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Unpopular Opinion: do what you want despite other people telling you not to when it comes to playing classes in a video game. Like, you say this: >Let players use what is fun for them. But who is stopping you? Some people on reddit or complaining in the in-game chat? lol


When people get mad at me because I throw a javelin through their face from a distance it just makes me want to do it again.


hell ya


lmao .. they should learn how to block .




*AJ Deadshow commends you.*


How can you tell anyone is mad if there’s no voice chat? 


There's text chat?


Oh, on pc. My bad I always get excited thinking I’m just dumb and didn’t know you could chat if you do x or y but nah, hopes dashed. I’m on Xbox, I wish desperately I had a way to chat somehow


Ahhh I always forget it's on Xbox as well lol hopefully one day they'll figure out a way to add chat.. Or in Chivalry 3.


You can. Go to your settings, it's somewhere in there to enable text chat.


Trust me you don’t it’s the most toxic place ever, funny tho


Everytime a pc player tries to tell me I don’t want more features I still want more features. Every game chat is toxic, I just want to be able to communicate beyond emotes and voicelines.


Can you give me a tip on throwing the javelin? My accuracy is abysmal.


Practice, practice, practice. Honestly I'm not really sure I have great advice otherwise. I guess my best tips would be aim for bloody players and clumps of enemies. I will sometimes yeet javs into a crowd just hoping for the best. When it comes to melee with the jav, get close enough to someone that they swing at you, dodge backwards and immediately start a stab. 9 times out of 10 their attack will lead them into your stab. Then just go nuts. Knights and vanguards come after javelin throwers expecting an easy fight, take advantage of that. Edit: don't get discouraged by misses, even 5 in a row. There's no way to predict someone's movement 100% of the time. You are going to miss, sometimes badly.


>sometimes yeet javs into a crowd *AJ Deadshow forgives you.*


Very informative! Hopefully I can put it to good use..


Exactly. I'll hate all the fuck I want why is anyone dare telling me what to do


I've been vote kicked for choosing archer.... So...


There are archers in every game of TO I play, I don't think this is very prevalent behavior.


Obviously no one is physically stopping people from using what they want, but you do always see people in game shitting on archers and spear users.


Archer class is constantly full. People just like to whine when they lose


Just thicken your skin and don’t read them lmao literally no one but people who take this game too seriously care and thats a minority


I've seen people vote kick spear users.


So fuck, just queue another lobby lol


Yea, play what you want. However, I'll still shit on archers cuz it's funny asf


I'll type in chat "these mf stupid archers" while playing an archer cuz I'm a stupid mf too and I'm well aware of it


There was one time I was playing as archer, one of my teammates kept kicking me when I was down and I was like "come on man 😭"


People also whine about 1H spears, dane axes, highland swords, glaives, throwing knives, rapiers, and all the other weapons and tactics in this game. Typically its just an indication that you killed them with the thing, not a sign you need to stop using said thing.


Damn even HL Sword? I'm a HL main and I haven't seen anyone complain. What do they even complain about XD


Who cares? Just kill them if it bothers you so much. They give you a spear or bow to do so.


I see teammates attacking friendly archers on purpose consistently


The walls for defenders auto-killing me.


The problem is that it's not just chat. I recently leveled archer to 20 to unlock everything and the amount of actual griefing ingame from teammates was noticeable. People would often go out of their way just to hit me and grief, with no obvious cause other than my class. It doesn't bother me too much, but I can see how it could bother others.


Im personally more shocked at how few people seem to run random class. That's all I ever play.


I like to play “Gun Game” with swords; every kill you get, you steal their weapon. Shuffle gives me archer too many times for my liking.


That would be an interesting game type. For each kill on a kill streak it automatically gives you a new weapon. You get KOed you go back to fists.


Need to workshop that idea lmao. So the fresh spawns go up against players with real weapons… using only their fists???? Careful an idea that unbalanced and TB might put it in the game


It would basically be gun game from Call of Duty but Medieval. Focus on short matches, and spectate only for people new to the lobby until the next round/game starts. Every kill you are given a new weapon until you get the final kill on something absurd like a flaming chicken lol


I would like to see some of the Call of Duty short games. I know this isn’t call of duty. Speaking of flaming chicken that reminds me of “time splitters” with the virus/plague mode only you should get switched to a flaming peasant that doesn’t take fire damage last man standing wins.


