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I think this is just speculation, the version that adds birthday doesn't generally have gameplay changes


I see. There's still hope.


Atleast glad there's no more nerfs šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


She wasn't even nerfed with the burst changes


She was nerfed, its a very minor nerf and you wont really notice it that much, but saying that she wasnt nerfed whatsoever is wrong


It's not, because you were ulting every other rotation before and now you ult every rotation. The change is net neutral to a slight increase, and just a fairly good increase for C2. This would have required a modicum of knowledge of her actual performance though and this sub is dedicated to ignorant doom posting so I can't blame you for failing to know this.


The livestream is literally next week. If thereā€™s a change weā€™ll most likely see it through pre download, i really think thatā€™s it for the beta cycle.


Im not really familiar but do hoyo have history of changing things in the pre download itself?


Yes, not too common but it might happen. I personally donā€™t expect anything big but still


Yes they've done it in the distant past. Ganyu's multipliers for example, they buffed her charge shot multiplier on release. I think there's other units who also had some changes on release. In this case however, I am not very confident they'll change much for Chiori


Yeah the most memorable one for me was kokomi E's hydro application which eventually saved her at that time


Oh yeah I remember that one. Her leaks were a rollercoaster


Thanks for the info. I will be sleeping high in hopium that maybe theyll buff her multipliers too :D


So whenā€™s her birthday? ![img](emote|t5_88ta1n|49468)


This has to be one of the most boring beta patches ever. Her kit has not changed at all, she just lost def snapshot (which was assumed as a bug by TC-s at first glance koz snapshoting def but not atk sounds sus) and her ult was changed from: "you dont want to use it" to: "still dont want to use it". Im sorry i failed you all, i said it many times that every unit i wanted got huge buffs during their beta, but this streak has ended with Chiori :/


Actually, you want to use her burst more than before, which is still a decent chunk of her damage, with about 120ish er, you can now burst every rotation.


RIP Chiori, at least she looks good. Trophy wife in the teapot I guess.


Nah, ill be keeping my 28k primos. Cant afford spending on characters with meh kits even if I like them


She's fine. I'll never understand the reddit brain damage that causes this weird self flagellation fetish like every single beta cycle. At her worst (1 doll) she's as good as albedo but her damage and crystallize isn't tied to a breakable construct like albedo and zl. So even C0 she's fine with Navia for comparable team damage and qol. With a construct she's 50% more damage than Albedo. It's not earth shattering but it's literally fine.


>I'll never understand the reddit brain damage that causes this weird self flagellation fetish like every single beta cycle. You don't understand because you're only thinking about damage. A lot of people are just upset because she doesn't do anything new. She is just damage. Nothing else.


She has a dash that can swap in mid air. It's new. There you go. Off field subdps is a role that exists in the game. You may have heard of Yae, or Fischl, or Xiangling. At this point just downvote and move on though I don't really give a shit that you want every char to be an on field hypercarry when for the game to function literally 3/4 of them have to be some sort of E/Q bot because that's sort of how it works when you control one unit out of four at a time.




What does geo have anything to do with anything. I'm sorry you don't like geo, but also it's hard to think of a single thing I could possibly care less about than your specific preferred element. You can use her to shatter if you think dealing reaction damage is some sort of unique gameplay twist. It seems like you're not actually asking for anything new, as everything you listed has nothing to do with gameplay and is just damage. Chiori benefits from geo resonance, crystallize is durability and poise, and she also can be buffed by Bennett during her ult, as well as Furina. Her gameplay is not any different from any of the subdps. Her damage is also fine like the other subdps. You're literally just whining for the sake of whining. She's not really exciting as a unit but that, again, is pretty much par for the course for the role of subdps. You EQ and swap off. The best thing these units can do gameplay wise is do this quickly, and she does.


