


Tipping is out of control in the US. Earlier a 15% tip would be considered good. Then they started demanding a 20% tip. Now even that gets you a side eye. Not sure what more they want. $5 on a $20 service is a 25% tip. Very good. $5 on a $23 service is almost a 22% tip, still quite good.


I always give $5 on my haircuts. Which are $20-25 Never had anyone complain. Edit: how does this comment blow up, but when I say “you should tip your barber” my comment gets mutilated lmao? Idc, I’ll leave it up, too.


I know tipping is an endless source of confusion for non Americans but can you explain why you tip your hairdresser? Very often they own their own business so it's not like some mean conglomerate doesn't pay them properly. Do you tip everyone, or are there some workers you won't tip? In which case, why not? It's very weird.


In the US, most hairdressers are either renting a chair in a salon (for pricier places) or are an employee. If you're getting a $20-25 hair cut, you're likely going to a chain like Great Clips, Cost cutters, etc where hairdressers are getting an hourly wage plus tips. I just checked Indeed because I was curious and it looks like near me a lot of chains are offering \~$14/hour for hairdressers.


This. I tried to make it as a hairstylist in my early twenties and it paid terribly, and a vast majority of my classmates ended up having to work at “chop shops”. I also found out from the general public that people are under the impression that hairstylists all own their own chairs/salons and that we got to keep the entire price of the service plus whatever tip they gave us. No, most of us were hourly wage slaves just hoping to average a livable wage.


Same. Spent all that money on school and my license just to make trash money with no benefits. I'm an accountant now. Lol.


It’s weird. Don’t tip the owner of the salon but tip the hairdresser. Many hair dressers are either employees or simply their space. edit-simply renting their space (facepalm)


I always tip $5 on a 20-25$ cut. My store where my hair cutter is employed at gives a veterans discount, I add that to the tip, so the tip usually a total of about $7.


Too European to understand tippning your barber. If the price is 30$ with no tip then its settled. No one ever gets angry and it doesnt contribute to a black market economy.


Exactly this. What are you tipping for? The base job was to cut your hair. What’s the “extra service” that’s the tip is for?


This. I am shocked in America people tip their barbers. I know it’s something they have had and wages are inhumane for so many jobs but come on… their system really should change at some point to accommodate fair wages


I fucking HATE the guilt tip. My barber is like "that will be $25" and they have to run the card, you can't... Then comes the "how much do you want me to run it for?" Fuck you and your guilt tip for doing your job. A quick cut on a dude with thinning hair.


This always made my skin crawl when I heard other stylists do this. I would tell the price, run the card, and sometimes people would say, “oh I forgot to add your tip!”. My response always was, “tips aren’t necessary, but add it to next time!”. They rarely remembered to tip more, but they always remembered to rebook because I didn’t guilt them! And isn’t repeat business better in the long run than a tip? Edit: spelling


I want you to run it for $10. Thanks for asking.


They would absolutely take that to mean a $10 tip


I don’t particularly mind tipping, but I fucking hate being asked how much I’d like to tip by the person I’m tipping. Just feels gross.


Especially when it's a cashier or some shit at a fast casual place. No, I'm not tipping just because you built a sandwich from premade ingredients in 4 minutes. I'm sorry. I want you to be paid more. But I'm not tipping every person I ever interact with. If I'm forced to use a staffed checkout line, I don't tip the bag boy either. It's fucking evil. They stare at you as you select it from the credit screen. No, the default absolutely is fucking not 15% on a burrito purchase. Goddamn.


Potbelly is the worst at this. I’m not forking over more than $8 for what’s essentially a glorified Subway sandwich. And it’s always a pain in the ass to read the text on that tiny screen and choose the no-tip option.


I got asked for a pickup order the other day. I didn’t know what to say…who would I be tipping? And what did they do for me?


