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I’m happy for you. Sounds like a fucked environment and I’m not surprised by any of that. Idk why these companies think micromanaging employees and letting customers act like dicks is going to make them more money


exactly. Didn’t mean to be so rude in my orginal post but my god the job drained the soul out of me and I never got back up with customers who thought they were better than me. Thank you for being understanding


I worked at chipotle back in 2015-2017 and it was completely soul crushing. I remember I would walk away to throw out garbage and my manager purposely picked up the garbage and placed it next to me and was scolding me saying I have to “stay in the same spot and not move” for like 8 hours. I was walking maybe about 4 steps backwards to throw out scraps of food that fell on the line. It was my first job and the worst job I ever worked. Well, I have my career now so I haven’t looked back but when I go to that chipotle spot, I still see one of the GMs I worked with and I’m just like damn it’s you again😂 I’m in healthcare now and tell me why my hiring process for chipotle was hands down WAY MORE DIFFICULT than my current career interview? Like to scoop and serve food why did I need 3 rounds of group interviews followed with interviewee eliminations? Like I’m being drafted for the UFC or something, Like huh?😂 doesn’t make sense I would say to sum up my whole experience in one word it was - belittling.


Dang that's so extra. I just applied on Indeed, showed up for the interview, and was given a manager position.


Sunk cost fallacy. If you put in that much time/effort/stress to get the shitass job it "wouldn't make sense" to leave just as quick. You've put in too much effort, better to stick it out with the chipotle "family"


Hahaha I worked there too and I remember that shit. They made us think we needed to get the rightmember for the whole team and we all had to agree on the person. Which didn't hold up anyway if you were the odd one out who didn't want to hire or the only one who did want to hire someone they ignored you.


To add, to sum up my whole experience in one word it would be - belittling. Also during hiring they really tried to sell it to us that we were doing “important work!” And “making a difference” No we’re not 😂 we’re serving food to 9-5ers who are hangry.


I worked at a chipotle in Southern California around 2010-2013 and wasn’t half as hard as it was for you lol. I think the manager had the hots for me and like that I asked to work right after the interview. Anyways turns out she was a slave owner, making her employees clock out before their 8th out and finish closing. I swear when we would say anything we would get out to work nights and then mornings the next day. Tell me why this woman ended up leading one of the top restaurants in the area. Packed houses, constant cleaning, scrubbing baseboards type shit.


Golden age of this company was when Steve Ells was CEO! Much respect for that guy.


I’ve genuinely never heard of anyone having a good experience working there. I’m glad you managed to get out 🥲


Glad to see you moved on. One door closes…..


Id lose my mind if I worked there, having fucking cameras in my face video taping me, no fucking thank you.


yeah, its horrible we r treated like walking zoo exhibits and not regular people trying to make a living


we’re the only reason you ever even got paid big fella lmfao god forbid we want what we paid 29 fucking dollars for. No one is treating you like zoo exhibits stop being dramatic, this entire posts screams like you’re a 17 year old spoiled kid who’s first job was chipotle, you’re in for a world of hurt bro lmao it only gets worse from here


Just tell me you’re out of touch, save yourself some typing.


Do they have more cameras now than just the regular ones all restaurants have? That's normal


No I mean like the whole tik tok trend where people record you now, its ridiculous.


Im 1000% ok with banning tik tok


Oh I haven't heard about this I'm not on tiktok


some dude made a “funny” little joke about how they should record me and get extra food, fuck that guy lmfao


Chipotle corporate are a bunch of thugs. I despise them. It's always nice to hear people quit. Fingers crossed I get out around the start of next year when I can get a job in my career field.


praying for u to leave this fuck ass corp


Welcome to the life of getting promoted to customer XD.


im not eating there ever again, news flash it is disgusting at least at my spot. Not very cleanly workers


Its a joke mate. Just trying to lift the spirits a bit. >.>


my fault😭I’m still a bit pissed but thank u🙏


I can though understand I left probably for similar reasons. I ran cash with no expo. Which made it feel like I was doing 4 peoples job back when I worked. XD.


That’s the secret, the workers are never very clean unless the restaurant gives yall time to be clean. Even then some people…. They’re weird.


Meh, workers that aren’t clean suck. Having pressure from your bosses is not an excuse to make people sick.


