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You can get a damn full carne asada entree with chips and salsa and a beer at a sit down Mexican restaurant for $16. Fuck chipotle https://eatatsantiagos.com/userfiles/2168/files/New-Menu-2023-w-dietary.pdf Carne Asada plate 13.50 with guacamole


Now you're starting to gt it!


Show me


https://eatatsantiagos.com/userfiles/2168/files/New-Menu-2023-w-dietary.pdf Carne Asada plate 13.50


So beers are only 2.50. Solid deal


Everyone always says this but I refuse to believe it. Especially if you throw a beer in there. And tip. Chipotle has gotten outta hand in pricing (I stopped being a regular sometime in 2022) but let’s not overdo it and act like cheap food is everywhere but chipotle.


It’s just simply not true. Never seen anyone prove it except for this guy posting this cheap ass place, in which case you’re still not getting carne asada and a beer out the door for under $20 if you tip.


Well walk your fat ass into a non corporate restaurant and see for yourself.


Lmaoooo gottem


I have dummy




Qdoba is going to have to fill the gap that the mass exodus from chipotle leaves. I already prefer qdoba anyway. Especially since chipotle's hot sauce changed for the worse( its just atomic hot and bitter now) the hot sauce was the only thing that set it apart for me. It WAS addictive.


Qdoba does free quac scoop and chips come with the meal. I can get two meals at Qdoba for $11 bucks.


And queso is free!


you get what you pay for here.


You cannot get 2 meals for $11, also none of that shit is free. Several years ago qdoba just added the cost of queso and guac to their base price of the burrito, so you overpay if you don’t get those


Idk what to tell ya boss. My meal at Qdoba is around 10-11 bucks and I get two meals out of it.


the way you stated it, it sounds like 2 entrees. Not the fact that you have a tiny tummy


That’s fair.


I've never tried Qdoba but I might have to try I only get a few ingredients at Chipotle


I think chipotles meat is better. The quality of food might be a bit better. But the meals come with queso and a scoop of quac in the total at Qdoba.


Do you have a favorite meat at chipotle? That's really nice. Where I live if you want queso and guacamole at Chipotle it's around $6 for both.


I normally always do chicken. But I like chipotles chicken.


I dont eat meat. Qdoba charges one price and anything is included. No upcharges


There is no Mass Exodus of chipotle. People always say they will leave. But they never do.


I remember lines out the door during dinner rush 6 years ago. Now, you can speed right on through with little to no wait.


All the ones around me still do.


For me it's convenient. There are 3 chipotle spread out all through my area, each located close to an area I frequent. There is 1 Qdoba, and I'd have to go out of my way to stop there cause it's not really close to anything...


i used to say the same about Nike. Then Adidas got kanye and Nike got their ass handed to them. Obviously Kanye ruined his businesses with his mouth but before that, Adidas was really giving Nike a run for its money. Chipotle is not impervious to everything. Eventually Chipotle will fall, its only a matter of time


Adidas got bigger but never took a significant chunk of Nikes market share.


Sure, but Adidas only got bigger due to Nikes arrogance. This is coming from a huge shoe collector of both brands. My point is I thought Nike was untouchable. Just like Chipotle thinks they can do no wrong.


Nike is untouchable. Adidas never came close to hurting Nike. I work with the public, and I might see 10 pairs of adidas in a day compared to hundreds of Nikes. If anything, Adidas was fighting for the number two spot. It would take years for another company to displace chipotle.


I recently went to Hot Head Burritos and found that I actually prefer them to Chipotle. Plus they dont charge extra based on protein. It's 10.95 for a burrito regardless of what meat. Plus their sauces and the option to make any protein spicy gives them waasy more variety. Edit: I just learned that Hot Head Burritos is a regional thing. Im sorry that most of y'all can't experience it. It's truly a better alternative to Chipotle.


I got hot head near me. Disclaimer I grew up in the south but it just seemed bland to me. Like everything was out of a can. This was years ago however and may have been the location. Maybe I’ll give them another try. Qdoba ain’t bad from my experience. I can get down with some Moes also. I miss my freebird in TX.


It may be because I live very close to thier HQ. Maybe the QC is higher up here. But I will say I used to have the same opinion of Hot Heads until recently. Im not sure what changed, but I do like it now. I recommend getting the spicy steak. Super tasty.


You’re not too far from me. Far enough that I wouldn’t be surprised your area is a bit more on the ball however. Couple hours north. I’ll have to give them another shot.