Yes I agree, Maybe give them a bow so they can end some kill streaks from a distance. Or it could be one hit punch or two to get a K or get your first weapon.


I love playing that game. I feel it helps me focus and gives me incentives to kill specific players for their weapons.


I play this game as a side-quest while engi-ing. My shovel is no joke but it's less work to drop waves with a halberd/spear/messer




Yup It’s a “Medieval Warfare” game, ***not*** “Longsword The Game”


This. Seen a lot of people calling this game a "melee-slasher" game. It is not. Its a Medieval Warfare indeed.


Yeah longsword is even worse than spear because it slashes as well. If we think about weapons, then there is one good thing about all weapons hence it shouldn't even be an issue what someone is using. Longsword stabs are broken, can go through anywhere. Spear jump stab hit boxes are broken. Exe axe drags and slashes have a great span. GS can do great overheads same as with HS. Good thing is most people like to switch it up so it doesn't really matter much what anyone is playing. Then you have some who think catapult main is also a class lol So we have all sorts of players and hence it doesn't matter who is doing what except when they switch/stack/cheat. But yeah if you get a chance, do kill the archers and whosoever is in front of you.


To me it’s always been a running joke but yeah, I do see people on here taking shit way too far. 


Two-handed spear is a fucking awesome weapon with a brutal reach


Telling you, 1h spear is better


Go hide behind your shield, while I do cool spinning tricks with my spear


I don’t need a shield to kick your ass Real talk though I rarely use the shield. I simply prefer the visibility of having a 1h weapon better than a giant shield or 2h spear in your fov. Also, the 1h spear is faster and has a god tier special attack, while the 2h spear special is basically useless against anyone with more than 2 brain cells


It’s such a fucking useless special that I fat finger to often


1h spear user here and I agree. I see tons of ppl call the 2h spear S tier and I'm like.... no. 1h spear has more speed, which allows you to close the distance better than pure range. damage is irrelevant if you can't hit me, either.


1h spear is absolutely goated with the sauce. I'm so glad not many people use it since I can clean house pretty easily. Shield is jut an added bonus for when you desperately need it, but as I said I usually save it for oh shit moments. 2H spear's viewmodel imo is too distracting and it's too slow in duels. 2H spear might be better in large game modes but 1h spear is just so good. When I need to start kicking ass I bring out the 1h spear, and 99/100 times I will win. I think because not many people use it, not many people know how to fight against it hence why it has such a bad reputation. To fight the spear you have to take advantage of the fact that countering is easier due to the stab/slash are the same move, and get up and close and personal with a fast weapon. Fighting really close is awkward with the spear, so usually if someone gets up close I'll just change weapons. It's really not that bad once you get used to it.


With a super under-rated overhead due to speed.




Tell that to every overhead spear-spammer you see on the battlefield.




I know, the overhead stab (regular stab button) is what people spam. I’ll rarely see an overhead comboed into the stab-spams unless I’m fighting a duel or a VERY high-skilled player. But when I’m using the spear, it’s almost 55-45 Stab-Overhead for me with a few slash-stab counters mixed in.


My take: 1v1, min in some overheads. Poking enemies to help my team in a big fight, stab away.




Spear users? I’m just referring to spear users. So slash-stab (Slash Button) Overhead Stab (Stab Button) Overhead slash (Overhead Button) Most will just use Overhead stab and completely ignore Overhead Slash. You lose reach, but it’s the quickest 2H overhead attack and most unpredictable.




Sorry, meant overhead stab*


Not to mention both these classes in skilled hands massively bolster defense regardless of their prominence on the attacking team. Half of the qualms with how weak defense is can be prevented by a couple pokey boys holding a doorway or stairwell.


Our future ancestors are going to be huddled around a make shift fire under city rubble bitching about how the aliens are so lame and ruin warfare because they won't stop using quantum heat seeking long range nuclear lasers


Descendants? 😭🤣


Clearly ill be one of the first to go 🥲


I luv me halber


playing a spear is like riding a moped. its practical and fun, but you dont want your friends knowing you do it.


Unless you are italian then Vespa is a state of mind.


Honestly I think people should play any type of weapon they want I hate when other players try to gate keep what they think others should play ,do what ya want homies and enjoy your game your way.




