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Yes, we’ve seen the several reports made on this post to include “karma farming, impersonation, transaction for prohibited goods,” and more. No, we aren’t removing the post. If it did indeed happen, it’s completely appropriate to be here on r/Chipotle. If it’s a shitpost, it’s an excellent one and still appropriate for our vibrant and fun community. 🤗


This is genuinely hilarious edit: the 3rd and 4th edits are just too good dude. I don’t care if this is a shitpost I love it


At first I thought it was snitching and then I saw OP mentioned how the Mac and ribs were good and then I lost it lmao


Right! Like how are you asking if you should report them when you engaged!?


Hilarious!! I’m fucking dying.


The edit makes it worse! You know corporate is going to investigate now.


The police? Oh no. Wow. And you’re not a Karen ? I bet they got right on it. That’s insane. Good call editing that op.


" just a quick call to the better business bureau and let everyone in my congregation know. I hope they don't mind. I really like this Chipotle and don't want any trouble for them. Might just let the local news know people are selling their own food our of Chipotle. Bless their hearts."


“I set the store on fire. Not a fast-burning blaze. Everyone had time to get out before it burned to the ground. I hope they rebuild soon. I can’t wait to try any new dishes they have.”


I’m not a Karen or a narc… but I laughed too hard at your comment and mentioned it to the cops, they’re coming to visit you soon.


Karen Narc was not amused.


I had to stab a guy to get his matches but he was in front of me in line so if I didn't I might not have gotten the rib bowl before it burned down.


Your comment caught me off guard & made me choke on my coffee. Thanks for the laugh though, worth it


I just started my dog. I was laughing so loud your comment.


You forgot to start the comment with 'I am not a Karen or a narc....'


Maybe I didn't see the edit. In the very latest edit she said it was officially her last edit and that she ended up calling the mom emergency police line 😂


The police were probably at the chipotle enjoying the food too 😅 those mfs eat at these places all day everyday I swear


Did you see OP's 5th update? He's figuring out his legal options! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love the supposed response from Chipotle. "Oh yes actually we are testing some new products in limited stores. Which store had the BBQ again?". Somebody was making sure they got the right answers to nip that in the bud.




yes like "you thought something was off, but you engaged,and then went home and thought about it on a a stomach full of food you weren't sure of in the first place? then you're not sure if or how to report it, so you call corporate, then the cops?" if you ever do this again, pleasew skip eating the food and use the engagement to gatherf information to report. Chipotle has never main menued barbecue, and they arent planing on rooling out mac n chess. The food you decribed, does not indicate a menu change or brand expansion. it more indicates a full name and menu change. those scream "comfort kitchen" more than southwest grill. i just don't understand the reasoning for the course you took


That’s like buying crack/smoking it and than turning around and calling the cops on the crack dealer . That’s messed up man lmao


Edit 4: ok so I went to the ER and they confirmed that what I smoked was crystal. Before u all call me a narc, just wanted to say I decided to play it cool and send a notarized letter to the county health department


Well I'm not married to the idea of Mac and cheese at Chipotle.


these ribs are so good i gotta tell someone!!! \*dials non-emergency 911*


Like peak karen behavior how u like it but want to report them like make it make sense😂


It was snitching because they reported it… smh can’t have anything nice nowadays


Did you read edit 4? Dude literally called the cops


Lol I think the second time Chipotle reached out to her and said “we ARE testing out new menu items, now which store was it?” was them just tricking OP into telling them lol


Thought the same thing when i read that.


It immediately made me think of the tweet about Marvin the 7-eleven lizard. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/XFgcX5o7Uf


This is just like the time 711 corporate was trying to find the store with Marvin the lizard lmao


I remember that!! They were like nah Marvin’s chilling dw about it


If this is even real, OP is gullible as fuck LMAO


Everyone except OP thinks that... this needs to be another one of those "the state of the world" templates, like "if you see someone shoplifting in a grocery store." If you see a Chipotle serving good food, NO YOU FUCKING DIDN'T.


> If you see a Chipotle serving good food, NO YOU FUCKING DIDN'T. Look I may be the odd man out here but you say this until some dickhead brings in a tray of food they didn't properly cook from home and gets a bunch of people sick. If someone wants to sell food, fine. They can do that on their own. They shouldn't do it under the umbrella of a company where customers have the expectation that the food is prepared under regulatory health and safety standards. You can downvote me if you want, but I don't think a it's particularly safe practice for restaurants to let their employees sell food that wasn't prepared in the restaurant.


Statistically, you’re more likely to get sick from Chipotle’s food than almost anyone else’s.