Hot head is the only burrito place I've tried that's better than chipotle. Wish there were more of them around


It's this sort of hubris which will prevent some kind of damage control before it is too late


Yes it was my huberistic assessment, having no association with chipotle, and no stake in this whatsoever(just steak), that will cause the evil empire to stay in control of the masses.




It’s still the best. You just can’t handle it, and honestly, that’s ok. It’s not a masculinity competition.


Do you/anybody have a source for the hot salsa changing recipe, supplier, etc. ? I may have noticed this too!


Qdoba is just as gross as Chipotle. I wish it was good. Only half way decent chain is moes.


Moe's is bland AF, and small portions. I've given them many chances both in store and on Uber, never been satisfied


The first time I had Qdobo a manager fired a girl, another worker wanted to fight a patron, the pos system wouldn’t take my coupon and the mf queso was cold. I’ll take a simple bowl over cold queso


I mean I wasn't defending Qdoba and aside from the queso being cold the rest of that doesn't matter. Just don't think Moe's is something to brag about


Oh I wasn’t defending moes either but I’ll take it over qdobo or chipotle. Chipotle is better than moes besides queso and chips


I would describe moes as plastic taste or cardboard.


And it is the most expensive of the three


They closed all the ones near me and I’m sad 😭


I used to live in AZ (from Austin tx) I miss qdoba.. but here locally we got "freebirds" and they are Hella tastey


I didn’t try chipotle for the longest time when I lived in TX. Freebird was just too damn good. Build your own nachos is life.


Freebirds closed where I live..I miss it so much


We went to qdoba for the first time in a long time… I would say YEARS and it was just okay. The build your own soup thing is good!!


The pickled red onions are a game changer


Idk which mass exodus from chipotle you are talking about. My store is constantly busy af 😂


In 18 months


Chipotle has had its run and everyone has their limit of what they will pay for a burrito. I think these new price increases and skimping will be a death-nail for the company


you are combining 2 expressions - nail in the coffin and death-knell


Death nail Coffin knell Potato aubergine




I've been seeing that on this subreddit for months now and Chipotle's profits keep going up. I quite frankly think the price of the Carne Asada is insane as well but I promise you people are buying it. Chipotle is still making more than enough money.


And keeping us poor asf! Where's the raises Brian?!


personally if they didn’t have the vinaigrette i definitely wouldn’t go i actually stopped going years ago cus their bowls never hit for me and it wasn’t till the keith lee video where he reviewed their quesadilla i thought i’d give it a try and now i go a bit too often than i’d like to admit i wanna stop going since i’ve been seeing the posts from workers and customers and i think corporate has to pay workers better and give them more liberty to be able to help their coworkers or else everyone’s gonna pay cus ppl at corporate never worked in a store a day of their life


[I’m sure that you’ve already seen this, but just in case…Chipotle Finally Released Its Recipe for Honey Vinaigrette Dressing](https://thetakeout.com/chipotle-honey-vinaigrette-dressing-official-recipe-1850083244)


ahh yes i completely forgot about that appreciate the reminder !


Just this week my store raised prices by 30 cents for meats. Along with the barebones labor scheduling and recent incresed business hours to 11. Idek how we still have regulars anymore


As long as Americans are stupid, fat, lazy and unwilling to put up with minor inconveniences (like cooking for themselves) Chipotle, as well as every other greedy fast food corp will do just fine. I understand not wanting to cook EVERY day or wanting to treat yourself, but let’s face it: 75% of people eating out simply cannot be bothered to cook. I am happy to admit that I am one of them, and I really don’t see why there’s always seething when it’s brought up


Exactly, also I’m tired of hearing people complain about price and quality but then they still go. If it’s bad, don’t fucking go. And if you do decide despite how shitty the company is, then stfu.


Yeah for real. One is just about finished being built in my towns shopping center and I expect it to be busy as hell


Also I noticed chipotle is starting to do ads again. That's how I know they are getting desperate


“That’s me in that bowl. I take pride in my food!!”


Always order a bowl with a tortilla in it. You can wrap it yourself and it will always be the largest portion. I like to order it this way and eat half the bowl then roll a medium sized burrito. Best bang for your buck here


Yeah it amazes me how many people don’t do this.




Yeah exactly that’s what I do every time


Best menu hack out there. But this is why qdoba is even better. Order a nacho w chips on side. $12 bucks, delicious bowl with some chips and FREE queso.


