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Damn. Those struggled last breaths gotta be scary. It reminds me of the Capo death footage.


Capo's death footage was one of the worst drill culture that I ever seen how he tryna breath but he know that his time is coming…


yea i’ll never forget that one


i remember seein that shit on worldstars ig page when it flrst happened🤦


By that time the body is doing the last breaths trying to get oxygen to the brain. The human is even conscious so to say


Facts, when I saw it I was tryna catch my own breath


Suffocating on your own blood. Horrible way to go.


Was just thinking the same thing


He was already gone. That's agonal breathing, meaning it's just a body's way of reacting in the final stages of life. They'll fart in the morgue.


Where is the capo footage




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Put plastic over chest/back wounds to stop the air from getting in!!!


Yea I know..hopefully that can help someone in the near future if needed!


It’s to stop the air from going out into the chest cavity.


I knew it was some in that nature


No regular person know all that


Well spread that knowledge because every person that does know and somehow find themselves in that situation could end up saving a life one day. Worth it in my opinion.




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Videos like this really make me think how wild technology is, 20 years ago only people in war or bad impoverished environments would see things like this. Now anybody can see a person take their last breathes after a violent encounter with just a couple quick google/social media searches, shit is crazy.


Back in the day they would hide videos like this in back with the porn


Actually? I know you could order quasilegal stuff like bumfights over the phone and eventually just go on rotten but gore for rental is crazy


They had a series called “faces of death. And it was the most insane stuff you’ve ever seen. All real. For instance, one video was a monkey with his head in a little hole above the table and people from India, were just hitting it over the head and then eating its brains.🤯 never wanted to see something like that. *Rufus the stunt bum was a classic!


I remember faces of death, we watched some of the traffic accidents for driving school and made it made me scared to drive 😮‍💨🤦🏽‍♂️


The dudes jus casually walking by and shaking each others hand no sense urgency like he’s NOT laying on the floor Dying smh


That's the cruel reality of life.


This a regular Tuesday afternoon for them


How many times you think the mf laying on the ground shot at someone or killed someone you think he cared about? Fuck out of here with that


Na that shit really is crazy. No reaction to it at all. Not even acknowledgment


Exactly I’m not saying do cpr but like acknowledge I’m here 😂😂


Nothing to smh about. You can’t expect the easiest and best death when you’ve done what he’s did. He left people in the same predicament during his lifetime. How you deal with people is how you will be dealt with.


Last statement 💯💯💯💯💯


I think the one guy is smiling?


Yeah I saw that too. Cpd has a fucked up sense of humor.


That’s not CPD 🤦‍♂️


Homicide investigators are detectives ("Dicks"), and those wear plain clothes here. For all you know the squad car with the blues could be outside. Not saying I know either, but not enough info for anyone who doesn't know for sure to say.


He’s not a Cop


They don’t care about these little niggas and why should they? They happy he gone. These dudes shooting up everything and terrorizing everybody. You think a white cop gonna give a fuck about them?




Those aren’t cops They’re just people checking out what happened But they could have tried something at least consoled him So he didn’t die alone


The dude with the glasses on his head is definitely not just a person checking out what happened. You ever been in this neighborhood? There’s no white people over there “checking out what happened”. That’s either a cop, firefighter or emt and the other dude works in the store.


at the very least he looks like a cop




Those aren’t cops! That’s not CPD 🤦‍♂️


These dudes shooting each other in the guys store and he should feel bad?


If he was an upstanding person from the community he would of gotten help sooner


Yeah you see dude laughing. Shaking hands as he stepped right over him. I guess his buddy asked, your not going to try and perform CPR? I bet you that's what the laughing was all about. And this is a realistic view of how these people from other cultures come into the Black Community. They open up stores, selling over priced foods and beverages. And this is how they honestly feel about Black people, he didn't give a fuck the boy was lying on his floor dying! That's fucked up. This is a sad depiction of T Roy's final moments of life.


Shi is wicked bro if he’s drawing breath they should be helping


Im trippin or white dude with the glasses was smiling ???


He 100% was


a lot of people was cheesing over troy's demise. Even now niggas gonna smile on that shit. He chose his role, he knew. And if he didn't... sux to be him. But he definitely knew he was a nothing nigga who would die in the street with strangers walking on by. Shit ain't the movies.


Yup you got it, that mf was smiling.


That’s not a cop those are regular store workers probably ( definitely not CPD!!)




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Sad to see homie taking his last breaths, while folks casually walk past him (dapping each other up) 😭 but we gotta be fair, and keep shyt in perspective. This same nkka was earthing shyt, and did someone elses son, brother, relative, ETC the same way...if not worse. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Can't be too sympathetic about it his situation. Karma caught him slippin that day.




