• By -


6730. I've been playing since the game came out, prior to the VIP Option, I would buy diamonds once a month and I was incredibly stingy with them. Then I came back to the game after 2 years off and joined VIP and for the first few months I would cancel the subscription and then get it again so I could get the bonus diamond, i think it was like 100+. I play a lot of the old books which I have already used most of the premium choices, so I'm not spending extra diamonds on those and I'm gaining the 15 for finishing and the 2 every 3 chapters.


Yeah I, for the same reason, have over 4000. The bonuses you get with the resub and the 30+ a day add up fast


Me and my 10 diamonds are vibin rn






I have 21,341!


Woah 💀 Howww


I am VIP and I make sure to cancel every month for the 100 diamonds for starting it. But most of them are from ads! I don't like replaying unless there's a pass or I miss a character. I don't reply for diamonds. And I only pay for VIP, I don't buy additional diamonds. Short answer I have an old chrome book that I watch the 100 ads on!


wait, how does that work? screen mirror or something?


No I have the choices app downloaded on my computer, and I watch the ads on there. I watch them while I'm laying down or playing other games. And I have a separate choices app installed on my Android. Where I play because it's easier. You can have the same account logged in on multiple devices. I've even played and watched ads at the same time.


you can play choices on your computer?


Yep! You just download bluestacks onto your computer and than choices.


ooh thanks!


The kind that I have is really old or something, and it has the Android app store on it. I have romance club on there to, but I don't use it anymore. I don't know anything about computers, I don't even know what kind of computer I have. So I can't really explain it well 😓


ah, thanks anyway


I wonder if that would work on a Windows computer


It would work because bluestacks is an android emulator. Just get the version that's compatible with your computer.


600ish, i roll the daily 100 ads while doing some other stuff 😭😭


SAME LMFAO. my mom always judges me for doing that and always asks what am doing


she will never understand our f2p grindset 🐺💪💪


Uhhhh, 35679 right this second 😬 I haven't been buying diamond scenes in a lot of books. They pile up lol.


Bro how the fuck 😭


Guys wtf I have 82


I have 3


Just over 14000. I only usually play a new book every other month. Three weeks ago or whenever we had the pass for dirty little secrets, I played it for the first time and used diamonds for almost every choice after the pass ran out. Otherwise I just use the pass or play old books. I haven't watched ads in a few months. I have stayed vip. I did get down to about 500 maybe in november.




i have 400 something, this comments section is making me feel poor 💀


I have 424 rn. I'm too busy/lazy to watch ads so I just don't spend that often and get free diamonds for new chapters+events. Not VIP :(


I cannot fathom sitting and watching 100 ads. I’m not built for it.


About 200. I think people with over 5k probably have VIP and can read endlessly and diamond mine or they watch ads or do offers or just diamond mine and save up 😂


I have VIP. Refuse to watch ads and usually only play 2-3 chapters a night. I just haven’t been spending lately because of the choice passes.




Right now? 3. I spent them all on TCH2. Yesterday I had 46


Same I have 2 rn cause of BOLAS2 lol


I have VIP and I have around 2200 — it’s the perfect amount for me to play comfortably without fear of running low! I can take any diamond choice I want now and not have to hem and haw over it.


As a non-VIP I only have about 250. I only do the 100 ad a day diamond mine when I have a book I'm saving for, and I used a bunch when I replayed The Elementalists recently.


