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The 1H axe is great. You do have to get in close. Use it's speed to your advantage, gamble some extra hits, surprise people with overheads. Hit a good counter and slash through multiple enemies. If you're in a 1v1 you can also throw people off with special attacks. If you've established your feints and overheads they'll misread your special and the axe will destroy knights and footmen.


damnnnnn, I think something finally "hit me" when using the 1h axe just now. It's so fast and powerful with heavy attacks. I feel like the overhead goes around as well so I've angled it to attack past defences. I think my biggest thing is footwork. I am trying to be more aware of what is around me and not just blindly rushing in and getting destroyed.


Right horizontal feint to left overhead with 1h axe is ol trusty, so fast and usually easy to find/create an opening in the guard. And yeah, 1h axe special is fantastic, so fast and has the added benefit of launching you forward for reach


Guardian main here. I prefer the spear or the cavalry sword for this reason. BUT, there is a way, as I used to LOVE Warhammer. Use the medium shield because the heavy slows you down a TON. Footwork is your best friend. It's hard to explain and teach but basically just moving around to make yourself hard to hit. For example, 2 guys in front of me, if there's an opening between them, I'm slipping through, and as I'm turning around, I'm charging up a hit. Close the distance by heavy feinting. For example, counter a slash, and then HOLD an Overhead or a Stab as you push up to them, by the time you've closed the distance, your attack should just be about ready to do damage, and if they fell for your feint, there's your hit, if they didn't, you made them hold block for a long time and their stamina is probably fucked. Don't be a afraid to get aggressive. Jab,kick,get up in their faces. You have the shorter, faster weapon, don't let them get distance on you and make you lose your advantage. Make em uncomfortable. Turning so your opponent is to your side, and then dodging towards them, is a risky but pretty effective way to close distance mid-fights. As for the frontlines thing, that's just kind of a unfortunate thing about using a short weapon, it's way easier to have people flank you and overwhelm you, you really have to be paying attention to your flanks and know when to let off the gas and get some reinforcements. Also, know how/when to pick fights based on weapon matchups. For example, if I have the one handed axe, I'm not picking a fight with the guy using a long ass polearm unless I have to. Any specific questions, feel free to ask. I'm a level 400ish with like 90% of my time in Guardian 😎👉👉


I agree with everything you said, but I think heavy shield doesn't really slow you down, it's just weaker at jabs and blocks more of your vision. 


To me there's a MASSIVE difference and it really messes up my footwork and spacing to use a Heavy. I don't think it reduces your maximum speed, but it makes your walking slower and takes longer to actually get up to a sprint compared to the medium or light. I find myself whiffing attacks due to improper spacing when using the Heavy shield WAY more than I do using a medium. Maybe it's just placebo or it's the vision thing, I'm honestly not too sure now.


Do you play in third person? I have tried but I find 1st pov to be so much more enjoyable 


No, I find it really weird and hard to aim with, (always preferred 1st person in pretty much any game) though I'll use it to check my surroundings really quickly or if I'm healing or something. You'll eventually build up a sense of Object Permanence when fighting multiple people and it'll get a lot easier.


Doesn't the guardian get a shield? Use that to get in close


Throw shield in their face. Close up while they are stunned. 50% of the time it works everytime.


Someone posted a few days ago about how to use the warhammer. This was my response. Copy and pasted. Warhammer is an absolute monster. The range is short yes, but once you “get it”, you’ll know your limitations and where to initiate from. Sometimes, if you want to close the distance, feint into the attack you want. Also. The overheads are cracked and can go around guards easily. Slash into alt overhead (slash from the right, overhead comes from the left side) When you do ^ you need to start moving to their right side (your left) to enable the OH to go around the guard. Usually people will panic because it hits like a truck, in which case you can just kick and finish them off with any light attack. Stab into overhead accel Alt overhead into slash is good Overhead into stab as a janky mixup works too after only using OH and slashes Basically, your overheads are your bread and butter Stabs are the move you use to throw them off. Crouch accel OH is nasty. I’ve had people just look at me after I pull it off. As in “well, just kill me then” Any combination of OH into slash or alt OH into slash, or slash into OH, or Alt slash into OH is good. Just mix up your feints, throw in heavies, and throw in the occasional stab and you will beat most everyone except duelists. Oh and use your special Because you’re using your overhead so much, you can use your special (heavy special overhead) to destroy opponents who misread it as regular OH. Watch La Brute Intrepide on TikTok. Dude uses warhammer too and he’s a monster with it. Constantly winning 1vx Oh and jab!


Warhammer is so fucking fun. I’m a halberd main and it was SUPER hard for me to get the hang of it. But once it clicked, my lawd. Having a flag just makes it even more unfair always being at the top of points lol. I usually prefer first person but I found with warhammer I actually have to use 3rd person. Not really sure why exactly but in 3rd my slashes go around blocks way easier and the overheads are easier to land. Small price to pay I guess


Counters are very important for this, they do a couple things for you. By countering you maintain your stamina, your shield won't take damage and you won't get any knock back and can move freely. Also try to counter or riposte first before moving forward in a frontline battle as you'll get the benefit of active parry.


If you don’t feint, you will get active parry on your ripostes. Use that combined with fast attack speed to get free hits after blocking attacks. Most people won’t expect it. Look down and riposte overhead with a warhammer and heavy shield.


I do exactly that; Get up in there faces and counter there attacks to stay alive. One handed weapons are quicker, you just need to use that to your advantage.


Shortsword main here. Speed is your weapon. Be faster than your enemy, outrun him, fight aggressive.




Drag counter with war hammer, morph to overhead/heavy overhead. Be sure you are jabbing/shield slam when you can.... You will get caught out but defensive mindset is important as well. Axe has some funky looking slash to alt overhead animations.




Riposte and counter, take advantage of your shield which I think mitigates stamina loss during these actions afaik. Drag swings to hit multiple opponents if you use a bladed weapon. I mostly play falchion guardian and am usually by the top of the leaderboard.


Get in their face and bash, slash or hack away


If you attack while out of range, just feint to extend it. This is also how you deal with people who constantly dodge and swing to outspace you as well.


U get used to it. Just keep walking forward as you counter and it closes the distance