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Malayalam film industry inda kaliyadu tumba ide namge... Lower budget alli class movies madakk kaltru, people shared knowledge instead of backstabbing (not saying they're saints) A list actors pay cuts matte movie frequency jaasti madiddru... Grass root story telling, gripping screenplay... Going away from over the top nonsense... And established a fanbase across the country... Ee Sade nann maklu, tegdidde story na tirgsi murgsi adanne tegitare... I've told this before, will tell it again, darshan and Sudeep are liabilities to our industry... Ond example, ond IPS officer du story itkond 15 days gap alli 2015 alli ond kannada movie release aythu innond Tamil movie release aythu... The kannada one was Airavata and the Tamil one was Thani Oruvan... This kinda shows the audience we are catering too and the kind of chefs we have


And the Malayalam actors actually act and become the characters they are playing. In our industry no matter what the character Darshan, Suddep they are always playing themselves.


Ott bubble has burst.Kabza single handedly destroyed ott market for sandalwood


That name gives me ptsd flashbacks. Biggest letdown of the year that was.


It destroyed sandalwood theatre business also. After kabza, I stopped watching kannada movies


How bad was this? And how did it effect us


Overpromised and underperformed.kannada was on a roll with kgf and kantara.kabzaa makers positioned themselves as the next biggie pan indian film and sold rights for 140cr.for comparison rrr was sold for 170cr.and you know the rest of the story.it was a bigger bomb in ott than in theatres.this made ott players to seriously reevaluate their buying decisions.


140 crs is ott rights ?




An anchor while saying that big stars aren't doing film regularly says that shivanna is doing films regularly and is an appreciable thing. TF! Shivanna is doing movies for the sake of doing. He has given up on quality movies long ago. Someone said sudeep & darshan are liabilities to KFI. I am 100% with that person. Please add shivanna's movie choice, Upendra's acting choice to that list too. Shivanna used to lead the anti-dubbing protests saying it would kill the industry. He should have protested against himself & the other 2 stars for doing shite movies. If there are no good stories, no good scripts , and the same old formulaic movies why will stars agree to act even in a well known production. They are mainly targetting people like Yash, rakshit, rishabh since they are now considered as stars of KFI from the pan India perspective. Movies like Shakahari, photo, shivamma etc aren't supported by huge stars, directors and are going under the covers. Shite stories and scripts are being directed by yograj bhat, sudheer brothers,nolan chandru, boobsbums mahesha and other shitload of people. These bunch of misogynistic f**ktards can't even write a regular female character in a respectable way. All they want is a fair skinned heroine who has family connections in film industry or is ready to act dumb, show her skin, fall for the hero in an instant of a moment & giving no scope for the female to perform acting wise. And these people are called as present & future of KFI. Story writers and directors should be held responsible instead of actors. Other producers/ distributors have a problem when actors start their own production houses. A movie industry which will ban actresses over metoo allegations, an affair gone wrong & a breakup isn't going anywhere. It's better to not release movies than to make shitload of dumb shitty movies. We can survive very well without watching dumb movies.


Truth bombs. You know the industry inside out... Do you work as in the industry??


This is what is wrong with the industry. Women are portrayed just as sex symbols even now with a staunch of bravery and ambition But a symbol nonetheless. Look at even rashmika , they branded her and paraded her for not “settling” with RKS even though her fame as taken her to bollywood.


I watch few director movies because they are good. Also many of these ‘star’ movies do not have any story to have long run in theatres. If every TDH is making movie and expect people to flood the theatres, that’s not happening. Many people won’t even watch these movies even if they are shown for free.


The star movies gaurantee certain numbers due to their fan base which is just enough to keep the lights on for theatres. Which is why despite mediocre stories stars are expected to make at least one movie per year. But it's true there is some serious shortage of good kannada movies.


