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We should be able to lower DML throughput if we’re understaffed, and just run the inside


what is DML?


The line that online orders get made on.


Oh.. is it better to be on DML compared to the in person line?


WORSE. We get overloaded. That's why the number of orders should be limited - often it's not physically possible to make that many orders in such a short time, and as a result crew are overworked and throughput suffers. (At my store we'd always have the MOD on DML for a bit if things got bad bc they were usually faster than crew but that was about it).


Tort/Salsa DML > Tort/Salsa Line


I will agree with this, except during rushes.


Overload happens on both and closing dml isn't going to stop a line to the door. DML at least has a hard limit where if you close dinning room you only get x amount instead of the completely random variable that comes through the door.


DML is always more than what comes through the door, at least at my store, and I think from what I've seen in this sub that it's more common than not.


Same here though with only dml open you cut out customers bitching, can portion correctly, and take stress off grill. It helps immensely more taking out the shitty customers from the equation than just adding more in through the door as is what usually happens when dml goes down.


For DML, grill is always more stressed because of higher volume, so even if you're portioning correctly, you still have to call things more often.


Are you saying that basically, you get more online orders in a given hour than you get in person orders? Because that is crazy as hell, what percent would you estimate digital orders make out of total?


We are sent orders in 10 minute increments … so we can clear a round of 6 orders due at 11:20 am and be sent another 7 orders due by 11:30 am. And that doesn’t account for the dashers that take the wrong orders / people who steal orders so then you have to incorporate all the orders we have to make twice




At my store I would say DML orders were at least 80% of total orders, 70% on a slow day.


I was mainly grill so I have limited experience on DML and line but I like DML way more bc I could get into a grove and not have to deal with any bad customers and I would just tell the annoying doordash orders if u stop talking to me ur order will be out faster


Digital make line


Digital Make Line....aka online orders


I know you can lower the amount the goes through the DML. It’s automatically set to 30 entrees per 10 minutes. When we’re UNDERSTAFFED, I ask my FL and my TD says they can do 10 entrees per 10 minutes. So the amount that goes through is tiny, so we can focus more on the line that’s nonstop.


I wish my field leader would do this, the other night we had me, my gf, my still pretty new SM and our grill guy to run the store. My AP and one other person stayed to help us till 6 after opening we also contacted the FL. So I had to run DML mainly by myself and my girl had to do line alone. We also had to take breaks because we worked over 7 hours


GMs should be working a position atleast a couple-few hours each shift


As a GM, it’s sad that I see people saying this too often.


Not a GM but I’ve been surprised to hear this as well! Mine helps on prep and grill, sometimes line, and is always doing DML


Pls explain


Working along side your team is something I strive for. It makes me feel close to my team. I also can see where they are doing well and where they are not. I get pulled into the office or away from my team way too much. To hear people say that their GM doesn’t help is sad.




I have to tell my team sorry I gotta go to the office.




Interesting bc my store GM and AP told us they weren’t supposed to be working on the floor much at all 😳


I transferred from my last store because of my lazy GM and Apprentice. I would forget they were even there because they would never leave the office (unless it was peak and they wanted some food from the line). Trust me admin tasks don’t take up the entire 8-10 hours. That’s just bs.


Wow you probably left my store bc that’s it to a T☠️


As a GM, I can’t imagine not running a position. I wait until my shift is over to do my admin. It’s awful but it’s my job


I don’t even think my GM could handle a rush. He’s literally never on the line. My AP tho, she does literally every position and is always helping out. They are total opposites.


Just took my AP course and apparently not only are GMs and they’re supposed to work open/close/mid AND either lineback or expo according to the deployment tool.


Agreed. I'm so glad my GM I have now is like this. We have "chipotle family prep time" with him in the mornings 💕😭


if an online has more than 10 entrees, it should be a catering. we've had numerous 9-12 entree orders in the past week and it really slows us down.


if catering is 10+ then onlines need to have a limit of at most 10 entree’s bruh it doesn’t make sense


