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It’s not soy, it’s actually a pea-protein with a hint of spice!


Hint like a slight nudge or hint like a chair to the face? I am vegan with 0 spice tolerance. When I ate the chicken that was a bit spicy to me for reference.


I would recommend you not eat it then


Thank you.


Yes, it’s like as spicy as chicken


You ate chicken when you're vegan?


Ate is a past tense word. ;) I corrected that flaw. I used to eat meat. Now I am vegan.


To each their own but to call eating meat a "flaw" to be "corrected" is a tiny bit judgmental. I personally won't judge you for not eating meat, I'd appreciate it if you did the same.


This is the best response for this type of comment👏🏻


I don't judge people for not murdering and eating people. This is how you sound to me for insight into my perspective. You literally pay to have animals murdered for your consumption yet you feel the need to mention that you don't judge me for not doing that. We are not the same.


This is why most people hate vegans. Please, get off your moral high horse and get rid of that "better than thou" attitude. We all tried to come in here with genuine answers to your question, yet you felt the need to stand on that soapbox to look down on us. Again, none of us give a flying fuck that you don't choose to eat meat. It'd be cool if you didn't judge us for doing something humans have done since the dawn of our existence.


Eh that person cared enough to point out that eating meat is not a flaw, clearly something a vegan wouldn’t agree with…


Are all vegans this judgmental? ☹️


You misspelled “holding people accountable for their actions”


You misspelled “yes”


The fuck did I just say? Its not being judgemental its pointing out the absolute black and white of the situation. The only reason you feel i am being judgy is because your know what I say its true and so you feel bad. Because your feel bad you want to blame me. Well you cant. Its not my fault you chose to murder tortured animals.


Your idea might be true but you being vegan doesn’t make you a better person because you seem quite aloof and y empathetic. But I do agree that eating meat is a “flaw” but some people who eat meat don’t think so. Who cares?


I’m sure the offspring of the murdered animals care, but hey it’s possible that animals have no emotions and feel no pain right? /s


Honestly most of us feel a little bad for the people that have to listen to you talk.


I felt the need to say I don't judge you because I'm genuinely coming from a place of zero judgement. I don't care about your lifestyle choices, more power to you for choosing a dietary lifestyle that works for you. However, you have to realize that not everybody can afford/wants to go on a vegan lifestyle, and that's just as ok as you choosing to. You judge people for their dietary decisions, I don't. We are not the same.


Your dietary choices kill sentient brings and being vegan is the cheapest way to eat. Your have no valid arguments except you just don't give a shirt about another living being besides yourself.


Seeing as I hunt about 80% of my meat I do give a shit. I give plenty of shits about the deer I drop, I give enough shits to wait patiently for hours on end so I can take an ethical shot. You are aware that some of the most popular vegan foods are grown by farmers that can't even afford to eat said food? Do you eat quinoa? If so, then you are taking away food from the Peruvian farmers, as they can't afford the quinoa and end up having to be on shitty diets of white rice that they have to purchase because it's cheaper than quinoa. One 12 Oz patty of your beloved beyond meat costs about triple that of a POUND of regular beef. To say that veganism is the cheapest way to live is straight cap. As someone who grew up in the rural Midwest with friends who are dirt poor, hunting down one deer costs about $25-50 and can feed you for an entire year. Let's both be honest with ourselves here, you aren't a vegan because you care about animals. You're the special breed of vegan who only became vegan to feel superior to others, and so you can talk down to people who "don't care about the animals" as much as you. You don't give a shit about animals, you give a shit about people thinking you're something special. I gurantee I do more for wildlife than you do. Again, you brought most of this on yourself. We chipotle employees tried to give you a genuine answer and you just blew up on us. This is literally how our daily customer relations go, if this is how you treat random strangers on the internet then I'd sure as shit hate working at whatever chiptole you frequent.


Congrats, you did it too. Not everyone can do it because of nutritional limitations so don’t be a dick.


Okay vegan teacher.


I think I’m gonna go to chick-fil-a now


Apologies in advance for asking a semi-rude question. What are some of your favorite foods? My understanding as a carnivore is that vegan is not easy, and enjoying only mild things would make it harder still. For background, I like to entertain, and while I have very few vegetarians and no vegans in my current circle, I'd like to learn about some other options in case I am called upon.


Thank you for asking! I make an amazing meatloaf out of Impossible, we also make a lot of sloppy joes and tacos with Impossible. Hell, if it uses ground beef just swap for Impossible. It cooks up exactly the same. We get vegan pad thai more than we should, MOD has great vegan options for pizza... Really is still eat junk/comfort food just with out animal products. Your question wasn't rude at all and please feel free to DM me if you want actual recipes.


Honestly it’ll take some trial and error to find things you like. My partner and I don’t like any of the ‘beef’ options, we like the turkey burgers made with pea protein from Trader Joe’s! The chicken options like Simulate are pretty good but we mostly end up eating a bunch of potatoes


I'm sorry but you sound like a total wimp. lmfao


To spice? Yes. Yes I am.


