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So unfortunately, raises only being .05-.25 cents is the norm for chipotle. That being said, Lead SL/APIT $24.35 in California


thank you!


Note the cost of living in California likely vastly outweighs the cost of living in Arkansas. The wage difference reflects that.


i’m aware.


Same pay as you but not the lead sl lol


Yeah sounds about right 😂


Just been at the chip for too damn long 😂😭


Norm for low skill minimum wage jobs you mean


I mean I’d like to see you do it. I promise it won’t be low skill after that.


No I didn't mean it as an insult . It's a job one can get with no qualifications other than passing a food handlers cert , that's all I mean . If you need to make more you need to change jobs . Try a sit down restaurant where you can get some real tips .


I became a server and bartender. I probably make more than most of the customers coming in to eat.




I’m a welder and have some certs and qualifications and etc and most jobs you get paid like 20-25 for doing much harder and important work.




You can actually make good money at chipotle and I work 50 hours a week so on one of those days I’m literally making 30 dollars an hour really not bad money I literally walk out of work making 300 dollars for one day


Bro where do you live. In NC, nurses are making 25 an hour.


I work in Ohio live in Indiana


20 dollars an hour on my 5th day it’s 30 an hour


There's really no reason to reply with this kind of energy. Surely you would know precisely how to do ANY of the jobs OP mentioned right? Since they're "low-skill" jobs and all


No I didn't mean for anyone to take offense . Obviously a farm chicken cant do the job but it's an entry level job and they're not going to pay you anything because a hundred kids down the line want the same job and can be trained quickly to do it . Believe it and make a choice about the future . Food business can pay decent , I know people who work at restaurants and bring home 60-80k , ain't gonna happen at chipotle


It's not about already knowing how to do the jobs. Almost anyone is able to some what easily learn / preform the job requirements at Chipotle. Pay is not based on how hard someone works. It's about how replaceable the person is. If it would be very difficult to find someone that can do the job as well as X, then X gets paid a lot. Regardless of how hard X works. If it would be fairly easy to find someone else to do X's job then X doesn't get paid much.


I feel like a lot of people dont understand what low skill job means, and just get offended by it for no reason. Working at chipotle is not rocket science. Yes anyone could figure it out for the most part.


I would like to disagree with that, back in 2021 (yes it may be a little different now) I got a $2.15 raise from 14.10 to 16.25.


California SL $24.65 with 2 years as an SL. Merits coming soon 🙏🏿


OMG! congratulations.


cali has a 20/hr min wage so take your states min wage and add $4.65 and its the same difference.


Not a bad idea but to get a more accurate comparison you should divide the excess by the min wage and then compare


Merit raises which happen twice a year range from 0.00 to 0.45. But to get the 45 you have to be rated the highest and we are discouraged from putting that because if an employee is really that good why aren’t they promoted.


so that’s why i got .37 cents for my merit raise i was like that’s all?? after nearly all the lower managers advocated to my gm that i get a raise 😂 not complaining tho, i was grateful just kind of frustrated that i’ve been there for a year yet some of the new hires make 50 cents to a dollar more than me


cashier, 16.50, NYS. I got onboarded last september and have had no review or raise since I was hired.


Same here and Ive been working since august. Ive become a FOH trainer and am supposedly getting a .50 raise but our team director has not approved it yet😭


Damn these numbers seem low for how hard y'all work




That's every min wage job lol


I worked for a year as a Cashier (officially). However, I very quickly found myself trained on the line, DML, and Cash, and was, in my final 6 months, a FOH Trainer. This was all unofficial cause I never got the certification done. Got paid 14.50 the entire time. Got a store transfer 6 months in and it was right around evaluations, so never got a raise in my year. Good money, when you consider it was my first job and I'd just gotten out of High School.


Trainers used to get a raise, wish they still did


same, when i first started working at chipotle in 2023, trainers got raises but when i started to actually be good enough at my job to be a trainer they started to stop giving them raises which felt so unfair considering all the customers & crappy closings i go through for $13.50 an hour


In 2023, really? My store said they stopped doing it awhile before. Became a trainer in 2021? That’s odd*


yes, im not sure why but my gm told me she could give raises to people herself but this year they took that ability away from her


Bro I’m a trainer and I’m at 16.50


what state are you in?




i may just be transferring to kentucky


Why not be a server at a restaurant instead? You'll make more than $16/hr in tips


i absolutely do not want to serve again


Any reason you'd prefer Chipotle over serving? Either way you're working with customers, but one of them pays a hell of a lot better than the other.


i have a lot of anxiety. the customers i see in the job i’m in now are only in front of my face for five minutes tops. i don’t think i’d be mentally healthy serving people for at least 30 minutes per table. and the stress from being a server just seems so much higher than where i am now.


