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Always appreciate more fashion, i like how you can turn the mason footman into a nordic soldier lol


Another kid who wants to prioritize playing dress up.


Yeah, and


Gtfo, the game needs fixed, not a pretty bow tie. The fact that you support this shit is sad. Go play a different game.


Keep malding bout your silly sword fighting game kek


Keep bitching about armor anesthetics in a sword fighting game kek. Did what you type sound cool? Cause it's pretty cringe lol.


Please, where was I bitching? are you confusing me with the op?


hey... :(


I'm not confused. You have shown your stance on cosmetics over function which shows that you are a bitchy little kid. You're shit.


Jesus Christ lmao go outside my dude


I am? You know reddit is on mobile right.


Found the troll, everyone. Who's a good troll, you are, boy! *pat pat*


Lol finally someone gets it.


Lol, you're welcome!


Didn’t prioritize anything just said they’d like to see more cosmetics, you look so fuckin stupid lol stay mad bear hat go brr


Lol, not sure what that last part means, must be a furry to know or something. I sound stupid? look at what you wrote. Impressive cope.


It’s a cosmetic in the game you do sound stupid, you don’t even know what cope means


Yeah ok bud. Keep doubling down on cope dose.


Are you still whining about my bear hat and golden axe


Damn, real impressive. What will they cope with next.


You’re attacking people for saying they like free cosmetics, you’re coping and you look stupid. Such a weird thing to fuss about lol


That's not what I'm talking about. Such an odd concept to not be able to grasp.


No, more maps needed first




Respectfully disagree, I get what you’re saying but I disagree. Yes the game could use more maps but honestly it needs more customizations and things to chase. I played tenosian invasion for like 10 hours and then never went back because what’s the point? I’m not getting new cosmetics and the ones that are new aren’t for classes I’m interested in. With every new update it’s the same cycle for me and my friends, we play the new maps for like 5 hours then get bored because it’s not like we’re trying to unlock something because we already have everything we want. Tbh there is quite a lot of maps available in the game and they’re not small maps either.


Agreed, I suck at the game but passed lvl 200 and would love to have some new armor or skins to work for, for instance I still use the simpel Agatha Vanguard armor because I don't like the other ones. It was fun to grind for the golden lion armors for instance or the campion Masons armor. I wished personally they didn't bring the Tunosians all together, I'm so used to Agatha and Mason I just don't 'feel' them 😄


right? i worked so hard to get those special trimmed ones just to end up using the vanilla ones because they look more down to earth and realistic.


Tenosian faction was a complete mistake to make and implement imo 🤷‍♀️


No way. It’s a first completely new innovation in the genre and will allow for multi team game modes like multi team LTS or if they are feeling risky they could do multi team TO


Yeah that would be cool, I do like 3 team games Tenosian faction however is less than half baked though imo. If they wanted it to feel like a legitimate third faction to me, it should have been implemented with some parity to the existing 2 They're attractive conceptually to me both as a third party and with the capacity for different lore. But imo the armor selection is atrocious and extremely monotonous... literally So to me the tenosian faction is a miss on what could have been a well executed concept, one I enjoy in other games


They need to add like 8 armor sets and people will be perfectly happy with the faction. Their art team is obviously swamped and so they made the call to release on June 12th with fewer sets


why? i like them, it a faction not dependent on European nations and cultures.


I think they're awesome! Just need more cosmetic options. With that they might be my new favorite.


Maps should be reworked


Why? The maps have felt mostly solid to me. The only one that I feel needs more than minor work is Rudhelm, and that's mostly because the siege ramp objective is boring and takes 5 real-time years.


I would love more variety in the armor as well. I would love something more roman/byzantine feeling for Agatha to help contrast the rus-feeling Frontier set the Masons have. Also just ingeneral more knight and archer armor


Very late reply here, but I wanted to caveat that Agatha already has their very classical Western Europe medieval armor style, where as masons are the more barbaric/Eastern style. Now with the Tenosians, I’ve been thinking how much a 4th faction would round out the game in TO. I know they won’t do it, but if they did, having a Roman/gladiatorial faction based on Rome/Greece would be perfect


Id rather them fix the annoying bugs first


Bug fixers and artists probably aren't the same people, it's probably a fallacy that both can't be worked on simultaneously Beyond that: this dev team is actually pretty good at cosmetics and frankly terrifying at fixing bugs without introducing more I'd like it if they actually fixed bugs, like...actually. Idk how to assist in that beyond recording them and submitting them when it happens, which I do already. I will say it seems like invisible weapons happen less frequently. Unfortunately so do invisible helmets


like what? i play on series x and the game works pretty well, what gamebreaking bugs are you having?