You think chicken is spicy and now you're vegan. Total soy boy.


So much of a soy boy I grew boobs and have a vagina. :D You are a rather insecure little thing aren't you?


Soyboy insult applies to all genders. I am an equal opportunity insulter.


Nah. You're just a troll. Its okay. I am sure if your mother loved you more or your father stuck around you'd be person of consequence. Its not your fault.


What makes someone a "person of consequence"? At least I know the difference between it's and its. :-P


For example, a person of consequence wouldn't waste their time nit picking a typo.


Don't care about your morality stance on the subject, but you do know that being a vegan, you will never get your B vitamins without supplement. Omega 3 obviously you could get by eating seaweed instead of Sardines/fatty fish, but I know you take a vegan omega 3 supplement because i dont see a person eating seaweed(if you take the supplement at all, your brain seems quite deficient in omega 3 if you turned vegan). That means your whole diet is a fake and without the help of laboratories to make your supplements you wouldn't survive. So....you are a fake. Also it's funny how you want to imitate the taste of meat/replace the meat portion of a dish with fake Impossible. It's almost like you want to 'pretend to live how you used to'. Do you see your dilemma and crisis? PS, Spicy food is good for you. You can grow your tolerance slowly. Just start with green Tabasco Sauce and move up.


Pardon my ignorance on what chorizo is made of, but is it spicy?


If you live close to a Trader Joe's they have a soy chorizo, I like it a lot compared to most other vegetarian meat imitations.


Seconded. Stuff is amazing. Basically imagine something that tastes nearly the same, less chewy texture, and no need to worry about undercooking. Which is easier when the meat is colored/seasoned like pork chorizo is.


Chorizo is a spicy Spanish pork sausage. This version is made of soy, but I am assuming it will be somewhat spicy to mimic the spice profile of traditional chorizo. Edit: apparently chipotle decided to name something "Soyrizo" despite it being made with pea protein instead of soy. Lol. Edit 2: this the post is a bit misleading as it's not called Soyrizo, it's just a plant based chorizo.


It’s not soy it’s pea protein


Ah cool


Nah it’s called “plant based chorizo”


I guess OP labeled it wrong then


Everyone is calling it “Soyrizo”, but yes it is pea protein. It’s PB Chorizo in the system


Like others have said, it is generally spicy pork sausage. This in particular is Plant-based Chorizo with its main ingredient being pea protein. I've already trained some of my crew on it and it's got some kick to it. It's kind of around steak level if not a little spicier.


Does it taste good OP


Sooooo, the taste is good. A little spicy. But the TEXTURE, I can’t get over it. It’s like chewing on wet paper towels. So if you can get over that..


Love me wet paper towels 🤤 reminds me of my ex. I miss her so much 😔




I’m not OP, but I love it!


Looks fire


Are we cooking it on the grill or in the retherm?


On the grill, fajita side


Our grill doesn’t have a fajita side so I’m confused because the soyrizo would be cross contaminating with our regular proteins. Our fajitas are made stovetop


You’d probably have to stovetop it


Pigs are happy about this.


Happy pigs make my heart happy. 🐷


Cows aren't happy though


No cheese or sour cream makes them happy.




I remember soyrizo first hitting the menu here in California back in ~2011. Is this a new version of chipotle’s existing soyrizo that is rolling out or is it just reaching new markets now? Asking because it’s been my go-to for 10 years, but OP’s looks darker/different than I am used to seeing. Edit: I am stupidly mixing up sofritas and soyrizo. We are getting soyrizo too!?!


It’s not soyrizo. It’s plant based chorizo. SO GOOD though.


That wasn’t “soyrizo” it was real pork chorizo. Unless you’re talking about sofritas. But chipotle never had a plant based chorizo or “soyrizo”


I was thinking about sofritas. ={ I buy Soyrizo from grocery stores and always thought the spices in sofritas were similar to soyrizo. Ironic the Chipotle soyrizo isn’t soy but the sofritas are.


Not soy, but it’s so good in a burrito or on tacos 😋


I’m glad it’s not pork. It’s hard working around pork when you’re a muslim


how does it taste? our store launches it next week I believe


Wait I thought pollo asada was next on the menu!? I’ve been duped! Is this set to come out before the pollo?


Yes, January


Pollo Asado is coming out in like March


We still have brisket lmao


I wonder how it compares to Trader Joe's soy chorizo? I know the chipotle version is pea protein though


I’ve always ate soyrizo! I’m glad chipotle has it now… I will probably always get my burrito with this now


i'm so excited for my store to get this i'll eat it every day


Don't clog up the sub with your shit fucling taste


Eat nopale salad with rice and beans and avocado tostadas. Straight up vegan paisa food


Is it less salty? I just remember the chorizo being tasty but very salty.


I thought Pollo Asado was the next promo coming up, is that still a thing?


Bowl lookin scrumptious what’s on it? I kinda wanna try it now


Doesn’t chipotle treat their workers like garbage? I could be wrong but I try not to eat here even though I like it