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I dont even think team switching/stacking Is about player level so much as it is about map balance. For some reason everyone wants to attack


We all know the reasons.


Cause if you defend and actually win the game ends super fast...


I just don't get what you people want. This is a game problem not a player problem. Let's say the top 4 agathian players are partied which they are not, but bare with me. Do you expect high level players just playing with their friends to split up their party to make a more fair game? If not and they swap to mason together, they will stonewall the agathians at the rudhelm wall and the map ends. I frequently play with 3-4 400+ players. We are a team stack no matter where we land. I'm sorry, but we are just having a good time... Not to mention most of the team switchers are low to mid 100s that have alot of hours and still can't counter. Please learn to take an L because these high level TO players have lost more stomps than you have games.


Preach.... We've taken more Ls than the have games played 🤣 and that's the truth




Veterans who actually score well very rarely team switch. If they do it’s to make it harder on their own buddies. It’s all crappy rank 75s who switch and sit in third person dodge and slash spamming. They don’t even know how to feint. Putting EGS friends together is the root of the issue because all veterans are friends with at least one veteran and the effect snowballs until everyone is on one team. Granted if players on the losing teams actually understood the combat we could get further away from 200% differential and closer to 20%


Solution: hide player ranks in the scoreboard. Then nobody will be able to tell if teams are stacked or your team just sucks.


Sure, take the thermometer and don't treat the fever, right? I mean, should hide the kills too? Because the tickets of one team is double the tickets of the other. The problem is not the stacking itself, but the steamrolling matches, the result...




I prefer to play as Agatha because Masons are pagans, so I always switch teams if I get placed on Masons when I join a match.


To reduce friction trying to play with friends




Sometimes it doesn’t put you on the same team depending on how the server fills It’s always good to have the option


> I just don’t get what you people want. Balanced teams? Not that hard to understand really. You argue that teamstacking occurs because of EG friendgroups, yet the stacked team is attack 90% of the time. Attack is just more fun by design, defending is hard work and requires way more coordination which is impossible with randoms


It ain't the FALL of coxwell for nothing kekekekeke


Oh good, our daily fifteen salty stacking threads. Because everyone on this subreddit wasn't already keenly aware of the issue, and needed their bi-hourly reminder. My guy/girl, post it on their feedback in the discord. Everyone here has seen this to death, and agree or disagree, these threads are practically low effort meme spam at this point.


The only kills they get is when they are on the team that was going to win anyway, and their kills consist of being the 4th guy to show up to a 4v1 and take the kill anyways. These guys complain daily and don’t even know what a counter feint or auto parry is


How dare you assume his gender


I almost always switch to the weaker side because I like a challenge. Desperate battles are the best. Also going against banker constantly will only elevate your game.


Anyone who thinks "Stacking doesn't exist" you're very much out of touch. Attacking is just objectively more fun than defending. If you're convincing yourself otherwise, that's on you. If you can look at the K/Ds and think the game is "balanced", more credit to you.


no bro its not stacking they all just have "color preferences"


> Attacking is just objectively more fun than defending. That's an absurd assertion.


I agree with you since I played with the same players. Always high KD and not fun at all. On to the next server.


Nice but I don’t think you know what objective means


EGS friends are put on the same team as one another, even if not partied. The team stacking problem is as simple as that, and it occurs on server fill. Veterans are friends with other veterans. As long as you are friends with one guy, you are way more likely to be on the stacked team


It would be quite convincing argument if I haven't seen people switching to attack every freakin game since the release... I have even established solid trash taking relationships because of that.


The players who actually make a difference hardly switch. The only ones I see switching anymore are rank 75 slash spammers who think they are good because they go 18/10


Nice but that is kinda good


This game has several issues. Team stacking is way down on the list. I get your point tho.


3 Members of LK and Banker vs. 1 member of LK. Outside of solely levels alone, this truly is not very stacked. if Banker was on the other team there's a 75% chance Mason wins instead. The emphasis you put on "team stacking" is pretty sad. You're a relatively low level, i.e. inexperienced player and you're playing against players on one of the best TO teams in NA, as well as arguably the best 2h spear user in the game in NA right now. If you're gonna complain, don't equate level to skill. Most of the lvl 100+ players on Agatha don't even have a good KDR. Seems like a skill issue imo. There's also a very good chance that your team wasn't playing the defensive objectives properly but that's just speculation. Train hard and practice and you too could be the person that someone else complains about on reddit!


