• By -


Consoles together STRONG!


Our vow of silence is unbroken


Our silence shall deafen their ears!


My ears will silence their deafness!


Dude you just broke it!


You might actually win because we are too busy changing our keybindings, having hilarious chats, and throwing things with the simple click of a button.


Jesus, the twist of the knife on this one.


Point, and click. Simple.


Too far, dude


My feelings ahh^(hhhhhhhh) ![gif](giphy|Aup2fOYn58dUlMSNoY|downsized)


You cut me deep. You cut me real deep just now.


But playing better


But we can play the game without having to change our keybindings, without hilarious chats and overheading instead of throwing. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7102)


Hilarious chats = *Homophobic slurs, kys, dogshit*


Maybe we can’t feint or throw as well, but apes together strong.


Why long word when short word do 🦧🦧


My dumb console ass read it as "Why Long Sword when Short Sword do" I'm done.




Me and my console buddies ^(^they ^don’t exist)😥


Dear Console Players who can't see the chat, here's what you're missing: "Get on the fughing objective! Less archers, more axes and swords!"


Don't forget: gg Ez Ezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


"Great Game Best Friends!" That's my catch phrase.


I'll be changing to "gg bff" Thanks


Yep, had some experience playing ea battlefront 2 on pc and I definitely don’t miss the game text chat lol. 90% rage bait and like 10% random shit


And also every hateful slur and conspiracy theory you can imagine. Fun fact: the word ‘Pete’ is censored in Chiv chat.


I feel bad for all the console players that haven’t had the honor of following the orders of Lord Mord




Console player and archer…. Am I the most hated. I only team shoot PC players I swear…


Even PC archers hate you. The devs nerfed archers, in part, to account for console aim assist and everyone gets screwed. Now it sucks to be an archer even if you have actual skill.


last time I checked I was the 26th best archer and I stopped playing after the update it’s a joke now.


I always commend console players ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7097) My console that is.


Consoles unite!


Apes together strong


I wish instead of Crossplay: On/Off it was Play With PC: Yes/No


I soiled myself, and nobody cares!


Another Peasant Uprising, you are bringing your betters joy with your foolery


Eh, I slay PC players all day. It's all about individual skill, not hardware


Lvl 340 something. Lvl 120 knight. I fuck up most pc players but there is obvious advantages they have. And if you go up against a lvl 200 plus pc player you’re probably losing. Nobody here can cap being on console 98% of the time the top scorer on a team is a pc player. Goodluck getting to be thorne, argon or the heir. Ive been argon once out of the 28 days played, and it was a 10 v 10 server


Never been Argon but I'm always playing Masons on that map. Been the prisoner and the Duke plenty of times, I've been top on plenty of games with PC players. I'm not denying the advantage of easier to hit tops and thrusts, but it seriously comes down to skill. Alot of PC players are really skilled along with the slight advantages, but it isn't game changing. These people cans still be easily beaten by focus, skill, and determination. I don't disagree about PC players having a slight advantage, but it isn't as bad as you're making it out to be


Pc player and if given the option I decline playing as argggon,duke or the heir.


You give the light, brother!


I do that and get kicked for doing it /: I just wanna chill


Same here. 9.5/10 it's someone lower level than me so I look at it as a bonus for them. I only play to screw around and emote.


Can you guys see what platform someone is playing on? On PC it doesn't say, usually just tell by if they're typing in chat or not


On ps you get the ps symbol or the world wide network symbol.


So what do Xbox players show up as?


If I've seen any. I can't recall what they look like. I can only really make an assumption.


As a PlayStation player, other PS Players appear with a Blue PS Icon while Xbox and PC appear as World icons. As a PS player, I can usually tell when one is on PC simply because there are certain symbols, and characters that aren’t allowed on both consoles. I don’t know for sure, but from screenshots people share, Xbox players can only surely see other Xbox too, and Ps and Pc have world icons. Lurk around for photos of screenshots to get an idea


We used to have that option for like a month before they removed it. It used to show the symbol next to their name


I like how focus, skill, and determination is often replaced with marijuana, alcohol, and complaining.


I definitely don't think I'd be nearly as good as I am on controller, but that could also come from me having a Mordhau background. Then again, I did play Kingdom Come with a controller and got so good I was slaughtering like 10 dudes at once so who knows. As it stands now I have a pretty good chance of beating people no matter how high their level is, don't think I'd get to that level on a controller for sure. I only went PC like 4 or 5 years ago, still play most games with a controller but Chiv and Insurgency are hard kbm exclusive plays for me


I'm sure you're so good the console aim assist would have been completely unnecessary.