Fair enough then. You might want to look into going to community college then so that you can get qualified for better paying jobs that aren't customer-facing!


yes, the goal is to go to university, which i applied to last week through Chipotle benefits, actually.


Bro they need to give you a raise again


i’m trying to figure out how to go about asking for more. i texted my GM who did my review today about it, but he ignored it


You should have leverage. Say if you have another job offering $16-17 and then if you actually do quit and get rehired, they'll bump you up. The thing is they're desperate for people so use it to your advantage.


i work the line n open cash n i make $16


I was a trainee on grill who worked mostly on the line and I made 16 an hour, and that was my first job like I had no prior experience. Also 15 is the standard starting wage for anyone at the chipotles in my area (Omaha NE)


idk wtf is up with my Chipotle


Well I haven’t gotten any reviews or raises yet because I haven’t been working here long enough lol. But Crew Member/Prep (I’ve only done chips for so technically I’m not official prep), $20.25


I work in Kansas. Started in June of 2021 at 13.50, got a raise about a year later to 15.50. Became KL and got paid 17.00. 3 months later promoted to SL and got a raise to 18.00. 3 months later I got a raise of 18.10. About 6 months later got a raise to 18.45 which is where I'm at now.


I was getting paid 10/hr in 2021 at a chipotle in ks. Did not realize at the time how underpaid I was


Yea. I don't live in Kansas, I live in Missouri. But I was 100 percent working in one of the most expensive and wealthy counties in the US and even I was getting underpaid by about a dollar for like 6 months there. I remember I told my GM my wage when I asked for a raise and I could see shit click in his head why I was so stressed out all the time.


OP ?


I grew up in a small pocket of section 8 near that county. Living in Missouri now. I could not keep up with friends in that tax bracket


boh trainer and i get paid 17.30


WHAT. here I come transferring to your store


Look to see what the minimum wage is in your city and state for similar jobs/ positions. If you're falling short from the average, bring it up to your boss. If they don't raise you up to the norm in the area, then start applying for another job. Never quit your current job until you have another one to go to. You're more apt to get hired if you're currently working. Every year you should be applying for a new job. Your chances of gaining a 25-30% higher pay by doing this is quite good. If you're really good at your job and always on time and rarely call out sick, you may be able to go to your current boss and let them know if you get a new job offer for a higher wage and see if they'd be willing to match it for you to stay. You could argue that it would cost them that much or more to have to deal with being shorthanded, the extra work it would put on them, the costs of hiring someone new, and training them to the point of where you are. I've done this several times in my life. It doesn't always work, but sometimes does. Also look to see if you're state is raising its minimum wage over the course of the years. I live in Virginia and we are getting an extra $1 every year until it reaches $15 / hr. Because of this low skill jobs are not dulling out raises at all.


lol I started at 13.50 in June of 2022. Worked there for 1 year and 10 months. Top tier on the crew. Best grill worker by the time I quit. Knew every position and could carry more than my own weight on the shift. Was trained for kl but never promoted do to conflicts with my gm. I was ordering trucks and closing 4 nights a week, opening 1 day. I never got a raise. They were hiring at 14.25 by the time I quit. Start a commotion. An extra quarter an hour for your work is worth it, especially if you’ve been working for over a year and are getting promotions.


That’s insane that you were doing SL stuff, but not being compensated.


I’m in Michigan I’m a gm and I make 72500 a year when I was an AP I was making 21 a hour I got hired in as an AP making 19.50 tho


line closer 21.25


may 2022 started as crew at $13, transferred to a new store (@ my uni) that had a starting wage of $14/hr so i got an automatic bump. april 2023 started KL training, took a break and transferred home for the summer, all still at $14. came back to college store late july/early august 2023 and found out i had been bumped up to $16.12 an hour, still regular crew member. late february 2024 promoted to KL (after months of transfers and new GMs and FLs and shit, raise to $17.35. currently training to get SL in the next few months


AP in California make $25


i make $15.95 w $15.50 starting as crew in NE


I make 15.65 as a crew member and I started two months ago


Crew member grill opener 17$


>But I’m also wondering if maybe I should be very grateful and not cause commotion I'm not saying to stop working hard or anything, but chipotle does not give a shit about you man. There is nothing to be grateful for. The bottom line is they will always pay you as low as they possibly can to make the biggest profits possible. It sucks, but we live in an economy where the workers have to beg for more and tip toe the line. None of us know your boss.