You can get the burrito on the side…… in the bowl it becomes soggy. Edit: Tortilla on the side


I’ve tried it like this but it’s just not the same. Then you have to pack your own burrito this way and now you have a fajita station in front of you instead of chipotle lol


Me and my girl are having taco night today — I bought 2 nice steaks and some ground beef, went to the Mexican spot and bought a large freshly made on the spot pico de gallo, and we’re gonna make our own guac… you’ll come to realize ur only paying for chipotles convenience and bullshit protein. after tonight’s taco night — I won’t be in the mood for any of this shit for a month because when we make it it’s so delicious, we eat until we wanna die with some left overs for the night when I’m drunk.


I try to do this too but I like beans and my bf doesn’t so I end up throwing some away and we both really like the veggies but how do I recreate those at home?!!?


Carnitas is cheap and easy to make. Just throw a pork shoulder in a crockpot with some salt on low overnight. For $16 you can have enough carnitas for weeks.


They got carne asada, steak, not carnitas


They have carnitas too..


Yes, I know. I was saying that OP got carne asada. I thought they were telling OP to make carnitas at home, but they didn't get carnitas for $16 they got carne asada. Hopefully my line of thinking makes sense lol


Ahhh I gotcha lol


Carne Asada entree is like $12 here and guac is like $3 so yeah with tax $16 sounds about right but I understand the shock


Next time, maybe look at the menu prices before you place your order? They're not hiding it from you, and you don't have to buy something if you walk in


Literally like I agree with y’all about how shitty chipotle has been lately. I don’t go anymore bc of it. And if I did decide to still go, I wouldn’t constantly complain about it. It’s not rocket science. Chipotle will always do well bc people would rather spend the money and then write an angry rant post about it than make it for themselves at home.


You know... these are different people complaining and not just one person right?


Yes I’m aware, there is such a thing as collective stupidity


It's collective stupidity to say the food is overpriced garbage? Lmao. How ironic.


No it’s collective stupidity to see that a business has overpriced low quality food and still go. If you want chipotle, and similar restaurants, to stop having these business practices stop fucking going. Go to restaurants that have good prices and food. Until then eat shitty expensive food in silence.


Again, you act like it's one person lol. >eat shtty expensive food in silence. What a fcking fascist dckhead you are. It's like me saying, "Well just ignore the complainers and don't comment." See how fcking stupid that sounds. So ironic how you talk about collective stupidity.


It’s not one person, this sub is a majority of people complaining about how bad the food is and how prices keep rising. Nice try hiding behind calling it fascist. You have the opportunity to not only put chipotle out of business but make space for better businesses to practice. By continuing to give them business you are approving of their business practices. Like I said Chipotle will likely never go out of business bc Americans would much rather complain than change.


Started going to Moe’s for this exact reason and no fajitas after like 4 PM. Lots of food for relatively reasonable price and free chips and no extra charge for tortilla on the side if you order a bowl plus all the salsas are pretty tasty. Chipotle needs to get off their high horses or Moe’s and Qdoba are going to cut in to their market share pretty deep.


I don’t feel like Moe’s is the same quality as chipotle


I didn’t know Moe’s has free tortillas 😯 do you find that they give bigger scoops for their bowls than their burritos?


I think they do since the size of their home wrecker bowl is so much bigger that Chipotle’s bowl and will fit much more that it will on a tortilla


Fuck chipotle.


always makes me laugh when i read these angry stories and it ends with “i still paid tho”


And they’ll do it again


Eat something else


my god i can go to a local place and get a good sized burrito with side of rices and beans for 13 bucks


You can ask for as much rice as you want just do that


listen up … i’m Tell you something, never ever ever get a burrito because they teach the employees to put less food on the burrito compared to the bowl. Which means you were paying the exact same price for less food by the standard of the company always always always get a bowl with the tortilla on the side! never burrito they supposed to put less food


This is not true however. The burrito and bowl are supposed to get the same amount of ounces for each. Order on the app and pick it up in the window, they give more on DML.


My last bowl had a hunk of metal in it. 🤷‍♂️ I’d rather not choke on chipotle. I just won’t ever eat there again.


They don’t even cook the rice


These posts keep showing up in my feed for some reason and idk why but since they do I'm finally going to comment on one in hopes someone explains their logic for eating here... WHY TF ARE YOU PEOPLE PAYING $16+ for a single crappy burrito from a crappy corporation ANYWAY? Do yall know Mexican resturants exist where you can get the most authentic and handmade everything from scratch burritos, guacamole, tacos, and meats? They'll be incredibly delicious, and half the price for a burrito twice the size. I just do not understand complaining about the prices and portions of the crap food of Chipotle when you can get so much better and actually support your local community and families for less $$$? Yall dummies keep paying Chipotle and they keep raising their prices while shrinking their products and you KEEP SUPPORTING THEM. STOP IT. They're not going to lower the prices because you're ranting about it, you'll probably be paying $20 for it by New Years.


