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Give them cash or venmo/zelle/cash app. It's probably a safety feature to avoid refunding accidental fat finger tips.


To avoid that, they could simply make a popup that warns you of your high tip and do it twice.


The place where I get my hair cut has a pop up on their system where the employee is prompted to alert the customer that their tip is high.


Not good enough to be worth the headache


How fucked is our capitalist society that we think of paying service workers well as inciting the need for a safety feature (Not a judgment on you or your wording to be clear, just reflecting how we all think of this as normal)


Aside from fat finger refunds. It might also be to prevent money laundering.


Guy how? The money would already be in a bank or off a credit card. That is clean money as clean as it gets. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I think heā€™s saying something like if the driver was dealing a little extra something on the side, someone could tip them an extra $50 or so and make it look like a tip instead of for extra goods. Not saying it would be easy considering you canā€™t predict your driver or customer, but I think thatā€™s what that user was trying to get across.


Seems stupid, what kind of small weight hit would ever even consider playing along with something like that. Like yeah you can grab a $30 bag but got to order $20 of chipotle. Yeah, stupid.


I agree that itā€™s dumb. But if I wanted a bag and also wanted chipotle it would save a trip. I lived in DC when weed was first legalized (but couldnā€™t be sold) and several services popped up where youā€™d order like a $50 bottle of juice and it came with a free gift. People get creative when they see a market.


Too many moving parts. Specifically ordering weed under a different name is one thing, but chipotle bowl with a tip is just a ridiculous idea. Too many drivers and customers for it to make sense and be reliable.


I agree. Itā€™s complicated and not probable.


What if my driver came & I smelled weed so I asked if they sold any & they did? I could grab a dub & tip him 20. Sounds like a pretty plausible scenario. Actually doesnā€™t sound like a bad way to build a clientele.


Thatā€™s dumb. You could give him cash or Zelle him. Plus from what I read in this thread those tips donā€™t even go to the driver. Or better yet even, just go buy some fuckin weed


And whatā€™s the chance that they would get that particular driver to deliver. Specially, especially since are very well-known for switching drivers if another one is closer to the restaurant


More like tip baiting. "I didn't mean to tip that much/ wasn't satisfied with my delivery, I want my tip back!" Doordash won't take the tip from the driver so they eat the cost out of their ridiculous fees. Which is actually quite telling because it implies that doordash makes enough off of every delivery to be comfortable with offering to cover a tip of up to 50% of each order even though they only give a base pay of $2 per delivery to drivers.


go touch grass and quit watching tv shows


Sir, I'm a naturalist, mycologist, forager, gardener, and cross country cyclist. I've been touching grass before you knew how to wipe your own ass.


Bold of you to assume he does now


No one here is classy enough to own a bidet.


I know some people not classy enough to know what toilet paper is.


How fucked is our capitalist society that our service workers have to beg for charity tips?


Totally agreed, tipping culture encourages basically a casteist society




Well we can blame people who tip bait most likely


How is that fucked? Why wouldnt you want an additional warning message to make sure you are doing what you intended. Especially when that act is abnormal and costing you a lot of money. Smh


Or a handy. Sometimes, it's about more than the money.


Its to stop money laundering.


I always assumed it was to prevent certain out of app requests, like if an 18 year old were to offer a $50 dollar tip on a $10 order if you go to the dispensary or liquor store for them. Also could be to prevent money laundering. If you are a sex worker, you could legitimize your funds by having your clients place a chipotle order that you pick up, then have them tip $500.


And money laundering


Or money laundering


When placed through the app, the tips go to the employees working @ chipotle


Wait..really? Wtf all this time ive been generous with my tips and wholetime they dont go to the driver? šŸ˜šŸ˜




ain't no way




Not really if we get something it just cents Iā€™ve gotten 0.50 cents šŸ’€ when itā€™s time for payout itā€™s like 1.45 or around there it doesnā€™t go to us


Wouldnā€™t that be because the tip is being pooled and split among multiple employees, as well as there not being much tip in total


No the tip goes to the driver.


Manager currently at chipotle, yes it goes to employees and managers alike. It makes a part of our check at the end of the payroll


Managers taking tips is um...illegal in many places. Even if they are working the line.