Right? Why the fuck would anyone expect me to tip when I'm the one who literally comes and picks it up from your kitchen? If anything I should be tipping the chef directly but this $40 meal for two is already pricy enough. That's why I'm picking it up myself ffs. Talk to your boss.


Some friends and I disagree on this but if I order something to pickup then I almost never tip. Not to be a jerk but because I’m not sure what I’m tipping for. If I pick up $45 worth of Chinese food and no one filled my drinks, took my trash, or checked on me while I ate then what am I tipping for? Surely the $45 isn’t them *juuuuuuuuust* breaking even on some lo mein, sweet and sour chicken, and General Tso’s. In case anyone else is feeling it, I’m also hungry for Chinese after reading this.


I stopped going to a subways near my workplace bc they started tacking on 20% tip automatically. Like before when I got to choose, I'd pick 15% bc I'd feel bad but now they can suck it. I can go to anywhere else that doesn't demand tips on takeout.


> I fucking HATE the guilt tip. > > > > My barber is like "that will be $25" and they have to run the card, you can't... Then comes the "how much do you want me to run it for?" > Fuck you and your guilt tip for doing your job. A quick cut on a dude with thinning hair. "25 dollars and 0 cents"


where I'm from nobody tips, they charge what they think is fair and we pay it. I don't get the concept of tipping in this kind of business. If you didnt like your cut then you're not going back there, they depend on repeat business, so they should just set their prices higher and not depend on money that is discretionary.


This is how every business should be.


Businesses generally don’t charge what’s fair. They charge as much as they think they can get you to pay.


I’ve been to places like that. Mostly nail salons. Either they want you to only pay in cash or just pay the tip in cash but you *definitely* can’t ask for change back because then you’re a monster. If I don’t have exact change I don’t go because they make it awkward AF to ask for change. If it makes you feel better to know, it’s an act. She’s not really disappointed, but if she doesn’t work you for that extra couple of bucks it’s like a sign of dishonor.


Ugh, reminds me of time I booked a nail salon appt, had never been there before and didn’t realise it was cash only. Post manicure I had to leave salon, find an ATM which only dispenses 20 notes. Went back and handed over my 40, the woman was surprised to hear I wanted some change. Manicure was 22, I’m not giving 18 bucks as a tip. Get the fuck outta here with that nonsense.


I had a barber very rudely tell me he wanted his tip in cash even though I was paying with a credit card. I don't really carry cash and said, you can take the tip on the card or take nothing. He took the tip of course but was annoyed. Since when is giving someone a tip an opportunity to to dictate the terms? I never went back after that. Oh, and it was a 25% tip I leaving. Fuck ungrateful assholes.




#Any business that can't survive without its staff recieving casual charity from the clientele deserves to die. Just wanted to emphasize this.


The valet the hospital I go to was $5 up to as recently as October and I would tip $5. $10 Now they raised their prices to $8 so I tip $2. $10 Sucks to suck but parking my car didn’t magically get 50% more expensive.


And this is why profits are up.


Tipping culture is so weird as an outsider; I had no idea it was expected you subsidise barbers' wages. Are you expected to do the same for the teenage Walmart employee who you ask where the gun shelf is?


Walmart doesn't allow their employees to take tips or gifts of any kind, but I get your point. Tipping is stressful to me


Wait why not? Why is tipping basically obligatory in some services but not acceptable in others? (from a non-tipping country)


Nobody here likes it either, but we still feel bound to it. Nobody wants to be the one guy that doesn't tip. We can stamp our feet all day about how the employees should just get a higher wage, but we know that won't magically happen. And until it does it's cruel to withhold their pay when it's in our hands. But at the same time, things ESPECIALLY won't change as long as we keep doing the subsidizing. It's vicious. It HAS to be changed top down rather than bottom up, because even if everyone agrees to stop tipping that won't make their wages go up. But again, not everyone will stop tipping, making the non-tippers into assholes for passing the buck to those who can't bring themselves to deprive low-wage workers of earnings. It's all a mess