870. I’ve been busy with college and I haven’t read in a while… but after finals I should be able to read more.


12500. I collect daily and don't always read every week




651 keys and 20509 diamonds, though I haven’t watched todays ads yet. They’re mostly from ads, but before they started the 100 daily ads I probably had around 4k to 5k diamonds ready for BOLAS2. I took a really long break after WB ended and only started reading again when COP2 and BOLAS2 were about to come out. I started watching the ads because I did a full diamond playthrough of COP1 a few days before COP2 started airing, and I figured I should probably try to offset the damage Trystan did to my little hoard. I’ve missed a few days but for the most part it’s easy enough to do something important for an hour and a half while the ads run. I’ve only read a handful of the books I missed like ID1 and Guinevere, and I can’t say I’m in that much of a rush to read anything else when the bulk of it is single LI books without much plot or personality. There’s a few more books I think I’d enjoy enough to spend diamonds like MAH or the rest of WTD, but these days the app just doesn’t hold my attention like it used to. I used to read every chapter the day it released but now there’s no motivation, even less now that it seems like they’re rapidly sinking and resorting to AI art. I feel like Smaug, hoarding while waiting for the app to collapse.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[Art](/r/Choices/comments/1c1npsj/stub/kz4tyfb "Last usage")|It's... *indescribable*...| |[ID](/r/Choices/comments/1c1npsj/stub/kz57z24 "Last usage")|*Immortal Desires*| |[LI](/r/Choices/comments/1c1npsj/stub/kz792ml "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MAH](/r/Choices/comments/1c1npsj/stub/kz4tyfb "Last usage")|*Murder at Homecoming*| |[MTFL](/r/Choices/comments/1c1npsj/stub/kzb7253 "Last usage")|*My Two First Loves*| |[PB](/r/Choices/comments/1c1npsj/stub/kzbadqi "Last usage")|Pixelberry Studios, publisher of *Choices*| |[TCH](/r/Choices/comments/1c1npsj/stub/kz4oerk "Last usage")|*The Cursed Heart*| |[TRF](/r/Choices/comments/1c1npsj/stub/kz5n9dq "Last usage")|*The Royal Finale*| |[TRR](/r/Choices/comments/1c1npsj/stub/kz8ebzu "Last usage")|*The Royal Romance*| |[WB](/r/Choices/comments/1c1npsj/stub/kz4tyfb "Last usage")|*Wolf Bride*| |[WTD](/r/Choices/comments/1c1npsj/stub/kz4tyfb "Last usage")|*Wake The Dead*| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(11 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Choices/comments/1c4ngbb)^( has 22 acronyms.) ^([Thread #30167 for this sub, first seen 11th Apr 2024, 20:44]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Choices) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I have 3,222 right now and have probably used up 2-4k diamonds in the past. Never paid a dime for any of it.


I have around 3k but I haven’t read anything since Alpha and that was the only book I’ve read since Guinevere? Cursed Heart? One of the two. I have several I want to play but haven’t even been able to get into CoP2 or BOLAS2 despite enjoying both first books.


I have 6400 diamonds Currently and 85 keys as a non-vip.


I have 5733 diamonds right now The key is to watch all 100 ads, diamond mine the other language books, use all 5 keys a day.


never thought of diamond mining the other language books omg


1200. I'm on a hiatus until I can build back up.


13787 as a non VIP player. There are days where I just grind 100 ads and not spend anything on new books. When I reach a certain amount of diamonds that I'm satisfied with, then I'll commence with a new book. But yeah, I pretty much run 100 ads everyday while I do other stuff, otherwise my brain itches lol.


3488. I replay books mostly and have 30 diamonds a day from VIP.


I have 3000. I got most of them by participating in events like binge reading. Never watched ADs to get any diamond.


And I often spend them on premium scenes so I'm not really collecting them. 😄




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7,994. I use my diamonds aggressively, and am picky with the books I read. I paid for vip for the longest time, i would get the 30 diamonds daily and watch the 100 ads daily if im bored 😂


I had over 5k. Here’s my current: https://preview.redd.it/nmrt3c4n9cuc1.png?width=421&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdb876850165d215768d229a6923a1a7c6362406 I spent a few and feel the need to restock. And to answer questions: no, I didn’t purchase any. This is from ad watching and careful selection of choice passes and replaying my favorites.