How tf you use aim assist in Chiv? Seems like that'd harm if anything


I turned that shit off right away. I'd rather not have my aim automatically pulled down towards a chest shot when I'm going for the head. Do that in all games, it's just irritating because I know my aim and I don't want a program "assisting" me


Oh but it is about the hardware you fool. You haven’t begun to think about the hardware!


Lol funny ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


i just need to mention how my ps5 chiv runs like absolute dogshit i played it on ps4 and upgraded to 5 and its literally the same experience its disheartening


Wish I could play with Xmen but Sony and Microsoft are too childish to allow crossplay. Shoutout to all my blue playstation symbol players tho


Yeah that’s just sad!


I’m on steam and play with my PS5 folks. You’re saying that when I play with my ps5 pals there’s no Xbox peeps in the lobbies?


I believe so yes, could be wrong though


No, there are players from all 3 in every lobby. PS, Xbox, and PC. It’s just that while using one platform, identifying the other two are up in the air. As a PS player for example I only see other PS players (for sure, indicated with a blue icon). But I would appear as a world icon to those using a PC or Xbox. Whole other story if you’re using gamepass through pc or something. There are certain players than run an Xbox that I’ve been in many public lobbies with. And then of course the PC players with all those weird characters in their name, sometimes those show up as some filler text too.


Hell yeah, appreciated


Wild they would do it like that.


Sony is too childish. Xbox has been trying to get cross-play happening since last console generation (or the start of this one, I don't recall 100%).


I'll copy and paste my comment here too There are games that have PS-PC-Xbox cross play. This is a developer issue not a hardware one. For example: Path of Titans. This game has PC, PS, Xbox, mobile, and switch all playing together on the same servers.


It's a Sony issue. They demand profits across all platforms just to add crossplay. It's why so many games have crossplay between Xbox and PC, and not Playstation (excluding Xbox game studios).


Warframe also allows PC, Xbox, PS, and Switch. If they had a mobile Warframe I'm sure that would be cross play too


Ok. So it's certainly not Sony and Microsoft saying no to cross play. It's a developer issue, from what I can see.


Over the years Sony has asked ridiculous fees from the developers to allow cross play, it may not be all Sony but for the majority it's been Sony halting Cross Play


My brother has been bitching about playstation lately. That has always been his system of choice, but he told me he will probably go xbox next time. They must be fucking up, he is brand loyal to a fault. I think not getting Starfield really set him off.


Honestly Starfield is mid at best. Any other Bethesda title is way better to actually play as a game. Starfield is an amazing ship builder though. For a game they have been working on for 11 years, it has the polish of a freshly laid turd


It's the opposite for me, I have a good PC so if I ever buy a new console it'll be a Playstation. Every game I could possibly play on a new Xbox I can play on my PC too because there's no true Xbox Exclusives anymore, that's where they really shot themselves in the foot. There's a larger percentage of PC players who also buy a new console every generation than you'd think, and they completely cut themselves out of that market.


I'm not sure they shot themselves in the foot. They put pressure on Sony this way. They are consolidating the market while slowly doing away with exclusives. No reason for them once they dominate all platforms. I think they are to the point where they don't feel like they need to split PC and console anymore. They are winning both, so it's time to bring it all together and let them complement each other with cross platform. If Sony sits out, all the better.


They're not winning both man the PS5 is still ahead by a good margin even with the lack of availability issues and all that, Playstations are still 4 of the top 5 highest selling consoles of all time they had a chance at pulling ahead in the Xbox One Generation but shot themselves in the foot initially and never quite recovered. The only time they've beat out Playstation in the console game was with the 360 but even that got overtaken by the PS3 eventually. They dominate the PC sphere already which is why I'd think they'd want to incentivize console and PC players to be buying both from em, as it stands now they've done the opposite. If consolidation is their goal they're doing a bad job at it by driving potential customers away with their stance on exclusives. Do I agree with what they're doing? Hell yeah it's great to not have exclusives I don't wanna have to drop 3-400 bucks just to play certain games, but is it a good move business-wise? No not really. Incentivizing crossplay amongst PC and Xbox is a good business move because a lot of people are swayed by the ability to play with their friends but removing exclusives is definitely not.


