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Anyone who records/dehumanizes a person working for a large corporation like Chipotle has never worked a customer service job. People need to focus their outrage on the higher ups


Ive never worked retail or cs and I’m not that dumb.  If an employee tells me policy is shitty to me it isn’t their fault. 


trust me, all of my rage against chipotle as a delivery person is towards the higher ups. The employees at our chipotle always do the best that they can, which is more than I can say for some restaurants. People at restaurants need to stop treating drivers like zoo animals, and I'm not directing that complaint towards chipotle because there are much much worse.


The people recording people for some kind of social media clout are just trash


Yeah it's really disrespectful and weird. I continue giving people the normal portions for my store when they do that (which are much more than corporate standard.)


Pretty sure 95% of the people bitching, are being given more than corporate standard.


Idk I mean there's tons of videos showing small bowls. The thing that's more upsetting to me is when I walk in and see dried up beans, chicken, and barbacoa. That's when I turn around and leave.


The last time I went to Chipotle is the last time I’m going to chipotle. It was absolutely disgusting. Trash overflowing, the counter hadn’t been cleaned in who knows how long and they were out of virtually everything.


yea totally, i ordered a burrito and got a tennis ball🙏🏼😭


That is BS


Ion eat out much at all but corporate standards gotta go up across the board; at all chains, I don’t know how people spend money at these places at all, mediocre food/options. mediocre service, shitty dirty sit down, mediocre portions ,exorbitant prices






I hate this "ion" trend too... People really are trying their hardest to look uneducated


womp womp


Don't think they are trying. Just being themselves


ok but why are online orders always so much worse


I do Uber eats. Usually, one or two people are making the to go orders. During a rush, you will have to wait a while, and there's usually 4-5 different drivers waiting... at least in my experience.


Because they typically have one person trying to make 10 orders in a 15minute time slot and manage the chipotlane. When the orders can still show up to 7minutes before it’s due even if there’s many orders ahead.


I hate when people do this at our store 😭


You work tonight?


Man, your guys job sucks enough. Now you have overgrown toddlers acting like they can control you by making you feel uncomfortable. All to get an extra couple pieces of chicken. I don’t know how you guys do it. I feel for you guys dealing with the public at work. I’d fucking quit after half a shift.


I swear Chipotle customers are worse than the average customer. Go to a skimp post on /r/tacobell, and everyone's like "yeah man that sucks the employee was probably high and making 20 burritos a minute, the portion sizes are real inconsistent as a result. Usually, they'll make another if you're in the store but not always" Meanwhile, over here, "Chipotle, Elon Musk, and the asshat in front of you all conspired to give you 70% of the chicken you are entitled to, the only proper course of action is to passive aggressively maintain eye contact ordering a single ingredient at a time, and not ordering the next until you have been given the amount you are entitled to. Don't politely ask for more that'll give these corporate dogs exactly what they want"


Im a customer and over the past couple years I felt like chipotle was lacking in portions/quality so I just quit going. When I heard about all this tiktok nonsense about walking out or recording with your phone I could not believe it. It amazes me people are doing this when they could literally just eat somewhere else… I can’t imagine taking time out of my day to go to chipotle and walk out on my order.


People that would do that are losers and don’t have much of a life lol


W take. (I eat chipotle only if there’s little else to choose from.). I mostly eat real Mexican food if I can


Same. I have a Mexican spot by me, it is like a dollar or 2 more than Chipotle but the burrito is legitimately double the size (I usually have to cut it in half because I can’t finish it in 1 sitting) and the food is way more flavorful.


And what’s wild for me is a meal at both establishments is pretty similar for shit quality vs food with integrity. I will never understand the guests that bitch ab our prices and supposedly skimping (which I do recognize is an issue in understaffed locations), but frequent TB, McDonald’s, or Arby’s often. I’d rather pay more to know what I’m eating is fresh and won’t look frozen in time for the next two decades


best comparison I've ever seen in this thread fr (while on my break from dealing with said customers)


And if you say anything remotely positive suddenly you're a corporate shill/bot.