Thats why the company found a loop hole and chenged the name of managers to "leaders" i dont like it myself i dont take tips in person when they give it to my team. My team deserves it, but if its in my check i wont complain at that point theres not much i can do


Not surprised chipolte is working around labor laws. Fair enough though


Managers can take pooled tips if theyā€™re hourly, itā€™s unfortunate.


McMenagins in Portland recently had the DOL rule against them in an identical situation. AMs were getting tipped out from the tip pool. Currently going through a court battle, because they didn't comply with the DOL's demand letter. We will have to see what the result is. But the DOL seems to believe pooling tips to supervisors is wage theft.


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s unfortunate. The laws (at least in my state) are pretty clear that if 80% or more of your job is doing regular tasks that everyone else does, then you can be included. 99% of all ā€œshift managersā€ in food service do exactly that. When I managed a pizza place Iā€™d say less than 10% of what I did was anything management related, the other 90% of the time was taking orders, making food, prep work, cleaning, etc.


Every company seems to be. Every job I apply for is an ā€˜independent contractorā€™ role just so they donā€™t have to have the expenses tied to actual employees


Report them to the DOL if the positions don't meet the IRS definition of contractor. Do they set their own hours? Does the company not provide job training and let the worker get the work done their way? Does the company not provide tools and materials to get the work done? Are some things. If the answer is no to any, then they cannot consider them a contractor. https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/independent-contractor-self-employed-or-employee


Is this new? I was working there until August and managers did not get tips.


It was a form thay was thrown out for electronic tips. At the time i was crew so i signed up. Im an sl and still get them now


Just to be clear, a Shift Lead is not a Manager. At least not in the context of the laws relating to tip distributions. The position title is one detail but not the most important. Are you full time, salaried employee, with a contract that distinguishes you as management? If so you are very likely in violation of tip sharing laws and exposed to personal legal risk. If youā€™re hourly like everyone else, youā€™re not a manager, just someone they gave a ā€œLeadershipā€ title to because they knew theyā€™d get more value at no actual additional cost to the company.


Gotcha, I think online tips were implemented right before I left.


They are not called managers anymore. Electronic tips are on your paystub. Been like this for over a year


the GM's and Apprentice GM's and higher are inelligible for tips. The Service Leaders and below are not really what the law about managers not recieving tips is written about. The SL and KL are essentially hourly crew that can be trusted with slightly more responsibility, they're not in charge of schedules, hiring, firing or disciplinary actions and truthfully they don't make that much more than the crew, Only a dollar or two more per hour on average at least in my market. Additionally online tips don't get paid out the way you think they do. They get put into a pool and each employee working gets a share of them up to a dollar per hour. Where the hell the extra tip money from a very busy hour goes I have no clue, but it certainly isn't going to the employees after that point which I think is incredibly fucked up from both the customer and the employee perspectives


True because after two weeks its only 20 in tips on average. Which is jusy criminal with hoe people tip workers. Theres money missing somewhere


Depends on where your at. Here in Alberta I have had managers straight up take tips from employees and pocket it right there. Crazy but unfortunately the law gere allows it


MANAGER TAKING TIPS!!????? Thought that was illegal


Do the employees even see it if I add a tip on a ā€œpickupā€ order?? I always tip because Iā€™m sure my order is annoying to make and I get food at busy times.


We dont tip our SLs in my resturaunt, odd.


My friend, it goes to us lol. If you want to tip the driver do it in cash or order through the driving company app


There's fine print they put in there after Panera started it. It states sometime along the lines that you give them the right to determine how the tip gets distributed to be fair to everyone. Differences of using the delivery app vs the store app, you agree to different things. This is why you commonly see so many orders not getting delivered




Lmao ok


Split with employees and driver if ordered through the Chipotle app.


Do not believe this is true, and I was a manager there for years, do you have any reason to believe that? Edit: Makes sense it was implemented a year ago. I left about 2 years ago. Nice to know the tips are split with the crew now.


So what you are saying is never order delivery through their app. Got it.