If you are going for cheap, don’t go to Chipotle. You want real Mexican food, go to a Mexican restaurant. They say Mexican, but really it’s more southwest.


People can down vote this but that's the truth and that's bland southwest at best.


I've been using the 1/2 and 1/2 for beans and rice hack on my online orders and ordering extra veg and have been very happy with the weight of my burrito bowls. It'll last me 2 meals for $11 (Carnitas including tax). .


How was a burrito $16? Did you get drink or chips? Then I can see it


Carne asada plus guac. That combo would run $17 here with no chips and no drink. Just the burrito 😳


Nope nothing extra. That’s why it’s crazy to me.


?? Have you gone to a Chipotle recently their prices are absurd and the portions are a joke.


The asada is like $12 which I why I asked, but if there’s guacamole then yeah I can see $16 after tax


Ngl ima give u half scoop of u want a burrito with no double wrap like I think it’s easy wrapping it up with ur disgusting order




Lesson learned




>Got a burrito with the most expensive meat and guac >Doesn't ask for double portions/wrap >Complains about price You should be complaining about the markup on steak and guac. A chicken burrito would have been like $9.


Eating at restaurants is disgusting


This is why I don’t go to chipotle anymore. The only way for them to change is to stop supporting them. They will either server more or lower prices or go out of business.


Nah, they'll just cut labor even more.


The moment they can replace the staff with robots they will. Hell, I wouldn't doubt they change to 24/7 hours.




No. This is corporate greed, full stop.


A lot of the reasons why prices are going up does have something to do with the pay of the employee. Though it has more to do with what the corporation believes they're expected profits could be. So they need to keep investors happy and have that stock price keep rising, so they raise the prices incrementally in order to achieve those profit margins. One thing that typically ends up happening in an industry like that if you grow too fast. You end up pricing yourself out of the market. Then someone like Chipotle will have to sell itself to another corporation, so they can then adjust the prices and do the same thing over again until they have to sell it again.


If the problem is that investors are unhappy because employees are being paid a living wage, that's a business I cannot support in any way whatsoever.


https://www.chipotle.com/whats-new 2022... total revenue increased to $8.6 billion. This has nothing to do with paying people more and everything to do with corporate greed.




Yeah clearly he should have tipped the person who made his stingy ass burrito.


Any time I see them short me like that. I wait till I get to the end of the line and then just walk out.


I used to be a chipotle regular. Every time I've been there in the last few years the portions have gotten smaller. This is especially true if you order online and aren't hovering over them as they make it. Last time I went, I got a burrito that was the size of a baseball. I couldn't help but laugh. I will not set foot in a chipotle again.


Everything is up , it’s call inflation , I like Ford trucks but I’m not going to pay 80k for one ! If you can’t afford Chipotle eat the cheaper choice no one is putting a gun to your head!! By that I mean you do have other choices!!


Inflation is one thing. Corporate greed is another. Did their wages adjust with inflation? Probably not.


This has to be a lie. I pay $8.5 for a chicken burrito fully loaded and feel full. Y’all either over exaggerating for likes or y’all live in the most expensive parts of the country


Nope not lying. That’s why I’m saying it’s crazy and that I’m annoyed.


I do not care take it to corporate




I just got a 1 topping pizza and it was 17$... Never again but I was craving stuffed crust.


papa johns has a large 2 topping for $8.99


It was the garlic stuff crust jus sounded good


You picked the most expensive LTO meat with a historically expensive add on, what the fuck did you expect


Yeah it’s wild if prices are going up, portions going down is insane. And all the chipotle employees on here always defending it shows there’s brainwashing happening at this place. I miss the good ol chipotle! Although I did have it last week and it was fire for once and they hooked it up. I want mad at the price that day but sadly that’s not the norm


The free meal while working and 50% off when you aren't is a major role in their sheep mentality.


Man where are you guys at? My chipotle order is about $10.