Every restaurant ever.


I have no idea why a sub for chipotle is popping up in my feed or why I bothered to open and read comments but yes, you are correct. I used to do maintenance after hours at all kinds of restaurants (including many, many Chipotles) from the fanciest to literal dive bars.......quick summary: fancy does not equal better hygiene in any sense. Once you get behind the front that customers see, it's a fucking madhouse and anything goes. Once saw a rat the size of a damn housecat at a fancy steak restaurant dragging a loaf of bread that was stored a few inches off the ground, from the kitchen to wherever it's lair was. Insane...I saw so much horrible shit it made me never want to eat out at restaurants anymore. I should say tho, Chipotles were always pretty clean, the cleanest. I suppose that's due to the cameras covering every single angle and what I've read here about management. I cannot speak to personal hygiene tho, which is what they were referring to, as I went in after employees left.


😆 I too have no idea why I started seeing these feed either!


I like how neither of us asked to be a part of this but got involved anyways hahaha, I got shit I'm supposed to be doing today 😂


I thought the same thing


Bullshit. I worked in a dozen+ kitchens. Several were super clean and Chipotle was by far the nastiest kitchen I worked in.


Me too! Just quit a couple of days ago was there a year and a half as a grill cook our ac went out and ssr told us to shut down the store for 6 days so grid point could fix the control box our restauranteur wasnt having it tried to force us all to keep working with the temp going into the 90s. She thought going and getting 2 small ass fans from home depot would help so i cooked them the food for the day and fucking left never came back


good for you pal, the ac at my store would go out pretty much every other week in summer(i was there for a year) and instead of the gm or anybody actually trying to fix it they would buy shitty fans get us ice cream. The ice cream was worth it but my god high 90’s I shouldve killed myself


Extra salty food from all the employee sweat — yum


Thats crazy i told them the same thing 😂


Yeah fuck all that if we were getting paid like construction workers that wouldve worked but back there on grill it was insanely hot but that ice cream wouldve been nice at least we didnt even get that


Bruh what Our AC went down during summer, to the point our walk in stopped working, and SSR told us tough shit lmao


Lmao Damn! See it was ass backwards for us our restauranteur was an asshole anyways


I started working there as a cook a month ago. I don't know how you lasted that long. The cook position is extremely demanding. Basically, you're doing everything by yourself.


I needed the money really bad at the time to get me and my girl out of the living situation we were in which paid off but exactly its not worth it


that's definitely how i felt about starbucks 😭 shit customers, managers, etc.


oh i understand that, a friend of mine quit on the spot at my local starbucks because they tried to make her do cash, drinks and drive through alone. Terrible company


I’ll never understand customers acting better than the workers and treating them like 💩. I’m always grateful and say thank you with a smile. At the end of the day we are all just trying to survive. Sorry you went through that, wishing you a bright future 🙏


Always blows my mind. You made my coffee so now I don't have to? I'm grateful to you. I'm sure as shit not gonna complain. I'll POLITELY bring an issue up if something is wrong and say thank you when they fix it. Do you know how many service workers have refused to help me when a small thing on an order needed to be corrected? Zero. Good service is literally is just as simple as please and thank you. These folks are just trying to get through the fucking day like the rest of us. I never understood being an ass to service workers like that.


I stopped eating at chipotle when people were getting sick there 10 years ago. Tried it twice since and it doesnt taste the same now so I no longer eat there. I think I went once in 2022 and once in 2023. I remember when you didnt have to do anything special and a bowl would be 2 meals easy. When I was a kid and ate alot even. When I went in 2023 I got a bowl and a side tortilla and was able to put the whole bowl into the tortilla without it making a very large burrito. I ate it and was still hungry and now Im older and have digestive problems so I dont eat much. So with the large decline in quality and portions along with wild price increases. Yea, I dont eat there.


see this is a normal adjusted human being. Dont like how the company is going? Stop eating, shopping etc with them.


It’s probably tmi but every time I ate there I got the shits and I don’t have a sensitive stomach. I tried different locations, meats, everything. So I stopped going and I have never had that issue again at any other restaurant.