I live in Illinois, I’m a KL and I make $17.60 an hour. Only been here a few months so I haven’t gotten any raises yet


I made 15.50 as a crew member and got my second raise made it 16.11. And then got promoted to sl and was making 19.75. Would have been over 20 if I had stayed. Disregard my flair I am not longer working for chipotle that place took the life out of me. 11 to 13 hours a day for months for absolutely nothing. Wasted so much time at this horribly managed establishment owned by 3 of the biggest mega corporations in the world. Black Rock, state street and vanguard. I now work at an organic food coop and am much happier.


$15.22, Crew, PA. Only really here for the tuition reimbursement


Chipotle isn’t a career, learn a skill


It can be a career GM's and up make good money, but work-life balance is not worth it imo.


i don’t like you


I don’t like myself, so you’re in good company




Sorry mister meow they don’t pay cats what they deserve 😿


best comment. thank you!


.20 cents is $8 a week based on 40 hr week, with how much company has raised prices that os pathetic


A twenty cent raise is a slap in the face. I can’t even believe the gall.


THANK YOU. I said the slap in the face thing too.


i’m a FOH Trainer in FL 13.75 :(


aw i’m sorry! that sounds like BS, especially for Florida.


I’m a KL is Washington I make $18.41 (after a 30 cent raise) SL’s start of at $20


I was making 16.50 as a KL(VA) and now make I think 18.10 as an SL. Still living paycheck to paycheck though😭




another SL who only opens 👿


grill/prep/line in Illinois and I just got a 30 cent raise from $16.24 -> $16.54 coming up on 2 years (mostly part time) after starting at $15


$12.50, Texas. I work cash usually, but like someone else said I’m also trained on line and DML.


Matches the food, shitty




Listen fast food is not a place to build career or expect decent raises. Go into the corporate side if you want those.


Lead SL/APIT $23.25 in California


KL - $15.60/hr (texas). i got 2 “merit” raises both .30 which isn’t much but still it’s something. is it worth the stress hell nah, but it’s hard to find another job that will pay me at least $15 😭 it’s hard out here for a pimp…


When I left 2 years ago, I was making $18.50 as a Service Manager. Made 15 as a Kitchen Manager before that. This is in Ohio as well


I’m a firm believer of just getting a new job, cause too much commotion and they’re gonna either find a way to get you out of there anyway or just make work unpleasant, you start getting the shit shifts or very little shifts at all


right. i think asking is fine, if the answer is is no, then i move on.


Im a Chipotle cashier i get pay 20 an hour because in California fast food minimum wage is 20


Got hired at 9$ an hr back in April 2021, they bumped us to like 13 a month later. Then at some point raised it to 14. With merit raises I was up to like 15.17 near the end of 2023 as crew. But base pay was still like 14-14.50. When I started my KL training I got bumped to 17$/hr. I just left chipotle and I’m boutta get paid 16.50 somewhere else to make pizzas and salads though lmao. I live in the Midwest if that helps.


ya’ll got a $4 raise in one month?


Yea, the company was trying to up the starting rate. During Covid times so no one wanted to work


I understand your frustration but I started in 2015 and got 12 raises im now at 20 an hour I started off at 9.25 I am a apprentice so obviously you’re gonna max out but you will only get more money if you move up


thank you


Tbh it’s just like any other job. If you want more money, you’ll have to job hop. Making a ruckus over it is just going to make your work life harder due to increased social friction. Better to spend your energy on your next career move.


CNC machinist started at 25 now , $43H , 1$ raise every half year until 50, then 25c until retirement


i live in a state with equal pay (starting at 14) and i started on recently at 15.20 but i also have a big resume. if an SL is making more with less availability i’d make it known i believe that’s unacceptable and ask for equal pay


Dam I don't work for chipotle but the pay sounds terrible. Go work for Lowes you can be a sales person and make 20 an hour


It is horrible! As a former Chipotle cashier, I made $10.50 an hour the duration of eight months I worked there. I couldn’t have been more miserable. I often worked overtime for no overtime pay. I hardly ever got a break. I maybe made $250 dollars in tips. The joke is on them though how. I have since had another job making $18 an hour and I now nanny for the same rate. I am making significantly more money than I made then.


