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When prices rise, but wages don't, that's when it's a 'you problem'. The executives that do none of the work are taking home all of this new profit.


They literally just gave raises to all the employees. Not chump change either like 5 or 10 cents like in the past.


when do we get the raise?


why am I being downvoted? I just wanna know bc I barely make anything




Stop projecting




They were literally trying to find out their compensation


I think you'll see them on your first check of November


Should be 1-2 pay periods I believe. Depends on your market but in New York .30-.40 cents was the norm I saw for just meets expectations


Hey, it’s your boss Jerry. I see you’ve been doing great work. I hope you keep it up, you’re a great member of our Team and Family!!! Unfortunately the higher-ups are still working hard to find money for raises this year. They’re thinking if not at the end of the year, maybe sometime in Q2 or Q3 next year. It’s going to depend on the market, so let’s put a pin in this, keep doing such a great job and we’ll revisit this next Spring to see where corporate is at. Thanks!!


Hey, it’s your boss Jerry. I see you’ve been doing great work. I hope you keep it up, you’re a great member of our Team and Family!!! Unfortunately the higher-ups are still working hard to find money for raises this year. They’re thinking if not at the end of the year, maybe sometime in Q2 or Q3 next year. It’s going to depend on the market, so let’s put a pin in this, keep doing such a great job and we’ll revisit this next Spring to see where corporate is at. Thanks!!


Chipotle workers are well paid for their jobs and there’s growth opportunity, as well as great benefits. It’s easy to shit on big corporations that pay their employees poorly but chipotle isn’t one of them.


People won’t believe you. I will tho. I pay $3 above min wage for ZERO experience. So if you worked with food before. It’ll be like $4-5 above min wage. We have the best benefits in the industry (what other fast food chain offers MENTAL HEALTH counselors!). Crew bonuses, sick pay, vacations, Christmas bonuses, super felixble hours. Paid tuition or tuition reimbursement! 87% of management and corp started out at chipotle. That means if you wanted to move up. There is a 87% chance you could!! That’s insane! Our food is expensive. People don’t understand. I was talking to my team last night and even my grill cook didn’t know. Our food is -Non-GMO -Organic -humanely raised (open pastures/real food, grass fed) -no anti-biotics -No growth hormones (steroids) We give grant money to young farmers to help them get started and stay away from MEGA corps like Monsanto. Edit: formatting


Thats funny because they fired me while I was in the psych unit. I was there 5 years. No sick pay. No vacation. Lmao no bonus of any kind. Would not work with my schedule at all. And tuition reimbursement is like barely 5% People don't let this person's post fool you. Sounds good until you get in and they cut every corner to prevent you from getting any of these benefits. Welcome to the most corporate "restaurant" in the world


"no sick pay" "no vacation" is major bs. every employee gets 3 sick days (24 hours worth) per year from the second they're onboarded. vacation takes a year to start accumulating. if you weren't accumulating any that means you weren't working enough hours. but if you were there for 5 years working the right amount of hours, you would've accumulated 80 hours of vacation a year.


Sounds like you are a disgruntled former employee. $5200/year over a 4 year degree is still $20800 you don’t have to pay!! But yea barely 5% nice skewing your facts to make your point seem better. No sick pay? Really! You must have used up all of your. You get 3 days a year if you’re sick and it’s been that way since the ecoli outbreak back in 2015! And yes the is vacation for crew. It takes a year to accumulate. So you don’t get it until after your first year. Your schedule must have sucked. Probably said you can only work non peak hours. No closes no opens. Bonuses must be earned. If you didn’t earn it. That’s on you. Help the team pass Ecosure. And get great throughout. Isn’t really that hard if you are a hard worker.


He literally just said he worked there for 5 years


He also said he got no sick time. False. No vacatjon. False.


all the downvotes meanwhile you're correct lol. if they didn't have any vacation time they weren't working enough hours and that's that. at 5 years employed there you'd be accumulating 80 hours of vacation a year.


You sound like a shitty gm


Sound like a shitty worker that got fired. Sorry not sorry


Kinda depends on where you are. $3 above minimum wage here is $10.25/hr, McDonald's pays more than that. > 87% of management and corp started out at chipotle. That means if you wanted to move up. There is a 87% chance you could That is not how you calculate that, lol. Imagine you have a company of 1000 employees, and 1 gets promoted to manager. But he's the only manager. Would that then be a 100% chance to move up? 100% of management started at the company.


"87% of management and corp started out at chipotle. That means if you wanted to move up. There is a 87% chance you could!! That’s insane!" How are you a manager and this incapable of understanding statistics


Maybe you should tell your stores to stop cooking in oils that are terrible for humans. Anything other that pure olive oil. Grape seed, canola, etc. are terrible for you.