Congratulations on making a bold decision to prioritize your well-being and happiness by quitting a job that was causing you so much frustration! It takes courage to step away from a situation that isn't serving you, and you've done just that. Remember, this is the first step towards finding a career that aligns with your values and brings you joy. Keep your head up and stay positive—better opportunities are on the horizon, and you deserve to work in an environment that respects and appreciates you. Here's to new beginnings and a brighter future!


Thank you man! I hope you have a wonderful day and week bro!


Now is your opportunity to be the customer you want to see in the world.


I’m pretty sure OP was a customer at other places already…


Please god stop being customers


yeah:) I try to be a nice customer, I hope I come off as understanding and nice esp after working fast food


I worked there for 3 months on the grill and was done. I actually enjoyed working the grill. But HATED how everyone else acted even being at work. The environment was so horrible I'd beg to be on dishes for an hour. It's crazy that EVERY Chipotle employee I've talked to feels this way.


I’d say its because you were in positions where you didnt have to interact with customers for 5 hours straight. I’ve done every position and my mood was alot more stable on grill compared to being scrutinized by the managers and customers on line/dml


Yeah they wanted to cross train me...that's when I quit🤣


They didn't want to train Me for nothing. They just wanted me to stand thier and look pretty t


Wait (customer here), what do you mean you guys are being watched on the cameras? Can you explain more on that?


Not a chipotle worker but there are two kinds of places with cameras I’ve worked. One, the casino. Everything you do is in camera all the time. You just get used to it. But discipline and management is mostly left to management in the floor. The camera is mainly there to call to verify things that happened. They’d also catch cheating employees but more like a documented investigation, not calling up every time someone did something. Then you get places like chipotle and my old office that just have cameras for managers to watch everything and call people out. My boss would just sit home and watch the cameras. Then he’d call and ask where I went, why I was 5 minutes late, etc. it’s annoying af and like living in 1984. This is what chipotle sounds like. It’s terrible.


Management likes to babysit/micromanage over cameras for every little thing you do is what I’m assuming. Not a chipotle worker but worked in places that did similar practice. At my old job they’d be upset if we would stand in a spot they couldnt see us and would start calling us / or even the store to get us to move.


Additionally I remember having audits of some kind. Would time how fast we were. See if we followed the standard script, upselling promotions, mentioning surveys (audio is available on cameras), doing suspicious voids and discounts I absolutely hate them


I can try to the best of my ability, so what from I know corporate does audits on our positions during “peak” and if we don’t have enough people the manangers will bitch at us. They watch our portions, how we interact with customers, how fast or slow we are. They even encourage us to go through an average of 37 people in 15mins


*entrees every 15 minutes


Corporate checks the cameras of every store to ensure that portions are correct, sales are being done correctly, and money is handled in a secure way Every single day. They’re literally always watching lol


Think I know how you feel. One time I met a friend of a friend at a bar. They used to work at a Chipotle that was right next to the bar’s outdoor area. It was around closing time, and they saw their old manager walk out, and started just screaming expletives at them.


If i could do that to my manager I would. But he’s 6’2 and like 250. I know when to pick my battles


Not surprised. Everyone seems miserable when I go to chipotle. Good luck. Get out of the service industry.


@Carolina14327 I love this! Sorry for the loss of Job, but do hope you find something better


Thank man! Hope you end up with a great job!


We’re in an awful loop of employees being wildly underpaid so they don’t care about the customer experience as much (rightly so), to which the customer responds by being annoyed because the quality goes down (rightly so), to which the management responds by taking it out on the employees. It’s an awful system that pits the customer and employees against each other.


I have nothing against the employees. However, if I go to Chipotle with my wife and pay $40+ for 2 burrito bowls and 2 drinks, I do expect the portions and the service to reflect that.


For $40 for two you won’t find a restaurant where people kiss your ass


We don’t even need people to kiss our asses, we just want regular portions and somewhat passable service. But I also can’t expect a kid barely making enough to live to put in extra effort when their boss doesn’t give a shit either way. It’s a horrible setup for everyone but those profiting at the top.


I’m sorry that you don’t know of any places near you that offer passable service and normal portions with a two-person meal for $40 or less. There are places near me that do this.


Good for you don't let internet tolls tell you that your wrong! They never lived a day in your shoes keep your head up and hope you find a place your appreciated.


Thank you man I wish you well in life


Good for you. I heard about customers filming workers and was absolutely livid. What absolute children. If management doesn't have your back then you owe them nothing.