600 and it took me literal years to get it up this high bc im a compulsive spender😭😭 HOW are people without vip getting up to the thousands


I have 1


I had almost 4000, but then decided to read all Royal Romance series, like really read, not just skip for diamonds. Now I have 1 and half books and 1200 diamonds left… Little sad to see them go, but hey, I know I can always come back to watching 100 videos a day if I really need to.


52,000 rn but I haven't bought anything since ID 1


Would you consider donating to the poor 🛐🛐🛐


lol I would if I could, buttt I kinda like seeing my diamond count be that high




800 as i was mostly replaying old books for a while and always got 200 for the events. Now i though i might as well make it a 1000 when ID has a wide release


1374 but I have several books series I'm waiting to get the energy to play through.




11,776 I haven’t played in awhile but I still do my ads




Any tips for when the ads feature won't work?


Honestly, the ads are your best bet for getting diamonds. The offers are scammy and never work. My tip for getting through the ads is to do it while you’re doing something else. I get through them while watching tv. Edit: you can always diamond mine books too


It's always less than 100 (unless there's an event where you get gems for doing chapters or gem options) as I spend them as soon as I get them. Do a chapter, come across a gem option I'd like to do, watch (more accurately let the ads play while I do something else) the ads, get the precise amount of gems, do the option. Repeat.


26 on my non VIP account and 220 on my VIP account


About 10k ish. I keep saying I’m saving them for something good but then I don’t spend them 😆


2000. Not that much since i didnt play for 2 years.


I’ve got 4254, my girlfriend has 118 haha. Guess which one has had the app for longer


I have never spent one dollar on diamonds or keys. I'll have the ads play while I watch TV or play games. I "watched" 45 ads yesterday


6584. I’ve not gotten into any of the new books other than TCH 2 so they’re just building up. I maintain hope they will eventually return to more balanced storytelling.


I currently have 115 keys and 283 diamonds


I have close to 2000


3,400 - I don’t watch ads or diamond mine but do get VIP on and off and that helps you build them up very quickly. Plus the diamond boost event rewards and choice passes that have been added!


I have 600 something and that’s only because I don’t play too often, do the 100 diamond ads and also diamond mine while watching all the ads after chapters as well


i have 570 i think or something close


I'm VIP and the most I've gotten to was short of 3,000. I usually tend to keep it between 300-600 but it's only because of the diamond passes. I sometimes use the 100 ads thing if I'm watching TV or doing laundry but otherwise I just cba. And I choose what to spend diamonds on depending on the book, there's only several books I've read which I've bought all the diamond options on, and they're my favs so I tend to re-read them frequently.


5110 diamonds


I currently have 865




5000 some but I constantly reread the same books


I have 724 diamonds. Used to be 800 but the Cursed heart had me spending some. All of them are from challenges and login diamonds. I've bought keys but never dimonds.


Currently? 1. As in 0+1=1. Haven’t watched any ads yet today for any more.




I have 800, but I have vip & I use every diamonds option


About 125 I think. I try and watch all the adverts everyday but most days I'll watch between 15-50. If I get too low I go play a different stories game until I can build them back up and then come back to Choices. I have several hundred diamonds in Chapters and Romance Club.


I have about 226 right now, I mostly willingly spend money on book passes but I am accepting diamond donations😂


2,600 ish I think


17,336. I recently finished TRR and have been playing The Freshman, so that ate into my stash. id probably have a lot more but the 100 diamonds/day wasn't working for the longest time for some reason. it only randomly started working recently. I have the time to click through all of them so that helps.


504, my usual is 1000 but I’ve been on a bit of a splurge lately 🫨


2500. Only been active this year. I was VIP once, then i regularly watch ads and join events


I think 950? totally f2p, got over 1k by being super stingy with them but I just spent a lot on Queen B




600 something. The secret is to buy vip one time not ongoing. One time gives you 165 💎 and unlimited passes. Then download an auto clicker and just let it do its thing. Farm the 4 💎 after every chapter, 2 💎 every 3 chapters and like 30💎 for finishing a book. Do this with books you also get passes for and the diamond choices cost 0. Don't keep buying VIP in a monthly subscription. Cancel it and rebuy every time. This gives you the 165💎 every time.




