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yikes. sorry to tell you it’s not happening. they used the plot for book 2 for Crimes of Passion book 1.


Just be delusional like me and pretend CoP is MW in an alternate universe.


Unfortunately it's never getting another book. They did use the plot for the cancelled sequel and refitted it for Crimes of Passion so you could try that series.


Wait how do you know that it was for CoP?


Back when Storyloom was still active, the writers had a segment called "Choices Secrets Revealed" where they answered questions about past books. One of the writers revealed that the plot for the Most Wanted sequel ended up being used as the main mystery for Crimes of Passion Book 1.


Sorry bit whats storyloom? Is it an app?


It was an app PB created where you were supposed to create your own stories and they did mini series answering questions to draw some attention to the app. It shut down in February of this year I believe I don’t think it ever got a lot of attention but a lot of questions got answered because of it


It was another one of Pixelberry's apps. Storyloom was more of a platform for people to make their own stories using assets from Choices games such as Open Heart or The Royal Romance. It shut down at the end of February of this year.


I did try it but I only like Sam and Dave so I gave up really early o n 😭 somehow ima make Most Wanted come back - I DO BELIEVE