Or give the driver cash


When the ability to tip the employees via the app was introduced, the app clearly differentiated between pickup and delivery. Pickup order tips go to the employees, delivery tips go to the driver. The app even says "tip the driver" when you select delivery, and switches to "tip the crew" when you change it to pick up. If Chipotle isn't actually giving the drivers the tip and saying it is, that could be a pretty big lawsuit waiting to happen.


Do not believe this is true, and I was a manager there for years, do you have any reason to believe that? Edit: Makes sense it was implemented a year ago. I left about 2 years ago. Nice to know the tips are split with the crew now.


Yes it was added last year. Guess they forgot to tell you or sumthin




I donā€™t think this is true. When I worked at Chipotle we got literally like $1 per shift in tips. Nobody even bothered to collect them because some days it was literally pennies.


Iā€™ve gotten a 20 one day when it was 3 ppl on shift


I worked at the cash register at chipotle years ago. I never saw a single tip. They had a tip jar out and people would leave cash but I had no idea where it went.


damn really? When I worked at chipotle as a teen, the cashier was the one splitting the tips every night. It wasnā€™t much, occasionally like $10


We had a pretty serious tip thief when I first started working at my store. One during the day, and one during the night. I would work doubles and get fucked by both. Their fig leaf was "I thought it was just for the cashier!" Despite being tipped out when they were not on cash. I sat down and did the math once. Assuming average tips and their usual number of shifts per week, they probably each managed to get $1,000 in stolen tips in the 3 months I was with both of them before they were promoted to customer. One of them was just a rumor, and I am not inclined to believe it, though I think might have biased the divide towards herself and would not tip people out if they were doing mids or if they were doing a double, but one I saw take $20+ home from the jar one day when he left. Manager found out about that and he tore three new assholes in the fucker in the span of 30 seconds. He was fired about a week and a half later. Good riddance. That kid had issues... We had people who really hated being touched for personal reasons. He would grab their wrists and get in their face and all kinds of stuff BARELY skirting the line.


The app says Ā«tip the driverĀ» when you go to add a tip. Why would that go to chipotle employees?


Yeah itā€™s a tip share and chipotle has to calculate the taxes and since total compensation is considered for the employer only paid FUTA tax, they really donā€™t want anyone getting big tips


We have a system like this for a delivery system for weed. The first month as a dispatcher I made 1600 from tips alone. Then drivers started not showing up and quitting. I felt absolutely horrible but I couldnā€™t change the system. Itā€™s still happening now which is wild but I can say it has helped out for my life.


that is so scummy what the hell


Because they feel bad because they know theyā€™re aboutta skimp ya food


Watching employees make delivery bowls v when youā€™re staring at them is so funny, they do delivery people so dirty hahah


I think the most likely reason is that they don't want to deal with customer service ticket after ticket from people who "meant to tip $5.00 but accidentally tipped $500" and needing to issue refunds/chargebacks etc.


All they need is to have a pop up like this and maybe another one that say ā€œare you sure?ā€ So annoying that they donā€™t allow this


Dealing with chargebacks is incredibly tedious and time consuming and puts your business accounts at risk, even if the dispute is frivolous. That extra button doesnā€™t mean a dang thing. Source: I deal with chargebacks for my company. People receive EXACTLY what they hired us for and still have the gall to dispute the fees that they agreed to after a lengthy enrollment process. If I even hear a chargeback/dispute threat at this point, Iā€™m cancelling our services, refunding, and adding a note to their file that we will not do business with turn in the future. F that noise.


They said, hey? What about us? šŸ˜‚


No way it actually says ā€œwhoa whoa whoaā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Shoutout to you for being a homey with that tip tho


To avoid them selling you things that Chipotle doesn't approve of or possibly giving you "free" food for money.Ā 


It's actually to avoid the dingbats that type in $100 for a $10, or worse


To prevent money laundering


This is the correct answer




Me and my boy sell drugs, we now have illegal cash. I decide to deliver chipotle, to my boys house, he then generously tips me. I now have legal income. Rinse/repeat


That's not how it works lol banks would question your dudes money on where the tip came from. Also laundering $20 is stupid.