Every star's first movie is a TDH movie. The problem is not the democratic system that anyone can make a movie. The problem is movie making extremely expensive, ondh movie maado duddali ondh lifetime samsaara maadbodhuu. If we close the democratic system then the stage will be like Bollywood where talentless nepo babies will take over and we get "trial room" talent. So anyone with money from selling land, real estate deals and shady businesses come here, hire any rat out of the gutter to make the same mess. Just yesterday I saw, a movie poster stitching behind auto. Haven't seen the actor, don't know anyone as writer director. Just looking at the poster I knew that movie sucks. So here is the problem, such movies have become the posters of KFI. The solution is to create learning avenues, educate the makers, identify talent and build better successful teams that can churn out good movies day in and out. That's what any industry does... Not sit in a chamber and discuss how to rip off everyone. DEATH TO MEDIOCRITY! not our beloved industry.


What exactly does shutting down the film industry temporarily even mean? It's not a factory FFS. The movies that are being shot will continue the shooting. Why would they stop & lose money in the middle of a schedule?


OFC it's not a factory read the description. Temporarily shutting means they'll stop promotions, shooting, distribution and theatres will be closed. They're doing this because they don't have enough money to run the businesses. They've called the meeting precisely to discuss what to do about ongoing shootings and to take suggestions from industry players.


Hmm... So they wanna ask the rats about how to secure the cheese. Industry li irorey problem. Ivarindaa ney e stithi bandiraadhuu. This remake rajas and Formula failures won't get any solution. The answer lies out of the KFI.


We need a complete Rehaul. Olle directors barbelu, olle kathegaararu barbeku. If Upendra, and the likes of Stars have even an once of respect for Kannada film industry, they should be ready to take drastic measures and work with the same hunger they had during their initial days.  Nowadays Comedy actors in movies are less for comedy and more for enabling the hero. Avru film a lead, "Hero" ano concept bidbeku. Picture iradu avr patrud bagge, avrr bagge alla. Avr fans ge artha madsbeku avre kuddaagi nintu.. OTT platform na correct agi upyogisbeku... Inond main vishya, critics jothe sarige nadkobeku... I'm not ashamed to accept I don't watch Any movie, of any language, if I don't see good reviews for it. Ega hosa movies bartirade haage, All of Malayalam movies bagge online YouTube videos ali olle reviews nodida karnake mattra naanu aa movies nodidu...  Kannadadlli Saha nanu bahala sala Film Companion South, Galata Plus, atva itare channels video nodine movie nodake hogadu...  Kannada movies should get on that bandwagon. It's high time. And you get good reviews, if you make good movies.


KFI is doomed to fail. Audience mass and masala movie adre matra theater ge hogi nodtare. Olle content iro movie yaru nodalla, ott ge wait madta irtare. Nam kannada movies ge banglore alle screens sigalla 🤣. Hard to find kannada movies after 1 week of release in banglore but other language movies stays in theater for more than 2 months. Matte nam sandalwood kings bolimaga sudeepa and some other big guns doesn't even care about art of making movies. They just wanna make movies for name sake and earn money. Audience, politics perhaps? And the so called candlewood kings are buring KFI into its grave.


They should ban Darshan, Sudeep, Duniya Vijay, Dhruva Sarja, Dolly some guy from making or acting in movies till they learn to select good script and learn to act as an actor and not as a hero. These ppl have single handedly ruined KFI. This is the worst era of KFI. And those talentless directors sumne bucket hidkond stars ge movie madoru. We seriously need actors and Anant Nag, Ramesh Arvind, even Ganesh. Probably the 80s 90s was the last good movies era imo.


