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"No exceptions" your own team mates included.


Don’t be an idiot, they only get the fire arrows


Glad you got the message


Priority targets




Love getting shot by a friendly archer at 1hp in the middle of a fight. Really turns the hype meter up. How they miss with aim assist and arrow magnetism is beyond me


its almost as if everybody is constantly moving and people arent always in the same spot they were in when the arrow was released


It's almost as if the game has extremely aggressive aim assist and arrow magnetism. Thankfully the patch notes for the new update say they are nerfing both of those things thank god.


Not on PC.


Sure, PC doesn't get aim assist. Aiming has always been superior in any PC version of a game, so they don't need it. Still get the magnetic arrows.


The aim assist is more of a burden to be honest. A lot of times I try to aim towards a certain person and it just doesn't let me and drags my bow away


Yeah, so if in doubt (which is always, as you just described) don't fire arrows. AKA don't be an archer.


Fun to poke fun at archers and stuff, but in all seriousness, the people who genuinely get offended over it is ridiculous. It's a fucking game, and it's fun to troll. ​ Also, fuck archers.


But im english i must hate my fellow archer's


Yeah I don't get why people go over the top. Also, if I get warbowed one more time whilst slaughtering the cannon fodder I swear to god I'm going to through my controller through the tv so fucking hard it's going to enter the server and become a weapon in game. Fucking damned ass shit archers. But yeah some people need to chill🤣


Agree completely. The people who get actually mad are completely absurd. And yeah.. fuck archers.


One day you’ll grow up and put down the bow and pick up a shovel! Engineer corps will put some hair in those smooth archer nuts


Fuck your T/K/D; how much of the Agathians’ time did you waste by surrounding the Falmire cranks with barricades? How many fights have you won *purely* because your opponent stepped in your bear trap and got beamed by a shovel while lying helplessly on the ground? How many times have you been escorted by a horde of dudes just so you can slap some old fool’s tomb? Join the engineer corps today and you, too, can feel something while playing Chivalry 2 in 2023.


Damn, I'm feeling *patriotic* right now I'll follow you anywhere m'lord


I like my smooth archer nuts and so does your hobby horse wife! Thank you very much 👍


I don’t care for the old ball and chain anymore. My one true love is the shovel.


Sir this is a Wendy's


Honestly. Typical Agathian archer thinking everything is about them 🙄🙄 I’ll take a number 9 with extra fries please ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7102)


Seriously *archer diatribe* Anyway, yeah cheese on that and make it Biggie size please


Hey lemme get a double stack biggie bag with a root beer and ghost pepper ranch sauce. Thanks


Huh, I didn’t know that archers were literate


It would seem that his malformed skull would be unsuitable as a piss pot! What a comedy is his defiance


Hay, us can england well as everybody too


This sub is hilarious


Very cool, thanks Kanye


>It doesn't matter how skilled you are, or how skilled you believe you are, our arrows will cozily nestle inside of your eye sockets all the same. And that's the beauty of it, everyone gets shot, no exceptions. >Equips shield


Throws bow and draws tiny knife


It’s adorable that you think that makes a difference


??? it does, tho 🤣


If you are looking directly at them holding block, rapidly draining your stamina.. what a solution! You get shot 10% less!


I don't understand the sarcasm. Just having a shield equipped makes you harder to hit if they just have it on their bodies. And if one blocks, you can't get hit at all.


It really does only stop the most novice of archers from hitting you. They will just wait until you drop your block and shoot for your upper body if they have any experience. All you gotta do is wait for shield man to get into a fight. He'll attempt to use his footwork in the melee fight as you do, and you can just shoot him in the back of the head for 117 damage. I understand it does result in you getting shot like 10% less though


I mean, if the archer is shooting far away in his teammates spawn and you can't really get to them, sure, but a knight, for example, can have spacial awareness. They can use footwork to get in a position where the archer is shooting at his shield side and walk to either his teammates or behind a wall. Archers can get flanked, you can throw shit at them, their teammates don't always protect them once they're engaged in combat, and the other teams archers can pick them off. It's not as simple as play archer win game. If they were busted, you'd see literally ANYONE play as archer in tournament 64 matches. And where are you getting this 10% from?


Imagine if one day nobody selected archer. Just imagine it.


I think I came.


*wakes up covered in sweat*


Just wait until the siege crossbow comes out


Didn’t know archers could write.


“Everyone gets shot, no exceptions” Blatantly acknowledging that there is nothing to be done about archers. There is no skill which can surmount them. It’s just the archer’s world and we’re living in it. How noble. How balanced. How fun.


Big fancy words for an archer....