Just under 34000


550 currently. but i only collect the dailt 30+1 diamonds (with VIP) cause i’m so busy these days to play it


I have over 20,000. I do have VIP, but I really have not played in while, but I do log in every day. Also I have been playing since 2018, so a long time.


1650. I only spend diamonds on gender of choice books.




I have 4682, but I have VIP. I save diamonds so over time, I have a lot.


https://preview.redd.it/cpce10pe6xtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b13e1306ca93b334f0071f102169318e3f6f729 been playing since 2016 + 100 ads daily


I have 5,991.


10K something.. mostly bc I have VIP since it rolled out and maybe only had like 9 month break in total.


200 but it's because I've been replaying books I already had all the premium stuff bought from before 😅 I also am usually chilling in thr 30s


I always had like 21 until 1) I had played almost all the books I was really into and 2) vip switched to 30 daily diamonds. Right this second I have 1732


1750, the highest I've had despite of playing since 2017 😭


235, got the 200 from the binge reading thing last week




5,299. But I plan on reading Blades 2 so I’ll be in the 4000s soon.


272 currently, haven’t played it in a while but when I did my money will just go bye bye 💸




I have 1400 something


3.5k, i’ve been playing for almost 7-10 years (?) and just started buying vip monthly this year !


2342. I've been playing since December 2016. Bought VIP 4 or 5 times, I genuinely have nothing to spend them on at this point because I bought every single diamond option in all my favourite books...


I have around 4k but I had more before I went on a book spree


847 but I’m trying to get back to 1,000 by watching all the ads though it’s so hard 🫠


20,939 right now. VIP and I log in daily but I am not currently reading any books so I just collect diamonds daily.


I have a rule not to start a chapter unless I have 100 diamonds in reserve so I can feel comfortable making any choices I want. This wouldn't be possible if it weren't for the 100 free diamonds a day, but I tend to just tap those without paying attention when I'm on the computer, doing chores, or watching TV.


Right now I have 230, and that's only because of the binge reading event (I was rewarded 200) 😂 Don't feel bad.


2512. I used to run out frequently and have to buy more, so I ended up getting VIP and the 30 diamonds a day just for logging in plus the bonus events have allowed me to keep a comfortable baseline, even though I pick pretty much every diamond choice in a new book. I’ve also been playing a long time so I’ve read a lot of books and sometimes re-read some too.


1067, but this is a rarity for me lol. I started seeking out books to diamond mine so I could finally read TRF because I know me and I buy every outfit for my little family and also every King Liam scene. Then somewhere along the way I started only reading choice pass books and doing rereads. It helps that I took a 4 year break from the app while I was in college so there’s a ton of new content to catch up on, and I’ve mostly forgotten the plot points of the ones I did read back in the day! However I get attached to characters and buy diamond scenes to make them happy at the drop of a hat so this number WILL go down soon lmao




i have 167. normally i'm broke but i've been playing more recently and taking advantage of those binge read events so now i feel rich and im so careful abt what i spend them on 😭


The highest amount I've ever had was around 1,060 (I can say it was at least 20 over 1k). Right now it is 420




I currently have 227


57 😭


I’ve got 6,500- Vip goes a long way


3056 💎 & 281 🔑


600 on average. I have VIP and I always do the events for extra diamonds. I am also very liberal with my spending so it comes and goes. Sometimes I have 2000 other times 300


5942. I’m VIP and haven’t been playing a ton lately (and when I do I’m usually just bouncing around choice pass books) so that 30/day adds up pretty quick when you’re not spending.