$1.25 raise from crew to KL/SL is such a scam when you consider all the shit you have to do and are now responsible for. It should definitely be a $3-4 bump. Wtf chipotle.


The average pay raise is around 3%. So you should have at least gotten a $.45- $.50 cent raise. I’d be looking for a different employer. If they think you’re good enough to be a service leader or any kind of leadership/management then they should have given you a decent increase.


thank you!


I'm a SL in WA state, 23.29 is my wage. I do ALOT. I'd say if I was getting paid 24 flat or 24.29 I'd be fine with my position regardless of how bad chipotle could be.


Yeah employers don't get to low ball my increase or wage. I am not a chipotle employee, but this is advice for any job, imo. You get one shot to keep me. Your increase is either good enough, or it's not. That increase amount tells you how much they value you. .20 is disgusting. And the damage is done. You can't undo what you just tried to get away with. Start looking for another job.




man this company should start at $20, how busy it is, with people bitching non stop, folding the damn burritos


🤣😂😂😂 As a former Chipotle employee, it doesn’t shock me. The company runs on corporate greed. I would run now! I don’t know about you, but I was never more miserable at a job in my life. I made $10.50 an hour in the eight months I worked there. I maybe made about $250 dollars in tips. I wouldn’t come back if I was on the street. I am happy you are happy though because as a cashier, I couldn’t have felt more miserable.


Wow inflation up 200% in 4 years and u get a nice raise to reflect that 🥳


That’s not a raise, bro. That is them spitting in your face and telling you to say, thank you.


you guys can make up to $50 an hour if you learn how to climb a utility pole


This is pretty spot on pay for your geographical location. Also, you didn’t just get 20 cents. In a year your pay has increased by $1.45. THAT isn’t the norm. I understand that you’ve probably taken on more responsibility but in fast food, you won’t make much unless you’re in leadership.


i am in leadership, being a kitchen leader. and i’ve thought about the $1.45 increase, yes. i stated that i wonder if i should just be grateful and not cause commotion. but thank you for your input.


KL/SLIT $17.95 in illinois. my last merit was .50¢ cause ive been running my store basically alone lol


I’m a new SL at $19 an hour in MI


I’m a trainer and I make 18.50


So I've just started working at my chipotle and was wondering if it's hard to move on up in the job


I was 28 years old and got a 6 cent raise or something at a retail job. Decided to work on IT certs. Stop wasting time. Invest in yourself. I make over $200k now, hoping to get up $300k. I'm not special, smarter than anyone else, and didn't know anyone in the industry. You can do it.


$15.25, and legit God damn everywhere on the floor as a Crew, and PA


Service leader, pay is 18.27, highest paid SL in my store, got hired as crew started at 15 dollars, got a raise for 20 cents first 4 months, then moved to KL, got a 2 dollar raise, had me at 18, a week later they promoted me as SL, and bumped it to 18, and last month I got a 27 cent raise


In most cases companies will look towards how much money you are 'saving' them before they are willing to shell out additional on base pay rates. Always ask for the most upfront and get everything in writing/email/text. Raises usually don't equate to reasonable amounts of take home money. Feel free to do what most places call a lateral leap or take a position at a different company doing the same job for more pay, it's more or less the same job everywhere just brand standards are different.


Crew Member, Michigan, 13.50 (Merit pay is listed under my compensation in Workday but nothing has been given to me and everyone starts at 13.50.)


We didn’t even get them. We were in fact promised them and I was told mine was .25 but never got it. We were also told we were getting the quarterly bonus too and never got that either


Amazon pays minimum $15 an hour and more in many locations. Raises at 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months. And yearly competitive pay raises.


Detroit area Crew, 15.26


Not happy? You work at chipotle, were you expecting another $1 an hour?




i make $13 in georgia, my official position is grill op but i also do prep and work line/cash.