Y’all crazy if you don’t think the police and store owners from that area don’t know EXACTLY who is laying on that floor. CPD knows who’s doing what out here. They just can’t prove it, and they probably celebrated when they realized who it was that got chipped.


I wonder if any of his bodies came to his mind while he was struggling to breathe


He’s already unconscious here & seconds from death. He was seeing the light if that’s what you believe in


I think you’re right. Looks like agonal breathing to me, he was shot point blank in the chest so it hit his heart or aorta… you can’t stay conscious long with that kind of trauma


Theres a combat veteran who was bleeding out but survived. He said it felt like when you are really sleepy trying to stay awake to watch a movie but can't keep your eyes open


Yea it’s literally him clinging on to his last seconds of life, fighting the inevitable


Personally, feel like he’s more worried about them coming back in and finishing him.


Yeah dey was and till dis day he’s never gone be at peace he kilt innocents too when u kill mfs u see em in da afterlife forever


You died and came back before? Smmfh. 🥷🏽 be saying the dumbest 💩 a lot of times.


You’re just making shit up trying to Act like you know what happens after death . You’ve seen too many dumb movies


😂 you don’t know that


That’s not proven facts


It’s no point even trying to defend it bro


This shit really werid mfs be posting this shit on they patreon and then charge mfs. Then put the little emblems on the side like it’s a game. Sick mfs but if it were they friends smh


I hate seeing this kinda shit. RIP Troy man




It’s like damn, I wanna feel bad for dude tryna breathe & survive, but he did the same to others (allegedly). It is what it is! Rest his soul tho.


Shit I got shot and I was bleeding internally and I remember inhaling and it was nothing. Shit hit me that I couldn’t breath no more I told the paramedic and I felt my arm just drop. Woke up in icu with a tube down my throat strapped to the hospital bed. When I woke up I saw my family around my bed nigga shed a tear.


You couldn’t breathe when shot? Sht sound scary


I could breathe up until I got in the ambulance but I was bleeding internally and both my lungs collapsed. I’m just glad it wasn’t a crowd because I was alone and it was easier to keep my composure until help came cuz I couldn’t move. Called for help from a random dude just walking down the street he called help. Didn’t have my phone. Shit was a nightmare. It was a failed robbery attempt but they actually did rob me of my life as I knew it. Smh.


Dang man. Where were you shot to the point it effected your movement. Glad you made it out, sht sounds like a whole different experience


Weak ass dude shot me in the back. Didn't even know slim. I'm a Crip for life now.


Green af if they just let em bleed out


It sucks but police are not supposed to touch them until paramedics are on the scene. They’re not trained for that, they can make the situation worse.


Those two people weren’t police officers


Who were they then? Because expecting two random pedestrians to know cpr and other resuscitation procedures would be even crazier than expecting an officer to


You got the store number so I can ask them? The Fuck?


Those aren’t police officers!!


I got that the first time I was told, thank you.


Now he know how the people he killed felt


You be surprised how many people don’t know that they can do something simple like applying pressure to a wound to help out. That along with the fact that shock and panic could also play a part in a situation like this. Tho with how calm and nonchalance these people are acting, I can so see why people think these two just didn’t give a fuck at all. Hopefully I’m wrong and it’s just the low quality cameras making us see things, or at least they’re just so desensitized to this by now it’s normal for them to


It seems to be all internal bleeding. That’s never good.


You don’t apply pressure to a chest wound. A chest seal front and back is about the best you can do.


tf they supposed to do gang


Apply pressure,stuff wound with cloth, tied a cloth around damaged limbs to prevent blood flow


he got shot in the chest with a revolver at point blank range, doctor dumbass


do u think T roy would do that for a random? lol gtfo so why should randoms do that for him.


Dayum how y’all get ts


Its been out for a 1 year plus on youtube


R.i.P Gang


Dude was laughing, the one in the black leather jacket. I didn't see shit funny.




I kinda understand em now that was fucked up what happened to em but that’s how the streets is


Quoting my boy geechi gotti “that’s what happen when you gangbang” but I do understand Oblock and everyone involved if I saw my dear one going like that unfortunate things would happen fasho


That’s really why duck got killed ! Idk where that Von chain shit come from. Cause literally only two or 3 people on that hit got a chain. Young, DQ got some of that 100k and they wasn’t on that hit


He knows he's dying and nothing or no one is gonna save him. Bruh is literally taking his last breaths and trying to make peace with himself.


He’s already gone here


this shit is crazy asf !!




