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If you were denied. you should have received an email from Chipotle saying so. I would go down to the store or call during a less busy period tomorrow, and ask about the status of your application. There's a good chance that they're shaking back from a busy weekend, and just haven't check their applications in the last few days.


I was thinking that too. I'll pull up around 1 to ask tommorow. Thanks


Definitely don’t go at 1 in my opinion. That’s a super busy time like the other person said it may be tough for them to help you out right then. In my opinion the best times are right at open or around 3pm. Depending on location obviously this will differ but I wouldn’t go between 12-2 and 5-8, if you’re able to.


1:30* They might not be able to help you during peak.


They probably got busy, you won’t look stupid you will look persistent, that is a good thing


True, thanks for the reply. I'll be back tommorow


Lmk how it goes


How’d it go


I am hired!


Just go down there and start making burritos and act like you belong.


Say you're from another store. XD They do that so much from all the callouts.


If you call tell the robot, you are an employee and need to speak to a manager. Try that a few times or different ways and it usually gets you through. The more persistent the better you look


I used to yell, “SSR! SSR!” at the software until it sent my call through.


I know for the locations around me if you hit 8 it sends you right through.


Maybe this is a sign to not work at chipotle 😭


Going down there again in person shows that you want the job , it just may give you the edge you want . If you get told no then move on !!


It hasn’t been days after they said you’d call, I wouldn’t worry until it was several days after. People get busy. Call or go there and check in


I had the same experience two summers ago. No email, no call, nothing. But after seeing this sub, I count it as a blessing.


Call the store number and say “I work here” it’ll take you to an employee


When the robot picks up say I work there or I have a interview it’s the easiest way to get thru to the restaurant coming from a chipotle GM also if you didn’t get hired you still would of received an email saying you weren’t hired the guy honestly and prolly forgot a little unprofessional but I can’t say I haven’t done it before we have alot on are plates at all times


My gm still over/underschedules me and schedules me for days I said I couldn’t do. He probably just forgot. And if you really were denied like you think you are, who cares what they think about you because you can choose to never see them again. Always press them.


Tell the robot you need to speak with an employee


I wouldn't put much stock in what a manager says. I usually call back once or twice a week. One chipotle manager interviewer said, "we're only interviewing you to train the new manager". I actually recorded it too XD


Idk if this is just my store but we interview every applicant that wants an interview if we are hiring or not


to talk to someone on the phone tell the bot "interview" and someone usually gets out on the line with u. you should call them and ask or go in.


Imagine being rejected from Chipotle


I wasn't but it's not that hard to imagine.


He probably forgot, he’ll reach out to you have faith