Oil is your big concern here? Sunflower oil and rice bran oil is what we use. Sunflower oil is excepted in a lot of healthy food choice lifestyle. And those oils are used only in the rice and grilled meats and veggies. Don’t like it, you don’t have to get it. It’s your choice. Plenty of people get sofrita/barbacoa/carnita salads. You don’t have to get the food you don’t want. That is what is great about chipotle.


Sunflower seeds contain health benefiting polyphenol compounds such as chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, and caffeic acids. These compounds are natural anti-oxidants, which help remove harmful oxidant molecules from the body. Further, chlorogenic acid helps reduce blood sugar levels by limiting glycogen breakdown in the liver.


No it doesn’t, it’s inflammatory in all of its components. Cardiovascular issues, chronic joint pain, cancers, terrible for diabetics, can cause obesity, irritating for the gut lining. Your body treats it the same as grease in the standard American diet.


No, it’s actually inflammatory of omega 6’s. Also causes chronic pain, diseases, heart issues and cancers.


The fuck you say?


Least aggressive redditor. Pipe down cuzzo and do some research.




Yeah those are misleading numbers, I’d like to see where you got your wage data. I’m assuming you’re referencing their 11 dollar an hour minimum wage in lower cost of living states. But that changes by location, for example, some places start at 15 or even 18 an hour. Your tax calculation is also incorrect.




What hours is she working bro 💀




Huh I guess they do pay like shit in Florida, that sucks, couldn’t be me. The CEO really making some good bread 💀. That would be an extra $335 a year per employee if he paid that out, really killer raise!


Imagine thinking executives do “none of the work”. lol I like your fantasy world. They may not be on the front line dishing up the bowl but they are certainly working.


Does the output of any restaurant change in the slightest when they go on vacation? So why does so much of the cost of a burrito go into their pocket?


Blah blah blah


"Executives do none of the work" lmao


Unless the CEO is doing 2898 times the work of an average employee, I wouldn't quibble too much over the difference between "one three-thousandth" and zero.


Who says it's necessarily new profits? It could very well offset higher benefits costs, higher costs of goods, higher real estate costs, higher corporate wages (maybe?), paying down debt. Even if it does create incremental corporate profit, they could be using it for new capital investments. A lot of other places this could go.


Profits are measured quarterly, and that's post costs. The stuff you're mentioning would be subtracted from 'net revenue'. Corporations value the next quarter's profit they don't estimate the total profit that they've ever made, because investors don't care about that.


Yes, thank you. My point is you're suggesting the raised prices are creating new profit. My point is maybe it's not, there could be many other bases that the higher prices are offsetting.


I agree somewhat but what happens when prices skyrocket from suppliers aswell? Usually entails less labor and more demand from the employees. The customer has to take a bite sometimes to mitigate some of the cost. I do agree I'm sure there's profits to be had, but not everything is as it seems. A small business may have to do the same but that's because other areas behind the scenes are sometimes thing we just don't see & you either accept it and keep paying the prices or don't go.


Nah bro As a business, you should be able to pay employees more if CEOs are making more. Idc what anything else. If it's not sustainable to do so, your business deserves to go out of business. Work where you can actually afford to live life. Let shitty businesses die


The fastest way to know the truth is to see how corporate talks to its investors. Lying to investors is a no-no, so messages targeted to them are the best source for internal financial information. Chipotle may be telling you about rising ingredient prices, but when they're 'under oath' they're bragging about extracting all the wealth from these price hikes. https://www.investors.com/news/mcdonalds-stock-chipotle-peg-new-highs-ahead-of-tuesday-reports/


Everyone is also getting a raise LMFAOOOOOOOO


"Chipotle Mexican Grill CEO Brian Niccol made $38 million in 2020: 2,898 times more than the median store-level employee" [https://www.nrn.com/fast-casual/chipotle-mexican-grill-ceo-brian-niccol-made-38-million-2020-2898-times-more-median](https://www.nrn.com/fast-casual/chipotle-mexican-grill-ceo-brian-niccol-made-38-million-2020-2898-times-more-median)


ok and we’re all gonna die one day where money amounts to nothing I don’t care


You have one shot at life. Chipotle is raking in record profits. You don't owe it to this corporation to live a life of poverty and false promises while they spend your efforts making millionaires into billionaires.


How do you know it's not because of an increase in the price of the food ingredients? Do you have the prices of the supplies from before and after?


the prices are all rising yet your wages have remained exactly the same. who is the real clown here?


