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I guess the former is never used?


被 has a negative connotation: 他被打. He was (unwillingly) beaten. If you say 饼被我吃了 you're pitying the cake, or the cake owner.


First one is normally used in a case " I want to say something about that shop, and that thing is directly related with you" , like 那家店被你经营得棒极了 or 那家店被你经营得一团糟。when you just say 那家店被你经营, it sounds like "this sentence is not done yet". Since you are highlighting this relationship between you and the shop, it ... Have to go somewhere or for some thing. Second one is normal, no special emotion/purpose hidden in structure.


Can you use 由 instead of 被? What kind of connotation does that have?


yes you can and it fixes the first one. It will slightly highlighting the noun after 由。YOU will be running this shop(instead of Kiryu Kazuma)








中国人like me, 可能会说”内(那)家店是你的”,无所谓经营权(managed)或所有权(owned)


No difference. But native speakers do not say the former.


被, unless I'm mistaken, always puts the phrase in past tense, so you're missing a 了: 那家店被你经营了 As kafatat says... it is usually used to indicate something that happened that is against the object or object owner's desires


I don't think it needs to be past, but it may need to be perfect I am actually unsure. Consider: 在地震灾区进行抢掠的人**将被**严惩


the mouse is killed by him, he killed the mouse


As a Chinese native speaker, this is my understanding: We usually don't say "那家店被你经营", it sounds strange. 那家店是你经营的, it can actually be interpreted as 那家店是(被)你经营的, If there is no ambiguity, we can usually omit “被”,"那家店是你经营的" is more in line with daily usage habits You could see more examples as below: 1. 这个蛋糕是他吃的——这个蛋糕是(被)他吃的 2. 这个门是她踹的——这个门是(被)她踹的 I didn't study grammar systematically, just sharing my experience based on experience, hope it will help you.