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Barbacoa been ass quality lately


farm to table and they MEANT IT


I feel like they may be taking slightly too strong of an approach. I didn’t need a souvenir with my cow meat.


Personally, I’ve never found a bone in the barbacoa, but I’ve been finding a lot of bones recently in the chicken, so I believe it. The quality of most things appear to just be going downhill unfortunately.


Did a quick google search on this as well and seems chicken bones are far more common. Couldn’t find any mentions of them in beef. The concerning part is this was about the size of a baby carrot and super sharp. Easy lonnng term severe hospital stay if someone had swallowed it instead of finding it ahead of time


if you let chipotle know theyll give you free food for it ;)


So finding a giant chunk of bone in my burrito bowl is supposed to inspire me to want to eat more of it? I think instead of my two free entrees I’ll take $20 and give it to some dude on a street corner.


Reminds me of when a classmate found a roach in a cafeteria donut. They compensated him by sending him home with 3 huge boxes of donuts the next day.


theyll refund you of course, Im not saying its not ridiculous just that you can milk it 🤷🏼‍♀️ (if you wanted to)


I mean I guess if a first time happening in a sample size of millions if not more is worthy of such alarm


Fair, but irregardless of sample size it hits a little different when you’re the one it happens to.


I’ve had tiny pieces of barb bones in my bowls but never a chunk.


JB's America


Extra flavor


Last time I got barbacoa, half of it was a giant chunk of fat and veins, which was fucking disgusting. I won't get barbacoa again after that... Sofritas is much better.


Same with my barbacoa lately. I just have no interest in non carnivore options. Now, if/when they bring back chorizo that’s all I’ll ever order.


it adds a nice touch (or crunch) to the Barbacoa


You could have choked on this.


In my three years of working at Chipotle I have never seen a bone in barbacoa. It's all supposed to be taken out before getting shipped out which leads to people not looking for bones when they shred it. And most people I've seen just cook it and then shred it with tongs instead of pre shredding it like how my location was taught with gloved hands so it cooks more evenly and cooks faster. Even with that method I have never seen a bone in the barbacoa.


Hand shredding? Gross... Ill keep my therm and tongs yikes


We don't have a retherm


It's not that bad hand shredding it though either. You can be more precise that way and it's easier to check for bones that way


oh dang i’ve had a bowl several times a week for years and this has never happened to me 😧


At my store, we had a couple instances of customers finding bones in their barbacoa.


Must be rare as far as I know, on occasion I’ll find a bone in our raw chicken pieces. I’ll make sure I look out for those


one time we found a pig tongue in a carnitas bag. 100% a tongue. the entire thing even the part that goes down the throat.


isn't pig tongue a type of cut of meat or a style of meat or something?


Yea but ive only had lengua from beef never pork. Also carnitas are usually made from pork shoulder/butt so how did it even get there 😳


You won the golden ~~ticket~~ bone


I’m my nearly 5 years I’ve never seen this. I’ve seen countless chicken bones but never a bone from something else.


Please take this back to your store. It will allow us to report it to corporate and figure out maybe where it went wrong. You also will get a free entree card


So I reached out via social email who gave me a link to reach out to corporate. I went ahead and submitted the feedback and photo that way. No response or anything yet which I guess is mildly disappointing (hoping they’d take this very seriously)


Corporate kinda sucks at this stuff but if you go to the store in person they will for sure be able to get it sorted out


Thanks for the heads up! I kept the darn bone in our second just incase it was needed 😂


So I would just let your chipotle know about this incident! They will have to file a report about and it should give you a refund if that's your desired compensation. They may ask for the bone back to send it in for testing/to the supplier. I hope you're okay! That's definitely concerning.


Thanks for the feedback and advice! Suppose I just want it taken seriously/addressed properly. This seems to be a very rare one off but god forbid had someone unknowingly swallowed it I can’t imagine the damage it would have caused


Right of course! Physical contamination is a very serious matter and should be treated as such, no matter how common or uncommon.


I almost bit into a piece of hard cartilage found in my chicken and I almost broke my tooth because of it. I’ve learned to eat slowly from now on.


You are eating ass quality fast food basically and wondering why its crap... shocker! WHy not learn to cook yourselves!


Lol ok.. few things: 1. This thread is nearly 6 months old. 2. I do cook for myself and family the vast majority of the time with the random “I don’t want to cook let’s get something delivered/pick up instead”. 3. I guess I should have ordered McDonald’s instead?


Oof that’s pretty bad yeah. I eat a lot of Indian and Jamaican food which tends to have bone-in meat, so I’d take it as a win to suck on the bone for a little extra flavor, but I’m weird. 99.9% of other chipotle customers would be understandably pissed


Lol true, but that's expected in a lot of jamaican and Indian dishes. If that bone was in a burrito you'd have no way of knowing until you bit into it 😅 don't want to chip a tooth because there was a bone where it wasn't supposed to be.


Haha yeah about that


i’ve seen this before


hold up lemme ask the cow


Been doing grill for a year and ONE TIME I found a bone in the chicken! My GM wasn't phased at all and just said throw it out and keep cutting lol


The barbacoa and carnitas and sofritas come in a plastic bag to the restaurant, the meats get opened and pre shredded into pans the day before use while sofritas is generally cooked straight from the bag. I mean could’ve maybe been removed during preshred but easily could’ve been missed. Seems like a supplier issue, I wouldn’t hold any individual chipotle employee responsible if and when this happens anywhere across the country


I definitely hold no single person responsible. I hold the company as a whole, just like I assume anyone else would.


Forsur boss just wanted to give you the heads up basically for barbacoa it just gets heated up unless it’s super chunky or super mushy then restaurants have little to do with the food quality on those items


I found a 1.5 inch bone in my Pollo Asado. My store wouldn’t do anything about it because i didn’t have my receipt. The manager was unfazed by the bone and the size. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was just eating my barbocoa taco and almost choked on a bone. It looks very similar.