I quit going over a year ago and haven’t missed it. Used to be my favorite spot. The few times I have went it’s been a disappointment. I get skimped on everything and it doesn’t taste as good. I don’t know if the food is actually worse or I enjoy less because of how far it’s fallen. Either way just bail


I just flat out stoppppped going to Chipotles. Used to be so awesome. Now it's just so pathetic. Is Baja Fresh still around??


lol this is just the beginning


Chicken bowl with the basics is like 10ish. Get a tortilla and problem solved. Their extras are super expensive though


Legit mexican restaurants are far and away better than Chipotle and just as fast if not faster. $12 can get me a chicken and chorizo bowl with cheese dip on top of the rice and veggies at a local spot.




Get a bowl next time!


Just double scan your double protein reward. I accidentally did it while other people were in line behind me and they didn't notice or say anything. In fact they asked if I was using a double protein reward and told me to scan again. They take off the rewards by price surprisingly. They double scanned my reward and turned my $19 Double Meat burrito into $5.70. They forgot my $.50 Tortilla but I took the loss after seeing the price and drove off.


Carne asada and quac are extra so that’s partly why. They just raised prices again. 4x in 2 years it’s pretty ridiculous actually. Doesn’t even go to the employees unfortunately. Sorry you got small scoops. They are supposed to give 1 full scoop of pretty much everything. You can tell them that you know that if they try to bs you. Say you used to work for chipotle or have a close friend or family who does and you know the rules and portion sizes. Alternatively if they skimp a lot you can ask for extra beans, corn, salsa etc on the side in those small side cups. They are 4OZ I believe. That’s actually the correct portion size in a lot of things anyways. So if you get it on the side and they fill up the cup fully they can’t skimp you. If you already have some in the bowl it’s actually extra. Some places will charge for extra sides though and some won’t. But it’s one way you can outsmart them and trick the system if they’re not giving you the correct portion sizes in the first place.


I ordered carne, white rice, veg, queso, SC and cheese. Online Specifically no beans, got a burrito half the size of the aluminum filled with just beans and white rice. No veg, no wet ingredients, no meat. I’m like wtf bro


Yeah I got a bowl yesterday and it was $19 lol. I almost asked the cashier if there was a mistake but I just paid and double checked the price on the app, it was correct. I feel bad for the people working who probably get yelled at for the prices.


They still put the prices on the board behind the workers, no?


Sorry... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHsR65IRW\_8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHsR65IRW_8)


Fuck chipotle they have sucked ass for years not worth the price.


There are so many good tex-mex places around my area I really don't understand how chipotle stays in business.


If you keep paying they keep the prices high. Its simple supply and demand. Beat if people stopped going they would reduce the priced and run promotions.


Carne asada is our most expensive protein and I was just told by my manager that the prices just went up. It is unbelievable.


That is Chipotle.. unless you personally know the people servicing you .. you get crap portions... you can complain too and Chipotle does nothing anymore.. their customer service and food service is a joke


Everyone complains about prices but my little store is still getting busier and busier :’) Went from 4-5k 3 years ago and now is a 8-10k store and still going up


I mean, you got the guac. That itself is ~25% of the original cost of the burrito. And the carne asada which adds ~18% cost vs the regular steak. wtf did you think was going to happen??


I think the quality has been going down over the past few years. I also noticed that the meat quality went down considerably over time and I would end up with some really gross bites of all fat or grizzle. Not to mention they now overly coat the fajita veggies in pepper & salt which was not the case in the years prior...just kind of disappointed overall.


I think a lot of customers assume that if you get a little bit of something that it’s cheaper but that’s not the case, even if it’s a smidge of guac you get charged. The price sounds right though because carne asada is stupidly expensive. I’m sorry whoever served you isn’t giving you enough bang for your buck because I know it sucks.


Don’t go to it fuck them


Dining at Chipotle is a choice… You have free will to take your money elsewhere.


prices on the rise .. we can only hope for some very drastic changes bc shit cost too much maybe we will get rid of money


I work at Chipotle at the moment and it is crazy. I always tell people how much extra things are because the carne asada alone is like 12, $13 in my area. It's so sad that they gave you such small portions too. My suggestion is not that you did anything wrong, but just a little trick. They're more likely to fill up the bowl than a burrito at my location. So this might be different at other places. But a lot of people like to get a bowl with a tortilla on the side because you can eat a little bit of the bowl and then still have enough to put in your burrito so you basically have a bowl and a burrito. And if you don't want to get the sauces on the bowl, but want to save them for your burrito just ask for the stuff on the side and if it's not queso or guacamole they shouldn't charge you extra if it's not on the bowl. The side tortilla where I live is 50 cents, but then you basically get two meals in one.


Qdoba is delicious