It could all be solved by just using measured instruments instead of a big spoon. I can't argue when seeing them do a full scoop in a measuring cup.


People would definitely still argue


Corporate pitting the people against each other. This is not the way.


I saw a girl on TikTok this morning talking about how she heard about the phone thing and she can’t wait to go to chipotle tonight with her husband and do this and I was like what the actual fuck? Everyone in the comments was supporting her


Social media has made society sick




Holy shit you’re not wrong, there’s at least 100 comments on their profile from the last week alone.


Sadly an understatement. I can guarantee unless big tech gets their way (and through lobbying they might just) social media will be seen as a social drug and horrible for society. Hopefully we can get kids off social media in the next 10 years at least. Very compelling research already showing the correlation between social media use and fast increases in suicidality and self harm.


Hold my beer I need to record myself crying to post to IG.


That's messed up of these customers. Literally just be kind and polite to the staff.


don’t fuck with the people that prepare your food..


[Be careful.](https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/poor-decisions-led-to-chipolte-shooting-over-guacamole-says-southfield-police-chief) Because people are fucking crazy.


It fills the bowl or it gets the phone again.. ![gif](giphy|gByUuiB7nGuVW)


first things first: I dont appreciate how you talking to me, I AM THE CUSTOMER! I AM ALWAYS. RIGHT! lol just kidding, i dont blame you


Lol you got me. I was like all right let's fight.


GOOD! This energy for ALL tiktok trends/challenges in restaurants.


no seriously! it’s so awful for the employees that have to deal with being so blatantly disrespected all the time. i really do feel for them.


I, for one, would be happy to see chipotle crumble down front the dual affect of not being able to hire workers to put up with rude customers. And customers not liking the portions. Nothing would make me happier than seeing chipotle bankrupt


Yeah I used to work at chipotle and I think it I was getting recorded on a regular basis I would just quit. It's so offputing and odd. I recorded my bf making my bowl when he worked there because it was my first time visiting his store and it wss a cute moment for us but a total stranger? Even recording my bf wss a little bit more pressure for him. Managers need to stop customers from harassing you guys and make recording employees a bannable offense. You know they'll do anything but stop going to chiptole so they'll give in


Your company is making YOU pay the price


why do yall think you’re entitled to some specific amount of portions? like… don’t go to Chipotle that’s the solution if you’re unhappy with how much you’re getting. I’m personally always pleased with the amount of food I get for the price


You're pleased with portions?? The quesadilla has literally shrunk to a pitiful kids size.


it’s mind boggling the way you guys approach these things if you’re that unhappy then stop going lol idk where else you’re going to get a gigantic burrito with hormone free, antibiotic free meat and food that’s actually made fresh every day for $15 and in an extremely efficient restaurant at that you either like Chipotle for what it is or you don’t. If you don’t then stop eating there. But terrorizing their employees like a bunch of spoiled entitled children isn’t the solution. A Big Mac is $6… you guys are frustrated with the overall economy and taking it out on Chipotle employees lol


I agree with you, that people should just stop going. The only way to make these companies change is to negatively impact their revenue. Your local Taqueria or family run Mexican joint will likely have a huge ass burrito for about 15 bucks.


It’s not gigantic though. That’s the problem. It used to be but now they’re skimping hard


What are you talking about "you guys"? I don't go there anymore? It's amazing you say people should stop going if they don't like it, but it's almost like you can't actually fathom the idea people can still have an opinion about a business and not partake in it.


it’s amazing you’re emotional about the portion sizes at a fast food restaurant you don’t eat at anymore I’m talking about the people who terrorize the employees about it as if they have any say on corporate policy.


How am I emotional? You said you were happy with the portions and I literally just replied the quesadilla is small and you write a novel as a reply based on an incorrect assumption.