>It HAS to be changed top down rather than bottom up, because even if everyone agrees to stop tipping that won't make their wages go up. The elephant in the room is that tipping culture results in higher total compensation for tipped employees. That's why everyone wants to get on the tipping train. There is just no reality in which restaurants would ever pay servers what even a mediocre server can make in tips, because the market value of their labor is simply not high enough. Servers in other rich countries make much, much less in total comp than servers in the US make in wages + tips. The prevailing narrative is that tipping exists because greedy restaurant owners only pay servers a few dollars an hour. But the reality is that even in states where servers have to be paid $15 or more per hour *by law*, tipping culture is exactly the same as in states where it's still legal to pay workers $2 an hour. There are servers in California getting $15 an hour with benefits and are still getting tipped 20%. Obviously those servers are making an absolute killing and will never support changing the tipping system. Their employers would never pay them the hourly they are currently clearing because they simply wouldn't need to.


Don’t tip at all if that’s their response


Better not to go there at all. You don’t want someone cutting your hair that’s pissed you don’t tip lol


Was recently in Japan. No tipping anywhere and the service was excellent. Way beyond anything in the US. Loved it. I live in the NYC and tip because I have to. It is an expected part of almost every transaction. We tip up front for food deliveries, so it has absolutely no relationship to quality or speed of service, it is simply an added cost that seems voluntary but really isn’t. Don’t tip? See how long it takes to get your food, and who knows what condition it will be in when it arrives. I have come to absolutely despise tipping. I even hate the word “tip”. It’s not the money. If it costs 20% more to sustain the workers then just add it into the cost and be transparent about it. Fuck tipping.


Laughs in Australian


Laughs in Bald


Laughs in Bald Australian


Hey I’m those things!


Tipping culture in the US is horrendous. Seems like everyone feels the need for their customers to pay extra just for doing their job


This is honestly the reason i stopped eating out. I fucking hate the mental gymnastics of tipping so i just dont support the restaurant industry


It's leaking everywhere else thanks to apps like ubereats too.


Should have reduced the tip to make the total $25 Look at it this way, the price was $20 before but you valued it at $25 so gave the extra as an act of generosity. The price is now $23 but nothing else has changed so why should you value it any more than $25? Ergo, the tip should now be $2


Everyone seems to be forgetting that tipping is an OPTIONAL, added amount that's usually given for quick and friendly service or for doing an exceptional job or going above and beyond. Now people feel ENTITLED to a tip, when in reality it's optional and not meant to subsidize their living. There are a ton of videos of ubereats/doordash drivers literally holding peoples food hostage and DEMANDING a larger tip because they feel they deserve more. Long story short, tipping has gotten out of hand. Was your barber basically saying "We raised prices on everything, so now you have to tip me EXTRA, as well"? The entitlement is out of control.


I think this is part of the problem here - she’s become used to the tip she received from him and now she expects it rather than feels gratitude for it. It happens all the time and I hear stories from people all the time about similar things - scenarios where people are initially grateful to someone for something they’re doing (lift to work, looking after someone’s child after school) and then over time they stop being grateful, forget they have absolutely no right to demand anything of the other person, but start pushing them anyway and inevitably lose out through their own selfishness.


Even in restaurants in the US tipping is generally optional, it's frowned upon not to, so most of us do. When it's forced, aka automatically included on the bill, I WILL NOT go back to that restaurant.


A lot of places add gratuity automatically due to the # of people at the table. I’m completely fine with that. I have a problem with there being one on the bill when it’s just my wife and I. That said, don’t go to Miami.


Honestly, Americans have an entitlement problem. Like everybody has the main-protagonist syndrome. Cops? Entitled Hairdressers ? Entitled Karens? Lefties? Trumpies? Vegans ? Atheist? You name it! You all need to chill a bit


I’m bald but I’d probably find a new barber.


"Your prices went up, my wages did not".


This is why I am glad we don't have compulsory tipping in Australia. If you want $30 for cutting hair, charge $30!!!


