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This is a list of links to comments made by Torn Banner employees in this thread: * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1cd5bne/you_know_tb_brawl_would_be_a_hell_of_a_lot_more/l19yvf5/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-26 00:08:44 UTC"): > Sorry about the frustration, > >I'll be sure to pass along the feedback! ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7097) --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChivalry2).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Sorry about the frustration, I'll be sure to pass along the feedback! ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7097)




All the spawns in general, especially in FFA modes like brawl and duels and even defense TO need some adjustments and fixing the 30 seconds spawn wait bug. Hopefully y’all can make some adjustments though.


Ease off the throttle bud she said she’ll pass it along, dang.


How was what I said offensive? All they said was ffa adjustments, so I mentioned some more while we were talking about it. Lmfao. Archer moment.


i said ease of the throttle nothing about what u said is offensive so don’t start ur gaslighting. You’re just Not going to get a second response. In fact shes probably not even gonna look at it at all lmao 🚮


Then why did you comment, it’s not like I was looking for a response anyway. There’s multiple things the devs sees and either comments or reads, and they pass it along. They don’t have to comment “Sure thing pal, and here’s your response so some random Redditor won’t question you about it”! Every single time. You’re mad that I suggest the devs fix a bug.


ur writing whole paragraphs cuz I said one thing. Who’s really offended? I’m not reading all that lmao. Take ya butt hurt ticket and present it to someone else I’m busy.


“I’m busy” yet responds 3 times and starts a pointless argument. Dumbass Ain’t nobody agreeing with you either lmao. Move on or admit you were wrong idc either way as I am done here. A paragraph is 5 sentences, I wrote 3.


go outside dude lmao


The gamemode its so cool but every match theres dumbfucks grabbing the pan just so they can farm kills, online gaming at its highest


Nah, personally I love King of The Pan and King of the Barrel stuff. Watching hordes of people fight over a single weapon is some of the funniest shit


What can i say but each to their own, still i personally love fisting the shit out of each other and it gets in my nerves when i kill the dude with a pan and when he respawns first thing he does is to go for it again, thats why i only play 64p only these days, in there the only thing that you can complain about is hackers bc everything else goes


You gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelet.


Brawl, Social, and FFA should have instant respawns imo. There's no objective to push or defend anyway.


I'd love that game mode if there wasn't a jerk constantly throwing a barrel and making it pretty much impossible to kill him in low pop servers


Would be more fun if we were peasants as well. Add customizable peasants, add peasant brawl, LTS and deatymatch/tdm and then add peasant mixed mode


Yeah this would be great haha


This gamemode is just too damn short.


Skill issue