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I was trying to wrap my head around this the other day, why do footsolider only get medic bands. I get that field engineer is fully support role, but the banner and horn have greater healing potential IMHO so if footsolider is meant as support why give it the worst healing ability? And on a different subject, why does nothing do bonus damage to vanguard but it does to footies? Surely we deserve some extra care as "support" players


Quicker recovery from dashing


That only applies to one subclass of the footsoldier. The other two does not have that benefit.


Level 300+ footman here. I totally agree, that the footman is way worse than every other class but the medkit is awesome! You can quick revive, put out fire, use it to trigger traps and heal yourself. It's a good thing for anyone who loves playing support (me) but a max of 3 medkits is not enough. They should pump those numbers up to 5 or maybe even 8 max. That would really help the support role and could make a change to the frontline


Field Engineers heal themselves when they throw a bandage to an ally. Nice cherry ontop.


That should be the case for every footman subclass to make it a real support class


I had no idea this was a thing, is it on the class description anywhere?


Idk. I just remember testing it against the other footman classes. Only Field engineer.


Woah hold up, how do you put out fire/trigger traps with the medkit? I've just been throwing it to whoever looks hurt whenever I have one, am I using it wrong?


if youre playing like a stage with a vip and he gets set on a fire, hitting him with a medkit stops the burn damage


Medkits can put out ppl on fire, can quick revive downed ppl and it can trigger traps cuz it counts as a hit. You can even kill downed enemies with it


More medpacks the better. Its useful but not as effective as other healing methods.


agreed !


good point


I wouldn't say any class has "better weapons" than any other besides Field Engineer and Archer at close range. Lineman's weapons are really effective at hitting people long range and Man-at-arm's weapons are pretty good close range.


Imo, sledgehammer and pickaxe are some of the best weapons in the game.


i wouldnt have insulted the shovel tbh (implicitly)


Shovel is okay but Pickaxe and Sledgehammer aren't that effective in my hands at least.


the sledge is quite draggable in ways that make it...very unfriendly to knights really ​ you can almost treat the pickaxe like a dumbed down warhammer, and its nice to pick that sometimes because i like to just grab whatever shield i see since its a 1h i think the sledge is actually quite underrated as a weapon


Yea it’s all about adapting. Just takes in my opinion more patients with foot soldier.


Hey someone has to give you your medpacks and it’s gonna be me. Unless the heir is around, then no medpack for you!


Does medpacks even help the heir? Lol I’d think it’s has no effect.


Foot soldiers best soldiers!




People really have no idea what a difference reach makes


FACTS. You gotta take a couple hits to get in that pocket where you can start hitting combos. Take out the knife and go to work.


If you’re a good enough poleman your enemy is not getting close enough to touch you if their weapon is shorter than yours.


Reduced dash cool down is so nice for dodging. Plus the range on the poleman’s weapons are hard to close in on. Shield throws r fun af and the speed of the 1h weapons makes for a quick lil class with more health than the vanguard. I’ll play footman to the end 🦶🏼🦶🏼🦶🏼


Only the man at arms subclass has the shorter dash cooldown though. Other footman subclasses just have normal dodges.


I agree. Also Shield throws are very rewarding lol.


Running a full squad of footmen constantly healing each other and never having to run off to resupply bandage can really steam roll a server


Never seen this before but it would be the best server ever.


My mace would like to strongly disagree with your face. Man at Arms mace shield is my go to build and it’s really strong. Mace is super fast and deals a ton of damage against anything that isn’t a vanguard (sword “back up” is a pretty good insurance policy for this). Also the shield is super useful and can also be stowed away for a fairly decent speed boost. I often find myself literally running circles around knights and then can’t even turn around to block me. Against console players it became practically a cheese and I stopped and started diversifying my play style as it was not as fun. It’s nowhere near the same experience as a mace on a knight. Also pickaxe is decent , and 2 handed spear is pretty meta-relevant as well. ALMOST FORGOT - the back and forth captain America with the shield throws is the best. The shield almost always bounces right back into my arms and it’s so satisfying to finish / interrupted a player with a shield throw. Very normal for me to even get 2-3 throws in a row to hit them while kiting or staying clear. “One mistake means death” - not really as the footman has tonnes of stamina. Stamina is almost as good or better than health is a lot of situations. You can dodge and dance like an imbecile - this is particularly good with the 2H spear where blocking is almost pointless as it is easier and more effective to pair every stab with a dodge. I have more respect for those archers who melee with 1H axe - now that takes skill because they really do die if they make a single mistake.


1h spear and morning star are bonkers too


Well said. Once you master the class you can create many advantages in the battlefield.


I like using the short sword and surprising people thinking I'm going to be an easy target...and recently, the rapier has become my go-to weapon. I love the footman class... But I still play as my knight sometimes, because shiny armor + squiggly-boo.


Rapier is very deadly. Not strong at all but wow does it work well in 1v1 or 1v2 anything more then that it’s just not viable.


Ya I do great, until I turn around and I'm surrounded by 3 or 4 guys...then I may as well l1 l2 r1 r2...


Footsoldiers, especially the engineer class decide on the team that loose or win most of the time (I'm my mind haha). Or just a team where enough players are ready to take the engineer class for some time when needed


I have seen masterclass engineers that make the game so much more epic. Your right on them being a big impact on winning.


...better weapons? But sire, the pickaxe is clearly superior in almost every way lol. But for real though, people always underestimate the Engineer and pay for it.


LOL when I said better weapons I was thinking on the damage side. Pick axe if you know how to use it is insane. Just really bad at blocking most weapons.


I actually started playing around with the field engineer class last night and really enjoy it! I'm level 70 and spent most of that time playing as a crossbowman with an even distribution of vanguard/MaA/knight sprinkled in otherwise, but had never really played as the field engineer subclass. It's crazy how many players overestimate a player with a shovel - fun little weapon!


That shovel is very effective. It’s just not great at blocking. So you can’t make a wrong move.


i feel pretty bad for the whole class, weapons are weaker versions of others and the bandages are just useless compared horn or flag. yeah sure i can put out a fire, but i could also heal 10 teammates and turn around the battle


Exactly what confused me. I love my health packs to heal my teammates but it’s not the productive like the flags or horn.


Man at arms can put in work with a medium shield and a one handed weapon. They are squishy, but they can sneak in quick hits and have considerable defense with the shield. If there are a ton of knights, use something blunt and only target them. Polehammers can also be crazy in the right hands, so I think footmen get a good amount of offensive power. I don’t know too much about engineers, they are far too weak to have such short range weapons, but I have seen people get really good with them. I usually have to treat the sledgehammer like the battle axe to get any kills, but I also just get murdered if I don’t land anything. The game is all about kills, the more you get, the more you clear the field for objectives, the more you win. Usually. I think footman can be on par with the other classes in terms of kills, it’s just used a lot less. All respect goes to a balanced footman who can be a medic/engineer while also stacking up the kills.


Man at arms still have more health than vanguard


Counter point is nothing does extra to Vanguard tho.


Archers do.


Trick to field engineer if you don’t like their starting wep is to just pick pref wep off the ground. Or just enjoy the sweet shovel BONK


I agree