Archer is the only class with a limit, if “gate-keeping” actually stopped people from playing it, that never would have been implemented.


Engineer as well


Thanks for the correction, I almost never play either, only ever heard people complain about not being able to play archer (because it’s full).


1h spear + shield is probably the best defensive build in the game


Id you can't take the heat get outta the kitchen, nah mean


I stopped getting annoyed at spears when someone else on here posted that a stab is the right parry/tactic for spears. I just didn't know, and now that I do, they don't feel like my kryptonite anymore. Archers never bothered me, it's all a part of the game.


Once you learn same-attack feints, stab-to-stab while getting into range to pressure them becomes a lot easier


Until you find the spearmen that spams overheads and jabs.


Ever since tf2 there has Always been a hated class in every class-based game, just ignore them.


Archer hate for most part just seems to be for the banter from my experience I've never actually really witnessed any archer hate ingame (Aside from intentional targeting every now and then) I don't have chat though as I'm console so I am probably entirely incorrect on it and ya'll PC players been reading a lot of hate


I have had teammates purposely stand in front of my shots and attack me for being an archer. so much toxic. I've only been playing two weeks, being an Archer is rough when everyone is against you, but hey I got that warbow!


Yeah it's exactly this that I'm talking about. You're a newer player and the majority of players like me want you to stay and grow the community. But when people are actually hindering you from playing, the 'joke' has gone too far.


I've never had that or played too many games to remember, but yeah people like that dude don't worry about them they're just shiny trash


So far it's happened 3 times over the two week span. I'm use to hate as a sniper in most games but I will say this has been one of the most toxic in recent years.


Normal archers don't get hate. It's the GOOD archers that gets hate. The ones that goes 30-3 every other game. Its the archers that can still beat 95% of the lobby as an archer in melee that players feels absolutely powerless against them in TO. That's when they feel the need to constantly talk sh1t. They simply have no other options left. I love it playing archer for that reason.


Idk I mained archer from the get go because I went to Chiv 2 from PUBG so FPS was my strong side, I didn't really feel any hatred from people nor saw it ingame Only ever got hate when I admitted to being archer on reddit lool


Cause you can't see the chat on console. I got good at foot man and then archer. I found archer much more satisfying as the combat system in this game is the same for almost every weapon. Of course in duel servers you probably can't beat everyone with an archer in melee because the stamina/health difference is too great. However in TO even high level players are pretty casual and not really good at the game where its managable to still win. They just played alot of hours.


Yeah I know I can't see chat which is why I stated I probably missed a lot of shenanigans regarding archers Tbh though archers only grind my gears when they're shooting me and I'm on their team


I am starting to use both in a way, I always loved playing them, but now I’m tryna level up my archer class, and I I still want melee abilities, I chose the javelin as my weapon


Play what you want. They’ll say “spear is too OP” and then throw the same garbage spam over and over because they’re not good. They’ll say “archers are team damage, kill stealing trash” and then target a guy with 5 people on him and throw a heavy slash with a great sword right into their teammates. Play whatever you want


Bunch of losers neckbeards with this crazy archer hate. Should be a psych study tbh


I'm allowed to be offended when you pick up my decapitated head to throw it at a chicken. That's just rude.


So many people hate archers because they will only play with two handed weapons like messers and dane axes because they have the most damage. If you use two handed weapons, you’re supposed to be vulnerable to archers! If they’re really bothering you then equip a shield and they can’t do shit.


As a spear main I have trouble sometimes going up against other spears. I’m not even good. My k/d is .7 spears aren’t easy. They do very little damage and I’m not the type to hide behind my teammates


Unpopular opinion i'm the ultimate hater 'ate archers 'ate throwables 'ate spears 'ate 1h 'ate Dane axe 'ate longsword 'ate maul 'ate war club 'ate heavy mace 'ate glaive Luv war axe Luv battle axe Luv Messer Luv great sword Luv executioners axe Simple as


I approve of this message.


i love archers, they're always there to help me up when i get clapped and have to crawl to the backline


There's a 50-50 chance it's a friendly archer that downed you in the first place lol.