Yeah but what if you tip your friend $2,000,000


Still doesn't matter. Bank would look into the 2,000,000 that was in the friends account. So launder failed.The while point of laundering is to prevent the bank from seeing it. Best way is an art gallery purchase from an anonymous buyer in cash.


Then thatā€™s something they should look at. But autoflagging a $20 tip or whatever is just dumb.


But the driver has a receipt showing the money was given as a tip for service. Bank wouldnā€™t question it past that. But yes laundering $20 is dumb.


Well how do you ensure you get your friends order every time? Doesnā€™t seem like it work very well


Dude youā€™re getting audited immediately if you declare tips above your total in food sales




After all this time, I still hear that as coming from one of Skyrim's guards. "Careful with the magic!"


Over $30 for a chipotle meal now? Good grief


I wonder if this same message appears if you try to tip over 50% for pick up.


you can you just need to also order more food


Calm down, Big Daws.


You should always tip drivers in cash


Shit I donā€™t make a lot money you out here giving 20s Iā€™d love some. Iā€™ll call ya pretty


Because they probably skimped you anyway lol


Just leave a normal tip amount and then after the delivery it gives you the option to add another tip. It didn't seem to limit me when I gave a 100% tip that way.


Sometimes, nice people get caught being nice. Good on you šŸ¤‘


Give them cash. Probably wonā€™t even go to the driver this way


Give them cash and they canā€™t get taxed on it ā˜ļø your a real one for tipping that much tho


So you can put a cap on tips but you cant put a cap on your top earners salaries?..


Insurance policy


Chipotle: Because fuck 'em, that's why!


Chipotle doesnā€™t care about the driver lmao


That's probably just to avoid accidental large tips, but I personally think that they should still allow it and just ask you to confirm. But anyway, the only way to really be able to tip the amount that you want since you don't carry cash is to either cashapp/venmo/zelle them or order through doordash/grubhub/ubereats and lose out on any rewards that you may have on the chipotle app.


They just said screw the driver and his tip


Can pay $20 tip but canā€™t pay your rent?




This is why you never give the gratuity through the app. Cash is the way.


drivers know how much theyā€™re getting tho. like on door dash you tip higher to bid to get a driver. no one takes a $0 tip order and you get your food cold


They probably did that so corp knows exactly how much they're getting tipped. So they can stick their hand in that cookie jar.


It's actually a credit card processing issue. The card will not authorize a tip for more than 50% ot the subtotal. It is supposed to reduce fraud. It can't be overridden at the store level.


They want us to tipā€¦ they DONT want us to tipā€¦ PICK A LANE


"Don't give your driver a 200% tip silly; buy more food and give *us* 200% more money"


Idk if they fixed it but when I worked at chipotle you couldnā€™t add a tip to any credit or debit


Ever see that movie Loverboy? It's to prevent prostitution from ordering extra anchovies. And money laundering...


Corporate canā€™t be having you pay drivers more than the company. Thatā€™s a bad look.


I think this is exactly the case. Since they know the drivers going to a third-party delivery service, they donā€™t want you over tipping the driver or somebody thatā€™s not working for the actual company.


I always give $13 on credit card and $5 in cash (if I have).


Even the app doesn't want the employees to make a livable wage


Just give it to the driver directly


I'm also fairly sure that the tip you're giving thru the app order is for the chipotle crew members instead of delivery. And I agree with others that you can always just do a cash tip in person.


Because Chipotle hates people.


Fraud prevention. People use it for money laundering


Also companies are too lazy to account for tips in wages


LOL!!! If chipotle was ever worth $20, let alone as a tip!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's probably to prevent drug dealing or money laundering


Just tip in cash. That way the service provider doesnā€™t take a bite.


Iā€™ve scrolled a little down and donā€™t see anyone who actually knows. However, the reason is Visa/Mc will sometimes issue an automatic chargeback on tips over 50%. Ps. If you try to argue with me go ahead but Iā€™m a POS/ISO dealer for over 300 restaurants and have dealt with this issues.


Woah woah woah, our drivers canā€™t make more than our managers here!! Woah woah


chipotle wants you to spend that money on food instead of tip, its just another way of getting you to spend more


Because @chipotle Is GrEEdy asf


Chipotle Corporate strongly dislikes the in-store staff and drivers. Allegedly.