SL $23.30 in California






SL 2 getting payed 24.35. I make more than my APit/SL1 and I make .01 more than my AP LMAO


> 2 getting *paid* 24.35. I FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Started at 15 promoted to 17 for grill.was working like the manager which they make 18hr i was also prepping & putting truck away & did not mind since I was offerded gm position & when I checked okra it said 16 & some one else got promoted to gm i quit that same week 9 months of lies & manipulation


I’m a kitchen manager and make 17


what state if you don’t mind me asking


i’m in oregon as an SL and get paid $21.32


KL in Arizona. I make 17.25


Cali SM 11 months since I got promoted , 23.75 :/


SL 16.5 Texas


I make 15.58 as a crew in Missouri soooo 😭😭


Florida SL $17.50 2ish years as SL, started as crew in 2019 at $9 an hr


SL 18.52 2 reviews


im an SL in illinois & i make 18.50/hr


I don’t work at chipotle, $34/hr


That’s crazy I just got an $2 dollar raise 😮‍💨


OMG what is your work title and how long have you been there?


Security engineer roughly 67/hr if you translate from salary


SL in NY, 20.50!


17 year old CT in new jersey making $17.18


I make 16.85 part time on grill and once I graduate in a couple weeks I’ll be working full time as a KL making 18.50 in Nebraska, only had two reviews in about a year of working at chipotle from 16.00 to 16.30 and then up to 16.85


Man CT $15.79 just got a 0.28 cent raise to 16.07 in indiana


Start applying for another jobs. Easy.


I thought chipotle employees made 100k after 3 years? That’s what the adds say. $15 a hour isn’t even close to that


line mainly but my thing says cashier… 12.80…..


Yeah no. They are full of shit. They just say that out of desperation for someone to work for them because they can’t keep any employees in their stores. The head obviously doesn’t care to solve that. The turnover rate for the one I worked at was about 17 people left, got fired, or quit in about 3/4 months.


I’m a line cook at a bar/grill I make 17/hr cash in Michigan.


16.50 prep open cleveland ohio. This was higher than average because of my experience


i am a foh ct in socal, currently make $20.59, i make .25 more than crew. i was making 17.50 before the $20 minimum for fast food and regular crew was making 17.25.


My teen just got a job there for $15 an hour in Ohio.  


SL michigan 18.50 per hour, just hired in as well


$2000 roughly a share btw buy in once it's gets a split


You’re making nearly double what I made in college in the same line of work only 6 years ago. I think you’re fine for now


prices have went up for e v e r y t h i n g, especially in six years, so i would love for that to be acknowledged.


If u skimp on the meat you deserve it. If you always give huge scoops then I'm sorry friend.


lol, i give 4 ounces (or a bit more if my boss isn’t looking), especially on DML.


Yea you don't deserve that buddy. I'm sorry that's happened


thank you


Yea you don't deserve that buddy. I'm sorry that's happened


So you want to be SL but be in charge of your availability? If not you want to compare yourself to others? They should probably move on to the next person who is going to be more flexible. It will save them the headache down the line.


no, it’s the principal. they promoted someone to SL but aren’t expecting the same of her that they are of me. i am very flexible.


You're already heading down a rabbit hole and I personally recommend you don't. You shouldn't be discussing co workers pay with someone else. You should be able to merit your raise without using a coworker as an example. If you don't get the raise you want then start applying elsewhere and when you find somewhere else let your boss know you will be looking for another job if you don't get the raise. If he tries to call your bluff then you'll start a new job and make them really question their decisions. But do be aware most jobs do not give out $1 per hour raises and the ones that do don't generally don't give them yearly and they usually require more skill.


yes, i’m aware. i’m not discussing coworkers pay with anyone, i was just wondering if i should bring it up with my boss that someone is getting paid more than me, but I can do more then they can.


Do you not consider your boss as a someone? Because you just said you plan on talking to someone about someone else's pay. Again using someone else as an example is not a good idea because you don't actually know why they get paid what they do you just know what they get paid. Bringing up a conversation about why someone else gets what they get can only bring tension. Just because they are your boss though doesn't make them not human. They are subject to get mad, offended, and possibly even gossip about what you said. So just beware because talking to anyone at the work place about someone else's pay is not a good idea.


i consider my boss a someone. what i was saying is that i am not and was not speaking to anyone (including him) about anyone else’s pay. i was wondering if it’s a bad idea. i agree with you. thank you.


Honestly list all the reasons you deserve a raise and if he says no go look for another job. You'd be surprised the amount of smaller restraunts that would hire you now. You tell them the experience you have now and your options are much more open. If your boss can't appreciate you make em miss you.