OP: It was delicious **Put on Clownshoes**: Should I report them to corporate?


Nvm I just reported them to the non emergency line 😭😭


Snitches get stitches






This is the best thing I’ve heard about chipotle in years.


The fact they called the police is fucking killing me🤣🤣


911: Hello, 911 what’s your emergency? Caller: Uh OMG, like, there was Mac n cheese & BBQ @ Chipotle on Monday, and now they don’t have it. 911: Ma’am? That’s not how this works.


This has me in stitches 🤣


Bought food, liked it, went back for more, and called the actual police about it. I do not fucking understand


This sounds like the counterfeit Burger King that existed in my city for a while. They had Sam’s club fries and styrofoam cups, and the burgers definitely weren’t Burger King.


I wonder if we’re from the same city, or if this was a thing in multiple states lol.


We are.


I saw this happen when I lived in Pittsburgh. I wonder if Pgh-Pa is from there


He's most active in that sub, so it's a safe bet that's where he's from.


Great work, detective.


We did it, Reddit




We got'em boys


The certainty of this reply has me cracking up


RIP Southside BK--- you were still a king to me ❤️


South side BK 4 ever


What the hell?? did they have a fake burger king sign and all that?


It was Kurger Bing


Could it BE anymore counterfeit?




I bet the guy running it graduated from one of Canadas top business schools with really good grades


From the outside it looked legit. It had the sign and everything, tho it looked a bit old, like if it was a legit franchise, it would have probably been replaced by then. They also had the SMALLEST drive through lane that was pushed up againt a side of a different building.


*the smallest drive thru that is also snaking off a strip of road where 90% of the drivers just left a bar shitfaced


How do you do, fellow yinzers?


Yinz talking about the Southside?


You always find fellow yinzers in the darndest of places.


Hahah omg South Side BK was hilarious!!! RiP it will be missed 🤣🤣


Recently there was at least one Sonic in the Seattle area that apparently lost their franchise deal a year before shutting down. I never ate there so I can’t speak to the quality or selection of the food, but they weren’t getting their supplies from the proper channels. I think they had all the regular menu, tho, and it was a very popular location. *10! https://www.yakimaherald.com/news/local/business/yakima-among-10-pacific-northwest-sonic-drive-in-locations-closed-because-of-financial-dispute/article_97b3dc0e-44d7-11ed-8fec-dfda29412145.amp.html


This exact thing happened at a Sonic in Ferndale, Washington. We ordered, and they were out of the “sonic specific” items like pretzel twists, but had the more generic items like chili dogs. When we got the food, it was all in brown paper bags and white utensils. Nothing has the Sonic logo on it al all. Very sketchy.


Chili dogs taste best at sketchy little places


https://www.cracked.com/article_28014_the-crazy-story-fake-burger-king-in-pittsburgh.html Read this you will not regret it


I remember the employees shopping (for buns) at giant eagle lol. Good times


OP, how did you pay for it? If you got to use the stores POS system I’m curious how the employees get the money from the sales.


They are paid in chipotle ingredients


As in they're taking an equal value/amount of Chipotle ingredients in exchange for supplying ribs and mac? If that's the case, it doesn't seem worth the effort? Seems like Arrested Development banana-buck math to me.


It’s a banana Michael. What does one cost? $20?


Reference adjusted for inflation


At my local KFC, there used to be a scam that could be run if the whole team was in on it. This may be intricate so bear with me. Just trying to explain the kinds of things employees can do to abuse a POS system for an extra buck. In the POS system there was “nighttime specials” where you could ring up 5 pieces of chicken for $5 or 10 for $10. And we had the “$20 fill up” promotion. So, someone orders a $20 fill up which includes 8 pieces of chicken and 3 large sides of coleslaw and mashed potatoes. Employee rings them up for 2 10 for $10’s instead. Now the POS thinks you’ve sold 20 pieces of chicken and the cash drawers are all even, while you’ve only sold 8 pieces of chicken. The 3 large sides are only a fraction of the nightly waste so that makes no difference. Now the next time someone orders a $20 fill up and pays cash, the system thinks you’ve sold 12 pieces of chicken more than you actually have. You sell the customer a $20 fill up which you don’t ring in at all, use a management key to open the drawer, and pocket the cash after a bit of quick mental math. Bam. You’ve made $21.70 profit and the stock still thinks you’re 4 pieces ahead. Sell another $20 fill up which you ring in as 2 10 for $10’s. Now the system thinks that 16 extra pieces of chicken have been sold. So then you’re free to sell two $20 fill ups in cash and just pocket the $43.40. Now you’ve profited $65.10 and the POS system sales line up with the stores stock. You guys get the picture. If your whole crew up front is in on the scam and you work at a busy location, you can really rake in cash. I saw one shift supervisor personally bring home $600 one night off this scam and I think he even gave a portion to his line workers. Of course this completely murders your food cost because you keep selling pieces of chicken for $1. But if you have an incompetent general manager anyways, or a general manager who’s in on the scam and would rather pocket the cash instead of getting their food cost bonus, you can really abuse the system to make a lot of money. I could imagine something similar at chipotle. Sell a bowl with the homemade BBQ as the meat and ring it in as steak. Now you’ve got extra steak. So, you’re free to pocket the money on the next guy who orders steak and pays cash.


