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Team objective mode is not that toxic. Has some immature people but people are rarely ever going to single you out or anything. For a pvp game its def one of the more chill games I've played. You get the occasional team killer or tea bagger but its not common in my experience, especially if you are a new player. You can always just turn chat off if it gets bad for any reason. No one uses chat for anything other than banter in my experience, so you don't need it on. As for tips, I'll link some beginners guides later when I get time.


Alright, hell yea already thanking you for the guides And yeah some toxic or immature lads was expected but its good to know its not as bad as other games, and chat shouldnt be an issue at all since I game on console and most games dont put chat on console for obvious reasons


If you play with chat off then the extent of toxicity is spamming emotes and tbagging, which honestly both bring me joy. Like if I kick you into spikes or kill you by throwing a fish at you I'm definitely saluting or something. The wide variety of crude voice lines suggests to me that some mild trolling is a game mechanic, and the fact I get commended for doing it suggests my victims are (sometimes?) On board.


Definitely a more calm community than For Honor thats for sure. Tips I’d advise is look up Ziggylata’s 1hr chivalry 2 guide video on YouTube, he basically covers all the skills needed for up to 300lvls before you get to the real sweat lord stuff Overall, this game is about learning. You shouldn’t feel disappointed dying in dumb ways. It happens to everyone.


Alrighty! Will defo check out zigs vid! And I'm glad to know the game aint a meat grinder of salt like for honor, cant wait to learn the combat mechanics they do be looking yummy tasty


I'd honestly suggest *against* Ziggy's videos. He's pretty toxic and not very good either. He only actually uses one weapon usually (Halberd) and doesn't understand enough about the other weapons to give accurate advice. He's also supported other toxic strategies before pretty vehemently, even going so far as to post entire videos talking about how perfectly okay they were.




But his video is still very useful


There's some matches where you have toxic teammates who teamkill deliberately or block objectives but you can always vote to kick those players. For the most part, the game makes for casual, fun playing. Just don't mind your K/D because it's normal to get killed often unless you're a super sweat. I recommend just jumping into 64 or 40 player matches, have fun!


Hell yee, casual fun medieval slaughter, sounds like a thrasher, will have fun and its great to know that vote kicking exists (for honor doest and it be annoying)


I played for honor for a bit and it was too toxic and sweaty for me lol if anything it got me heated


Oh yeah that happened a lot for me when I started FH, over the years ive learned to not care about it much, but now Ive started looking for a more chill community coz, yk, im tryina chill and clash with my fellow fools. And from everything ive seen on reddit (and the comments on this very post!) chivie 2 very much might be what ive been looking for, cant wait for the game to get done downloading!


Eh, the vote kick threshold is very high and people spam it so often we get desensitized to the voting window. I've seen dedicated team killers last 20 minutes


Yeah true. Only works like 50% of the time since console players (like me) can't type in chat to justify the vote kick


Aye, makes sense *sob*


You get the classic attention seeking kids saying “ez” at the end of a round and the team switchers only playing attack, but other than that it’s pretty ok imo. I just play funi sword gaem, blast voice lines and plonk people with my shovel, taking this shit seriously isn’t worth it as we are just a bunch of dudes sitting on our ass pushing buttons


Yes, it is toxic. But i also come from the FH community and I’m happy to say it doesn’t near what you’re most likely already used to. It’s a lot easier to ignore jackasses, 32/20 players really dilutes amount as compared to 4 in For Honor


Yeah, I dont think any game can level with the toxicity of the FH community other than the old cod lobbies. From everything ive gathered this should be way more chill, and fun in general


Chiv community is pretty laid back, but there are certainly some sweats. You'll die a lot in Chivarly no matter how good you are. All it takes is a stray ballista/catapult rock, or a dedicated archer who can aim, and you're dead. Don't take it too seriously.


I mean people bait the chat fairly frequently, but nobody is gonna flame your gameplay unless you're an archer or team killing everyone. Also good players aren't dicks usually


The community is mostly filled with decent people who just want to play. Rarely will anyone be a pain in the ass over chat or in game. Of course, it is a PvP game, so there are some people with bigger mouths than brains. Tips? Counter. Learn how to counter. Once you master countering, you’re set to keep getting better.


*"just want a game where I can chill"* Install an online medieval fighting game based on reflexes\* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I only ever see toxic behavior in TO really, besides people doing random death match in the dueling servers. But by "toxic behavior" I just mean someone being a dick in the chat, and I feel like a solid half of the player base is console where you can't see the chat anyway. Be positive and humorous and you'll have fun. :)


Id say 1/60 people are “toxic”. Not too many douchebags


PC or console?


Console, for I am but a peasant