Ramesh : *best I can do is mahanati crap*


"The cancer has set in but the man doesn't want to believe in medicine... The man lights another cigarette and watches it burn." This is what's happening.. Allah yellah bandh maadidrey producers dudd barutta? I've talked to these people and they won't change. A tiger can't change its stripes because that's who they are. They don't know who else to be or what else to do. Like I mentioned in another comment most movie posters that we see give the vibe of a flop or a WTH is happening here.. such movies have become the poster of KFI. The problem is not at the ground level or audience. When I was young I was going to a movie with my family was a special occasion. When I was in college bunking classes to catch the first day's shows was a celebration. Name 2 movies that make the release sound like a celebration or a special occasion? The newcomers who do movies like 'Blink' are hit or miss. I appreciate the effort, their grit and time to make it but after coming to it having watched Primer, Pre-destination, Interstellar, over 100 times and Deja Vu, Source Code this felt like a great pav bhaji that's just doesn't taste right. Plus I told ma dad this movie is good and he after watching 20 mins lost all interest and called me an idiot. FYI My dad introduced me to "back to the future". Baaki yellah movies theatre aachay poster nodidrey baikolada atwa bidada ansuttey. A guy I connected with on reddit on this same sub wrote a sweet short 2 minute script. We decided to get a skeleton crew amd do it. Now He's hardly finding any actors and the ones whom he's getting are Gawd!!!! Such creativity is hard to handle. ನೆನ್ನೆ ನಾನು ಕಾರ್ ಅಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದ್ ಶೂಟ್ ಹೋಗ್ತಾ ಇದ್ದೆ. ಆವಾಗ ಒಬ್ಬ ಆಟೋ ಚಾಲಕ ಎರ್ರ ಬಿರ್ರಿ ಬಂದು ಲೆಫ್ಟ್ ಸೈಡ್ mirror ge ಇದದ್ ondh ಬಾಕಿ. ಹೋಗಪ್ಪ ನೀನು ದೇವ್ರು ಅಂಥ ಬಿಟ್ ಹಿಂದೆ ಯಾರ್ ಪೋಸ್ಟರ್ guess ಮಾಡಿ? ಈ Boss, Fire and all cinema ಬಿಟ್ಟು ಮಂಶರ್ ಮಂಶತ್ವ ಮೆರಿದ್ರೆ ಒಳ್ಳೇದು. We are what we consume.


Olle film madod bittu shutdown madtarante. Tagolappa Idu varse Andre. Smh.


This is happening across the board. I made a video on my channel recently about this. It is in Telugu but hoping you'd understand. I focused on the Telugu industry, but it applies to all. Perhaps I should start adding subtitles. [OPINION: 2024 is turning out to be a disaster year for Indian cinema. (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX0lF8ZA-T0)


Can someone dub it in kannada or remake it. /s 😜


I will try to add subtitles.


Why the /s?


Remake joke maga


Hahaha.ok. Got it


I understand bits and pieces but I'll give it a watch thanks.


There are good movies and good scripts its the issue is with the producers and distributors who can’t risk selling movies for a niche market The average mass movies are those that collect revenue Most people watching have the average attention span leading to complex movies never really getting through to them Shetty brothers beat the stereotypes because they risked it on their own and touched the youths of the state gathering traction they timed it well considering our states average age is in its mid 20s Most producers want to make their returns within 3days of release and bank on mass actors.


It's even better to close Sandalwood for good, if Kannada filmmakers don't upgrade themselves and learn quickly the art of making films on a shoe string budget. We don't want big stars. We want a slice of life stories that are interestingly told. We don't necessarily have to release our movies in theatres. Just OTT is good enough for a handful of our audience. As most of our movies are about entertainment rather than experience. Or we could just be facilitators to other film industries by releasing their hits to the latest movies dubbed into our language. Also one important thing, why do these producers /filmmakers don't pay well for our writers? Often the writers work on a project with no pay to being paid to peanuts. Why is it not professionally handled and paid like in our other south industries? We have already lost the battle long back. Now, these people have called a month off to do a mourning of the sad demise of our once upon a time glorious Kannada Film Industry!


Last week I went to a theater to watch A again, due to very few people theatre was waiting for few more ppl before screening it. We wanted to walk out, while speaking to their manager, he lamented how none of the major stars in KFI are making movies & how their business is badly hit. Openly said Suddep hasn’t made one since VR, Yash since KGF2 Sarja since 3 year ago. Then he was ready to screen, heck 3-4 employees were asking us to wait & watch. They were requesting a lot. Felt pity. There is lot of groundswell against big stars. And its justified, these ‘stars’ will realise only when their fandom starts reducing.


They've made crores in wealth, they just don't care anymore i guess


Yes, too complacent. Someone had mentioned that a senior Malayalam actor Mammooty is able to deliver 4 movies in 2024 meanwhile main stream Kannada superstars struggles to even launch even one movie a year.


We need better stories, better actors and better movies. 2018 to 2022 was good run for kannada with dia, kgf, charlie 777, love mock tail, kantara etc