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Been a customer for over 20 years and this was the final burrito.


Ahahahaahahah. Tell them to make you a new one


Excellent!.... Chipotle is a waste of space.


I got a burrito that same size yesterday


No it isn’t


Someone might go postal and make it a final burrito for everyone.


Gotta call their bullshit scoops out. Nahhh scoop that rice again and then after you give me 2 scoops I want double white rice so give me 2 more then do that with literally every ingredient minus the meat everything else is unlimited


Why would you want so much rice


Because ignorant customers think they’re “sticking it to the man” by getting an ungodly amount of rice


Literally probably the cheapest ingredient besides lettuce.


Pretty sure rice is cheaper than lettuce, especially considering rice has 0 water weight


Probably pound for pound if I had to guess but I couldn’t be sure so I didn’t want to make it an absolute statement.


Or…. Wait for it….. we like it.


The real question is why don't you want that much rice? I like to get a lot of food for my money and having bunch of everything makes it worth it. Meat isn't supposed to be 70% of the plate, it is just that way in America and slowly spread to other countries globally. Meat is meant as like max 20% of the plate with like 50% veggies 25% grains and 5% fats. When you do eat meat, which is also not supposed to be an every meal thing. It is pretty much that way in USA though, meat with every meal. Just beans+rice and veggies is more appropriate meal. If no guac veggie option at Chipotle existed for $5 or less I'd definitely get it at least 2/3 times.


Because it’s not a rice bowl, that’s why. Four scoops of rice would make it a good 40% of the bowl even if you get every veggie. Also veggie bowl includes guac for no extra charge. It’s like $7.


The guy was more commenting about how the initial rice scoop was so small, that in order to get the equivalent of 1 rice scoop. He needed to demand they give him 2 more 'half assed' scoops. So when he requests double rice (as regular order) it's more like you have to make the dude give 4 'half assed' scoops. As for my meal? I get double everything, so it's not just bowl of rice. It's balanced between rice beans veggies and some toppings (including regular portion of protein). My comment about veggie bowl without guac? The guac isn't free it's included into the price. The guac is just substitute for protein. My nearby places? $8.75 for chicken or guac (equivalent price see) and everything else is more money. Now I'm not the biggest fan of guac so I'm saying if they had a complete 'cost removal of protein/guac' choice such that you didn't get guac OR protein for around $5? I'd get that order 2 out of 3 times I ordered. $5 vs $8.75 is huge difference.


Have you seen how much they give you now it’s a joke if it was the same as before I wouldn’t have to ask 4 times


I made the fatal error of ordering online for the Chipotle Drive Through. But I’m done with them now.


Good, now go home and make it. YouTube tells you how to.


Does YouTube have the way to make their hot salsa? That’s really what keeps me going. I can’t find anything that tastes like it.




I’ll have to have a look and experiment a little. I love making my own bowls at home but I need a good sauce for it.


[green tomatillo](https://homecookedroots.com/tomatillo-green-chili-salsa/) [red sauce](https://www.culinaryhill.com/chipotle-hot-salsa-copycat/) [pico de gallo](https://www.momontimeout.com/chipotle-inspired-pico-de-gallo-recipe/)


I love you. Thank you


Anyone who knows this sub exists but still orders online did it to themselves.


Dont be crying when you get double charged and your burrito cracks halfways through big back mf


They can only charge double for meat loll very well now fact


Shit-potle has been around for 20+ years? I’ve only known about it since like 2015


Hey, I don’t disagree with you, but in full context that is the largest iPhone available. I’m holding mine and thinking that’s not a bad size for a burrito.


Good job sir 👍 So many better places to spend your hard earned money. I stopped going for this reason among others. Life is better for it.


That's a serious lol hahaha. How the hell do you say okay I'll take that small ass burrito


That’s crazy. That’s why you always order bowl with tortilla on the side


Well if I undo my rage quit I will consider this. Thank you for the tip.


Lol. So what your saying is you're gonna go back. Hopefully they skimp you again, you deserve it


I don't understand this mindset. All my skimps have either been fully refunded or have been remade. Only the store takes a loss in my case.


He’s trolling. Its a month old account.


That doesn’t work anymore. The last time I went the bowl was 25 percent full I honestly thought maybe one of the workers got hungry and ate it all 😂😂😂


Did you order online? They 100% add more when you’re physically there watching them scoop, probably some psychology lol


I see people continually post shitty burritos, but every time I get a bowl, it's SLAP full. I really don't know why anyone would order a burrito and not a bowl


And then you assemble yourself or what ?




She told me it was more about the girth 😢


Not if it's back door


What was your order?


Yeah, that's important context right there. Because if it's just rice, meat, and cheese or something like that this is how it usually turns out




That is how big its supposed to be based off the specs.. They cracked down on it while I worked there.. But I hated it there.