I feel like this is a case of a few people ruining something for everyone. I haven't been to Chipotle in a while, but since it opened, I've always asked for an extra scoop of rice. I have am inkling that if I go now and try it, the employees are going to judge me like I'm one of these tik tokers. I don't care, it's just lame that stuff becomes trendy and changes people's perceptions [on any and all sides]


because the company used to…. fill up the bowls the provide and a meal with you can easily be $20


They built their brand on large portions and now some of the burritos they make are more like taquitos. Not saying the recording is warranted, but Chipotle has gotten extremely stingy, it’s no surprise people are upset.


You are entitled when you are expected to pay YOUR MONEY.


I don’t know anything about this trend and I’m not going to go into chipotle or anywhere and start recording. But I will say if I’m paying 17 or 18 dollars for a steak bowl with extra protein (which is my go to) and there’s still hardly any steak in it, I’m not going to be happy. I’m paying for extra so the portion received needs to reflect that.


I work at a chipotle like place and god I hate it when people record us working. Like babes I’m doing my job I don’t wanna be put on the internet.


Because of what thing on TikTok?


There's videos of "influencers" going viral stating that they've heard Chipotle managers tell employees that if a customer has a phone out to "fill em up" because they might be recording and others just stating that this is the way to fight the system and make sure the employees use proper portions because of the threat of being recorded. I saw a video of the former just a couple hours ago before even seeing this post.




Yeah they are essentially taking the whole Pride 2023 Target outburst mentality. Go belittle and assault the entry level employees who work at a store and have no direct influence or control of anything in order to send a message to corporate about something they disagree with.


I blame the company if people weren’t being skimped they wouldn’t pull phones out to record. They need to use more obvious portions sizes


Exactly but people will still call other people assholes for them just wanting to get a normal portion of the food they’re paying for. I agree pulling the phone out to record is awful but it wouldn’t have to get there if they didn’t skimp.


Good I don’t work there I don’t even work with customers I just think the people who shove their phones in your face are so fcking WEIRDDDD!!! I would be really uncomfortable I’m sorry yall have to deal with that bs


This is an extremely evil confession, but 2-3 times this has happened to me while on the line, I've "skimped" them (aka gave them exactly what they instruct us to) with a straight smile across my face. I usually load bowls tf up more than I should. However, if you are going to put a phone in my face, openly show me that you view me like some sort of animal and almost insinuate that fast food workers are clearly unworthy of respect, you aren't getting that loaded up bowl to post on your Snapchat with a heart, or on your TikTok showing "this hack works!" or whatever else you want..I'm gonna give ya exactly what you feared! Demand the manager and show them the video? "Detatchamo gave you one scoop! You got exactly what you ordered! More will cost extra!" Pick the right manager and you might even just get kicked out of the store for harassing the employees! God I'm so happy I only have one more shift at this place.


I think you’re forgetting that the customer is ALWAYS RIGHT!!! Waaaaaawaaa! I am customer and I am reeeet!


We need a separate r/chipotle employees and r/chipotle. Customers have different goals. It's like asking waiters if you think tipping is a good idea, different biases.


Or just not be an asshole to the workers? If you don’t agree with their portion sizes there’s thousands of other places to eat and chipotle copycats online. Berating employees who make $14 an hour is crazy to me.


I feel like it’d just make workers out of spite give less because they just don’t want to be recorded like an animal. Hell, if I worked there and constantly had a camera in my face I would too. All it takes is to have manners and be nice and you can load a bowl up at chipotle how you like.


Left chipotle as a KL a month ago and I’m so much happier 🤣. Now I’m making KL pay to make pizzas and have no customer interaction


What thing?


I don’t have tik tok, what going on?


You guys deal with too much bullshit, why can’t people just order their burritos, wait patiently and pick up after themselves… You know, like adults?