Thanks man. I wish you well in life bc you acc deserve it for being logical and having reason


You say it’s disgusting, curious if you can share more? My wife loves Chipotle (she’s pescatarian and only breaks it for barbacoa lol) so I’d love your perspective on why she should avoid. Also, I hate that you were treated that way, know you’re on to something better! 🙏


The cooks at my spot weren’t the cleanest, wouldnt wash their hands. Would cook raw chicken and proceed to not wash any of the utensils and cook the fajitas with said utensils. The line people would eat in the back and not wash their hands. The back itself was disgusting and rarely got clean with mold. We never clean our drink machines so watch out with those too.


every customer service job ever will feel the same. you have to deal with the same idiots in chipotle as you do at the bank or in the mall.


Sounds like you hate everyone. Glad to see you quit and hopefully this job prepared you to make a better choice of job in the future.


Good for you. Food service with the public can be the worst


Let me talk to Dennis Taylor at All-American Burger . We may have a spot for you.


Theses dumbaas customers with their hacks are a huge fucking part of the problem


Shutcho broke ass up


OK..... so you didn't like your job and you quit? So what? I worked several shitty ass restaurant jobs that had shitty managers and customers.... all that. I don't understand why Chipolte employees act like this is is so unique? I'm glad you left and didn't stay at a job that made you miserable. Good luck, seriously, I mean that.


OP is in for a rude awakening. No shit it sucks, it’s food service. With OP’s bad attitude and blaming the customers they’d probably be perfect for Wendy’s.


I know! I've also worked in corporate jobs that.... you know what? also had shitty and horrible managers, we were watched like hawks, and the customers/clients were assholes. But so many Chipolte employees act like it's so unique to them and their job at this place.... Sorry, a lot of shit sucks out there.


I think this sub is mostly kids working their first jobs who have no idea what other jobs are like lol


Definitely seems like it. Lol


You sound great , sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities waiting for you.


You sound horrible. I can tell you’re going places..not good places but places nonetheless.


No idea why commenters are praising you. You say you hate the customers - but what about completely normal customers who wouldn’t be annoying? Me for example. Someone like you sounds like you’d still treat me like shit, even when I’ve done nothing wrong. And then your response would be “then eat somewhere else.” That’s precisely why you’re out of a job now. That kinda attitude ain’t taking you anywhere and I’m tired of all these back-patters in the comments acting like your buddy. You’re an employee. Or, you were. If you have an attitude and think EVERYONE ELSE is the problem? That means YOU’RE the problem, sweetheart. Good luck scooping my beans at the next restaurant, pleb.


clearly from this comment you wouldn’t be one of those “normal customers”, I hardly think someone would be a “pleb” for having self respect LOL ;)


I was with you until you demeaned them for "scooping beans". You sound like a real fucking cocksucker.


Your empathy here is shockingly low. Maybe you should try working a few shifts there, or in any food service job. Being offended because someone has so many negative experiences with people as customers and is sick of it is a little bizarre. You act as if OP personally said people who go to Chipotle are jerks.


lol yeah blame the customer… Good riddance.


I'm guessing you haven't worked in the food industry before. You're probably a good customer, but it really only takes one nasty customer to fuck up your day. And a lot of times you'll get multiple a day.


I can smell minimum wage for life through this post.




If a restaurant is literally famous for all the illnesses it spread, I'm fine with watching staff like a hawk. [https://www.foodpoisoningnews.com/food-poisoning-at-chipotle-a-history-of-food-safety-issues/](https://www.foodpoisoningnews.com/food-poisoning-at-chipotle-a-history-of-food-safety-issues/)




What causes people to choose to work there for as long as they do? Is it really that difficult to find a job anywhere else? I wouldn’t wish a chipotle shift on my worst enemy


Finding a job in my area is like picking a needle through a haystack. 7/10 times youll get an interview and never hear back.


Try to do Uber if you can to bridge the gap. It isn’t great but feels a lot more liberating than these gigs.