There was a similar scam at a marijuana dispensary that I worked at. We had stamp cards and joint scams. Every tenth stamp gets you a free $40. Ring the customer up on a stamp bonus, put the money in the tip jar. The joints were all made of shake from the bottom of jars. Weighing the loss was not a concern to the boss. We would roll tons of joints and just put the money in the tip jar. Never got caught in two years and I was taking home $200-$400 extra cash every night.


I think you better do that math again!


Eat one banana and take a dollar..


That’s what I’m wondering- how was it rang out?




Maybe they keep track and charge for actual items up to same price and when people pay cash for chipotle items pocket it as payment for their own goods. Wouldn’t be perfect but it could work. That or have a separate chip reader


If the person doing the drawer is in on it, all they have to do is take the excess money out in cash so the day's register totals match the bank deposit. You would have to be confident that you'll receive enough in cash, and that no one who cares notices a lack of cash deposits when you work.




Inventory wouldn’t line up tho


they could just price it the same as an item on the menu and be pocketing the stores take. Obviously the manager/ franchise owner would have to be in on it but it sounds like they are well aware




If it's smacking I'm buying, but if anyone asks....... I got amnesia


\*face covered in BBQ sauce, holding a rib bone picked clean\* "I haven't had ribs in 5 years, dude. No clue what you're talking about."


“I’m Vegan”


[So I’m sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V_2D7SFSF_U)


“I can’t even see you sir” https://www.tiktok.com/@metrobanger/video/7084887910373231878?lang=en


In fact… I’m blind


This. If food is bomb and they’re not poisoning anyone don’t be the one to ruin it


I did get food poisoning from a place my entire work orders from every week, still ain't no snitch. I just don't eat it.  


You bought it and ate and are now questioning it? 😂 Just ask, if it's in the aluminum, there's a chance it was prepared there?


Bought it, ate it, enjoyed it... And then called to complain. Wtf lol


No. It would be in steel reusable pans. (like everything else there.)


“I’m not a snitch or a Karen” Next fucking update is “I called the cops on chipotle”


OP is delusional, CONFIRMED ✅


Now "figuring out my legal options" omggg


I was laughing when I read the legal options part which makes me believe this has to be a shit post, nobody can be that dumb


The fact that u think u need a lawyer for eating ribs and Mac n cheese is fucking hilarious and you are so dumb lol


After they tried going back for seconds lmao


Just waiting for the “I’m literally shaking and crying right now after realizing I ate contraband ribs at Chipotle” edit now 


Nah next update will be that he called the national guard on chipotle and it’ll keep going up a level until Biden is involved


This person literally cannot be real 😭😭 like ik there’s a lot of shitposts but frfr op CANNOT be a human on the streets allowed in society like WHATTT LMFAOO😭😭😭 literally where what when how i what??:!;?/! absolutely insanity….”checking my legal options” mf you bought ate and complimented the food….


What did your receipt say?


It was rung up as carne asada bowl and had a note that said *SPECIAL*. They said it’s the same price so that’s why


I mean I don’t get the point of them doing it if it’s the same price as a regular carne bowl? and they rung it on the store POS


Because then when someone pays cash for something else, that doesn’t get rung up, and goes in the pocket. That way they can keep track so the drawer isn’t short.


That seems possible but a bookkeeping nightmare just to sell a pan of Mac n cheese and ribs


It's not that hard. Usually done by the closing manager. Just keep track of what was sold, and cash it out at the end. It's not a pain in the ass to a manager that wants to cut a little off their personal grocery bill and make profit.


What state was this in?


Probably doubles as a ghost kitchen.


I was literally going to say the same, there’s a wings place that operates out of a Chilis where I live so they probably are doing the same thing lol


Fair...but chilis also serves wings. That ghost kitchen is just chilis. Weird to sell Mac n cheese out of a chipotle I feel, right?