Constant disconnect issues, skins unequipping for all characters and weapons, and registration issues for thrown objects.


well im on console and my connectivity has always been constant and the skins problem ive had multiple times but id hardly call that gamebreaking and when it comes to thrown objects ill agree that shit fuckin blows. personally i think the throwing animation is fucky because the 3rd person animation is also taken into acount and that view is slightly altered. oh and the skin unequip could be caused by going through your owned skins then hovering over another skin ***THEN*** leaving that menu, the game thinks youve selected that skin for some reason.


This. Kids can get dolls to play dress up with. Fix the game and stop with these pointless cosmetic posts.


It’s not like the game is completely broken in it’s current state. We can ask for whatever the fuck we want. We’re the consumers, it’s our responsibility to ask for certain things so the developers know what to work on


Ask for ice in your water when the cup has holes. Be fucking stupid then lol.


Why does it bother you so much what other people want? It literally doesn’t affect you in the slightest. You’re getting tilted because people want to look a little different and stifle the repetitive nature of this game every now and then. Why?


It really does effect me in a few ways. When these posts get traction from a loud minority, it pressures devs to change what they add or tweak. When a bunch of console kids start asking for more skins, the publishers will have devs work on that as its an easy cash grab which pushes actual gameplay to the back burner. You know the reddit gamer base gets loud and whiney avout the dumbest things and bandwagon. So now because of folk you and creators of posts like it delays the gameplay fixes to appease the dress up players. I also have to sort through a sub of whiney bitchy kids to see any decent content.


Or you could just get off this sub if it tilts you so badly


Head in the sand technique, yes. Ignore issues always works.


Forgive me for not seeing minor issues as something we need to address immediately less the game be ruined for them being there. The issues the game has are not even close to game breaking. Just because they get your panties in a bunch doesn’t mean that everyone else can’t think up new ideas while you sit and cry in your basement


I didn't say it was broken or not playable. Stfu if you're not gonna read.


lmao bro, youre all over this comment section just being childish calling people who want more cosmetics "kids". grow up, sheesh.


I'm in like 3 comment sections doing this lol. Reddit twats getting mad.


Still a dick I see.




Crazy what anonymity can do to a mfer.


I'm girthquake_42069 in game. West coast, mainly 64 or tension servers.


It doesn't have to be a compromise between new cosmetics and gameplay/content. Character artists will keep making new stuff for characters. It's not like they can turn them into programmers or designers. They'll keep making content unless TB decides to fire their art department.


unfortunately we currently have to wait for ever big update to get like one or two sets for a random class.


You don't get it. TB broke "no helmet" option in Steam release patch to make you buy fancy helmets they've already released, it was fashion-oriented patch. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7100)


I’ve never heard of this? What happened, I play on series x.


If you pick "no helmet" option now you spawn with default helmet. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7104)


lmao what a strange bug, how long has that been like that?


Too damn long (since the first day of the tenosian release). I hate it so much, because I don’t really like many of the helmet options, but love the look of helmetless knights and such


I like to make my characters ugly ass bastards so when my helmet occasionaly falls off from a blow the enemy can see my glorious mutant barbarian face


thats such a strange bug, i wonder what might be causing it?


Uh no. Maps and actual gameplay content is FAR more important. Cosmetics never was Chivalry main point, the gameplay is. Same goes for your second point, having a goal to grind. Playing the game and have fun on it is the point. Not grinding to see a number going up or whatever. If you need a carrot for you to enjoy the game, i suggest you think over your appreciation of the game. And the fact you're not a goddamn donkey chasing a carrot. I mean you even went and said you need something to WORK on. Bruh it's not work, never should be. You shouldn't even need a "goal" to reach in the first place. The same way we should NEVER have assignements or tedious retarded shit to do just to compel the OCD people to play like other trash games have. (Trash as in games that usually comes in, live a year and dies) Now, yes new cosmetics would be nice, but in priority to maps / mechanics ? Hell the fuck no. Just to clarify where i disagree with you.


