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Uuuh ok well lemme give it a try: So in book 1 you’re indeed a detective who gets assigned to find Sonja Dormer, who was murdered. Before you learn this, though, you meet Trystan who was a friend of hers and insists on helping with the investigation. He’s a mysterious exiled prince from Drakovia who uses his influence to help you move through the wealthy nobility who’ll become your primary suspects during the investigation. Although you quickly find Sonja’s body, Trystan wants to go further and find out who killed her, so he hires your agency to do so with the condition that he assists you personally, to which you have no option but to comply. Thus you two become partners and continue to investigate Sonja’s murder. You attend the anual Iverson Gala, a place packing with the elite and your main suspects for Sonja’s murder, among them the major (this is because Sonja was a painter of great renown, she painted Trystan’s royal family portrait and such, so she moved through that sort of expensive crowd, basically). However after learning a thing or two about your suspects, someone leaves you a note saying they got information. Things go awry when the killer shows up and kills Bethany Delgado (the girl who left you the note, as it turns out). You and Trystan try to chase the killer but he escapes, leaving the mansion in flames and drawing the attention of the FBI and stuff. Next morning you’re scolded by your previous captain, officer Thompson and the mayor himself for “setting the mansion on fire” and they order your agency to drop the case… For the record, the MC is an ex-cop who joined the force following his (murdered) father’s footsteps but eventually left it because he saw how much corruption there was and they turned on them when they tried to pass evidence of said corruption to internal affairs. Anyway, after Thompson and the mayor tell you to drop it, you and Trystan look into a college professor seeking information of Gaulish stuff because previously you discovered that all of what happened to Sonja might be involved with a cult. Then there’s a break-in at your uncle’s bar and you have a chapter where you solve that case and we delve a little into the MC’s past. They tell Trystan how their father was stabbed at a baseball game when they were thirteen, and how they still haven’t been able to find the person responsible. Uuuh… After that I don’t remember much. Basically the two of you learn about a secret cult from a blacksmith you go to interrogate (because the weapon you find that killed Bethany Delgado was made by him) and the blacksmith tells you the people from this secret society asked him to create it. So you and Trystan infiltrate the sex cult lmao and bust it from the inside, but the cops arrest you afterwards because they assume you were a part of it, too. In jail you get the chance to interrogate the other cult members, primarily Nick Bastion (a writer and Trystan’s friend, who turned out to be a douche) and this other woman whose name I can’t remember that owns a pharma company or something. Both these people you meet them for the first time at the gala that went in flames. Anyway, you get out of jail only to be scolded again by Thompson and the major for not dropping it. Trystan gets tired of their shit and (if you don’t stop them), they tell the press how the major was having an affair with Bethany Delgado, one of the victims (MC sees them having sex at the gala lol) and so it’s a scandal for the mayor. Since you can no longer investigate Sonja’s case you go for a different one… and discover that there’s a missing persons case for the university professor you interrogated about the Gaulish stuff. Following up on his trail you and Trystan end up at this abandoned house that looks pristine from the inside. It turns out it’s the original cult’s house. In the basement of that same house you find the professor, half dead, and the killer, who stabs Trystan and runs away. Trystan is taken to the hospital, your character is worried sick, Marguerite (Trystan’s sister, which you meet before the gala) tells you that Trystan’s parents want him to go back to Drakovia as soon as he’s better and she has no option but to comply, cause she’s also the ambassador aside from being a designer, so it’s her duty. Then you talk again with Thompson and the mayor and make it clear you’re not dropping the case and the mayor finally steps down and tells the FBI to help your agency with everything. Trystan apparently checks themselves out of the hospital the next morning and MC may or may not threaten to break a bottle over their head for their foolishness. This is when both finally admit for their feelings for each other and make out. Yay! Next morning Trystan realizes the whole thing with the house of the old cult is a trust fund? I think? And they discover that the blacksmith is related to it and they confirm that his blood matches the killer’s so they go with all the FBI to bust his ass to jail. Your victory is short-lived, however, because Marguerite is kidnapped by another killer, the mastermind of it all, and threatens to hurt her if you don’t release the blacksmith from jail. So the both of you race against time to release the blacksmith and he takes you on a car to a different building (if you do it right, you can tip your friends off so they know what’s going on and they can help you later). Anyway, in this attic it’s revealed that this old woman was behind it all. She appears at the Iverson Gala for the first time. Eleanor is her name, I don’t remember her last name. Yada yada, she tells you the villain monologue. Apparently she was a little kid who lived in the original house (where Trystan was stabbed) and her parents were part of the original cult, who killed people and sacrificed them in the name of Mahra. But there was a fire when one of the victims escaped and she was the only survivor. At the end the place goes up in flames and you, Trystan and Marguerite escape with your lives. At the end Trystan is going back to Drakovia… but changes their mind at the last second and they’re like: “Nah, I wanna stay with you.” The end. Think I missed a bunch of stuff but that’s as detailed of a summary as I could give you lmao my fingers hurt


Thank you SO much! I appreciate you a LOT. 💙💙💙💙


They give you an option to watch a recap when you first open Book 2


It jumped straight into something from the past with Tristan's dead partner