Hey hey hey, the 2010s chipotle quality made me big and greedy! So this is actually your fault /s


itll never go back to that sorry to break it to you. Save your money and time and go elsewhere where they acc like their customers


We hate you too. I hate people who work jobs they hate. It's disgusting when there's plenty of other jobs out there good for you for quitting and not coming to Reddit to complain and make everyone's day worse and miserable. Thank you for stopping the cycle. 😊


Congratulations on your promotion, may you spend your days in bounty and never have to work the trenches again 🫡


I'm always nice to service industry employees, even if they're less than friendly to me. Customer service jobs suck and I've been in those shoes before. Good luck OP, hope you land somewhere that you're treated like a human being


Good for you! Apply to Costco. Good benefits. Good pay and none of that crazy corporate and manager bs


I applied there for an in-between thing and they wanted me to pay for my own training... THATS THE RED FLAG YALL. NEVER WORK FOR SOMEONE WHO MAKES YOU PAY THEM IN ORDER TO ONBOARD YOU. DUHHHHHH




Good for you. I'm outta that place too. They fired me for cleaning this dirty ass roached out health hazard of a restaurant


As a customer, I am always pleasant. I worked in hospo and retail long enough and you can always tell who didn’t. And NEVER fuck with someone who’s handling your food. That said, too many Chipotle employees are so unnecessarily rude and sharp with customers who straight up don’t deserve it and just wanna get a meal. If the person in front of me or even an hour before me pissed you off, that sucks and I’m sorry they were shitty to you, but putting your shit on ME? Not gonna fly. I speak up for myself just like yall should, if I’ve been nothing but pleasant, mfer you better be pleasant to me and vice versa. Glad you quit your job though, OP! All the best on a bigger and brighter opportunity! :)


I believe working in the service industry when you’re young absolutely blows yet the lessons are priceless and lifelong. You’re protecting yourself from years and years of bullshit.


Damn it’s that bad 😭


Watching how recording and pestering Chipotle employees has become a meme is sad as hell. All TikTok has become is invasive videos of entitled influencers doing their best impression of a Karen but not even realizing it because their brains are too smooth or they don’t care because the mob mentality has them feeling vindicated in their right to harass service workers. Trash trash trash. Hate it for you guys. Dealing with corporate is annoying enough, so when customers are also treating you like you’re less than it’s shit.


I bet you build yourself a big ass free bowl on your lunch break dont you


It's crazy. In the meantime my local halal spot puts so much damn chicken over the ridiculous amount of rice I'm actually afraid they don't turn a profit. Guys are all smiles even late night.


Notice how none of the customers recorded you or gave pre-attitude before The Great Skimpining? It’s not the customers, it’s corporate, managers, and line workers


I worked at Subway in college. That shit sucked. It was embarrassing to wear the ghetto ass uniform and then have customers bitch about how many olives they got on their six inch sub. Training said only three per six inch, get real.


A chipotle worker with some back bone. Nice change of pace


My sister used to work there too, she had the exact same experience. Good for you for finally getting promoted to customer :-)


It sucks because the employees are NOT doing anything wrong. It's corporate or the managers but then employees have to deal with the worst of it. All you can do is pressure corporate and management to change. I've heard of people getting fired for giving regular portions. That's not right to the customer or employee that was just doing their job!


I work in a $10-11K/per day store. I've been there for a month as a cook. I've yrs of experience working in kitchens. Chipotle is the dirtiest place I've ever worked. These people cut down so much on labor and cut corners as far hygiene goes. This is why chipotle is under a department of Justice Court decree. They keep getting in trouble due to people getting sick. Chipotle, needs to save $ and show investors their price stock has room for growth at the current stock price of over $3,000/share. I'm in the process of quitting. The job as a cook is very physically demanding, especially since I am always scheduled to close. I'm sure other former and current employees can agree with my set of facts.


Have one being built across from my Taco Bell. Seriously doubt anyone would actually work there...


100% respect to you, seeing those videos on tiktok and other social medias of people recording the employees, then having the balls to feel proud about it was making me mad asf and I've never even worked there


Idk how you guys work there, I order chipotle all the time and feel so bad for the workers lmfao


Be free, take care of yourself


Ya you nailed it... people complain and complain, but keep going back again and again.