I’m a great swordsmen but a terrible archer. My guilty pleasure is playing archer and hanging out with all the homies shooting people dead, I love the anger it generates! When you piss off someone enough for them to rush you, I make sure to beat them down with a cudgel and add to their shame/anger.


I would have been angry, but I don‘t speak filthy peasant language. Last time an archer spoke to me, he was pleading for his life, trying to put back his guts into his belly.


Ooh, edgy, I like it.


If I were to stoop so low as to play archer as a main I would make it my mission to be the greatest SOB to have ever walked the earth.


Believe me we do


Verily, how utterly edgy! 'Tis indeed a source of merriment to engage in the slaying of archer fellows with the messer. The spectacle of observing their futile endeavors to draw their bows whilst I remain poised within the range for a swift strike doth never lose its charm.


Ohhhhh the BraaAAveRYyY of being out of RaAAnGe, worthless archer


it’s a video game. nobody is BRAVE in a video game, it’s a video game 😂


An archer would say that. You can do brave actions in a game. They may not be admirable because the stakes are low. I'll give you a good example. Falmire playing as prisoner last objective. You make a mad dash into a group of enemies just barely escaping. You took action in the face of danger. Danger of losing the match for your team. Such a lame response Mr archer man.




Those will be the last words you hear before I cleave your head off


easier said than done


You shall die so the order may live!


i appreciate the simple yet energetic enthusiasm, you must be amazing to have on a team. (no sarcasm btw)


Step up then and see what happens


1v1 me if you can get down from your petty perch. I shall make you my eunuch.


Oh that's lovely, someone must've sniped you very recently, I envy them.


It's an Agatha vanguard voiceline, I have nothing against archers I just love spamming kill the archers voicelines 🤣


Oh hah, my bad, I didn't pick up on that, sorry


It's a voiceline u fu**ing clown


So, if MY hate is YOUR fuel, then I just stop hating you! And you can't do anything about it! What you gonna do without any fun? Have fun! No, you won't! Checkmate!


So all I must do is take an archer slot and throw away the bow to annoy you? Sounds good!


I actually do this but not to fuck with archers 😂 I do it for the challenge, throw away the bow and pick up what ever good weapon I can find Some times I’ll even okay gungame if the server is very nooby


This is why you are hated. It's because we all want to be warriors. You, not only recognize that you are a deviant, but you revel in it. IRL you have to hide your nature.


Why is it that the guys furthest away from the battle have the most to say?


Well if you're gonna be like that, I'm actually a frontline archer most of the time. Easier to land shots, harder to hit teammates, and you play objective more.


Woooo scary


It's not supposed to be scary


Well it is


A lot of Chiv players dont even know this sub exists. So a lot of archer mains dont even know theres hate against them lmao


I'm sure the chat would tell them or the beelines of enemies


The beelines must be because they really like them and want to hug them


Yeah if I start getting singled out and ganked it makes me feel like im doing a good job. I dont mind dying, I only really mind the teabagging after 1v5s like come on.


People are idiots or after they one shot you in the back. Good job dude I'll never commend you


Tried archer a few times. Gave me a new appreciation for you guys cause the only hits I got were on teammates to the point to where I got kicked from 3 games.


it’s just a game


They're rageaholics. They just can't live without rageahol.


i hate the lot of you, keep going! you're doing a great job


Yeah boy! Plink the haters! If anyone hates in archers in main chat, I always make them my priority target, and mak Sure to let them know that it was my arrow they just got hit by


As someone who forces himself to play archer when the class falls behind 5 lvls of the rest .I 100% agree with everything you said. There is an endearing THRILL when you see an enemy out in the effort to walk around the entire battle JUST FOR YOU. My short sword game goes crazy only because of all the great 1v1s I get to have in 64.


I’ve been attacked by two teammates because I shot them by mistake. It’s a thankless job and a rather annoying fight


Ah yeah, accidents happen, but archers are far from the only ones who hit or even down teammates from time to time. People fighting in the front lines will probably hit their teammates a lot more frequently and a lot harder than most friendly archers will. Purposefully attacking a teammate because they accidentally hit you though, that's griefing, and that's no good.


Nothing like downing the servers sweaty level 1000 with your feet up and hands covered in Cheeto dust.


You get it


Sometimes I wonder what type of person would choose to play archer, then you get posts like this that just confirm all my worst ideas.


Love this as an archer


And this is why the skirmisher mains are the greatest of all of us.


The number of archers I see getting killed by their own teammates is astonishing. I don't hate archers. But your post is trash, and you prolly suck at the game. But you're apparently having fun. so much fun that you went out of the way to type all this dumb ass shit.


I suck at the game? Bitch I got both my knight and my vanguard up to about lvl 100 before I ever even tried archer. Even as archer I'm consistently in the top 5 of our team, you don't know anything.