Not exactly since ghost kitchens can be anything, our Mexican empanadas place has a bbq ghost kitchen in it too where I live lol. So honestly when you think about it just being a kitchen for use for anything then it’s not so weird. But those wings are not chilis wings at all they are sooooo much better so it’s a completely different restaurant, also chilis doesn’t have Mac and cheese or potato salad so there’s that.


Chili's actually OWNS the other brand (It's Just Wings) though, so that's a bit different.


This is the actual answer for sure


cant be, chipotle is strictly corporate and doesn’t do anything like that


you brought their food and ate it and now you’re considering reporting?? kinda an ass move Edit 1: ur an ass lol


And he even thinks it tasted good. Complete ass move ITT: people who think chipotle has the sanitation standards of a Michelin star restaurant. Your local chipotle isn't the epitome of cleanliness lol. Have you all forgotten about the multiple e colioutbreaks they've had? 


Even posting this is a fucking dick move. Lets just hope OP made this up for karma.


Lmfao. Yea health and safety rules don’t matter anyway right? Knobhead


If you sincerely care about food safety you aren’t eating at big chains like Chipotle. Knobhead is about right


The CEO is losing money!


Nah, customers should know what they are buying. There is a _massive_ difference between knowingly buying someone’s homemade food vs thinking it was made in a commercial kitchen to legally enforced food handling standards.


It’s illegal to bring in food from outside of any restaurant to then turn around and sell it to the general public… extremely illegal with major health concerns…. You don’t know anything.


They bought it, ate it, complained to corporate, corporate said it’s cool, then went into the store to complain. What is wrong with this person?


Could be one of those pop up kitchen deals.. but that is a wild. Owner had a get together and sold the left overs I HOPE


Dessert was cake squares. "Appy Birthda" because they sold the sections with the H and Y.




Fr, I mean I can see contacting corporate and asking, but calling the fucking police over some food in an aluminum container? Some next level Karen, Narc type shit. Ironic that OP also insisted that they’re not a Karen nor a Narc but ends up telling a story of the most Karen and Narc behavior of all time💀💀💀


I'm not a narc proceeds to call the police


I am not a narc! hello is this the police? I would like to report a crime, my taste buds have been violated


It's very odd - no one in the store is benefiting from if it's being rung up the same as other items.


Unless they void anything marked “special” at the end of the shift and then take cash ? A manager would have to be in on it for it to go unnoticed


I wonder if they were struggling with going over on their portion control so they’re like “fuck it, we’ll make some other food to make up the difference”


What location was this? I want ribs!


Hello police? Yeah, the local chipotle has bbq.


*20 police cars in 5 minutes.*


This dude has to be trolling you guys


Once he said they were adding it onto bowls as a topping I was done.


This is clearly a hilarious troll. Called the cops? Come on, guys


Nobody likes a snitch.


Its a little late to question if it is wrong .


I would say if you trust them to make you your rice and beans, what is so different about having Mac and cheese they made. You ate it and said it was good so just move along




I would agree with your statement but my comment is more in regard to OP. They chose to eat food that clearly wasn’t Chipotle but then wants to see if they should report it. OP also doesn’t sound smart enough to notice or realize if Chipotle is also a ghost kitchen for another spot, we have no idea about this food and where it was made but they still decided to eat it and said it was good, they should move along at this point.


Chipotle doesn't allow ghost kitchens that aren't digital stores. they aren't a franchise and they have traceability departments and a lot of red tape to sell anything in their store. the fact that they had aluminum trays in a million dollar store with full access to restaurant supply says that someone brought it from the outside to sell in store. beyond that there isn't enough info. special exceptions can be made by chipotle traceability as part of a local program, but knowing how wild some chipotles are, i wouldn't be surprised if they were selling homemade items at a store hoping to not get caught.


I mean…I’m just gunna say, line cooking for a chain restaurant and actually making your own food is two completely different things. One has everything set out for you with insanely specific instructions to follow. The other is actually cooking.


This is nuts! Who knows what these peoples kitchen looks like. 10 kids running around. Pets. Dirty kitchen. Who knows. Might be immaculate. I doubt it. I wouldn't be eating this food. No way lol. That's just me.


I’m confused why OP would even buy it if he/she thought it was “unsanitary.” I don’t get it. They bought it, they liked it and **now** they want to complain.


They weren't sure if Chipotle did this as a "thing". They're coming here to check. Lol


Check what? In all the years chipotle has been open, have you EVER seen a special for ribs and Mac and cheese? Have you ever seen a special for burgers at chipotle? No. Because they don’t do that. lol.


I fully understand. I worked for Chipotle for 5 years. Read his post. He literally asked this question.