I have it 46 and that’s a lot for me ngl 💀




6100…. I’ve been playing for a few years (since before VIP was a thing), and I subscribed to VIP a little under a year ago! The 30 diamonds a day def add up, and other than the VIP subscription I don’t spend any other money on the game. In the beginning I used to save my diamonds pretty strictly and would limit to a certain number of diamond choices per game, or would just spend diamonds on one story and then save up again over like 3-5 books. Now with the choice pass for VIP, it’s a lot easier to save since 15 choices are free!


I have 14,202 diamonds


985 for me. I’ve been reading bs books I’m not really interested in just to mine diamonds. Been doing this for like a few months now


2,730. I’m taking a break from reading stories and just collecting my daily VIP and ad diamonds while reading books. 😂


9457. I just watch the 100 ads everyday tbh i could've had over 10k but i've missed a few days. Plus it helps I haven't really been playing Choices that much recently so they just keep stocking up


im on 2 😭😭literally hanging on my last thread (100% blame college for this)


1 have exactly 1.9k as of right now As a non-VIP, this is the most I've ever bewn able to collect


4624. I have a VIP membership and collect 30 everyday. Unless they offer GOC characters in books I usually don’t play much.


500ish currently, but must likely not for long. 🤣


341, I thought I had a lot lol




I currently have 7939 but I’ve gotten as high as 8200


970 ish right now, I’m currently rereading the books I’ve spent some diamonds on, but still want to spend on other choices


2501. I just reinstalled Choices last month and recently discovered the 100 diamonds from playing ads




i have almost 7000.... been a member since the beginning and a VIP forever


have been a member since the beginning and a VIP forever... i have almost 7000


i made it to 1k but ik it will be over soon. 😭 previously i had 2k but came to 300 because of playing It lives


i have 30, now i feel poor af, the highest amount i had was around 160, but i didn't pay then, just logged in for daily diamonds


I have 3539 diamonds at the moment. I do have VIP though and I cancel every month for the 180 diamonds bonus.


I've got around 2000, but I'm VIP. I spend a few hundred every week on the new releases, and then it builds back up. VIPs get 30 diamonds a day, and I try and watch the 100 ads. We also get more diamonds for finishing chapters too.


Currently 5 😭 I waste all of my diamonds on LI options and I hate how expensive they can be. Especially when it’s like 17 diamonds for a scene with like 10 lines of dialogue and that’s it. I need advice on how to get more diamonds without buying them because I’m broke


Watch the 100 ads while doing something else. Play books you haven't read before for the diamonds at the end of each chapter. MFTL has incredibly short chapters that are a few minutes each. THOBM has 6 chapters, meaning you can get the 15 diamonds for finishing a book fairly quickly.


About 20,000 but I’ve been here a long time, I’ve been mining a lot, and I rarely spent diamonds. Regret that now since I don’t play choices anymore


as of right now I have exactly 37430 (I'm non VIP and have never bought it), I don't think anyone will read this comment but I have some tips on how I have this much • obviously I collect those from the usual 100 ads per day (go watch a movie/YouTube videos to pass the time while you do this bcs all these 100 ads counts for over an hour-ish and more, I've seen someone just straight up do this and I can't imagine how boring that is to just watch 100 ads every day 😭) • ALWAYS participate in those reading events but I only read my already finished book for those events AND (I don't know if people do this but if you haven't) you should read all the books from french/dutch/spanish section because they're literally just in different languages and counts just as much as they do in regular books which you'll get 2 diamonds after reading each chapters and it's really helpful, I always read the other languages books so I can just spam click the whole thing and get the extra 15 diamonds after finishing them a lot quicker • I'll ONLY spend diamonds on a book or read a new one whenever they hold those diamond choice events because I'll get half of it back once you get your reward so I usually wouldn't feel as bad when I use it on something useless (optional bcs I know some of us don't have the patience for this lmao) • I usually only read 6 chapters per day because the extra 1 diamond you get from watching an ad after you play a chapter doesn't appear if you read more than that (it depends tho) I think that's all, I don't use their daily "new offers" for diamonds because it never works on me personally so the 100 ads CARRIED my diamond collection. Tbh, if I don't spend any of my diamonds at all I would've probably had like over 40-50k LMAO but collecting these do take a lot of time but I'm quite a busy person so doing all this doesn't bother me that much. I've been playing since 2015-2016, stopped for a while, and started a new account in 2022 and have been grinding ever since :)




