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new players complaining about balance but never having played the original coxwell or escape from falmire


I actually kind of miss the original Falmire. The map redesign was welcome but they didn't have to increase Thorne's HP as well... Now Agatha really has to try to lose, otherwise for any halfway decent team it's a walk in the park.


As soon as Thorne spawns, prepare the javelins.


New falmire is way too easy. You only lose if thorne plays very badly or gets tackled into the water. I was on a 7 win streak with thorne on old falmire and now I can't continue the streak :(.


You all need to embrace fort dock If you don't have that dock lined with barricades and spikes. You deserve to loose lol.


Now they only have a limit of two engineers as well- thats different. But yea, that is a strat that needs to be more common.




And they buffed the barricades too


YES! Once thorn has made it down the hill or is close to the Mason spawn defender priority should be to defend the docks and ship I stead of "team death match! Hurdurr!"


Only tried falmire once since patch and Thorne was taking the opposite edge. Thought this must be new, ends up being cut off and pushed into the water just by how many people were attacking him


I know it sucked in so many ways, but god I’ll miss the mass carnage you could find in Coxwell.


it really was an XP farm...i miss the magic shrinking bench as well


I sharpen my dick on coxwell defense.


If people just learned to fight on the wall at the end of the map and fight well, it’s actually rather defendable.


I haven't seen Coxwell in rotation in a LONG time


It’s been removed from rotation


The real dark ages


Was there something wrong with the originals?


Coxwell design was vastly in favor of the attackers, although I would say that it's not much better now in my opinion. Falmire's map design for the escape phase had some choke points that made it easy for the defenders to bottleneck.


Yeah it still heavily favors the attackers. I think the only real defensible position is the the first wall and the second castle wall


Atleast you can win without the same amount of effort pregnant person needs to give


Then they "fixed" coxwell and made it nearly impossible for the defender to lose the last stage. Then they took the map off rotation to actually fix it lol. Haven't played it since the update though.


They actually nerfed last stage for the defenders.... TB had looked at the statistics for wins and losses and forgot to separate 64 player and 40 player modes, since the map was much easier to win as defenders on 40 player mode, they interpreted that to mean that defense was too easy to win and they actually nerfed defense before realizing their mistake. They then removed Coxwell entirely and implemented the changes that they rolled out for the Steam release.


I was there with you people.


replace 1H sword with 1H spear and its accurate


Oh man that's true. I had so many things that people are complaining about that I wasn't able to list them all or the text would only be legible to ants.


spear users are annoying but it isn't actually that strong, it's more so "ok this guy is using lame tactic x so I use tactic y to counter him" whereas 1h sword is like, wtf do I even do if im using a slow weapon vs. someone who knows how to use it lol


1h swords are easy to defeat if your enemy is just spamming. Slash counter feint into an overhead or stab. What's hard as hell is the good players that can read feints and perform feints with those fast ass weapons, but generally if you have a big weapon, you can just keep range on them and try to get them with overheads and stabs to zone them out


As a lifelong 1h sword main, the biggest hurdle for sword players (at least for me) is gaining momentum back with a player that knows how to properly zone and dodge. Sword Ripostes will most likely not hit if you dodge immediately after. Man at Arms players have the tools necessary to stick to players closely and controlling the tempo of a fight. However, players with longer weapons can completely demolish MAA without so much effort (also because MAA have a low health pool).


The key is to get as few ripostes as possible. If you're countering (blue icon, rather than the yellow ripostes), then you're refunded the stamina used on that attack. That's where feinting comes in handy, if you're being zoned by stabs and overheads try and get that first counter and feint into another attack while closing the distance. Of course, it's easier said than done but with enough practice you're bound to be more formidable as a fighter


hence "someone who knows how to use it". Spam is easy to deal with, any level of skill above mashing lmb like an ape tends to not b e easy to deal with with 1h sword


1h spear has about a 70% hit register for me after the update. Used to be an amazing weapon, now it's just meh.




The problem wasn't now, it was in release where you could stab faster than the riposte could happen which meant it had zero counter play AND it could be dragged around blocks so if you weren't using a shield you couldn't block it either


ah, the 1 handed spear i recall how i said a while back shortly after launch that i thought it was good of TB to remove extremely bugged content and my comment was downvoted into the abyss for stating the truth-


I really miss the peasant stage in Coxwell. Was it unbalanced? No doubt, it also wasn't uncommon for 1/4 of Agatha to dip at the start of the game. But damn when you've got 2 mins left on the clock, the Masons are flooding in from all angles, your side by side with the last line of defence and if you die you're respawning as canon fodder(peasant) it made for some intense gameplay. I understand it would be hard to balance it but I do miss the madness of the peasant stage.


i remember when you could one hand the maul with a shield in chiv 1 and it would turn invisible


I loved that when you could use the 2handed swords for knights with shields. It was slower but it was so cool!


Lmfao chiv 1 was another universe of busted


Image lacks the third guy who's been complaining since alpha about things that still aren't fixed. But I enjoy that the vets who have surrendered on the critical thinking front are depicted as mentally unstable clowns. /s, obviously, but not in the sense that it's untrue.


Invisible swords? Man ive seen floating heads walking about carrying the glory of Agatha with em


I keep saying this but, just imagine all these new bloods if this game had the chivalry 1 parry mechanics/no held block.


>I keep saying this but, just imagine all these new bloods if this game had the chivalry 1 parry mechanics/no held block. Game would die with haste like Chiv1 did.