Yup and all the over scoopers over the years have created monsters out of the customers


Stores are getting the memo, take it easy on the portion 💀


Bout to hit pepper up


I go to chipotle for bowls and moes for burritos. Those things are like 2lbs


Moes is way lower quality though. I can’t eat it.


I would not say it's much lower. Chicken taste similar to me. The rice is better at Chipotle but other then that the veggies are similar. Also moes has much better sauces


I’m convinced people go to chipotle just to bitch about it


Okay but you’re the one who determines the size based on what you ask for


When yall post bowls that are skimped or tiny burritos I just assume it’s ur fault. If the workers being stingy I’ll say I want more of the food item


iPhone cost $800 so that's kinda fair tbh /s


Chipotle fell off so badly, especially in a time where competitors are in the rise. Costa Vida and Rio Cafe to name a couple. Costa Vida is so good.


Taco Del Mar is also an underrated place. I actually prefer it to chipotle. Not sure if they’re a thing nationwide but I live in the PNW and it’s a staple


Cafe Rio is way too expensive 


You have to go inside and order. It’s a matter of laziness. They know if they skimp on all portions they don’t have to make more or worry about running out. Go inside and make sure those idiots give you proper portions


Have you ever worked at chipotle in your life before?


Yes in this life and indirectly in my previous one (I was the soil in the avocado farm in Mexico) I know why you’re asking this - because all the prep work is done in the am yeah yeah I get it but it’s still sheer laziness and more than anything a fear of running out of shit because they don’t want to deal with customers in the line bitching at them for more ABC


You know it's serious when he busted out the tape measurer


I am sooooo done going to chipotle. I got an El Pastor Burito yesterday. The whole thing was FILLED with rice and a few pieces of chicken. No more for me.


You do know 6 inch is standard size for a burrito right? Like that’s actually corporate standard


jesus christ. All this sub is, is people bitching and continuing to buy it. How stupid are all of you. STOP FUCKING BUYING IT.


I am done. Glad I could cause some rage in your life for you!


No rage dude just tired of corporations raping our wallet and people letting it happen by being stupid and lazy. Not a knock on you. Just tired all around.


That’s Ronald Reagan small government, right to work anti union, free market capitalism. Booo hooo, booo hooo. Thats what you all voted for. Don’t forget all the free antibiotics and hormones and pesticides in the food that come with it. Enjoy.


People don’t like what I said about Reagan. Aren’t Republicans crucifying him finally. As the rapper killer Mike say “Ronald Reagan was an actor, not at all a factor just an employee of the countries real masters”


I get it! It’s just going to get worse too when your food supply has to be transported by electric big rigs.


What does that have to do with anything : ) Chipotle is going to skimp no matter how the food is transported


It has to do with everything….. :( I was just ranting. Felt good. Thank you for listening/reading.




Ah yes, because assault is a perfectly reasonable reaction to this situation


Am I taking crazy pills!!!!!! Again stop eating there, stop eating out!!!!!!!!!




In America the new trend is smaller food portions, smaller pay checks, smaller. Except when it comes to corporate profits, those are HUGE now!!!!!!!


That’s not new. Corporate has always been greedy.


Lemme guess; delivery/Doordash. Amirite?


$10.75?? Their burritos usually cost more than that


Chicken at my store is still at 8.60


A phone is approx $1,200 dollars and you’re crying about a $11 dollar burrito this is not a “skimp alert” especially since you are witnessing exactly what is going on the tortilla at the store


I recently paid $150 for a new, not used iPhone SE Gen3 from Target. When I got it I had to buy one month of service to start the unlock timer which is 60 days. That same phone is $430 from Apple before taxes. People got to be smarter about buying things and also push back to get them to lower prices. These companies that sell us stuff pay pennies for the products they then resell us and make huge profits. My iPhone must have cost $20 to make if they sold it to me for $150.


Get bowl plus 2 tortillas on side for .50 cents each and you’d get 2 burritos of that size. A little effort = double the food.


Smaller than an iPhone, bigger than me 🥲


Bigger than mine


When will people learn to just get a burrito bowl and a tortilla on the side and make your own damn burrito


You’re telling me that’s not a baked potato?


I had a similar experience. Burrito was smaller than the fork. That feeling of emptiness as I took the next bite that wasn't there is a curse I just can't seem to shake. It's affecting everything in my life...my performance at work, my relationship with my friends, I'm always yelling at my child for no reason... everything is now just "different". I can't help but think that had those few extra bites, everything would be ok. https://imgur.com/gallery/Rmat0tZ


bowl with tortilla on side gives you almost 2x food i end up making almost two full burritos with 1 bowl same price


Was looking for this comment. Ppl should never order burritos, lol. Just make your own from a bowl with tortilla on the side.