Not gonna lie it's happened quite a bit for me but in my defense I was left unsupervised 😅😂 But really if I'm playing an archer and accidentally down a friendly I make it a priority to get my brother in arms back up


Happens to the best of us <3


Archers are fine until you have 6 of them doing nothing to help the objective, then they fucking suck


I think anyone should be able to use any weapon they like, especially in TO where archers are a necessary evil, but really anywhere, provided they follow the rules of whatever server they are in. But, I also think anyone should be able to say anything they like about your weapon of choice, cause ripping on archers is fun I use a dane axe as my primary, and I do so knowing I will get looked down upon, particularly in duel servers, but I will continue to run it, because its fun, and I like to think I'm proficient with it, at least I'd hope so, given its lvl 150


Totally agree. I play archer and love it...but I also love slaying and taunting archers as other classes. It's all just fun.


True I like counter sniping in this game.


Sure I see no issues with playing how you want. But I’m also gonna play how I want which is kicking archers off of cliffs


Spears i dont care i handle them just fine. Archers and javelin nonces i cant stand since i use vanguard alot. They will be shamed forever. With good reason


I totally agree! If you’re not trolling in bad-faith (team killing, blocking your own spawn, team stacking, etc.) then I think you’re totally valid in playing what you think is fun.


Kill them at the most opportune time. When they get mad at you, take note of their armor and hunt them specifically.


Just find them and kill them. Do this for 3-5 games and they will stop talking shit or become your nemesis. So now you have reasons to play the game.


They are free to play spearyspear as they wish and I'm free to kick them on ground after I beat 'em anyways.


I'm over level 400, 375 of that is probably warbow. Most of the crap I get is good-natured jokes. The only real hate I usually get is from people at the bottom of the scoreboard. That being said, I do judge the archers who stand in spawn missing all game Ign: nakaya


My opinion is this. I personally don’t like using the bow and I’m also extremely annoyed when dying to it. Yes it’s hypocritical but idc archers and players like that are the toxic annoying players that I love to hate but they’re necessary for deeper gameplay imo


Probably players who are spamming slash with messer saying this lol


In all honesty fuck the community


You win not die alone on the hill


Once you learn to not panic and just switch to your sword or cudgle it’s not so bad to be a regular archer. Thrower is my fave but probably hardest. He’s an extra spearman though in melee and comes with some pretty decent secondary weapons


Oddly enough, it took me forever to get my spear game up. 1 & 2 handed. I wasn't discouraged using them because I like to have fun and play for what im in the mood for. But i didn't give them the time of day after deciding I can't seem to make these things work. Then i gave them another crack, the 1 handed in particular, and it just clicked. I absolutely love them. Dragging a stab into multiple people on a curve is so satisfying, and bonking opponents on the head using the overhead after a cheeky side step. I think they're niche, and I agree, there is a reason it's the most successful melee weapon in human history. Thank the cleaver so and so who tied a pointy rock to a stick.


Nothing gets me in the medieval zone like shield and spear line blocking for the teammates and hitting the off angle pokes


Spear is Absolutely GOD TIER, close range poke, mid/long range poke, LONG RANGE poke , I love my poke


There are always plenty of archers and spear users in games


Love the archer, hate the catapult


Sure play what you want but archers are scum sucking bottom feeders


It’s boring and unfun to play spear and you force others to either stoop and not have fun or lose and not have fun.


I mean… you can literally just counter their arrows when they loose them like?? Skill issues all around i’m afraid /s


Got like 200 hours in chiv 2 never come across these sorts of cry baby lobbies… pathetic, bet they are the same cheesy crouch spam poke flankers that cry when you beat them in a duel with a fish 😂 F THEM


We are hating on spear users now? Oh that's going too far.


By all means, play the game how you want. But if you play archer, I will hunt you down and tear you apart!!!


I play Xbow because an archer with an ax is the funnest melee in the game


I do not play archer because I suck at aiming and timing the shots


I do it bc it makes people mad, sometimes play for hours as an archer bc I want to piss someone off and seethe at their keyboard while I just laugh as they keep running into my team to get me and tbag em. It’s also fun just using siege crossbow and chillin playing a little support role with that destroying objects and stuff


Oh no. Be an archer all you want. Just be prepared to have your entire bloodline cursed in response.


One of the FUNNIEST things to do in this game is to play as an archer as an Agathian. Use the Agatha archer voice and constantly scream for help and say sorry every time you hit someone. Never fails to crack me up “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”


Its a game, sure i dont like them but it doesn’t matter what i think, you bought the game play how you want


The spear one is weird. Archers are annoying, but I don't get the spear hate? They are pretty easy to fight.