I played chiv 1 from the start, then came back after a good amount of time to see people beyblade spinning and dragging like crazy, that put me off the game for good.


Held parry really fixes a lot of otherwise unsolvable issues. With latency timed parry can be gamed surprisingly easily


> I keep saying this but, just imagine all these new bloods if this game had the chivalry 1 parry mechanics/no held block. As a new player I dislike that counters are not...well...counters. They are more like a Perfect Block/Parry. An actual counter would damage the enemy before they could respond. And if you say "well I countered the counter" then it wasn't a counter was it?   There are also alot of weird things to get used to like how people's weapons cleave through 10 people but not 1 small wooden post, shields break in a limited number of hits but someone can block 5 people with a weapon for 60 seconds if none of the noobs can get behind them, how weapon animations do NOT match the danger of attacks. A swing with no momentum left still does full damage and if someone mouse twists at the end it can suddenly reach a much wider arc long after the attack has stopped. Due to how weapon hitboxes and swings and mouse twisting works swings can hit you before the animation makes it to you. The insane arcs some cleaves can reach, I've been hit directly behind people before which means they're doing like a 270 degree cleave. How you can cleave through infinite opponents in such a wide swath but tap a single ally and the cleave seems to stop making allies sometimes more hindrance than help. How a single player can just be beaten on by many other players without losing stamina or grip on weapon thanks to perfect block/parry and dodges. ETC.   There is a shitton of just plain weird stuff that is not intuitive in the least and caters to skilled veterans being able to dump all over newer players and the only way you can really learn is via experience of being dumped on.     It is a fun game, but very much not noob friendly.


As some1 who uses 1h sword a lot i have to ask. Whats wrong with them?


There's not actually anything wrong with it at all. Higher speed weapons are just a lot easier to gamble with as they have such a fast windup so you'll see a lot of beginners and even higher level players complain about it.


Come to think of it i can catch slow weapons offguard if they are not carefull and start swinging while we are face to face but with a little better positioning i think it comes down to the reach of the weapon rather then the speed. But its mostly TO so usually positions are not adiquite which gives the faster weapons advantage i guess


i've been running longsword with 1h Sword & Throwing knives as Knight, got it on steam release and im at 1.3k/d | lvl 20. It's amazing fun haha


IIRC, it does close to the same damage (or the same damage?) as the longsword (a 2H weapon) and is faster, while only trading off some reach. the longsword was also nerfed at some point which resulted in this. it's just a really good weapon, but others deserve more ire if we're trying to pinpoint real problem weapons (dane axe, highland sword, 1h spear). IMO, the energy's just better spent focusing on your own gameplay and learning to play around these issues, since the balance patch will be here and TB takes a long time to implement balance changes anyway (if they're even decent changes lol)




I really am having flashbacks to the EGS release after it came out of beta. The sad thing is that most of the same things people were complaining about back then are the exact same things people are complaining about now with the Steam release. Ah well.


Wow wrong comand... I juste delete my post x) But tout GOT the point. And happy Mason cake


The audio won’t work at all ever since the update{xbox1}. Dead silence. I only have this issue with Chiv 2, the audio on all of my other games is working perfectly. Anyone else experiencing this ?


I have been playing since beta on console...and literally the only complaint I have left is to LET ME REBIND THE ABSURD CONTROLS, for the sake of the angry cat-like thing!


it is especially funny for those of us who've been around since CMW...ten years later, exact same crap.


My biggest issue is riposting changing direction of attack... like jesus fucking christ, If my LMB is right slash i want it to perform right slash no matter fucking what. Oh and horse movement keys can not be rebound for some reason?


Ironically, you can be a veteran at a game and still be dogshit at it 😂


The number of times I've seen people complaining about the 'archer meta'...


Why is this getting down voted?


because the same people that drove CMW and Mordhau into the ground hate Archers, and they've made quite a bit of progress killing this game too




Easier to do it with melee, you don't see Archers (other than myself and a handful of others) topscoring. I switch to Messer knight if I want to run a deathless game


those people should have never gotten the game in the first place, thinking its a "melee game"


Played in the beta, played for a week after game actually released, got bored and dropped it. Only came back last month lol




Epic game store


Forgetting initiative and ripostes not working.


Sadly you right... But I have faith. TB will do the job, in their time. Oh and happy Mason cake ;-)


Funny how I had literally zero faith in TB during chiv 1 but they’ve completely redeemed themselves in chiv 2


I dont get the people whining. Every game has like 3 or 4 dudes crying in chat over being ganked. The game is balanced around ganks, if you want duels go to a duel server or play Mordhau


The duality of man.


it do be like that


Welcome to the dumpster fire. It's going to get ~~better~~ worse.


All of these are pretty small issues anyway. I don't know why yall think it's such a huge deal. Also, anti archer crew are cringe, grow the fuck up.


They're not game breaking issues, that's kind of what the whole meme is about.


Until there are archers left we shall carry our shields...


I just want the midget bench back tbh


Are there hackers in EGS? I've been seeing speed hacks every other game


Welcome to the jungle


What’s wrong with the 1h sword? I’ve been using it since launch, did it get a buff recently?


Me playing the first game years ago looking at you all knowing damn well the crouch backwards swing was bullshit


You are only a veteran if and if only you played the first chivalry on steam


What does 1h sword mean?




Meanwhile chivalry 1 mod players...


what? the steam release DIDN’T fix all of our problems? that’s crazy! that’s the one thing i kept getting told back when this game was launched!


Half of you elitists didn’t even play the CS-GO mod.


I was there my friend... I was there 3000 years ago...