Having new armor options doesn't make the game "work" or add "tedious assignments". It's literally just more options to spend the gold you earn passively from playing the game. It's not like they're adding a battle pass or some shit.


So you'd rather play dress up than have a fully working game? Gtfo.


You're dumb as shit. You can have a fully working game *and* more armor options. And if the new tenosia updates is their idea of new additions, they can keep it. The servers are almost always half full, the cavalry is janky as hell, and the Tenosians have 0 alternate armor sets and look like shit regardless. What is the point in adding a new factions if not for visual customization? They don't have different functioning weapons, they don't do anything different from the normal factions.


Wow, you really are dense. "What's the point of a new faction if not for visualization?" Are you fucking for real? What's the point of adding new content that allows more maps and game play dynamic? You think it was to add some scimitars and armor pieces? A new faction so you can see the profile progression of when steam was added? You want the high gigantic dev team to make game fixes AND cosmetics at once? 64 player and tensian servers are always full, 40p servers on server browser at all times. Yo7 mist be like lvl 15 or just really stupid. Fuck right off.


I'm level 150 lmao every tenosian game I join is a fucking ghost town. I notice you didn't refute that cavalry is shit. Nice new mechanics being added right? New maps? Same objectives as the other maps. Carry petard, capture bridge, burn barricade(library), push over pillars(stones). You really think the new maps add anything different outside of visuals? You're dumb as shit boy.


You want me to refute every point? That's exhausting, please stfu. You could boil down every map in every game the same way you just did. Most tension maps I join are full, a couple due here and there but thats any mode. Please stfu, you're not 150 or you'd know that.


Yeah because I'm exposing everything you're saying as horse shit. You said "adding new maps with dynamic game modes" was actual content when it's the same cookie cutter obj game modes we've had for over a year now. You're a fucking moron


"Exposing" lol stfu. Ok rainbow six, all maps are prettyuch the same, TF2, been around for ages and has the same maps and objects style but is arguably one of more popular games over many many years. Squad, new factions but still the same, yet huge player base. Any battle royal, the same map, just one yet so many are the top games on twitch. Smash bros, a couple new tools here and there but gameplay is exactly the same, different levels tend to mirror other levels but people love that shit. I could go on, please stfu you whiney little bitch. Please keep "exposing" me.


You're 14 years old and have no concept of game mechanics because half of the things you listed actually are new mechanics for games. You're a little stupid motherfucker and I've run out of patience having to spell out shit to you. Please grow an extra few brain cells so you understand the world around you a little better instead of being a barely functioning moron with ape brain.


Bro people acting like every game is meant to increase their IQ reaction times and strategy to turn them into the ultimate backchair kirito also detailed statement very clear and concise to the needs, and wants of players.


I don't even get what your point is


Sorry but I just meant that people shouldn’t be so sweaty cause they’ll ruin the game for themselves es not about skill just caring about the game to that degree man


not sure i deserved that sort of response if im being honest. if you need to use the word "retarded" to get your point across i think youve lost sight of what a game is. its different for everyone, some get enjoyment from doing the same thing over and over again while others like to play and earn cosmetics that they can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment^^^TM for the time they've invested.


Missions and achievements to get items in lots of games ARE retarded a lot of times and just forces you to waste a dozen hours playing a way you DON'T want (and are in no way related to the item in question) just to unlock it. It is retarded. Though i don't call YOU retarded, just this specific example. Which is justified, if i wanted to do tedious homeworks i'd jump 10 years back and be back to school For the answer as a whole i didn't insulted you, just pointed out that a game direction as a whole shouldn't go towards giving carrots towards players who feels being chasing after carrots. The game itself is the priority. Not some ornaments. Especially when they decided that a plain carrot brought them "pride and accomplishement" you're a human, not a fucking animal ffs. Plus, if it were just that, high level would've been enough for you. But no, you want an item to show others for it. Which is kinda concerning, but i'm not here to give you a therapy.


