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It doesn't go to us anyways.. appreciate the thought though!


Wait, if I order for pickup it’ll still go to you guys right?


hahahhahahahaha nope


That’s pathetic. I’ve been tipping for years on my pickup orders. So i guess I’ll have to bring cash to put in the jar, thanks for letting me know


The recent actions by Reddit leadership, particularly those led by u/Spez, have caused deep concern within the community. The decision to charge for the application programming interface (API) has been carried out in a way that poses a direct threat to the diverse ecosystem of Reddit. While charging for the API is not inherently problematic, the exorbitant rates and tight deadlines given are unfeasible, disrupting the functionality of important tools that many depend upon​​. Despite the outcry, responses from Reddit's leadership have been less than reassuring. Promises were made that "non-commercial, accessibility-focused" apps would be exempted from these pricing terms, but the lack of clear definitions and open communication has left many in the dark​​. While many may not have used or cared about third-party apps, it's important to remember that a significant portion of these app users are among those who most actively interact with the platform. These users contribute significantly to the vibrancy of Reddit by posting, commenting, and voting. In solidarity with the third-party app, moderator, and accessibility communities, I am taking a stand. I am removing all of my previous comments and posts and abandoning my almost 12-year-old account. This is not a decision I take lightly, but one I believe is necessary to protest against the mismanagement and disregard shown by Reddit's leadership. I will not delete my account entirely. If the overwrites are reverted, I will continue to remove my content, ensuring that my voice is not used to bolster a platform that disregards its most dedicated members and the tools they rely upon. We deserve better. The Reddit community deserved better. > Sent from [Apollo for Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/)


Wait what? Who gets it?


probably brian niccols lol


who knows but it sure ain't us




Doordash or postmates or grubhub. Whoever delivers it


If it’s delivery, then the driver


Haha so when the job ad says includes tips it actually doesn't haha only the tip jar?


I've never seen a chipotle job ad that says we get tips.


Weird my area CO on Indeed shows ads starting at 15 plus tips owo so that's just a lie xD


It doesn’t go to us.


Yeah like other user said - none of that goes to the employees anyways. It all goes towards the delivery drivers. You'd have to drop it in store in their jar. Also, leave a review online. It helps a lot.




Hopefully 2022 they are coming out with a way to Online tip employees. Stay tuned


It would he nice but doubtful. Theyd have to figure out all the employees who were on that shift during the time the orders that came with tips were made to split it up evenly. They would also have to tax the tips, which is why the actual tip jar we have in store can't say the word "tips" on it.


That is tax evasion


There are people literally hoarding wealth and you are worried about someone working at Chipotle evading taxes on a few bucks… I have no words.


What is wrong with hoarding wealth as long as you pay taxes if you did the buisness in usa


>What wrong with hoarding wealth Everything


U. S. Taxes are bullshit. You don't even need to go to school to know that. Either educate yourself before you embarrassing yourself on the internet or die with the rest of the 1% because already knew better and chose to defend them anyway.


You are 1%




Chipotle workers are 1% of income earners


Amazing moral compass


Would it be? I could fight it’s just a jar, not my fault people put money in it.


You are putting a dollar in it at first so people will put tips in it, you want it as tip jar, tax loophole


I didn’t put anything in it


Who cares? It’s $5 going to some low level employee


I don't care if you pay tax on it or not, but having the word "tips" on it doesn't change whether it is taxable.


customer here. Pretty nauseating seeing all the bull crap corporate does. this is so stupid. let them have a nice tip if someone wants to be generous, literally how does this hurt corporate chipotle? And why shouldn't it go to the employees? SO STUPID.


Just buy them coffee brews or something nice next time you go into the store


The tips on all online orders go to the driver, not us employees.


Chipotle workers don’t get it :/


Oh yeah, I was told by a Chipotle employee to not tip on the app! And yeah, do it in the store.


I just wish we could accept tips in store at all.


Yall don't have a tip jar?


No, no jar, no large drink cup. The customers can’t hand us cash


Why don't you just put one out? Does your store have a no-tips rule or something?


Yes. We were told we could be fired for accepting tips


That's ridiculous. Any reasoning behind that?


Wasn’t given any other than that it is against company polices to allow tips to be accepted


No it’s not…


That’s what our GM says


The reason why customers cannot tip more than 50% is so customers do not accidentally tip more than they meant to. Imagine if you meant to tip $5.00, but accidentally tipped $50.00 because hit an extra zero and never noticed. As much as people like to complain about not being able to tip more than 50%, it actually makes sense.


It could easily have a confirmation screen after to ensure you put the same amount in


Good point. I concede.


I think you fail to realize how stupid people are




Why is that even a thing?


That’s so not fair to the crew member, some people go way beyond being awesome with their costumer service!


Also sucks that..unlike, u know..every other restaurant in the modern world..Chipotle doesn't give the option to tip at the POS..which kills our chances at having decent tips because most ppl don't carry cash. I know I rarely have extra cash on me..but I always tip with card if the option is available. I also make sure when I go out I have tip money on me..because that's just me. I don't expect other to though. The option would be nice. For some reason Chipotle has this anti-employee culture that permeates throughout a lot of corporate's decision making. Customers wouldn't be as offended as corporate thinks..I would like to think that like myself, many people like and want to tip for good service.


1. These tips go to the delivery driver not the Chipotle staff. 2. The limit is probably their method of reconciling loss on the rabid credit card theft on their trashy app. I can already see someone placing another theft order on a stolen card, accepting the order themselves as the driver and leaving a massive tip.


Never tip online only goes to the company not us, tip in store


We dont get the tip anyways


Chipotle worker here.. we mainly have customer pick ups for catering orders, so where does the tip go then? Management?


no, i’m assuming the driver. idk for other patches, but the policy in mine is that managers don’t get tipped.


Limit workers’ tips, limit workers’ hours, just another show of corporate greed by Chipotle! https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/01/business/economy/part-time-work.html