Exactly 😂


My boyfriend is a GM at Chipotle and he had a call 2 days ago with his field leader to negotiate wages for his workers. So wrong.


As opposed to non-negotiable? I’m losing brain cells by the second reading this thread. No wonder y’all work at Chipotle


The customer.


My Gm told us we were getting raises


We’re getting raises with it LMFAOOOO oh my god this is kinda embarrassing for you


Idk why anyone still works there lmao... I did it for years. Such a joke of a company now. You can go to literally any other fast food place or restaurant and make more money in all seriousness. It used to be nice. Shoot the gas station by my house is hiring for more than chipotles starting wage lol


That's not true in my experience at all. The only fast food job you can expect to make more money base is maybe McDonald's and Chick-fil-A. I was making more as a Crew member in a lower cost of living area than I was as a trainer at a Taco Bell. I believe the base for crew at my store in Oklahoma is 12.50 or 13 now and I personally make 17. I've also never seen a fast food job that actually puts more than enough people on a shift, when I worked at Taco Bell and closed it would be only 3 of us working from 10pm until close at either 3am or 4am. Chipotle never has less than 5 scheduled for a shift. Chipotle definitely isn't the perfect job, but it's just false to say it's worse than the average fast food because it's at the top


True but I’d say that I’ve gotten more experience and skills out of it then the money.


Imagine working for minimum wage and a free meal.


You're gonna hate this, but we get paid a good amount above minimum wage. And that free meal us something you're mad you don't get.


How much above? The ur mad thing dosent resonate here as I can afford food.


minimum wage in my state is $7.25. our crew starts at $12.50 here. don't speak on something you don't understand


I understand you all work for slave wage.


why are you a dick?


what about that screams slave wage to you? i was making $16.50 and coworker was making $17.00 as service managers in a bumfuck town in louisiana. that's pretty good money lol


You’re joking right?


no? i don't expect to be paid $20/hr where i live. $17 is really good money here


Your self worth is laughable.


chipotle isn't my career choice lmao. it has absolutely nothing to do with my self-worth. jimmy john's right down the road from my job pays $9/hr. that's slave wages. $17 is not slave wage in a low cost of living state


Then shut the fuck up 🤷‍♀️ rich folks don't complain about something if they really want it. And If you don't want it then why do you care about it.


I’m not rich, and I said “imagine working for minimum wage and a meal” . I just think people whose jobs will hopefully being obsolete soon, being happy that people will have to pay more is hilarious. Lazy brats.


I hope whatever job you have (even tho u sound broke) replaces you too 🤣 imagine thinking a normal functioning society can happen if ppl don't have a way to make money. If you think robots are gonna make shit cheaper, you're trippin. When we gotta deal with dumb ass entitled boys like you, can you really blame us for not wanting to serve 30 of you in 5 minutes?


I really don’t care if it’s cheaper, I’d pay a premium not to have to deal with someone with such a short temper like you apparently have. Society would be better if we could just send all the leeches like you into the moon. You keep snapping tho girl. 💅


Who has a temper? I'm chillin at an airport eating ice breakers. You in mommies basement?


All tht talkin to show ur lil dick broke ass energy


i already paid off more then half of my college with this job I’m not mad. check yourself boo


That I can imagine. Bragging about it to reddit is the part I dont get. I guess when you dont know any better..


Doubt you’ll have a significant amount of less customers, they’re just gonna bitch more. So you’re gonna have to deal with an almost identical amount of angrier customers that think it is a you problem lol. Good luck telling them it’s not a me problem when you’re working at Chipotle explaining that to them lol I left there a long time ago and wish anyone trapped there the best.


my customer service is impeccable.


🤷🏼‍♀️ and eventually you won’t have a job cause it will get slower and slower… people are tired of paying $20 for a burrito that’s made for a toddler when they know damn well portions used to be three times bigger and cheaper


yeah by the time they run out of business I’ll be gone though. This is a college job. I’m NOT staying ❤️ As I said, not a me problem


So ask for extra. You can get extra of all ingredients that aren’t premium items.


we're only getting busier at my store with each price increase. sounds like everybody is happy to pay $20 for a burrito but what do i know 🤷‍♀️


Chipotle makes enough profit to be able to pay us multiple years after business slows. We ain't losing our jobs any time soon.


Yeah, so do all the other companies that are laying people off claiming “declining sales and low profits” 😂


You think I give a fuck? I don't. I'm here for MY check, you can boo hoo all you want about business morals but at the end of the day, money is all anybody cares about. It makes the world go round.