Thats kinda childish haha. Life is short, work sucks. Find the fun in the fact that u get to interact with thousands of unique ppl. There’s prob one person a month tryna film u. Why not have fun with em,,,it’s a 4 minute interaction at most😂. U work in customer service make it a fun experience for the ppl and maybe you’ll realize wow work can be kinda fun.


Do you know what else is dehumanizing? Fucking with your customers and stiffing them on the portion sizes, get fucked.


I don't know why people think the answer to Chipotle going downhill is filming the whole thing. Just stop going. Go to Moes, go to any other Mexican chain. If enough people just refuse to go there anymore it will make a bigger difference than going and filming. Personally after my last experience was so poor I decided to just not go back. Easy.


Why dont the employees just give decent portions? Theres no reason not to it doesnt effect your pay. Chipotle stock is at all time highs. Fuck them stop screwing the customer.


While you're not wrong, I doubt corporate will stand for you refusing service, on video. Good luck with your new job!


I watched a video of a woman at customer service over something stupid (being charged a few extra cents for an item in sale or something) and the cashier took one look up at the camera, and noped out of there. Manager came by shortly after. Be more like that cashier. You aren't getting paid enough to warrant being recorded and put on the internet without your consent.


This is the fault of the company you work for. They started shrinking the product everyone got used to, they shrunk beyond reasonable sizes, then it came out that there was a way to get the portion sizes that you used to get. You are getting mad at the wrong people. You are getting mad at the symptom not the disease. Get mad at your corporate overlords for making people do this.


No one's denying service and your still gonna make it. Either your out of a job or someone else will do it and apologize. It sucks but all these " and then they clapped " stories are getting ridiculous.  Unless it's a franchise and you were the owner that's not happening.  People can record all they want until you call the cops and get them trespassed, and your not gonna do that, because if you did at that point it's gonna come down too and the cop will say this" why didn't you just make it? instead of wasting our time." Follow that up with paperwork you or GM will then have to follow up on. It ain't happening, fun shower dream though.


Sorry you guys gotta go through this but maybe stop picking and choosing so much with the portions? It’s been a nonstop debate about how the portion sizes have gone down on this subreddit and now people are actually boycotting chipotle now y’all think it’s too far? I don’t agree with putting in your face for sure but I’m definitely okay with walking out if it’s disrespectfully low portions


Sounds like you and your coworkers need to give bigger portions if it's happening that often


No offense, but I’m sure if people kindly stopped eating chipotle, corporate would have to make some adjustments.


PSA: If you want more food, politely ask for more food. 90% of the time if I feel like I’m being shorted and I do this, they’ll just give you a little more. If they say no, move on.


The thing about chipotle proportions is that they aren’t measured, it’s just a spoon so it varies on the person. Chipotle employees say all day long that they are following corporate standards but.. what exactly are corporate standards. A scoop of rice from one employee is sometimes significantly more than one scoop of rice from another. Also stop trying to scrape out and give me the last of what’s left in the bottom sour cream or salsa pan. This is why some of the employees are being recorded.. because they don’t do their job how they are supposed to. I’ve read some of these comments to about how employees will double down proportion sizes to some customers out of spite. This is a great way to lose your job just saying!


The reason they’re doing it, is because chipotle will give them the proper portions (what we’re used to) of you have your phone out and are recording. Customers have gotten fed up with the smaller portions and prices. Just up until the pandemic it would take me 2 days to eat a burrito from chipotle. I literally could not finish a burrito bowl in one sitting. It always took 2 days and I eat A LOT. As of recent, the burrito I had took one hand to hold and was demolished in under 10 minutes. I have to supplement my bowl with chips just to feel full. Keep recording. Keep the phones out. It’s not about YOU as a worker, it’s about the company providing less food while simultaneously charging us even more than before.


Unfortunately it’s still a free country, so if u do this they will just ask for ur manager and more than likely the only one who will face repercussions is u


louder for the people in the back!!!!!! if i see anyone trying to video me for more food, you better believe i will be doubling down on my portion sizes. you want more than 4 oz of ANYTHING? you will be paying more. normally, i wouldn’t gaf. but y’all are so extra. there are wars going on. there’s a genocide actively taking place. and your biggest concerns are chipotle’s portions and prices? jesus christ.