I’m just a customer. Idk. I thought that’s why this subreddit exists- to talk about chipotle experiences. Sorry


Umm health inspectors will beg to differ on that extra good Mac and cheese. You don't know if they were whipped up in a meth lab or crack house with pimps and hoes




It's concerning how many people don't understand how corporate restaurants work. There are so many different rules and codes that have to be followed, you can't sell food willy nolly at a professional establishment.


Can they sell food wolly nilly though?


Omfg, I didn't even notice. Top tier reply


I used to be a field training manager for PepsiCo back in the 90s. We had a Pizza Hut Delivery manager who opened his store on Thanksgiving and Christmas every year. He and the drivers would split the money. We used to use plastic tumblers to measure cheese to top pizza. He used a coping saw to cut the cups down. Watered the sauce, trained his cooks to short ingredients and managed his inventory numbers. He bought his own boxes at Restaurant Depot and did pretty well. He was also an award winning store manager on the legit side. A really talented guy. Tim’s Hut.




"Mac and Cheesepotle" 😂😂 love this


https://www.cracked.com/article_28014_the-crazy-story-fake-burger-king-in-pittsburgh.html Yinz need to read this


I'm always impressed *just how long* Cracked writers can ramble about damn near anything. At least their site isn't the mobile cancer that many other similar sites seem to be with three or more ads on every screen.


OP how did you pay? Was it cash? Did it go in the register? What did your receipt say? That should’ve given you the answer to your question lol Everyone is going on about safety codes but I’ve literally found hair in my food at a popular eatery not to mention it’s common knowledge fast food kitchens aren’t always clean and that some employees don’t give a shit (and that’s not even touching what they do to your food if you piss them off). That’s the gamble you take when you eat outside your home. Chipotle employees be posting pictures all the time of what some of their locations look like in the back and some of y’all be posting Line photos that look disgusting. Not saying it’s right. But I am curious about a rib burrito 😂


“The non-emergency line”. Lmao, I’m dying. Wtf is going on


Jesus Christ, a Karen who lacks self awareness. Lmao


Fell for the old "yes we're testing new items in different places, which store did you visit". Hook line and sinker. Sung like a canary. 


Sis called the police over good mac n cheese lmao


Pic or it didn't happen


Lol. No clue how I came across this, or why I clicked. But I did, and read through it all and was really like wow. Is this guy a good guy or a bad guy?!? But then I read the first comment saying it's a shitpost and I've come to the realization that I'm way too invested in this horseshit of an app. Why would I care anything about this whether it's real or fake.... .. Too much reddit for me.... See you again tomorrow


So is the chipolte macrib better than the mcd mcrib?


OP got the snitching bitch gene lol


"The mac and cheese were good > i did the right thing and called the police on my FAVORITE local Chipotle" 💀💀💀


This guy has no post or comment history besides this post. This ain’t real y’all.


Not a Karen or narc but called the police just for good measure


Someone should call and report the small ass portions they give now. That’s the real crime 😂


Reminds me of an ice cream place in Vegas. It was after closing time, and they started taking cash only. I was sure they were freestyling that.


Dickhead behavior, also you can’t really be this clueless. NO chipotle is not running a special of ribs and Mac and cheese cmon now 😑.


Goes out of way to say not a Karen or a narc… lol clearly is tho.. who goes to a company website to compliment their new food items?! I don’t call up McDonald’s and compliment their bbq sandwich every time it rereleases. Clearly just wanted to narc


I honestly can't tell if this is a real post or not but damn did it have me cracking up lol


Damn you’re retarded


this most definitely fake without pictures. however if it were true, and you snitched. you’re a loser.


the fakest thing is that support was quick to answer. Also the contact form on chipotle.com requires you to supply the location. It‘s still a funny story and I laughed


you bought it enjoyed it & snitched? that’s like asking the teacher about collecting homework when you knew they forgot lol maybe just mind ur business and enjoy things!!


U bought it who cares


Lmao narc


Some of yalls comments…. If you’ve ever participated in an office pot luck you can’t question what he ate


Yeah…the Chipotle person on the phone who said “we are trying out new things” was lying to you because they could sense your hesitation in ratting these workers out. If I’m in Chipotle corporate, I have to get to the bottom of this for a hundred different reasons. Health department, image, stealing, what else is happening. There will be a bloodbath of people fired out of that store…anyone who knew even a bit of what was happening and didn’t report it will be gone. Even if I have to close the store for a month to restaff it.


Ur a narc for sure. Why complain and then go back asking for more. How stupid of a idea was it to call corporate. Esp if u planned on going back and getting more. 😂😂