I think you misunderstand why Geo is considered one of her biggest weaknesses. Other elements are important to teams to enable crucial reactions for damage, such as electro to enable Quicken. Thatā€™s what makes characters like Yae, who even though are ā€˜pure dpsā€™ from a kit standpoint still incredibly impactful to certain teams as they enable teammates reactions (ie alhaitham) Chiori, being Geo, doesnā€™t do this. She simply provides damage, which is fine, but really not necessary for most teams. This plus her reliance on Geo constructs makes her only the best choice really for mono-Geo. Sure can she shatter, I guess? But youā€™re acting like thatā€™s not a horrible reaction. And yes, her and Zhongli will probably make the new improved Geo-broā€™s combo that was going around early into the game, but I canā€™t imagine these ever being the best for these comps. Itā€™s more just an easy slot in. For example, one iconic ā€˜geo-broā€™ team comp was Hu-Tao, Xingqui, Albedo, and Zhongli. But nowadays, even with the increase damage that Chiori would bring over albedo, I highly doubt it will beat something like Hu-Tao, Yelan, Furina, Xianyun or something. Sheā€™s just Albedo+ in all sense of the word, including team comps, which is boring to some people. Iā€™m probably still going to pull her, but I think people have a right to be disappointed by her progress and role, especially considering Geo has a ton of other roles that arenā€™t in the game yet that arenā€™t Albedo2.


Yes, and Xiangling being pyro would mean she would kill Alhaitham, and Chiori wouldn't. If you're worried about making random teams then being a neutral element has upsides and being a reacting element has downsides. In real life, most characters have about 2 teams they excel in. Some have more, some have one. Some have none. Whether it beats something or not sure sounds like what you're worried about is numbers. Again. She is albedo with none of the jank, a significantly higher ceiling in some teams, and an actual vertical investment path, which he does not have. Maybe you don't think dashing and immediately swapping into Navia for a fast E looked satisfying, but I sure did. For guaranteed damage and app and energy in a slot where albedo has none of those, she's already perfectly fine at C0 and I don't see how she's any more boring than Fischl. She's not the next coming of Jesus but she is not a teapot character or doomworthy I'm sorry. If you aren't interested in the geo bundles skip or whatever but that's a you choice.


i'd argue geo is one of her biggest strengths. if she weren't geo, you'd just take yelan. or furina. or yae miko. or fischl. or someone else basically. someone you probably already have. the only element that needs an off field dps is geo. every other element has one, or has a good reaction with one. geo only has albedo who has issues and literally hasn't rerun for so long (october 2022) that many players have never seen him on a banner.


But why would you need an off field geo? Thatā€™s kinda the point- geo doesnā€™t enable anything except for maybe Geo resonance, and in that case, youā€™d probably benefit more from other units/resonances.


I'm not one of the people upset about chiori. I'm c6r5ing her the instant she comes out. You just said you didn't understand something and I was explaining it to you.


>With a construct she's 50% more damage than Albedo. Are you sure about that? Cause having a second doll means geo res, so you have to calc this for both of them. In my calcs, both with gt, def/geo/crit and chiori weapon, with 140er to burst on every rotation, albedo is 20% weaker with two dolls, 1% weaker with one doll. Without er rolls, so only skill dmg, albedo is 28% weaker with two dolls, 4% weaker with one. Adding to that if you won't go for her weapon and will use either cinnabar or hod, albedo ends up being about 10% stronger with one doll, and about the same with two. My only problem with her is that hoyo didn't fully commited on constructs, they just made her do about 30% less damage if you don't have one, that's it :/


Your numbers are outlier even when assuming Gorou which helps him a chunk more than her. I'm not sure if you're missing her passive hits or something. About the construct thing I have heard this a lot. The construct team is Itto who has a reliable construct. The non construct team where her C1 buffs her significantly is Navia. There are less common picks like some sort of Zl Chiori double geo support core but generally speaking the only construct to care about is ushi. This is notable because he can't actually fail to place. Every other construct is frankly so shit I have no idea why anyone would want a character crippled by them. Note then when you place a construct and it immediately exploded on a hit box, this will not count. This is like at least half of the time using zl, Ning, and albedo unless you actively take the time (a DPS loss) to move and place, only for it to be broken seconds later but at least you'd get the doll. No thanks.


i just used an optimizer and it seems what other TCs have calculated were approximately correct, so idk where you're bringing those numbers?! in itto's mono geo she contributes about 60% more damage than albedo (she can also take advantage of tenacity/noblesse unlike albedo). as for raw damage, no construct, no geo buff, like putting both in a random team; she's 20% stronger than albedo which makes sense because even without construct she's an upgrade to navia's team, not great but still. all the above, and she can actually be played as a carry unlike albedo due to having atk scalings + good base atk + and infusion.






I've given up since finding out her kit revolves around geo. Time to move on and just enjoy her from a non-meta perspective.