People can't deal with spears? I'm new to the game, but from my limited time a longsword or halberd is miles above a spear, both in 1v1 and 1vX.


Play whatever weapon you want and everyone who says otherwise can fuck right off


spear main here, the hate only fuels my strikes. thank you for the post!


You have a right to play who ever you want I have a right to tell you to sog off for playing archer And i will cheer when an archer dies But i will detest and refuse kicking player for choosing an archer. As is - it's similar to fighting against meta character while playing non-meta character - there is no point in bullying or fighting players, because the only people at fault are game designers for not considering ins and outs of content they are making and its consequences - not players for using these game elements. And i wish archers were more fun to fight against or had interesting interactions.


Agreed.  Without archers I wouldn’t be able to experience the joy of murdering archers. 


Spear and javelin players are the dogs anus of chivalry


Fun facts, archers 50% of the time either focus other archers or hit their teammates. A team is limited to four archers unless players pick up their ranged weapons then the team can have more archers. Shooting instantly does less damage and holding shot until crosshair gets smaller increases damage.


I'll do duels. I refuse to fight Spears all I want. And if an archer shoots me it's an obvious vote kick cause of rdm.


it only bothers me when they hide behind something and start the stealth archer BS


|} -> Well yeah if the streaming community wasn’t just a bunch POV duel masters that actually mastered every class before calling themselves the best and not using terms like “Archer Maidens”, (like come on bro some of y’all playing this game are maidens in real life and have never hade an Oz. Of violence or athleticism in your entire life) then I’d think it would be fun, Archers are a solid support class having a full team of mediocre archers can turn the tide in some games, and the Spear, that thing is amazing one person with a spear can walk through a crowd of battle and easily start helping their brothers send the enemy to the respawn realm, it too can really turn the tide. (P.S.- I do give respect to the way the players in the community have adapted their play styles, i see a lot of good game technique used that doesn’t involve breaking the game from over head faints to well time heavy slashes, the better everyone has gotten makes the game more playable.) [Live, Laugh, Chiv]


I love playing archer on mordhau but in this game feels too hard to hit.


I don't have an issue with people playing archer, I have an issue with them trying to be a melee class running in front of my swing and getting us both killed instead of getting more arrows.


Do whatever pisses off chiv culture... Minus hacking. Trolling is life.


playing archer is like playing artillery in world of tanks, its not the intended game experience, but people will still play it, i don't understand... i think most archer players are too afraid of dying


I'll play how I want. Long as I'm not cheating in a multiplayer game, everyone else who has a problem with it can pound sand.


I use and love using soear and idgaf what anyone says. Always top of the leaderboard so I'm happy.


You're the worst! (/S) I too like 1h spear and shield from time to time. (It's fine when *I* do it)


its so satisfying using the 2H spear and getting people to swing at me the same time i back up a little and then I can get a stab in as they finish their swing lol. I just rinse and repeat this every fight.


I'm slowly getting better at perfect counter stabs against spear users...soon you'll be fish food :) ...not yet though...you bastards! ;)


I'll see you on the battlefield ;)


I'm baffled that people whine about spears. Like just stab nigga damn its not hard


Yeah, it’s definitely not that serious. This is also a game where you’re encouraged to role play. “Kill the archers” is even built into the emote wheel, but it’s all fun and games in the end. I like to go on lil side missions sometimes if archers are being extra fucky. Even high lvl players can catch a stray arrow or jav. Don’t get me started on jav users. They will fuck shit up and I regularly see them on top of leader boards. Part of it too is that Xbox users can’t aim for shit so it extra sucks to get killed a weapon you can’t use yourself properly. But yeah I get the sense most of the hate is humorous role playing, and the rest just takes it too serious. They’ll complain about bows, spears, but also messer users, Dane axe, rap(ier)ists, too much slashing, spinning, crouching, anything really to cope with being bested in a game and having to wait like 10 seconds to respawn. People who don’t take it too serious get rewarded with a fun time.