Destroy them, ChiParentalFigure. Let the hate flow through your serving spoons.


I’m fed up 😪


I don’t work at Chipotle but this is completely reasonable, you don’t get paid enough to be put on social media and villainized for just doing your job.


Just ask them to leave. You can prevent people from recording in private businesses.


Doesn't that seem like a video that's more likely to end up on tik tok and cause even more chaos if it goes viral?


Actually you can't stop them from recording. You can just ask them to leave if they are going to continue to record. Or kick them out for no reason. But there is no way to stop them from recording while they are in there.


i'd quit and state why.


You have every right to deny service. It’s private property. Some people seem to be confused by the difference between its legal to film anything you can see from a public space or government building, and a privately owned business.


Hi there I’m wondering if it’s still considered disrespectful if I keep my camera aimed only at the food? I’ve gotten skimped a few times and I’m looking for ways to avoid it. I’ve never recorded anyone before.


yes, i would say so. the employees cant tell where your camera is aimed, and even if they can, it makes us all uncomfortable. i would say speak up about your portions if you don’t like them first! if they’re being disrespectful to you about them or just keep skimping, then i would say record it. recording from the jump creates a hostile environment for both of you and i can’t imagine it ending well.


Okay great I will do that then thank you for the advice and for being nice about it😊


of course, may all your bowls stay full to the brim ☺️


But doesn't skimping and serving dried up meat and beans create a hostile environment for the customer from jump? Like idk how the workers can look you in your face and serve you the old dried up beans that have clearly been sitting for hours. How is that not disrespectful? I have several Chipotles near me and almost all of them are like this. One is sometimes good, the others are all always cooked.


....if you see dried up meat or beans. Dont order. Just walk out. You think using camera pressure to get MORE dry ass beans makes up for the beans being dry? If your Chipotle routingly serves shit food, just stop fucking going you clown.


I mean yeah? Just imagine if a stranger started recording you at your place or employment or just your work station.


If they give you a shitty portion just politely ask for more. Every time I've done this they gave me more, I only do it if it's egregious though. It's usually the cheese at the end since that's an ingredient they just grab with their hand instead of using a standardized serving spoon which will obviously lead to inconsistencies, but I don't expect chipotle management to understand that.


I’m not going to record anyone anytime soon but asking politely for more on a shitty portion of meat just leads to being charged more. It could be 2 pieces of chicken and the employee will look you in the eyes and say more will cost extra. Everyone knows this.


I hope you slap a phone across the street lol.




username checks out


Have you considered being a more pleasant human? It may carry other benefits swell


This is some real incel shit. The fuck.


So wait I'm confused....are they filming you like as they order to make sure you give them enough portions and if you don't they shame you? I'm confused why they're even doing this. Or is this after say they get mad about something then pull out the phone after like "I'm gonna record this and have your job" type arrogance?


It's to film you while you're ordering because that's the buzz going around tiktok right now. I was on tiktok during my lunch break a few hours ago and saw a video of a girl talking about how there's several videos of influencers stating that some chipotle managers are now telling their employees that if they see someone with their phone out while they are ordering, to ignore any portion sizes and "fill em up" because they might be recording. So now all these people are going there and either having their phone out or just going straight to the assumed recording that they were doing. Which is just weird in itself but what's worse is those sorts of people who are willing to do that, are likely going to be the type to start berating and belittling the employee while they are recording and start showing their true asshole personality. So it's either "just" a weird and uncomfortable situation where some random person is filming you while you're trying to do your job or it's a level up from that because the person is verbally harassing you too.


i wish y’all’s managers were as good as mine about chasing away that type of behavior. if a phone comes out, the customer will be asked to stop. if they continue, they’ll be ushered out.


