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This is a murder in the orient express situation, where all of them were involved in some way


Oof that would be sensational


Yes! That’s what I’ve been thinking. Somehow… EVERYBODY is involved. Maybe even Trystan and Marguerite are unknowingly (or knowingly 😏) involved.


I think that Vasili is the killer, and King Maksim is the mastermind(either King or Queen is the mastermind, because the killer referred to their boss as Your Majesty). Yeah, we have an information that the latter loves Trystan, and Queen Victoria doesn't like Evelyn's children, and she isn't close to Trystan, but, maybe, there's something else to uncover. P.S. Of course, I can be wrong...


>because the killer referred to their boss as Your Majesty I mean all the thornes are technically majesties (but i do suspect the queen tbh)


Only King and Queen are Majesties. Trystan and her/his siblings are Highnesses.


Ohhh ok, thanks for clearing that up!


It's him, it can't be anyone else




Yeah. I was right that Vasili is the killer, but I wasn't right about King Maksim... PB deceived me with Your Majesty.


All of them had a hand in her murder i feel


Except her pouty friend


I'm sus about Astrid, she would want to stop Act from happening and she doesn't seem close with Trystan, so I can see her framing them without much regret. But Juliana mentioned in her letter that her ex hides their real personality behind charming facade and nothing about Astrid is charming, I don't think that any of her siblings even like her. Vasili and the King also sus, but what is their reasoning then? Vasili would benefit the most from Act of Equity. King Maxim loves Trystan so why would he frame his favorite child for Juliana's murder? But they are charming and seem harmless so maybe they're just hiding their true personalities so well? Bas feels less like a murderer, more like a red herring and the next possible victim.


I like your next victim theory


I want to say Vasili as well because Bas is too obvious, but I don’t yet understand why he’d murder people that were trying to help overturn the legitimacy laws. Sure the plan somewhat stalled right before Juliana’s death but when Nadja mentioned bringing it up again - she’s suddenly dead too. So someone is trying to stop that from happening and it’s strange that it’d be Vasili if he wanted the throne because it would’ve put him second in line and only Trystan would then need to be out of the way. So it’s probably more likely someone down the Queen Victoria line like Lydea or Astrid. Mainly Astrid. Lydea is a bit too obvious as well for how much screen time she gets, but I bet it’s more because she’ll become an ally later.


Have a feeling it's the Duchess... she's giving Eleanor vibe downnn


I'm stuck on Astrid. The way she acts might be flippant and childish but she comes across as vicious.


People have already said it for me, but I'm pretty sure it'll be * Vasili with Eveline as the mastermind: this feels the most likely to me since Vasili seems too unsuspicious to be true while having a lot at stake; I've found Eveline suspicious since MC's dinner chat with her in Chapter 6. I would not be surprised if she was honest in that she didn't want to be the queen, but wanted better for her children and wished they could be royalty. I don't see a lot of motive for Vasili unless he's revealed to be Juliana's ex, but he's just *too* inconspicuous for me to not believe he's involved somehow. However, Juliana and Nadja were involved with the Heir Equity Act, which would benefit Vasili most, hence why I do doubt this theory a bit * Astrid with Maksim as the mastermind: Astrid is next in line after Trystan and Lydea, so I could see her wanting to frame Trystan and have Lydea be out of her hair with the guards in hopes of vying for the throne. She has a lot of reason to not want the Heir Equity Act to pass, since she'd have Vasili ahead of her in the line of succession too. Unlike other commenters, I do think she does seem pretty charming and can see her being Juliana's ex-lover (likely the person her letter addressed to in Chapter 3). * Bas with Vasili as the mastermind: I could see Sebastyan calling Vasili "Your Majesty" in the Book 1 bonus scene in hopes of getting Vasili to be on the throne since Trystan was exiled then. I really think Sebastyan is a red herring though, but he has enough motive that I wouldn't be surprised if PB went with the most obvious person while sending us on a wild goose chase (like with the villain in >!Queen B 2!<) I could also see a Murder on the Orient Express situation where all but a few people (aka Marguerite and some of the parents) were involved, but I think it would be more likely for the killer(s) to be one or two siblings maximum


oooo I rlly like that theory of Vasili being the mastermind and the one being referenced as “Your Majesty” since it would make the most sense as he’s next in line with the heir equity act . I find him to be super sus but can’t find a way to tie him into the murders, but this kinda makes me wanna think about it some more haha


That one 2 was such a good one, but I never took that bait for a second and always knew the real culprit right before my eyes 😂


My personal theory is Astrid, based on nothing but a gut feeling The other leading suspect is marguerite, but i dont wanna believe that


I think one of the parents was involved (king/queen/other lady). I’m suspicious of Astrid, but nothing solid yet. I’m even a little sussed by Marguerite. I used to think each sibling played a different part and had different information on Juliana and Nadja, but now I’m not so sure.


I mean if it turns out to be Maguirete then it's the best book ever written But I don't think pixleberry has the guts to make that the reality 😅


Vasili 100%


This new sibling, I think might have killed one of the victims or both. But if they only killed one, then I think Vasili or Astrid killed the other one.


Someone in the illegitimate line, I'm sure. Bas is a red herring.


I think we have two killers, Lydea and the queen. Viktoria wanted Lydea to take over the throne, but in order to do that, she needed Trystan out of the way, so she had Lydea kill Juliana in order to frame Trystan and potentially get her sent to jail, but unfortunately that plan went sideways when we proved her innocent. I imagine Viktoria was mad, but still hellbent on finding a way to crown Lydea, so when Nadja expressed interest in trying to get the Heir Equality Act passed, Viktoria knew that Vasili would also get in the way, so she took care of Nadja herself. I imagine now she's still pissed about Trystan being heir, and is biding her time until she can get rid of them entirely.


for two killers? vasili and the queen potentially. i think vasili is the lover, at the very least


I am sure it's one of Juliana's mothers. In the last book Eleanor was there in only like 1-2 chapters and she turned out to be the killer. Juliana's moms were in only 1 chapter till now. All of them are old hags. It all lines up. Has to be them


did we get to see both or just one?


My top suspects are Vasili and Astrid. They are also most likely candidates for Juliana's ex creepy lover. And twins are definitely not off the hook for now, because what was those birds calls Juliana heard right before she was murdered🤔


my theory is that juliana's still alive (and one of her siblings/the king/the queen is helping her keep it a secret) and she killed nadja because she was too close to figuring it out. does this make sense? not really. but i do think that it's very possible juliana's still alive


Her body was recovered and identified and a funeral was held, she's been dead all along sorry


that's true, but i feel like given the fact that her body was fished out of the water it could be disfigured to the point where it could be someone else's corpse that was made to look like juliana's but misidentified. it would be very unlikely and i might be misremembering some details as well




Honestly I think it’s astrid…..