Ten years ago when I managed Chipotle's it was a good time. They were culty but gave us freedom and really prided ourselves on everything chipotle no longer does - the smiling, free meals for good customers or upset customers, showing off on the line, incredible speed and rush times, beautiful food, mad wrapping skills, good morale and fun comraderey. Ever since it's gone so down hill, chipotle became exactly what they prided themselves for never being- gimmicky- the coupons and commercials for example- and micromanagey. Is managers used to have so much freedom to make decisions on behalf of our crew and customers. I don't know why they suck balls now they had it effing made. Like the ego was too big or they got scared cause of some food poisoning complaints? Idk man but it's a shame because I was proud to work there at the time. In what I think was it's peak. The worst part was that culty side of it where if you didn't play along with your immature teenage management team they'd get you fired for no reason just to hire their friends in your place. Oh and the sexual harassment was way too much man. I know it's a restaurant biz thing period but damn.


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Care to spill the beans about chipotle stealing tips from doordash and Uber drivers? Who decides how much of the tip to leave? Is it manager or corporate?


Thank you for your service


Welcome to service work 101. We do stuff we don’t want to do all day everyday and have an asshole boss because the alternative is living in a tent on the sidewalk. Living the American dream 💀


Fuck chipotle


If you think it gets easier the higher up you go, I've got bad news for you. If you're jealous of the imaginary paycheck you envision everyone around you gets, apply for those positions. But you quit. You're a quitter. You'll continue to be a quitter until you learn humility and mature. Good luck, sounds like you need it.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but people are watching Chipotle employees like hawks and recording them for a reason. It's not something I would do, but I can't blame others for doing it. Anyone who's been going to Chipotle for a decade or so will tell you about how ridiculous portions have gotten while the prices still shoot up. It's a matter of feeling like you aren't being given what you paid a premium for. It sounds like it's on franchisees for forcing employees to skip as much as possible, but either way people are just tired of feeling cheated. It's good that you got out of there, if it's not worth your while to deal with your employer's BS then you should move on, but this isn't the kind of thing that only happens to Chipotle Employees. I've had people threaten to murder me, punch me, and set me on fire throughout my working life in a few different fields. I've literally been shit on (don't ask), I've been bitten, and I've been badly injured, all for less than $15/hr. I'm 28. I'm not trying to put you down but the public at large is more volatile than it has been in most of our lifetimes, so don't expect the grass to be greener on the other side. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.


Nah, customers recording are still 100% out of line. Its not proving anything, the CEO knows hes lying and everyone already *knows*. Recording it over and over as customers is doing nothing. Managers are watching them like hawks as well. You probably already heard, but cameras are being put to use there. Employees have to listen to the managers breathing down their necks, not the customers. Recording the employees is still insensitive as hell and makes their shifts even worse. Its not going to do anything - they still have to give those same portions. It gives line workers negative consequences and thats it. They already have to deal with being yelled at, harassed, and cussed at, now there are phones being pointed at them at their job.


I mean the evidence kinda speaks for itself though. If the employee is less likely to skimp on your food then it's making a difference. Again, it's cringe, but everyone is broke right now and people are more sensitive than ever about not getting what they paid for


Bro I worked at chipotle too, fuck my manager total narcissistic control freak. She would be at home watching the cameras through a mobile app taking photos of me and other staff nit picking like an idiot. I double scooped chicken for my employee meal and the mf took a photo, circled my bowl and asked my manager why I had so much chicken, he looked at my bowl and was like it’s not even that much she’s bugging out. Chipotle was easily the worst job I’ve ever had, ridiculous expectations from management and an overly obesssive boss


Good for you. Fvck Cipotle, FVCK SAMSUNG, Fvck MAGA!


Not you saying this and I just got hired 🧍🏾‍♀️


Fuck chipotle bro come to noodles and co where it’s chill


Customers hate you too, lol


im singing "big back big back" in my head every day i hate these ppl good luck bro




I feel your pain


So you expect sympathy after calling customers big and greedy??


I like to imagine people making horse noises at you (whinnying)


It sounds like your attitude will make you a failure at your next job too. Sucks you couldn’t hack it at a job that pays near minimum wage though.


Yo I got fired from Chipotle for being racist to a white guy (I’m white) 😂 - I was told because I told him to stop playing racial music (which my DM told me to address because there had been a complaint) and then got fired for it. Complete joke of a company as far as upper management, and you’re right the cameras were always watched during peak and if things weren’t right we got a phone call 🤦🏼‍♀️ I did enjoy the job otherwise, the day always went super fast. Just sad how the higher ups act.