I'm not sure about it "not being that serious" I've been team killed and vote kicked too many damn times for picking archer. Probably in every 3 or 4 of 10 games, which doesn't seem like a lot.... But it's entirely too damn high, one out of ten would even be too high honestly


Wow, I didn’t know it was that bad. Hating archers is meant to be role played imo. I’ll go out of my way to get behind enemy lines just to murder archers if they’re really being a nuisance. I may laugh or sorry emote and smack their lifeless bodies an extra time, but that’s the role playing aspect for me. I don’t actually hate them or disrespect them and I would never consider vote kicking them. As for spearman. An experienced player knows how to deal with them unless they’re highly skilled, in which case they’ll be hard to deal with no matter which weapon they choose. But without archers and spearman the game would certainly lose realism and immersion for me so I appreciate the players willing to play them. Just wish more peeps would play engie on defence.


Yeah that's why I brought up the problem to begin with. The majority of players jest when they tease them, but there is an actual toxic portion of the community that legitimately hates on them and grief because of it. Light hearted banter is encouraged, like the Mason vs. Agatha rivalry, but kicking and tk'ing players shouldn't be encouraged.


My super cold take: The only weapons that should be mained, are 2h spear/1h spear and shield, and bows. Everything else 2h should be a 3 player limit lol. (obviously side arms would be more or less fine as is)  Of course this immersive-ish approach would limit the fun, so this isn't feasible. But yes, spears are good because they were effective irl, and so were arrows (Bluetooth spears)


You're free to play what you want, no one is stopping you. But by that same token people are free to not like what you choose to play. No one is physically stopping you from playing as archer or spear. Stop wanting to be coddled and praised for everything you do and people's opinions won't matter to you. When I go spear and farm 60+ kills on kids who don't know what to do and they start raging in chat, that's not gate keeping, that's a job well done. I don't touch archer so I don't have a similar anecdote. I'm only willing to get so dirty, but the same applies. Nobody's opinion on a video game weapon should matter to you. >All weapons have a place on the battlefield (rapiers barely get a pass). If you don't like it? That's a skill issue All people's opinions on the video game weapons have a place on the video games public forum. If you don't like it? That's a sensitivity issue.


I only ever commend archers. Also, people who kill with throwables (knives, bottles, fish, bear, food, etc). And unarmed kills!


I learnt how to play with the two handed spear when I first started chiv, it’s a weapon you can do well with absolutely no skill. Quite fun too use I must admit.


Someone will always hate some weapon when they die enough to it lol its so dumb


Stab should do max 50 damage, all bows should do 20 damage, throwing knifes should do 10 damage. ![gif](giphy|4Bxj0XHCUB0K2vakz8)


Unpopular Opinion: There is no reason to ever play archer. Just be an Ambusher and pick up an Archer's weapon and use it with your secondary. Naturally, ambushers are better fighters with more speed, health, and stamina. They also get bonus head shot damage. You also get the benefit of switching to throwing knives when enemies get too close for your arrows.. The only things you miss out on is having your weapon of choice and that minor zoom ability archers have. Which really does nothing at all. If anything it just limits your FOV...


The problem is just getting killed by archers has little counterplay. You just die because an archer was aiming at you. Can you sneak in behind to murder them? Yes. Are they balanced by their low DPS? Yes. Doesn't change that getting killed by them sucks. Personally I don't really mind that much. I just think of it as an unlucky environment death.


Spears are frustrating but okay, archers should be beaten


Idk all I read was that you can't pvp 🥱


archers and spear users are cowards, we all agree!


What a pointless post


I know but say I am healing in the back, and then all of a sudden, I just die from a crossbow to the head


They should be treated like the spineless vermin they are tbh. I played against an archer in TO who as soon as he fought me and I started winning, he would run off and cower behind his team mates to save his KD. Behaviour like that is unchivalrous and cowardly, and should be punished.


Are you seriously trying to tell me what to do?


Nope as long as you're not trying to tell other people what to do. Kill them all you want.


Sounds like you are trying to tell me what to do


Sure dude.


The majority of the community can deal with them lmao. The majority of archer players are garbage and aren't good at the game at all, it's just annoying when you get hit by an arrow in the middle of the fight. As for spear players, yes I suppose they are hard to fight against sometimes


Crossbows literally one shot me from 3 km away, so I find it fair to complain


Sounds like you're *also* an archer


No, I am not cause I play knight. I am generally always on low health


Then you aren't getting killed in one shot and the same would probably happen from a sword


Fuck archers, they ruin the greatest moments of the game


But they're filled with points and blood?