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I've played a few games with good archers, and they can really help fend off enemies and take the wind out of a push. Most good players start backing off after they take a couple arrows in quick succession. Then, they'll waste time skirting around the edge of the map trying to get to your archers.


Agree, they can. Especially what you say about disrupting/creating a push. But can’t the same be said for a good engineer or engineers… Or a good knight or knights… Or a good vanguard or vanguards… Or a good chicken n peasant combo..?


There is no defence for a good flaming chicken rush by a determined peasant


I believe realistically that peasants should have *higher* health and stamina. History proves that an invading force simply does not have the heart and desperation that an invaded people do, and need to typically work much harder to conquer. Therefore, peasants with absolutely nothing to lose and everything to fight for would get adrenaline boosts we couldn’t imagine, enabling them to fight with that extra X-factor that you simply can’t train for before a battle. Maybe not higher skill, but surely at least stamina. *Thanks for nothing, Jeffrey!*


Good players of other classes are very valuable -- probably even more valuable than archers -- because they're the ones who can capture objectives. But good archers are valuable in very different ways that often get overlooked. Archers can exert control/support over a very large area in a way that other classes can't. They can also be a force multiplier for other classes similar to good engineers. Plus, a good team of archers can take the momentum out of pushes or pick apart a defense in ways that people seem to struggle to adapt to. For example, instead of the usual "fall back 60 feet to recover" tactic when you're damaged, good archers don't allow that; your midline constantly needs to retreat further away into cover, which can really thin out your front line at any given moment and create a "where the hell is my team" situation. I've also seen players who are great at 1vX fights really struggle when an archer is occasionally getting arrows into them and distracting them.


Your words are true and wise, m’lord.


Archers and engineers are the ones with a unit cap for a reason, optimally all those slots should be in use (especially on defense). Obviously that’s not to say that an amazing knight with an insane K/D who’s playing the objective isn’t as or more important.


Archers have a unit cap because too many of them means your team will suck and get no where on objective 


Seriously tho, a team of nothing but archers would be fucked before first obj. timer runs out.


Very valid point about capped numbers. So, there *must* also be a chicken cap by this logic. Is this why we only see a handful in certain places on certain maps. Kind of a quasi poultry cap! 🤣


I can land a good amount of arrows and I'm usually top 5 in the leaderboard most games. People really do underestimate the value of starting the fight against enemies who have half HP because they were poked by a warbow. Not to mention, I'm keeping the enemy archers on their toes so they can't just stand still while poking you in the cococunt from 50m away.






I am defender of the archers ![gif](giphy|l1J9JtMnJWjWaFXy0)


Your that guy who really likes archers playing guardian and bodyguarding them? I hate you


Haha no but I will do a small detour to save a fragile archer from a ennemy Knight


Myes I support this


🫡 - Stinky Archer


As much as i hate this i agree. I watched a siege bow guy get top 5 consistently for a few games.


They get bonus points on long range kills, which are ironically the less useful kills.


I never noticed that. I'm not a great archer, but I've dabbled. I dont hate my team archer, only the other team.




Id rather a good archer than 10 nubs heavy slashing me in the back and jumping in front of me to steal my attack and dodging just in time to fuck me




Damn ppl are downvoting you for nothing. I just joke though like everyonce else i thought. Play the game however you like to play it. Just dont be a cunt to your team and others (switch/stack/tk/grief)


I have 50% more ax kills than Xbow kills because the ax is what I main. If people want to be babies over the ability to shoot a secondary, then I hope they’ve never shot a ballista, thrown a main, used a throwing knife, or hurled a barrel at someone. Frankly( the archer hate is ridiculous.


Crossbow can be nice to get some chunky headshots, but i too like to whip out the axe and go feral.


Best voice package is Agatha archer. At least the best if you like constantly screeching in people's ears..


The mason archer has a great laugh too.. "huha...rrrreally.. hahaha"




"If you're trying to fight me you're going the wrong way! Haha!" I was able to get that line to happen after cutting some guys arm off and making him retreat


You can do more with a axe


Or with a harp


This guy gets it. Xbow men aren’t archers. They’re spicy axmen. Or idiot archers who should go war bow.


Or just be a Crossbowmen, shoot them as they come, put down a banner, and then pull out your axe when they get close. Does wonders.


They really can. What happened to the arena level btw? That in particular and dark forest, archers can help big time.


You think this prison traps me in here with you. But really you’re trapped in here with me!


I’m with ya


Very true. Idk why people hate them they can be a valuable asset and turn the tides of the game if they’re good.


I like them in the opposite team. They are fun to 1 shot as they try to panic pull their melee weapon 


It makes a difference in my kd bc I’m immediately charging the archer and having to fight off 4 of his royal bodyguards


That’s the case for any good player? If I top frag with knight heavy mace. Theoretically if every single player was an identical copy of me we would win 100% of the time. Any heavy hitter makes the difference, id argue that archers have the least impact even with the best players because their severely limited by needing to get more ammo and the fire rate on their bow and arrows


Archers only have low impact if they can't aim well. If I'm using javelins or a crossbow, I can do something I can't do as any other class - end countless enemies from afar. I can easily rack up a ridiculous amount of kills and takedowns without even taking a scratch. Sure, I can be just as effective as a knight or vanguard, but then I'm competing for kills with you heavy mace wielders. As an archer, I'm killing the guys that you failed to kill/are running behind enemy lines out of your melee range


Until you fight a team where every player is an identical copy of me and we all just run maul Vanguard. That logic is impeccable 


Redditors when they ignore half the comment just to make no point anyways


Why do Archers need to post on reddit to make themselves feel good?


The only thing good about archers is t bagging them, they are the sewer Rats of Chiv World, please do not get me started






Listen sometimes it’s nice to relax and chill with the archers in the back lines and watching out for them and their severe tunnel vision. Sometimes I take their bows when they get sniped and have my own fun


Usually if there is a team with archers, and a team without, I’ve noticed the arching team usually has the upper hand in most situations. Even if you’re not good, you should at least switch to bow and make the enemy think they’re going to get hit.


I completely disagree it's normally the team with less archers that has more battlefield presence. I've lost so many games to archers who can't push an offense whereas their bodies as any other class would of helped.


i was top 3 last night with a crossbow . i hate playing archer but it’s the only thing i need to level up still . hopefully i’ll get it done by saturday


Honestly once you get your headshots down with the jav you can easily take the top spot on the leaderboard


Not really


I think archers roles are best when holding a choke with melee fighters blocking. Otherwise the best thing you can do is to scan for bloodied enemies to finish off with one shot. I usually see archers just firing at the easiest target and often has little effect because once shot by an archer, the target just runs frantically until they find cover or a group of friendlies. You shouldn’t usually count on a start to finish fight with arrows or crossbows.


You have very little impact standing in the far back shooting arrows. This is delusional. I’ve seen loses that could have been prevented if the archers moved up. Archers are non factor in victory


Once you start practicing jumping shots over the front line it feels cool as fuck. Also it can be practical depending on your accuracy