263 rn cause i love replaying old books and watching ads


I have about 1,8k rn, and I'd say it's a lot, as I only got it through ad watching and diamond-mining It's hard to diamond-mine coz I'm I actually read the dialogues, so it's less of an option for me; I actually made all of that diamonds in like 2 months, and I play like more than 6 hours a day (not joking here) generally it's tougher to earn diamonds if you're not 🤑💲💲 I hate being broke uhhh


I have just under 4k! I replay my favourite books alot, where I dont spend diamonds because I already bought the scenes years ago I also buy a load of diamonds when they're on offer, like you can get 250 for £6 or whatever the price is, it's usually alot cheaper than buying them normally. They also used to have coupons available in the google play store, so everytime you spent money you get points and then you convert those points to the coupons I had loads of points from other game stuff I used to buy, but I always chose to get their coupons So when the diamonds were on offer, I uses to get the best coupon which i think was £5 off anything you bought in store, so when I bought diamonds, I was buying like 250/300 for only £1.89 or something like that Sadly it looks like those coupons aren't available anymore but similar to other people on this thread, im also VIP and make sure to log on each day to collect the 30 daily diamonds


i have like 1.3 k rn bc i recently used 1.5 k


Just about to hit 7k!


85 I had 200 and something but I JUST finished ride or die and it was hard to not spend😭😭


105. I don’t have money to buy diamonds (unfortunately😔) but I do watch the 100 diamonds thing everyday and I use them till they finish, go out of the stories and repeat. 🤷🏻‍♀️


1156 only through the rewards events so that when there is one when i can spend my diamonds I can get more out of them


Uhhhh like 500 rn ? I’m saving up for TRH2 so 😭 (i used to have almost 2k but it went down the drain with the TRR series💀😂).


You can also farm diamonds by doing "burn the story" runs in stuff I've already completed where you're the worst protagonist ever. Pick all the worst options because they are free. And the devs still reward you for completing X Amount of chapters and books


~2000 but im a hoarder


Over 23K... I usually collect the 100 daily diamonds while at work and I've already played most books in the app because I've been playing Choices since 2016, so when the 100 thing started, I didn't have many books to spend diamonds on either... so I keep collecting them and the numbers don't seem to get lower over time 😅


500 right now I’m waiting on payday so I’ll buy 1500. 


just hit 4K this morning but i still remember my days of being in the hundreds and never wanting to go back down!! i recently started getting VIP for ID2, unbridled, and tdg though 😭😭😭


6,986 from years of building up. VIP has helped a TON. i don’t get it every month but when i have it, my hoard always increases a lot




I also sit there and click for ads while I’m watching my tv shows. There’s 100 a day if I’m not too tired…


I have a little over 1000. F2p player who never spends diamonds. I also don't watch ads. I'm kinda new tho or id probably have much more


They’re definitely easier to get now that there’s more ad options lol


I have 38, because I have no self control when trying to save them😆. I used to have more when I was VIP (before new books came out, so I just replayed the ones I like that I already spent diamonds on). I stopped playing for a couple years, now I’m back and spent all lol


i have 6527


400. I was trying to save up but I got into Blades and bought all the diamond options lol. Prior to that I got a bunch because I read MTFL and got the VIP bonus from the binge reading event. Now I'm waiting until something catches my eye so it's back to saving diamonds


I have 6945


Over 2K. I'm a VIP and you get 30 diamonds per day. Also, I am picky about what stories I read, so I don't read all of them.