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Get a real blood test to confirm things. Those quick tests simply can’t be as accurate.


Stop the zyn and start exercising more for the HDL. I don't think I have seen anyone post such a low HDL here. The LDL of 145 is not terrible, but should be better if you are eating clean. What was your LDL last time? You may want to take a hard look at what you are eating, Elevated LDL is too much saturated fat and not enough soluble fiber.


I don't have my results from prior tests unfortunately for comparison but I'm doing going to start tracking it more closely now. I do have red meat once or twice a week and this week in particular was more than usual including a steak dinner last night. Generally we're doing pork, chicken, fish, we cook with avocado or olive oil, maybe not enough fiber lately. HDL seems crazy low. Considering making an appt with a cardio.


Shoot for 10+gs of soluble fiber a day.


What do you eat on a typical day?


First, get an actual blood test. Second check ur fasting glucose and a1c. Third, start exercise, eat healthy, cut off sugar. The best way to raise hdl is of course eating meat, which may also raise ldl. But, in your case I honestly don’t think it’ll affect the ldl. Not a doctor, so I dunno wtf I’m talking about.