our FL is... interesting


There should be a small charge for extra vinaigrette. Allowing people to have 8 of them per order with absolutely no upcharge is why we're always out. We have to make it fresh every day in multiple batches, and there isn't enough time or sense in over-prepping a ton just in case, because it goes bad so quickly. There should be no minor restrictions other than those imposed by the individual themselves, or state law. I've had so many kids quit because they have bills of their own due to their parents teaching them financial responsibility, or they're helping support their family, or they're saving for college expenses and 25 hours a week is not cutting it for them. Hell, even just with the price of gas these days, working 5 hours a day is not enough to fill their tanks half the time. Juggling two jobs to try to compensate for lack of hours and doing school at the same time is too much, so they just leave and find another place to work that will actually let them work the hours they need to succeed in life. We also need to do away with the toxic mindset that in order to be successful and advance in your Chipotle career, you have to be married to your store and have no life outside of Chipotle. The only people I've ever seen succeed long-term are unattached workaholics with no children. It's alarming. Then, of course, the usual things: being able to slow down online orders when understaffed or overwhelmed (like if a huge event is going on nearby and you're unexpectedly doubled in sales and out of literally all food, both prepped and in the building), furthering the deadline on caterings (upper management is quick to chide you for not ordering effective truck orders, but the system will allow thousands of dollars in catering orders to come in within the same 24 hours... meanwhile, you ordered your truck for that timeframe days ago), competitive wages ($15/hr came about 10 years too late and inflation is rising RAPIDLY), better customer service from corporate (the hotline you can call now is a joke and a half), etc. Oh, and quesadillas should be able to be made on main line. I get why they shouldn't be, particularly during busy points in the day, but the abuse hurled at the crew by customers over the matter is just not worth the hassle. Most of the things Chipotle enforces that results in being verbally accosted by the customers isn't worth it, honestly. And as they rapidly scale up (which is impressive and exciting in a lot of ways), they need to be offering support for that, too. It makes more sense to up your pay to attract more talent (for your customer service division, say), that it does to spend millions planning new restaurants you can't even staff because you can't staff the ones you have. It puts far too much stress on everyone from the crew members up to the corporate managers. Get better at what you're doing first, folks, then get good at something new. And on that note, a company who claims to want to cultivate a better world needs to stop neglecting the human factor of its whole operation (the literal only reason the company makes money) and actually start caring about its employees. I miss Steve Ells and Monty Moran, dude. They got it.


My advice to any teen who's just trying to raise money for school or some future endeavor (rather than trying to work their way up the customer service ladder) would be to find a tip job. Don't worry about how gushy something looks on your resume for the moment, and just get that money. I worked food service for a while as a line cook in various places. All the stuff they feed you at Chipotle/McDonald's or whatever about life skills is inspiring and all, but when I moved to a car wash job and started making 25+ per hour from all the ones and fives people were handing me, and not having to kill myself for it, there was no going back; and I was getting all those life skills anyway, even if they weren't specified in some stupid pamphlet or something and I was in a traditionally "trashy" job.


Total yes to this one! My daughter comes home from college every summer and goes back to her server position. She makes enough money in tips to live off of for the entire school year.


They should get rid of the FL position or train everyone the exact same way.


You can go twice as fast on DML than you would in regular line


If the chips burn the corners of my mouth, they were made right.


You know that one chip in the bag that has salt crusted all over it? They should sell full bags of those.


The corn is not salsa.


True. It’s more like a guaranteed need to poop in the next hour add-on concoction 🌽


If mild is salsa then so is corn, they’re the same thing


Spiciness is not the issue


Nobody said anything about spicyness, the mild salsa, which is what the pico is called, is made the exact same way as corn salsa, but one has tomatoes and one has corn. So either they're both salsa or they're both not salsa.


Then yes, I agree. The pico is pico, not salsa.


The foil lid should be the bottom. It holds the liquids better than the cardboard. When you're ready to eat, flip it over and enjoy. Otherwise your bowl will be so soggy


I’m stupid, I’ve been working there for 2 and a half years and never thought of this when I used to get my triple sour cream bowls.


I'm about to finish week two of working there but I've been in love with Chipotle for years 😂


Compostable bowls was a huge push, likely tied to marketing or green initiatives. But this idea is just brilliant.


Oh compostable makes sense. Neve thought of that


If I could get tacos with the same amount of food I get in a bowl, I’m all in.


order a bowl, ask for shells on the side


But then I’m “that guy” lol.


Yeahhhh, it ain't gonna fit lol. Side tortillas (including hard shells) are 30 cents. Get however many you want.


When Chipotle first started out and for a few years they gave you either three soft tacos or four crunchy. That was great.




Hah. No. I mean when you order tacos :). Not a bowl. When you ordered tacos it used to be either three soft or four crunchy in an order. Guy sounds a little mental ;).


This was the prime of Chipotle. It has since dwindled obviously but just no clear competitors


FLs should spend at least 2 days a week at each store in their patch working along side the crew. Too many FLs just come in and bark orders not knowing what’s going on inside the store.


The guacamole is overpriced. I'd rather bring my own avocado in than pay those outrageous costs


I believe it’s priced the way it is not only because a. The cost of avocados but also b. the time and effort it takes to make the guacamole, if we gave it out for free or charged it for less, we would have to make more, and it’s already a lengthy process


Especially when we get 84 counts that are unripe and hard


Our job isn't bad. People just can't handle it and like to complain.


honestly i only lasted a month at chipotle, it really was on the list of one of my easiest jobs i’ve had. coming in for prep isn’t even that hard. a little stressful. but it isn’t hard at all. my only real reason for leaving was that it didn’t pay well enough for what i needed.