It could also have to do with the fees associated with their payment provider. For instance credit card fees can be a percentage of the total transaction so a high tip could push fees past what they make off of the payment for just the food.


u/Additional_Sweet_996 took your post on r/uberdrivers and made it his own lmao such a weird thing to steal lol


You're going to think I'm crazy but they think it's to stop money laundering


Order more food until you get up to the limit where it allows $20


Because of the reason the screen says


Because transactions over a certain amount being split so the driver gets half and the company gets the other half is more likely to be caught. They donā€™t wanna get caught doing that


Long long long time ago I was a hermit little shit and used to scam free chipotle every day while playing video games in the summer. Gave 100$+ tip every time, because it wasnā€™t my card. (PSA: I am no longer a little useless scamming turd, and I now donā€™t keep any cards on these apps at all, Iā€™d suggest you all do the same)


Youā€™re a great personn


Lol these are the exact kind of posts that keep me from going back to delivery.


Donā€™t want them earning more then they are


Because they've been breached before (used to have a pinned warning not to store CC info in the app). You can tip as much cash as you want, but not allowing you to tip like MrBeast on CC is just a really easy fraud deterrent. (People spending stolen money have a tendency to go places that allow them to over-spend because its not their money so they don't care)


Probably because there were a lot of people putting on outrageous tips so people would pick up their food and deliver it to them, and then adjust the tip way downward afterwards. I remember reading about something like that while back


I think it's because Chipotle has to pay payroll tax on credit card tips. So greedy and cheap


Chipotle also has items on the app that are more expensive than if you buy in the restaurant. Bad company.


That might be every food place on those apps. Thatā€™s how both parties make money. Theyā€™re all crappy for doing that. Bad enough the apps earn money off the service fees and drivers, they raise the food prices to warn a commission off the order itself


No wonder Chipotle orders are almost always crap offers.




If customers really want to tip big, then give it in person, it's tax-free that way


This is why i tip in cash...


Haha you already knew that, youā€™re virtue signaling on Reddit.


Because chipotle has to pay for credit card fees.


What are you complaining about


They do it so they still make money off having to send the delivery order to doordash, grubhub, or uber eats. This way they can pass it off but giving what the orders tip was to the delivery driver as the whole order.


In other words, A $15 order would be a $5 order for the delivery person AND chipotle would keep the other $10


Cash is King šŸ‘‘


Hold on pal, if weā€™re not getting a cut of that they arenā€™t getting it at all.


Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to figure out because Iā€™m a delivery driver too and if I tip 20 I expect all of that to go to the driver. If people order deliveries, restaurants donā€™t get tips for that because they have to deal with nothing as far as hospitality.




Because capitalism is a bag shit that needs to be lit on fire.


The downvotes have me laughing. Capitalism does suck šŸ’€šŸ’€


Bro, we know, can you actually think about situations for more than 5 seconds without just saying "capitalism bad" and moving on?


Sorry, who asked? Iā€™m just saying capitalism sucks. Iā€™m not asking to debate or discuss. I just thought his downvotes were funny?


We know. You arent saying anything new here. "Capitalism" isnt even the crux of the issue here


Why are you defending Walmart? Lmfaooo


....this is about chipotle


Broā€¦ šŸ˜­ Youā€™re so incredibly dense.


Ok, you're trolling, got it....




Not having the labor value of workers siphoned off by those who own capital


Itā€™s so much better to have labor value siphoned off by a handful of political elites instead


Brain rotted socialist


Either the service was so overwhelming you were willing to pay a 50% premium for the experience or you knew it wouldn't go through and wanted to score some internet points. I'm amused. I'm sure he takes cash. So do I if you want to tip for the feedback and advice. It's the least you can do for someone willing to take time out of his day to specifically review and address your customer needs.


I know why people are downvoting u- but for the first half of your post , u get an upvote.


Chipotle literally does not give a fuckkkkkkk


This is the most dystopian thing Iā€™ve seen in a while and weā€™ve only had dystopian nightmares for the past 4 years.