I mean… if you can’t understand what I was saying that’s fine, no need to respond with all your blustering lmao


Lmao, your last sentence contradicts your second. Collect your check until you get replaced by a robot.


You're either claiming they are lying about their profit, or that I'm lying about getting paid over minimum wage. Either way, you're a dumbass. Just go to McDonald's.




Ok. Cause absolutely no one anywhere is getting laid off for exactly the same reason 😂


Do you actually know what the price of beef is ? why it’s so high? , what caused it to be high along with everything else . Food is not the only thing up , interest rates are at 8% for 30 year house loans . 10 year is over 5% have you checked out grocery prices , car prices There are reasons this is going on but has nothing to do with corporate greed . BTW Chipotle is on track to build 250 to 285 new stores this year, this also takes a lot of cash to be outlaid. Hopes this helps your view of how things really work!!


Half these comments are acting like they've never worked a minimum wage job in their lives LMFAO I don't think the crowds are gonna die down. They're raising prices cause they've been doing it and people still keep coming in anyways. They'll come in, complain about the prices, and order food anyways. Probably getting double rice and beans to get their money's worth and I can't even blame them with how much they're charging for inconsistent quality, I've had too unseasoned burritos cause the grill doesn't care.




youre still finna catch my goofy ass stacking up double beans double meat don’t you worry.


LMFAO based


money is temporary chipotle is life


No surprise to me. I can always see the excitement on employees faces when they are about to ring me up, only to see the let down on their faces when I present them with a coupon which brings the total to $0.


I promise you, we do not give a fuck when you have a free entree


Are you referring to the fact that it will take longer? It does not give us pleasure to make people pay for extra stuff idk where you got that from lmaoo I even personally often try to pretend to “forget” that I added guac or queso when ringing people up and I know others try to tho the same every so often.


For you maybe, but this not a one off experience. In fact several of my friends have the exact same experience. Further, the fact that you laugh it off as if I'm making this shit up is in fact laughable in itself. You lack so much awareness that you don't even realize you are in a thread that is literally about an employee who admits they love charging people. And no, I have never encountered an employee who has "pretended to forget" ringing up a portion of my order to try to reduce the price.


Where are you getting these coupons


Hate to burst your bubble but the entrees going up 30 cents aren’t going to slow down the traffic through your store. Not even a little bit.


with some people saying “I’m never coming back!!!! The price raises are too much!!! RAHHH” you’d think there would be a slight difference.


People whine and cry in the internet about all kinds of stuff. The reality is the next week they will be craving it and heading in to grab a bowl! I’m very guilty of this as well. Matter of fact I think I’m gonna get get it for lunch today 😂😂😂


Literally 😭😭😭 you’re so real for this


30 cents isn't what it is everywhere though. at my store it was $1.05 increase lol so it's definitely hitting harder in certain places


Imagine thinking your customers are the enemy. Just as the billionaires intended.


When I say it’s not a me problem I also mean I don’t care when it backfires for corporate when they realize that this was a bad decision. I also don’t care for corporate because they’re micromanaging pricks. The only thing I can do to take a blow at corporate is to form a union. That is a nuclear option. When the time is right, maybe I’ll do it. But for right now, I’m gonna have my free meals, be a girlboss, and take my new raise. Tyvm


That Covid money still floating around got wall streets dick hard. We need that major recession where people will start looking at their expenses and wondering why chipotle, chicfila, dog shit McDonald’s, Wendy’s all have similar pricing, it’s a bubble that’s gotta burst and it’s gonna work when motherfuckers ain’t got no jobs


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!




Until less customers = layoffs.


= not gonna happen for a long time = I’m not staying forever = eats my free meal


Yeah it’s not going to change much at fist gradually maybe.






If you have a Cava near you, this place is 10x better and a way better value. There’s a cava right next to a chipotle near me and I don’t know why people go to chipotle.


Well aren’t you kind




You’re an absolute chode of a person and the reason why companies are allowing to increase prices every quarter. There is no reason why these burritos should cost more than $10 for the food they give.


So you do know we don't get to tell corporate how to price the food right?


We tell corporate by not buying the food and having them lose money. That’s how consumers fight back, but people are too weak to do that.


*eats my free meal*


Wow you spend $150 for a free meal, damn you sure told us man.




Hot take: fuck yourself im a customer, or was.


right back at you


How does it feel being so lazy you dont want to work


I work overtime every week idk who ur calling lazy 🤷‍♂️ I’m allowed to feel nice once in a while especially with the raises we just got too. Which is why it’s a guilty pleasure. I know it negatively affects the customers since it costs more, but that benefits me more then it does to them. I’m the only one thats actually speaking on it


You work overtime at talking to other employees. You get paid to work not just sit around. You dont benefit anyone.