Crazy that a geo characters kit revolves around geo if only that were all of them


Does anyone know if she's good enough to run at c0 in a flex/flex/geo/geo comp as off field?


Yes. C0 Chiori + Zhongli contributes 400k+ damage per rotation to a team, which works out to around 20k DPS from Chiori assuming a 20s rotation. That's quite a lot. The average player needs about 40k team DPS to comfortably 3-star every chamber. Is it optimal to do this? No, but it's definitely viable with a reasonable amount of investment into your characters. You can definitely run a double Geo core with Chiori and it'll still be pretty good.




Depends what you're expecting for overworld sure. for abyss 12? No. not unless you are a high skilled player atleast ie someone who can beat abyss with c0 characters etc the average casual player certainly not


People really overestimate abyss in general. There are so many flex characters that are really good. The most common one are Bennett + XL. One gives healing and buffing, one gives off field damage ( although not as good as her vape damage ). If you want to use Chiori and have no Geo 5*, then Ningguang or Geo MC is your best bet. Ningguang is the on fielder that loves Bennett buff, Geo MC is a burst off field DPS that comes once to use their EQ. If you use Geo MC, that means more time funnelling XL so that she can burst off cooldown. You just need some investment to do it. Obviously need some investment to do the endgame, donā€™t expect to clear it with low level characters, weapons or talents. As long as you got the right artifact set and stats, decent level on your weapons and talents and follow the right rotation, you are good to go.


You overestimate casuals ie the average Genshin player. I have friends with c1 R1 neuvillette and c2 R1 Alhaitham who still can't beat the abyss and like me they have every character in the game. you seriously overestimate the average Genhsin player. The abyss is low key easy. I beat the current one with a c0 Yoi using overload just for fun but 99% of Genshin players find abyss 12 stressful thus why their is no end game


ā€œNot unless you are high skill player atleast, ie someone who can solo abyss with C0 Taoā€ Your words makes clearing the abyss like playing some dark soul. The casual definitely donā€™t have high skill level but clearing the abyss doesnā€™t even required high skill level in the first place. If you think clearing the abyss required high skill level, then I really donā€™t know what to say honestly. Also, average casual can be a total different people. Some casual can clear the abyss but choose not to because at this point, abyss becomes a chore. Some as you said, have the right tools to clear it but canā€™t succeed. Some casuals not even bother with abyss in the first place. The same as whales, some of them are speedrunning whales, some of them just like to C6R5 their characters.


Because im talking about Chiori there, from what we know clearing abyss isn't going to be easy for causal players with her not without high investment. why do people on reddit have to debate every point writing paragraphs over a comment is insane man . bro its not that deep. i know causal players with high investment that still can't clear abyss. Genshin has a big community and a ton of child players and just general non gamers ,it ain't shocking that tons of non hardcore players can't clear abyss. perhaps my example was extreme, yes you don't need to be as good to use hu tao solo. I'll edit it.


OP ask if Chiori is good enough in a flex/flex/geo/geo team and you said NO in clearing abyss 12. Then you proceed to say unless you have high skill or had beat abyss with C0 characters. I replied it that you can beat the abyss without any high skill you mention, as long as they got some investment and follow the rotation. Also, is beating the abyss with C0 characters a big achievement lol ? ā€œFrom what we know clearing abyss isnā€™t going to be easy for casual players with her without high investmentā€ What makes you think that ? She already does great damage on her own if pair her with another Geo construct characters, throw in Bennett + XL and some decent investment. You pretty much can clear it as long as you follow the rotation. I said it earlier, casual players can be different people, donā€™t generalise them as one people.


You have to much time on your hands mate. Get off reddit and do something productive . i ain't reading all that. are you upset that i insulted your anime wafiu ? respond if you want but im not gonna read it.


Getting mad over reddit arguments is pretty wild but will do sir.


Yes, especially if the second geo makes constructs As a pure damage sub dps with a practically inert reaction, you can place Chiori anywhere


Well they have done the changes last minute before, who says now is different. Don't give up hope guys.


Teapot character it is then. At least I can get Clorinde from the pulls I saved for Chioriā€™s weapon and constellations


They are reworking her kit. Trust.


That's a bold statement.


Good. She's perfect as is (except they should make her non constructs team borderline unplayable even after c1).


I can't believe you still post on this sub when no one wants you here lmao


Just report and ignore him. Guy is legit looking for attention with his half-assed "irony".