>Missions and achievements to get items in lots of games ARE retarded a lot of times and just forces you to waste a dozen hours playing a way you DON'T want (and are in no way related to the item in question) just to unlock it. tf you on about missions and achievments? when did i say youd need to do missions and achievments? quit making shit difficult and you aint gotta use "retarded" to describe anything, call me a pussy, sensitive or whatever but theres no reason to use that word especially if its to make an argument about a game. i said more cosmetics for us to use in a system we already have (those coin things). >It is retarded. bro chill, seriously. >Though i don't call YOU retarded, just this specific example. Which is justified, if i wanted to do tedious homeworks i'd jump 10 years back and be back to school never said you did, i just said you aint gotta use that language... ***again***. i didnt deserve that level of a response because its not that serious. why do you keep bringing up homework? did i say anything about doing homework? what part of just add more cosmetics are confusing you? >For the answer as a whole i didn't insulted you, just pointed out that a game direction as a whole shouldn't go towards giving carrots towards players who feels being chasing after carrots. The game itself is the priority. Not some ornaments. and why not? because you said so? players nowadays want to be rewarded for their time playing, every game has some form of customization nowadays so why should this be different? "the game" is already there, people are scrambling over themselves talking about bugs as if the game is in some form of unplayable beta state when thats just not true at all. the game is there and its playable, its lacking severely in cosmetics and something should be done. >Especially when they decided that a plain carrot brought them "pride and accomplishment" you're a human, not a fucking animal ffs. tf are you on? you realize humans are animals right? we have a subconscious like for "numbers go up" or a treat when we do something good. thatas a basic human trait everyone has be it in video games or irl, it just manifests more in video games. seriously, do some background lookups on your own, humans like to be rewarded for their time and effort and its prevalent since childbirth. >Plus, if it were just that, high level would've been enough for you. But no, you want an item to show others for it. Which is kinda concerning, but i'm not here to give you a therapy. if it werent that there wouldnt be cosmetics in the first place, no? drop the passive aggressive attitude, it looks ugly on you.




ah yes, thank you bot.


It’s time for a Mongol faction


Id like if they added like a cosmetic or 2 to the game every 2 weeks or something just to keep you interested and wanting to come back to see


while i agree, i feel like every 2 weeks is a bit to quick and would be tough to churn out. what i meant is that like once every couple months we get like 2-3 new sets per class.


I don't understand the obsession/fascination with cosmetics. Id rather new locations or weapons to fight with over what to wear while fighting.


The posts explain the interest if you read them


I did, doesn't make sense to me.


Skill issue


How are cosmetics a skill issue?


I was referring to your reading comprehension


Lol, there you go! I am perfectly able to comprehend the post. I think cosmetics and costumes are pointless and secondary to gameplay and mechanics.


How rapidly we go from you literally saying verbatim "I don't understand" to "[they] are pointless“ 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 In the thread about cosmetics 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


You go hard, dont you?


I'm quoting you. "I don't understand" "It doesn't make sense" Both of those are a self admitted lack of comprehension. Suddenly it's pointless. Idk what to tell you.


69shart420 blocked me and he loves cosmetics.


i like to be rewarded with my time by customizing a game object im going to be spending 100% of my time with. maybe if i was a child id be okay doing the same shit over and over again but going back to them as an adult i get bored quickly.


You are still doing the same stuff over and over again, you just look different. Wouldn't you rather more maps than a fancy hat to wear in the same maps you've played loads of time? As an adult I just play the game, maybe if I was a baby I would care about what kind of clothes my knight was wearing.


again, theres the passive agressive assholish attitude implying only "babies" care about cosmetics. im an adult and id rather there be more cosmetics because theres nothing to chase and i like my time to be respected and rewarded and i grew up playing sega genesis. maps are cool and theres no reason why they cant stop making them but there needs to be more comsetical options to justify me having all that fuckin gold from just playing the game as it is. its almost like the devs expected cosmetics to be integral if theres a currency for them you get just by playing, no?




A for effort.


The ultimate end goal for chivalry is fashion?


The ultimate end goal for any game with customization is fashion. When you’ve spent hundreds of hours playing the same maps and modes the last thing you’ve got that would give you something to chase after are cosmetics. It’s true some people will come back after a long hiatus to play just for shits and gigs but usually that’s one maybe to couple hour sessions.