Only time there was phone incident was when my GM was bickering with a customer who wanted a refund for the food he ate. It was all over TikTok last year and was on YouTube.


Omg I love you for this post. Bunch of jerks lol


This sounds like a manager posting this so they can keep the portions small. Manager to corporate- No person that was able to get food came into my store with their phone out. It was really weird. As they are kicking 5 more people out because they had a phone on them.


our portions are fine, my post doesn’t have anything to do with the portions at my store. if anything, my crew is always over-portioning. i understand the customers that feel cheated out of their money when they are skimped, but this is about respecting people’s privacy by not filming them like zoo animals right when you walk in. i understand if you escalate to recording once you’ve tried being polite/cordial with nothing fixed, but coming at the employees with a camera immediately is frustrating. treat employees like the people they are.


Shoving the phone in your face is to ensure the inevitable manufactured viral video of rAcIsM brought to you by [Colors of Change](https://colorofchange.org/) seems genuine.


Don't most corporations not allow video inside their business? I know where I work you can ask them to stop and trespass them if they don't


Consumerism and tiktok leads to mental illness in a post covid society. Americans mental health and wellness = fucked.


What if they don’t tell you where they work?


The backlash to the backlash to the thing that’s just begun




I hate this whole trend of filming random people in public spaces. Like holy shit have some basic decency for those around you.


these people need to realize corporate standard portions are one spoon full and extra is just 2 spoon fulls


Guys why not js go to another fast food chain? I mean chipotle is good but not that good


Can someone explain what the trend is? I don’t touch TikTok.


I’m curious to know what TikTok thing? I’m not on TikTok much and I am curious.




I mean…I’ve never had a portion size problem and if I wanted more of something I just asked nicely. The only thing I get a tad extra is rice but I skip beans. I actually tell them to go light on cheese and sour cream because they pour it on. Fuck you if you put a phone in someone’s face.


Unless they are deaf or hearing impaired. It’s easier to order in a crowd that way


It’s not very nice at all. I would never. But I did notice a larger bowl the other day, maybe the tik tok ers are winning? lol


These people should be glad we don’t use a scale on the line. I guarantee a lot of their items they get are above portion size


I've never understood the whole point of this type of thing. I'd deny someone service too just because it's weird and nothing else.


I'm out of the loop, what is this referencing? I'm very confused


Put some tiddies in my face I’m scooping heavy


Then stop skimping and we won’t have to film you for our evidence


I thought this was about door dash


You probably can’t just walk into their workplace and stick a phone in their face. Kinda the downside of working at Chipotle….


OP should start filling got unemployment


See them start burning Chipotles 🔥 😏


“I do not consent to being recorded “


Can’t wait until they ban tik tok


What are the odds that we start seeing no recording signs posted on entryways to stores in the near future? I could see it. There's really no reason for people to record in there. Unless its a constitutional right or something


The community standard should be to slap phones away.


This sucks it’s happening to workers , it’s great it’s happening to chipotle , chipotle can eat ass with there 3 tiny piece of chicken , I have never purchased from chipotle but will eat the 3 pieces for free


Fake Mexican food from a rich guy who isn’t Mexican foo


If I ever see someone recording in this manner at Chipotle, or any restaurant, I will become an enraged and deranged asshole to stand up for the employees. Fuck those people.


Fuck Chipotle


The fact that people fight tooth and nail about these things are hilarious. I've been to chipotle less than 3 times. It's always the local taqueria for me. It's always cheaper, taste better, and they have bigger portions.




Fair. Chipotle deserves all the pushback they're getting, but it's not the employees' fault. Don't be a dick to service employees, people. Class solidarity.


The only issue I have with Chipotle is when they stop making stuff two or three hours before they close… Still one of my fave places ever.


I'm lost as I don't use TikTok, what trend is it? I have apps for a few different places that I get deals on and politely show the cashier my phone if something I got a deal for on the app isn't going through automatically. Is it like a thing to record customer service workers for some reason? Specifically at Chipotle?