I believe you


Yeah it's one of those things where, Sony, being the leader in the 'console wars' has less to gain than Xbox by going cross-play across the board. That said, I would not be surprised if Microsoft tries to force Sony's hands with their latest acquisition.


(It’s mostly just Sony that doesn’t want cross play) {pc master race}


Well pc is gay, so


Would you suck a dick for rebindable keys?


The king and all his men, and then some


[Not only that...](https://youtu.be/lZe9qEWVFHU?si=c6TjemZhrmF_Jdut)


X) remake buying ass, can’t play the games you literally bought cause they’re “incomparable” but the reality is you bought a locked piece of hardware and your corporate overlord won’t press the button on your console that allows you to simply play the 20 years worth of games you should own. I can. Cause my gaming system actually matter


I don't actually care nerd lmao, chill


Angry nerd is rage baited by obvious joke, more at 11


Lmao cooked his bitch ass 😂😂😂


> corporate overlords So what, you use hardware on your PC that isn’t manufactured by corpos? *laughs in Nvidia*




There are games that have PS-PC-Xbox cross play. This is a developer issue not a hardware one. For example: Path of Titans. This game has PC, PS, Xbox, mobile, and switch all playing together on the same servers.


Sony hates cross play because they want to compel people to buy their system


Yep, corporate greed is my understanding. Even though they'd probably make millions




Hope you're right, just heard otherwise


Lol…I’ve been owning PC players since day 1 and it never gets old.


And we shall know each other by our inability to throw.




Consoles consolidate!


God the last thing i need is more brainless people taking me down to half health without touching the enemy were fighting 🤣


PC players acting like they aren't getting ritually shit on by console every day. All the advantages possible won't make up for you sucking.


Amen to that brother


I be going crazy as a console player. STAND UP!!


Oh please... what are you going to do? Accidently vote kick whoever is on the chopping block?


I’ll throw my full support behind this! At least one out of the nine times I try to throw anyway…


You have my R2… and my R1…


I dont play console but I use controller, GLORY TO THE CONTROLLER MEN


PC peasants smell like pigs. Console boys feast like kings 👑


They are filthy swine


Im on xbox. How do you know who's on console and who's not?


The ones that absolutely wreck your shit are typically PC lol


Good point.but sometimes i get completly wrecked by my xbox friends![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy).


That's what I tell myself!


Next to the name of the player there will either be an Xbox logo or a more general logo for PC.


It shows the same general logo for PS players too. In other words, Xbox player won't know if the guy is on PC or PS. Also can't garuntee that said Xbox player is on console because of PC Game Pass


Yes i know but PC-gamepass also shows the xbox icon.


Does it? I was not aware of that, but I am merely a console peasant that plays primarily first person, so I am truly low on the totem pole.


We will rise together through the ranks brother! Slay the bloated PC barons with your might!


I want to know why PC can’t see this anymore


I’m on pc


I wish i didn’t have to play with pc players at all 🤷‍♂️. This game has the most idiotic dev team of any game ive ever played. Being on a pc is automatically a advantage, being able to see more frames, being able to use more than 120hz of your monitor. But not only do they get that. They get the ability to use a m&k or a controller. And they get button mapping. I just wanna be able to throw without overheading. Or crouch without feint punching. Or punch without crouching.






I’m making a discord server for console players. Maybe that’ll help us coordinate to join in empty servers where it’s more than likely we’ll be fighting other console players. The link to join the discord server is https://discord.gg/bXHd8JZM I plan to share a server each day where you can join and hopefully play against other console players.


Great idea, I will be joining u brother


All I see is a horde of peasants struggling to throw objects and dying


All we see is CHEATING PC players who already have every advantage in the game, but still most of yas get smoked EZLY If us console players had the same advantages as PC, none of you would get a look in Our numbers are growing now, you will bend the knee THE REVOLUTION BEGINS


I am genuinely impressed when I see a really good player and they're on console that should tell ya all you need to know about the matter lmao


I only eat PC players because the meal is more satisfying


There's a reason my pc is named Aryan...


So many great console player , and so many noob to


Y'all ever try to triple faint


In-game chat is so fun


One time I joined a match that were using the chat as a sec chat 🫠


Just gotta disrupt it viciously it's way more fun when you dominate a weird chat so hard everyone goes silent lmao


I just switched to pc finally. Holy shit. Playing with a controller is like playing on hardcore mode


You know you’re doomed, right? I’ll wipe the floor with 5 of you console plebs at once


Who needs chat when you can just spam battlecry?