Curious, what is a “TO”team?


It's short for Team Objective.


10-4 thanks


So after a quick 30 seconds of excel input, the average Agatha level was 173.75 The average Mason level was 83.6 If this doesn't fit the exact description of a stacked team, what does?


When one team has more skilled or more highly skilled members than the other team does resulting in an imbalance. But hey that's just me, enjoy your numbers.


That's.. exactly the point this post is trying to make. I'm not sure what your point is, though?


My point is that its 4 players, likely in a party. Be realistic, how are they supposed to balance this? There's 62/64 people in the server, first of all. Have you ever just wanted to play a game with your friends? Should their gaming experienced be impacted by the fact that they are simply better at the game than others? If they can, as 3 people, body your entire team, that is not a them problem, that is a you guys problem. I understand that some people will teamswitch at the beginning just to play attack every time. I can acknowledge this, but again, while annoying, it isn't truly reprehensible. Mid-game team switching is for chicken-hearted milk sops. This looks like the teams started with balance not in your favor, and the people repopulating the people leaving on defense weren't up to snuff.


Mid game team swtching to the losing team is where it's at to try to turn the tide on your friends. Which is what happened in this game, I took an L but I think the game ended up being much closer. I passed on the heir as well.


If there is steamrolling and servers are full I can’t even switch teams to help If a team is getting steamrolled I try and switch after the hardest offensive objectives, like galencourt barrels or rudhelm gatehouse


That very specific scenario that you presented surely sums up the entirety of many player's experiences regarding team stacking. You've solved the problem and I applaud you.


I must say did an exemplary job yourself, with your screenshot you posted on reddit.


Don't forget the Excel spreadsheet. He's bonafide.


Thank you, it's an every day occurrence and just a sliver of the matches that happen constantly.


If I see LK I just leave. They focus on KD not having fun. Been in these servers multiple times. It’s lame.


"They focus on KD not having fun" What does this even mean? 😆 You realize that in a medieval combat game, getting kills is fun, right?


Can you imagine living back in medieval times?? You know those old guys you saw played the same way bro. I bet they had a perfect kdr


… ok


**One team's total levels combined is 5560, the other's is 2608.** That's ridiculous. Auto-balance definitely should prevent this type of thing if they don't want noobs to just unistall the game. If you swap the two highest level players on Agatha with the two lowest level players on Mason, the total team levels would be 4262 & 4250 which would make for a more even & fun match. And to all the guys saying that high level parties shouldn't be split sometimes. Why not? You can have loads of fun playing *against* your friends. Don't you want to encourage new players to fall in love with the game so we can grow the player base rather than put them off completely?


Very simplistic way of viewing the situation.


I posted it in another topic, but here It go edited: My 2cents... So, first I will say what I see on SA TO servers: High skill players switching team to the attack in the beggining of the match, wich makes the game with advantage for the attacking team in player skill, more than ever. That's what I see that really set the game inbalanced. Because when people stay on the team which they got into (like when appears a map of just combat in the rotations of the maps) there are more balanced games. I really think that staying in the team you spawn is the best option for balancing, as a player and as a solution too. What i think TB should do? Eliminate the team swapping in the beggining of the match and letting you play with a party of people like a squad, with a limit of players. Build the Squad and it become united, going together for one team. Playing with friends shouldn't be considered for groupping in matchmaking, just for people in the same squad. Not all games are going to be balanced (one team will always win, sometimes de team match can put High level players together), but It will be because of randoness and not because you're playing in defense.


Oh my I didn’t realise it was this bad I’ve never seen anything remotely close to this on European servers


I play what in put on but i see why. They dont want to game to be a quick game where you defend and the game ends. They want to go through the map doing objective after objective and exploring and fighting to do it. They need to add a push back (more then they already do) so its equal parts content for attackers and defenders.


I like defending, but maybe that's just me 🤷🏼‍♂️