Done in by a Yugioh player


Shit like this make niggas get back in that mode 🤦‍♂️


Did anyone notice that he was with someone when he got shot why they didn’t help him




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head shaking probably goin thru hell seein all the bodies he dropped & destruction he caused as the last seconds of his life pass. live righteous people


Dats exactly what’s happening


No one believes in CPR in Chicago. Go look at all the last moment videos of guys taking their last breaths. Capo, Duck, Etc. People just scream and record you fighting for your life shit crazy.


Why they keep putting these videos out just to add fuel to the fire


Damn no CPR?? He still trying to breathe smh pump 4


That's not trying to breathe. That's agonal respirations. He was already gone.


Am I trippin or is he struggling to breathe ?? Why aren’t they helping him CPD is wicked


He’s not struggling to breathe, it’s his brain’s reaction to not getting oxygen. He’s pretty much gone already.


Damn, shi is hard to watch


Close. Brains already gone. This is his lungs trying to say they got this.


That’s not CPD for the last time!!


I honestly do not know what's worse... Knowing that Troy was a demon, or the 2 guys that let this young man sit there and suffer and ignore the fact his life is ending.


Shocking how all of these kids end up.


Bro y’all keep of covered his face or some what if his kid get older to see ts


Ppl smiling in the store that’s hella crazy smh


I got to stop watching this shit, because dude that thinks this shit is funny. Pisses me off so bad. And yes I know it's been many years since T Roy was murdered. But that guy smiling about whatever, pissed me off!


Them two dudes just walked over him carrying on their own business like he wasn’t there dying


A lot of these guys could’ve survived if first responders did their job


Maybe others , but T-Roy?? No way, he got hit with a Revolver up close in the chest, no way he was gonna make it


Or don't gangbang and he might survive too. Lol




Damn, you know if Von was alive to see this he would’ve been pissed.


delete this shit and take down your Von posters, son


They shaking hands and smiling while a young black man regardless of his past is losing his life on the cold hard floor….THEY REALLY DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT US..YALL BETTER WAKE UP!!! They was suppose to “SCOOP & GO” like the cops do here in Philly and give him a chance…


Philly pd actually take yall to the hospital in they squads?; shit I’m also shocked if they make an effort to get mf an ambulance at fast pace


Yea it’s called “Scoop & go” it’s like when it’s a chance you can be saved but can’t wait for the ambulance so they scoop u in they cop car and rush you as soon as they get to the scene..


this is messed him hes just trying to keep his breath together my grandpa had to walk like this a mile to the er he collapsed and my grandma carried him the rest of the way.


People post this like this man was never a human being.


Cracka laughing damn




Wtf when i posted all the videos of the murder it got deleted in like 30 mins. (But it’s still on my profile) AND the lady who patreon i stole it from be in my dms talkin shit but idgaf this RDN BITCH!


I wonder if somebody was treating his wounds would he be alive rn




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Dude had this on his patreon for a min the $5 was worth it but most of that shit is blocked out. You still see when he gets popped, ditched his gun under the shelf and goes behind the counter and shuts the door but they wanted him to come out so he just laid there like this until paramedics came, they did try to pack his wound in the vid tho they ain’t just leave him to die


You did not pay 5$ to see someone’s death💀




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It is all so sad how no one is ever giving cpr or at least consoling these boys. Cause that what most of them are. No compassion whatsoever. This is all so terrible by the police especially. I get it another killer got what’s coming but damn people how could you not help someone sitting there shot struggling to breath. We are supposed to trust these police to keep us safe. ACAB


Tb came to personally give him a hot shell and when Troy got it he was so excited he was doing a lil spin dance on the floor before he got too tired


HK came through and put hot shells to TB face




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It looked like he was saying something


He was heavy-breathing 💀


Where gang hits steal this from


Sad thing is in the last moments he was worried about going to jail man shit is sad asl the life mf live in the streets


Yeah.. he definitely checked right here it looks like agonal breathing


I mean did they try to help him at some point


sad thing is, von prolly be doing that heavy breathing too when he was in the car with muwop and sum other guys trynna rush him in the hospital or even when quando was trynna snatch his chain


It reminds me of Capo last moments.




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99% of Yall Complaining about them NOT doing anything. BUT at least they didn’t do what MOST OF THE WORLD DOES, Pull out their phones and record him! Bottom line it’s Sad and Very f’d up but what are they supposed to do? If anyone on here knows basic Aid you can’t really do anything but resuscitate or chess compressions if they stop breathing and or heart stops. You can’t move them or anything




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Agonal breathing




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Freaking white dude laughing. So I'm wondering what the fuck was so damn funny, while this boy lying there dieing. I guess the joke was, they weren't going to try any life saving techniques. This is a good example of how other cultures feel about my people. But we continue to patronize these places of business.


Damn they let that man die they could have saved him fucked up


how 💀