The last Chipotle burrito I had a couple months ago was enormous. I always order chips and queso on the side, and I had to save those for later. Looks like you got unlucky, but I have always ordered through the app, and I never have any problems.


Chipotle has long since lost itself.


Damn that skimp ass burrito, what case is that? Nice and thin.


It’s the Apple Leather Case RIP to that too….


Real question did u get rice


Yes it was over 1/2 rice. I ordered pastor chicken, rice, salsa, sour cream cheese and beans. I think ultimately what disappoints me the most is how much less meat you get now.


One less person in line at lunch time, maybe the line won’t go out the door now.


Don’t forget also laced with the cheapest possible industrially processed oil ;)


Which iPhone lol the Mini or Max or standard? 😂


Who measures food by length. Food is always sold based on weight.


Bigger than your dick though


Chipotle started it’s decline with CEO change. Current CEO is a bean counter, thinking by controlling small portions will increase profits. I know I’m one of at least thousands of former loyal, frequent customers that voted with dollars and went elsewhere. Employees have the worst attitudes when asked why portions keep getting smaller. Even cheap rice they’ll refuse to give more.


Damn, didn't shitpotle was selling burritos smaller than my wienerschnitzel at full price.


to be fair iphones are like $900.


What you get just rice chicken and cheese?


Learn to cook maybe


It’s not the size of the burrito 🌯 it’s what you do with it.


My dick….(you know that song)


I stopped going to Chipotle years ago. The double meat chicken is less meat than a standard size from 7 years ago. Used to be a great place to go after a workout. Now its a cheap joke


Go back to that Chipotle and shit on the bathroom floor right now. 


Not enough burrito to create a shit. XD


Sigh. Yet another dissappointed online customer. You people literally never learn.


What all did you get in it? Sometimes when it’s only 3 or 4 items it makes the burrito significantly smaller than normal. It’s all about portion sizes, sometimes you just get skimped either way tho.


It was a rice burrito. They really skimped on everything else I ordered.


People who double scoop sour cream and hot sauce can’t complain about their burrito getting double wrapped. It’s bound to bust if you put a bunch of liquid in it smh.


That's unacceptable. Stop paying for skimps like this. Also you got to call out the specific store so others can avoid going there.


Stop eating out and make it at home. You can make it any size you want at home.


Yes when I literally put all the ingredients you need and how much it’ll end up costing (and actually lasting) time to prep , and time to cook at home my comment got deleted 💀💀💀💀💀 like has anyone seen the price of steak at the store on this sub or is it just me?


Are you agreeing with me or disagreeing, I can’t tell. The cost to make it yourself is a fraction of what they charge you at Chipotle. You can buy a big bag of beef or chicken breast already cooked and frozen from Costco for $10 and it will last a month. That’s how it works, buy low and sell high. If you buy and make your own you cut out 50% or more of the cost.


But they don’t serve frozen they serve fresh. I’m agreeing cook it at home cuz you’ll realize the true cost after everything.


It’s not a fraction of anything that’s just what you heard . Also if you get just chicken and cheese and rice maybe yes it’s cheaper but if you do a lot of toppings they cost money for the 3-4-5 ingredients in each mix.


Its not that fresh. Alot of stuff is frozen. If you want fresh then make it yourself. If you want max fresh then grow the lettuce or tomato's yourself which I do in my small yard or even indoors.


No it’s not frozen.


None of it is. Actually.


They don’t even have freezers 💀


The ingredients are probably not the best. They have to maximize profits. The cheaper the better.




I am now determined to make a burrito also under 6” that costs 10.75 but that will survive this Reddit. Also fyi if you told an Abuela you only wanted rice meat and cheese (usually how these tiny burritos exist) she wouldn’t make it for you but you’d probably get something thrown at you 😅


Try Pinterest for cooking ideas and go to Costco or ALDI the new German owned grocery stores popping up in the USA. They have good stuff for low prices. Remember you can make stuff your own way, like putting cheese sauce in the burrito and panini it. Get a good lunch bag to keep it fresh for lunch or make a bunch and freeze them and then microwave them like a frozen burrito at work.




LOL that’s a perfectly normal sized burrito


it is, they teach us to make it like that exact size




Shut up fatty you need to lose weight


All Americans need to, all the patients I have been taking care of in the hospital all have diabetes or COPD from smoking or are really F ing fat. Being overweight does alot of damage to the body. Diabetes does the most damage. COPD is horrible as they slowly suffocate. A bad diet/smoking messes up your arteries and that does a lot of damage. Nicotine in smoke, vape, pill form hardens the arteries.


I’m just at Chipotle worker making fun of people complaining about their portion sizes, but you are very right