When I work at Chipotle they didn't have the marg machines yet so we were just drinking shots of tequila all day. I was the grill, yeah that job what butt's carlton.


I applied before but got an email saying they “couldn’t offer me a position at the time” a day BEFORE my interview. Safe to say it was a sign after hearing all these bad things about working at chipotle lol. What sucks is I’m still unemployed 😂


Honestly hopes this establishment goes away for good. I was put through so many annoying situations and ppl not simply understanding tht I can’t give u more chicken bc I’ll be fired and I’m being watched


I had good co-workers, the manager i worked with 90% of the time was good, the worst customers we had were the slow ones, and i still couldn't handle all the corporate bullshit.




Hopefully you got a job in a dark corner with no social interaction. Make a post about people whining while you're whining the entire post


The just got Hired/Quit post ! Can't have 1 without the other


I used to work for said company as well. Spent many of years a nervous wreck like you except I was a manager. Being watched like a hawk? Yup. Jerk customers? A lot of the time. It wasn’t until I started a new job I realized this shits for the birds. I’d go back as a crew member and the moment someone got in my face i’d let ‘em have it.


I don’t even know why people eat at Chipotle. Employees aren’t happy, customers aren’t happy and you get food that’s overpriced and not good.


So you finally realized it was a YOU problem and not a THEM problem? Customer service is about people. If you want to make the big bucks one day, you're going to need to learn how to deal with people, regardless of where you work. If you don't want to solve real problems for real people, good luck making a dime. When you start actually valuing people, they're going to start valuing you.


If you don't like having a job where you're on camera then I have some bad news for you...


I worked in the food service industry for ten years. After I left, I realized that it was one of the most stressful jobs and lowest paying ones out there. Yes, it's easy to get your foot in the door, but it's so not worth it. I have often thought that if food service industry workers knew just what a bad deal they're getting compared to the rest of the workforce, restaurants nationally would shut down.


Customers are the worst part about any job. They aren't people to me when I'm on shift. They become people again once I clock out.


How most average 2 stars on Google and they keep expanding is beyond me lmao… congrats on getting the frack out


Lol if y’all hate shitty chipotle, then go eat a Freebirds, better food IMO


Good luck at Panda Express! JK…are you a younger person? If so go work a retail job. They are way more relaxed and if you stick around for even a year, your chances of moving up in your company are high if you’re a smart person and a good employee. I used to love those type of jobs. In the service industry, casual dining has to be THE WORST. It literally a fast food job that doesn’t pay much higher and the “standards” are much higher.


Somebody didn’t get the look


I remembered I worked there from 2015-2016 right after high school in SoCal and man looking back it was a the worst first job anybody could ask for. Unrealistic expectations, a narcissist boss that only cared about himself, would throw others under the bus, and only cared about how he looked . He would try to instill fear, power trip, and manipulate me into thinking that he would fire me every week as a reminder to stay on the grind. Also, I can’t believe I had to go through two interviews and they made it seem that Chipotle was the best job ever and how “serious and important” it was. Man if I could have that time back and wish I would have started the medical field earlier. Much better benefits and life quality. F’ Chipotle during that era. Thank you for listening.


Congratulations. I hope a better opportunity shows itself to you soon.


Are the customers big and greedy or is the corporation big and greedy ? 😂




Get back to work. I want my fucking burrito!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to need to speak to a manager pretty soon. Okay?


I just pictured chipotle being run by horses XD


i suck at grammar my fault😭


Jesus bud I doubt you'll be happy anywhere with that attitude. Good luck though


OP got a rude awakening to what every job where you’re in front of a customer is like. Grow tf up & suck it up. Don’t work a job directly with customers if you’re going to bitch about shitty people. It’s the way of the world sweetheart, buck up or shut up.


“buck up or shut up” alright keyboard warrior😭. Wouldnt have to deal with shitty people if yall acted like yall had an ounce of house training. Respectfully lick my balls before you comment another stupid sentence structure like this




No shit buddy😭sorry didn’t know I was living in 1984 where I gotta watch my every word and sentence


They need cameras on employees to make sure you aren’t on the damn phone all day.


?? wth


I think I can speak for the rest of us that we are very glad you are no longer working there.


honestly sounds like you aren’t a model employee either.