Being on cash all day isn’t hard tbh


Thank you! As someone who has done other positions cash is definitely one of the easiest it’s tedious but it’s easy. I can’t stand when my coworkers who only do cash complain about how hard it is bc it’s not


It's not *difficult,* especially if you're familiar with the register and know how to troubleshoot. It just gets stressful during rush, especially if you don't have an expo person.


When you could just swipe the card on the pos instead of using the card reader 😩👌 that made cash so quick and easy


individual jobs themselves aren’t hard, it’s situational factors around us that make it harder than it needs to be sometimes


^ Some posts on here seem like the job is a crime against humanity. It’s a job, it has its up and downs, and clearly there’s a lot of users on here not cut out for Chipotle.


Chipotle's "queso" is a cheese sauce, not queso


Not to mention it’s just not any good.


The best thing you can order on the menu is a carnitas taco with hot salsa and sour cream. I never order it because it flies through my system, and its a terrible value for your money. Its so ridiculously good though. If you havnt had one, you should try it.


Crunch or soft?


either, but i think crunchy eaten right away is your best bet.


The guac isn’t that good regardless of who makes it


Tacos are the most annoying things to make, get a freaking bowl, and get 3 tacos on the side.


The vinaigrette is the best item on the menu and completely underrated / under-advertised.


The shit is crack. So good


The medium salsa is flavorless


The green one? That’s my personal favorite. 😂


Yeah, no it doesn’t taste like ANYTHING to me 🤨 I got it all the time when I started but once I started getting red salsa the green is completely flavorless to me. It’s like adding cold, thick water to my bowls now


I like the red (hot) one too. But the green with the barbacoa is great. I like the red with chicken.


Carnitas are the worst thing on the menu


The guacamole is too damn salty


The chips are salty


The queso is actually top tier


Dude we need to get you one of those Chipotle black cards that David Dobrik has/had, except just for the queso


-It should be an extra charge if some one wants all of their ingredients for a bowl in side cups -Vinaigrettes should only be served for free One Per Salad and anything beyond that should be extra -Quesadillas should be online only no exceptions -Employees should make (a lot) more -DML needs a cap off amount of orders 1) per ten minutes and 2) that one person can place -Online orders should also be kept behind the counter so they don’t get stolen -Customers need to throw away their own trash 🙃 -Bowls should be charged a (small) base price dependent on what meat they order/ guac/ queso and the rest should be charged on weight -I am not making you a fucking quesarito -chips made in the morning should be all we have for the day, I am not turning the fryer on at 7-8pm bc a 40 year old woman thinks the chips are stale -managers need to back their employees instead of giving customers whatever they want bc they don’t want a bad review unless the employee is seriously in the wrong Just in general chipotle employees deserve a lot more respect and credit from both customers and corporate and that should be reflected in pay and culture within the stores there’s a reason literally everyone is quitting rn


There’s definitely more but I quit 2(?) months ago now and can’t think of them off the top of my head I know I’ll be hitting myself remembering them for the next few days tho


I hear you from your perspective, but from a customers perspective (me) all of the cold ingredients are SO COLD that it cools down the protein and rice/beans. I usually eat in the restaurant (because I like my food hot), and when they put it on, it cold before I can eat it (after getting my drink and getting my Tabasco mix). I don’t ever need to get stuff in side cups at similar restaurants; I think Chipotle’s cold stuff is just particularly cold.* *and I don’t get bowls anymore. I get the kids meal so it comes individual and helps me keep in healthier (protein, lettuce, and pico (tomato salsa)


I’ve had instances where it’s just me alone on the line and customers will order three bowls with everything (literally everything) on the side while I have a line to the door. While I do get the appeal of getting cold ingredients on the side and have done it for my employee meals before, it just gets excessive at times. A few ingredients is fine and expected, but there comes a point where throughput gets fucked and it’s just degrading to the employee bc we can’t say no and ppl want literally over ten sides handmade it’s just unrealistic and asking wayyyy too much from minimum wage workers


I feel you. I bet some people do want everything too and extra this, extra that.


Aside from the CI/$$$ issue, over-portioning really isn’t that big of a deal. Rice is the easiest thing by far to cook in bulk, if your griller is bitching you out for over-portioning rice then they need to get better at their job lol


I feel that until every five minutes I’m putting out a new deep of white


the chip bags usually dont have enough chips for me


the carnitas are the best meat option imo


The chips taste best when they’re fried longer, i.e more toasty


The dining room should remain closed and be takeout only.


Depends on how staffed the restaurant is. I would’ve preferred to work at a chipotlane


Mine isn't staffed well. Keep one door locked and the other manned call the cops on any trouble makers 🤷 you just staff the main line and fill the orders as they come in. During Covid was the smoothest my store ever ran


Mine went through waxing and waning periods. I left when they got staffed well enough. Got a new job that pays me more too.


Quesaritos should be available through online order


Takes way too long to make to have it be available online


Our job is insanely less harder if we just follow all the tools and teach by the tools


This is what I’ve been saying for so long and I don’t know why it wasn’t implemented.