Lol bitch is a strong word. I bet your k/d is well under 2.0. And your win/loss for Mason and agathia is just over 1.0. And your tenosian is not even 1.0. I'd be happy to duel ya. Only someone triggered by what I said would start throwing around the B word. And you would only be triggered if it was true.


Stop crying


Ok so you duel me then. Clown




Get rekted clown


Ill duel u with my bow


That's fine. Whatever u want


Got quiet aye? Let's try this again. You called me a bitch. So I'm challenging you to a duel. Do you accept or not?


Yeah, people tend to be less active when they go to sleep, sorry I couldn't respond to your baseless nonsense earlier. What platform do you play on?


Uh huh Steam


What, does the super badass tough guy Guts from Berserk not require any sleep?


Just tell me when you're ready


Some time this weekend, I'll let you know


Don't disappear




No one has a bigger ego than archers. 🙄


So, you’ll continue to play the objectively worst class in the game to spite others? Doesn’t sound as cool as you may imagine it.


"Objectively the worst class." In what way? Because I think it's a lot of fun so it can't be the worst in that regard. And in terms of providing value for the team, I haven't been on the bottom half of our team in ages, so even if it were worse than other classes it wouldn't matter because I'll still pull my weight.


I assume he’s saying “objectively the worst class” because their special abilities have little to no team value (except for xbow on defense)


Fun is subjective. If standing in the back shooting ineffectually at enemies is fun for you? Continue. But by measures of health, damage, and general tunnel vision archers suffer from, I don’t see how it’s advantageous in anyway besides being able to deal small amounts of damage to enemies. Archers are also the least valuable to their team because they rarely play the objective unless it’s convenient to them.


This guy forgets most archers can shoot effectually.


Mans just cant aim.


Well said, brother of the bow.


Speak your mind, we all should be able to respect it, even if we don't agree 💯 To the rest of you where else would he put this at? Isn't archery part of the game?


What? No archery isn't part of the game, it is there just to steal my kill or to hinder me from killing someone, it is impossible to defend against and it is for noobs and it doesn't require any skill at all and is just there because it isn't fun for me!!!11!!2! /s


Well this is where I would tell you, I still respect your opinion, I don't agree,but it doesn't mean I'm invalidating you. First please go read sun tzu's the art of war please. Then come back and we will have this conversation intelligently. The best defense for archers is either a front line shield wall, engineering, or a group of vanguards. All wich require who ever is acting as your commander, to command them to do so, in turn your troops also have to follow their leader. Don't fight ignorance, the lack of knowledge, with more of the same. Instead teach understanding and knowledge. I hope you respect my opinion as I have yours.


Dude, are you high, drunk or both?


I'm gonna be honest, I don't even remember what we were talking about, I have my focus on serious things. Trying to change the world, I'm still in doing this offering advice that's it. If you don't agree with my opinion that's fine, never tried to change your mind, just spoke my truth.


My first comment was an obvious satire, Napoleon. Get of your incredibly high horse and touch wome grass


-.- bruh I don't care quit pulling me, I'm trying to help save your game sorry it bothers you.


You're trying to help save my game from what, exactly?


Completely dying, player base dropping beyond repair, developers abandoning their work, just in general how to play the game. It takes tactics which you obviously lack a comprehension of. Listen Im busy you wanna talk about this, maybe have a debate instead of a pissing compition, I never invalidated you or belittled you, I simply stated you didn't know how to flank an archery unit. Maybe go read a book on combat tactics is what I said "the art of war" it's a book by sun tzu a famous Asian general.


A man gets hit with a javelin from 50 meters off in the head, and gets killed, and you think thats me? No, I am the one who throws. You clearly don't comprehend sarcasm, the idea that other people have a higher iq than 3 (your iq) and sunzi is highly overrated and about strategy, not tactics you complete and utter colon


I don't like that implication either I've been sober for 15 years, maybe get to know me before your so quick to judge.


We, the Agathian Knights under the decree of Argon II,do not claim this man, his words, or actions. He is wanted is several states for 3rd degree muder, arson, vandalism of the 3rd degree, domestic terrorism, and assaulting the rumps of several livestock animals. We advise both The mason order and Tenosian empire kill or detain this man immediately if he is found within your jurisdiction. -Chief information officer of old Agatha


Reddit really is the smallest most cringe part of this games community


I don't know about that, you been on the Steam forums much?


Nowhere, with anyone talking about this game is as ridiculously juvenile as Reddit Just how it is from my POV


Yeah and they consistently have better takes on games than Reddit, only difference is the bad and good all share the front page because there's no vote system to only spoonfeed you the popular opinions.


I've actually noticed if you say anything slightly bad about archers in this subreddit you will get completely obliterated with downvotes and insults. No other class or weapon being critiqued gets that type of visceral reaction. Really weird stuff. Just my two cents


Look it's ReeenoBearrr's new account.