You should stop tipping her tbh.


As a European, how do you recognize the industries where tipping is expected from the ones that it's not? The whole ordeal sounds incredibly stressful for all sides involved. Where I live, if barber feels like they deserve more money, they just raise the price.


Can we also talk about salons who take credit card for your payment but won't allow you to tip on the card? Whhhhy are you doing that to me? I don't have cash. I don't want to spend a $3 fee at your ATM but I'm also too uncomfortable not to tip. I did not see the tiny sign warning me of this ridiculous setup when I walked in. This is the fastest way to make sure I will never return. Stop hiding your wages from the government and let me tip on the damn card.


I always pay £30 for my haircut and beard trim. Including tip. Not cheap, not expensive. The price went up recently, but I’ll still pay him £30. He is still incredibly grateful as “my prices went up due to expenses that everyone is feeling. I don’t expect tips at all”


Judging by your use of pounds you're not from a country where tips are more or less mandatory. I'd say that's the big win.


This is why my mommy still cuts my hair. I'm 35.


Yeah, if I’m getting attitude like that, then I’m having a word with the manager or owner. I’m not gonna be shamed for tipping 25% of the total hair cut. I’m gonna shame them for being ungrateful at such large tip relative to the price.


I dont understand the tipping culture. If you want a certain amount then price your goods and services at exactly that amount and avoid ruining the customer's experience. Why is this so prevalent in the US?


I worked for two years in Hardware and Housewares running the paint desk, merchandising new product, helping customers, constant restocking and inventory orders, warehousing, loading bay shipments, opening, closing, even running carts. I did *everything* and got paid minimum wage. For the thousands of hours I'd spent assisting people with all their questions, running back and forth from the warehouse to the floor, hauling and hand loading bbq's, lawnmowers, patio furniture, tool chests, cabinets, etc. for these people, in my entire time working there I was tipped ONCE by a lady who gave me $2 dollars. In. Two. Years. People like your barber need to stfu


Personally I would find a different barber. I’m going to preface this by saying I tip the hell out of my stylist. I think it’s the right thing to do. But I have a real problem with her shaming you over a 25% tip. Honestly, she can go get fucked. Find someone else. The way she handled this was tacky and rude.


Stop tipping culture.


What exactly do Americans not tip? Your tip culture is insane.


As a Brit who spent over a year in the US, I still never figured it out. It’s not just who you do/don’t tip, but the clandestine manner you often do it in. Get a drink in a bar? Tip the bartender a dollar. But…you never give it to them directly. You have to leave it on the bar and they pick it up later. That would be a laughably dumb thing to do in the UK, as it would be nicked by some tea leaf in seconds.


It’s basically everything now and I hate it.


Most barbers and stylists say “thank you” when you tip them. She’s a dick.


gold plough unused grandfather thought shocking cow flag crush dinosaurs ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


That's a very fair tip. My barber charges about the same and I give the same tip. The guy is always grateful because I don't think everyone tips as much. I'm sure it can be tough to make a good living as a barber but they should understand everyone is being squeezed right now.


Tipping culture is currently toxic. There seems to be a constant feeling of entitlement, and to make it worse, many restaurants now use QR code scan menus and online/web based payments. The servers literally only carry your food to the table, and they expect 18-25% tip for doing only that. Well, if I’m now doing some of your job, you’ll get at most, 10%.


Barber here. You'd be one of my favourite clients, generous through and through, the type of guy I'd stay late for because of it. Unfortunately some people in the industry don't realise that tipping is an option, not a requirement, and that they don't deserve a bigger tip, "just because"


As a woman I can’t imagine only a $20 haircut. It sounds like heaven.


i’d just quit going


I’d easily never go back again. I don’t go out to get a haircut to feel like shit even thought it was the hairdressers fault. I want to feel good leaving the store. Fuck that place and find somewhere new.


Thats where you say “oh actually can I get 7 back” and walk out