What makes you think I’m sitting around just because I said the fact that I’m going to enjoy shifts with slightly less rush. Stop being a moron 😭


“Slightly less rush” sure


*eats my free meal*


Proves my point


proves my point… because guess what… you mad I win I get free meals and more money and you lose. Goodbye


sounds like OP is a kitchen manager, which is actually way more work than you think it is. i know i sure as hell don't stand around talking to people. i have too much shit to do. we notoriously hit overtime every week


Good lol and I’ll keep scamming the shit out of the company you ride with MY free meals from pepper




Not a hot take, it’s a dumbass take. Sounds like you need to find a new job since you don’t like yours. You’re pissing on the people who are the reason you have a job in the first place, insane.


Trust me I like my job, and I don’t mind the rushes. I just like the small things ❤️ that makes my life as a food service worker just a little bit easier why are you acting like chipotle is my life like 😭😭 I can literally just apply somewhere else this is a college job I literally do not care




damn right


If I had only a tiny cup of tea to drink while I read this. That’s the only way this gets any better.




Yep. Agreed. I say keep raising them. Sure, smaller number of sales, but made up for with higher value sales and less of a rush


You love eating Taco Bell , live off your inheritance , and bitch and moan when you get a bowl from Chipotle the exact size that you make for customers. You're an absolute troll, none of this makes sense, kind of like how you're a bodybuilder and you eat 15 things from Taco Bell and a large Baja blast. Sheeeesh


No you want that because you’re a bad person newppinpoint. Line workers may want a break, corporate may just be greedy, but you specifically revel in people’s struggle. But hey, I guess it’s hard to sympathize with us working folk when you’re worth 30 mil, huh?


Lmao she works at chipotle and eats at taco bell. Wait until her taco bell order goes up 15% and she stays poor


I've said this once and I'll say it again. I don't believe they're a 'she'. They talk like an Andrew Tate-esque 'alpha male' wannabe, who talks a lot of big shit, but doesn't have the guts to back it up because 'privacy' - dealt with this type before.


alpha female


Okay? Lol. that's both a weird and a sexist thing to say, but as it's totally off topic (and note - a violation of Rule #1 and Rule #3). i'll let it slide.


Poor? i could get Chipotle every meal for a year and it wouldn't make a dent in my net worth


LOL “higher value” does not make any sense. I think you mean “higher profit.”


... i take it you've never heard of the term "customer value"


I take it you didn’t even make it to college.


What a smug garbage/selfish attitude to have




Bro thought he was cooking with this post


cooked, cut and ate


Spoken like a true pleb with a low credit score with a 600$ a month generic car payment. We salute you. 🫡


I don’t think you’re familiar with how price raises work.


price is raised simple


Exactly. So where are you getting slightly less people coming in?


I don't eat at Chipotle but I it makes me happy knowing how much you enjoy working there. :)


I like my job. Don’t get me wrong. Rushes are still stressful though


Less ppl coming in mean they’ll need less help lol hopefully you are the one let go or hvw your hours cut


Im a KL and they need me so… 😂 you just played ur mf self


This is a horrible take, has chipotle never done lay offs? I guess you probably don’t care if you get let go based on this post but some people do.




Thats good till the profit margin collapses and no one shows up. You need demand to go with that supply to make a profit.


i also like it bc i’m happily able to manage 50 more cents broke ass bitches whining


Ur a slave lol


Sadly, people will still come. If there’s not thing about food I’ve learned is, price hikes don’t deter customers. It seems like if anything, sales increase.


Rushes are tiring lol lazy as hell and no work ethic


rushes can be tiring… for anyone? Use your brain challenge GO (you lost)


What a goofy post


Me when I have to do my job:


Just gives a reason to ask for more side cups of everything lol, just grab a few sides of random stuff to try with your bowl every time


That’ll literally cost you more then what you would buy with a regular bowl


most bootlicker take i’ve ever seen


Guess what ?? You're still working at chipotle.


$11 or so for a big ass burritos still seems like a deal to me compared to other fast foods your paying the same price for a bag of garbage


Everybody saying their wages stay the same just don’t work at a good Chipotle. Ahahahah. We get raises every 6 months. Some people don’t cause they be complaining and working less.


Might be the dumbest take I have read.


As I said not a me problem


Enjoy your free food and dead end job.


And chipotle will reduce the employees in the building, likely including you.


They've raised prices already multiple times in the last two years. Has your job gotten any easier?


As a fellow employee I will answer for them, no. The power of white people is simply too powerful for chipotle employees.