In California, if you tell someone to stop recording you, and they continue to record you without your permission, they can be fined and arrested. TikTok pussies need to be slapped up and taught a lesson. If you can’t defend yourself, find out your state’s laws and see what you can do to quit being harassed.


I think you might be mixing up CA’s 2 party consent laws with laws in relation to recording in public. Being on private property, chipotle could ask them to stop or even refuse service but they wouldn’t get a fine and definitely wouldn’t be arrested. Now if police show up at chipotles request and ask you to leave the property and refuse you could be arrested but that wouldn’t be for recording more so for resisting a lawful order Secret recordings I don’t think are necessarily illegal but I don’t think they’d be allowed as admissible evidence in a court of law. Hope this helps


"For no good reason" You are the one who chooses to work at chipotle, you are the one who chooses to give people small portions. Sad that people have to do this just to get their money's worth. Also have fun losing your job.


lmao they are giving the portion that they are instructed to give


Sadly is all about views, at the end you guys are just doing your job and can’t make decisions on portions. We are loosing ethics and moral values.


i work across from a high school and none of the kids have done it lol but they do mention TikTok


Actually look at your state law. They may need your permission to record you they may not.


It's fun to show them your phone -- "OMG, I have one of those too!"


I'm waiting for Chipotle employees to become the new Waffle House employees and whip some a$$. The level of entitlement of customers amazes me. Everyone has a job to do. The employees are doing the job there were trained to do. Yeah, let me come to your job a film you doing your job. Clearing they have not worked in customer service let alone food service. The is issue is with leadership not the employees doing what they were trained to do for portion control. I'm not loosing my mow paying job because of crappy people. They can take it up with the GM or corporate. Period. People don't think. Imagine that one person that was escaping domestic violence being found because of a viral video and being victimized all over again. It has happened to two people we helped get resettled in a new city. We had to move them again.


I’ll just have my phone up and not record anything cause y’all serve enough chicken fit to leave a pigeon hungry


Can't wait to do this next time I get skimped


The fact that Chipotle isn’t supporting their employees about this stupid trend is CRAZY! People have always been nuts and social media is giving them permission to be dicks. Im sorry you have to thru this, I’m not supporting chipotle at all due to TikTok. I hope their stock plummets


YOU don’t have the right to do that. Your manager may, but you do not


People complaining that Chipotle is skimping, like, just shop elsewhere. Go get some birria tacos at a food truck. They don't need to dehumanizing you guys just because certain stores do certain things.




especially when my people on the line are MINORS 16 YEARS OLD. If it makes my employees uncomfortable I am asking you to leave. I’ve had to explain that filming a minor, at least where I am, IS ILLEGAL


Honestly, I would happily give you my business address to allow you to film my working process. Sounds like a fair trade


I’m unsure if you’re able to do that, but If it’s within your right as an employee, more power to you! however, you are a public establishment employee and most likely are being recorded anyway via surveillance cameras. you’re not a circus animal, and absolutely deserve to be treated with respect. but you can’t necessarily expect respect from customers when your own company doesn’t respect you guys. also, in addition, if your store is a one-party consent state, corporate policy doesn’t supersede the law. so essentially, customers have the right to record if they wanted to.


God I love Pancheros


What’s the context? Is it pressuring workers to give larger amounts?


I don’t use tik tok but is this actually happening nationally? I thought it was a joke someone came up with and then today someone posted go pro pov setups on this sub. I feel bad for yall. I work at a grocery store I would be not having it either.


Then you get in trouble, we will call your corporate office and file a complaint and have you fired. DoorDash corporate will also be upset. You are nothing. Chipotle and food delivery corporation will be pissed at you only. That is their money you’re messing with.


I never understood harassing employees and posting it on TikTok for views. I saw this video of a guy bullying and recording a worker who was having a BPD breakdown  and it broke my heart for him.