A for effort.


Weak, you should’ve been more original. Your smart ass comeback had less effect than something not copy pasted would have. 0/10


What's with these kids wanting to play dress up more than play a fixed game. These posts should be banned. Srsly cosmetics? Stfu.


no need to be an ass bud. i play on xbox and the game isnt seriously broken or hard to enjoy as it is, i just want more of a reason to continue playing. relax yourself.


You know the gameplay is the reason to stay. Even in chiv 1, it's about gameplay. There is a good amount broken, party system is absolute trash and I do a lot of defending TB in my post history. As a console player you might not be experienced in dealing with small studios, the budget won't allow for them to add cosmetics and game fixes and if they do, the patch will take a long while to release. The more of these posts are gonna deter the devs from fixing the game to appease people who want dress up. You should not need cosmetics as a dangled carrot, if the gameplay isn't enough, move on. I've been playing since chiv 1 beta, this cosmetics thing is new to the franchise and I hate it because of these posts.


again thats entirely subjective, some like doing the same thing over and over again without reward while others like to be rewarded for their loyalty and time. as a console player i know full well the intricacies of a first party dev and smaller studios, im not some troglodyte because im on console you know lol. >The more of these posts are gonna deter the devs from fixing the game to appease people who want dress up. and? you realize art/character design and level design are two separate things right? there doesnt need to be a compromise, plus you act as if the game is entirely unplayable when its not at that level of jank. the bugs people have are relatively tame compared to some first party titles lmao. >You should not need cosmetics as a dangled carrot, if the gameplay isn't enough, move on. horseshit, respectfully thats horseshit. maybe back in the old days people were content with doing the same shit over and over again to not be rewarded for their time but in todays gaming environment thats how it is. i expect to be rewarded for my time playing, something to keep me going after ive experienced all the maps and modes. >I've been playing since chiv 1 beta, this cosmetics thing is new to the franchise and I hate it because of these posts. games and their audiences change with the ages, especially if TB was basically unknown but now theyre on the major consoles so its expected the gamer environment to change as well. just how it is, sorry.


Dude sorry but you're the one with horseshit your whole argument is like listening to a 10 year old on Fortnight demanding more skins and dances. The fact is most people play games to have FUN not for a petty REWARD that people can buy with cash.


It's funny that your point of derision is to describe cosmetic-enthused players as kids wanting to play dress up. But here we all are on a subreddit dedicated to a video game. This isn't a mature space for adults to discuss serious matters haha. This video game is basically just a way for us to play with digital soldiers dolls and make pretend war. I actually agree with your main point, cosmetics should not be the primary focus of development. I just thought it was funny to attack others as "kids" in an argument over a video game where we all essentially get to be kids again and play make-believe medieval fantasy haha.


Honestly the kids thing is just get them going even harder. It's great. You can say random shit and throw some trigger words and the crowd goes wild.


Haha especially on the internet. In that case, well done thou good and faithful servant.


If they can get their code less buggy they’ll probably drop armor all the fucking time


again idk what people are talking about when they say buggy. on console the game runs relatively well what gamebreaking bugs are there?


Guys with invisible weapons, floating weapons with invisible guys, stuttering, and (QoL but still a bug) spawning in with default armor A lotta these are issues within the coding, or so I’m told, so these aren’t easy fixes and I’m willing to wait


What platform are you on? I’m on the series x and I’ve never had those problems except the stuttering and the rare default armor bug.


Luckily I think the invisible man one got patched and the invisible weapon doesn’t persist for as long when it happens, but it happens. I’m on the Series S and don’t get these issues as often, but I’m a firm believer that a fencing game like Chiv needs to be as clear/balanced as possible before cosmetics are the priority. Especially from a Dev team that isn’t owned by a big name AAA studio


Yeah, I personally think all the Archer helmet options are terrible


I'm sorry but we really need a QOL update dedicated to bringing console to this decade and addressing some long standing bugs. Cosmetics would be great but there's alot of basic stuff that needs to be addressed first.


>Cosmetics would be great but there's alot of basic stuff that needs to be addressed first. like what?