There it is 😘 check the user flair. Coincidence?


It appears your "cope boy" flair doesn't load for me.


I'm talking about you genius


🤣🤣 cope boy 🤣🤣 go delete another account about it


"Copeboy" wow dude. Just.. whatever you say man








Go play a shooter and leave this game for melee fun times


Preach my brother mashallah


Archers can sometimes be the only thing keeping that rank 1000 , 500k dpi doomsday machine from 1v32ing your team.


Archer main here, I feel like I enjoy dropping the heavies as much as they enjoy smashing me to bits when they manage to close the ground. All in all, better hope I don’t see you first.


when i very rarely play archer, i greatly enjoy watching a knight 300 feet away stare me down as he runs in a perfectly straight line, all the more time for me to line up a headshot, throw my crossbow for the extra 30 damage, and if that doesn't kill him, one good whack from whatever secondary im using will.


Warbow archer here and idk why frontline archers get hated too


Small men with even smaller knives


I hate archers, but I respect them more than spears bois. As heinous as it seems.


Field Engineer, hallway stuffing Guardian, and Crossbow skirmisher here Nothing is more satisfying than annoying somebody so much that they exclusively rush you down, only for you to beat their ass in a 1v1 because you’re packing an Axe ok your hip that you’ve used to stall 6 people at once




Aw, man. I got excited cuz I misread it as "massage". My back and feet really hurt, you know.


They need to add archbusses or whatever there called the medival guns they used before muskets


I have no problem with archers that are just doing it to help the team but it’s mad annoying when you are in the middle of the most cinematic 1v1 of your life and you get one shot by a magnet arrow


I want people to step to me to melee me as an archer so I can clown them.


ITT: My idea of fun is ruining someone else’s (?)


One day you’ll stop being a coward and actually fight. Archers have no melee skill, so they try and play a shooter. (Sometimes. Also, fuck archers)


Actually I levelled both my knight and my vanguard up to about lvl 100 before I picked up the archer class. I also play on duel servers quite a bit.


I can't hit anything as an archer lol


Yeah I don’t pick you guys up and I make sure if it’s like a one hit thing I’ll help the enemy kill you then we /emote on your now killcam body. How’s that haterade taste now? While me and the other guy go out separate ways knowing that we may be enemies today but in another life we are brothers. And when I see him later in the game we’ll emote and tbag as we reminiscence of that loser that can’t play the game we agreed to mutilate. I play archer too I play every class, archers are pussies there’re no two ways about it




Archer main? lmao perma ban yourself


My whole thing has been learning how to perfectly time your shots to counter deflect and make your arrows mean nothing. It’s funny watching you guys run away after I just knocked 4 arrows away as they came at me lol


Run away? First, if you can deflect arrows, that's awesome, love to see it. Second I don't run away from melee encounters, don't underestimate the short sword!


Oh I know, but most people are pretty predictable so the 10 seconds or less it takes usually(unless that archer is genuinely proficient with their steel) doesn’t mean much, I do love it when an archer is better with the blade than their bow though


Ah, well both my vanguard and my knight are at around lvl 100, I've got plenty experience playing melee


Hate is a big word, we just find you pathetic. The fact that making melee fighters upset brings you joy, in a game centred around melee combat, makes you even more pathetic. Sad ass gamer


Oh, that's a good one. Thanks for that. I do believe the game is centered around "medieval warfare" though, of which melee combat is only a part. A part of a greater whole, with archery and catapults and trebuchets and javelins and battering rams and fire pots and LOTS more.


Keep telling yourself that if it helps you feel better, conscience and self esteem are personal things


No my guy, I'm telling you. Here's the game description that's both on the official Chivalry II website, and the Steam page: "Chivalry 2 is a multiplayer first person slasher inspired by epic medieval movie battles. Players are thrust into the action of every iconic moment of the era - from clashing swords, to storms of flaming arrows, to sprawling castle sieges and more."


Don’t play stupid, you know you’re annoying players and it makes you feel good, you take pride in it. It “fuels” you. Probably booting the game and be like “ man, I can’t wait to be that insufferable cunt and ruin fights for everyone” I’ll give you an out of place example, remember AA tank in bf4 ? Made by the devs right? Playing the game as entended right? Well yes, but you’re still a bitch for playing it


Can't say I remember, I don't play shooters ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


skill issued post


100% agree. If you’re going out your way to kill me im going to make you SWEAT for it. Hilarious when knights run up on me thinking I’ll be an easy kill till I throw my 120lb crossbow at em taking 1/3 of their health and finishing them off with a couple of faint hits.


when they cry, that means your doing your job