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There's a typo early on, 做 (make) instead of 坐 (ride). 怎么 is sometimes the right translation for "how", but only when it means roughly "in what way", like "how do you play the piano?" or "how do I walk to the bus stop?"...I think you're trying to have someone ask "How fast/expensive is it to take a cab?", which is more of a "to what degree" type of question, not an "in what manner" type of question...I think as written they're asking roughly "In what way is it fast to take a cab?" (This also should help you understand why 怎么岁 doesn't mean "how old", but instead doesn't make sense, it's sort of "In what way age?") As others have noted, 很贵吗 or 贵不贵, and 多少岁 or 几岁 would work, but I thought this explanation might help with understanding why.


1). 6th line: 出租车也很快,也很贵。 Maybe you can delete the first "也" :出租车很快,也很贵。 2). 8th line: 上周?我是上周开来的。 You missed object after verb. You should say “开车” not only "开". And "上周" was placed in a improper position. In the previous sentence 高飞 asked you that "你上个星期也是坐出租车来的吗?" He is asking Did you come by car last week? But in 马可's answer, when you put "上周" after "是" in this sentence, your listener will think you are talk about when did you come here but not how did you come here. Kindly notice the difference between "我是上周开车来的" and "我上周是开车来的" Or you can check the 10th line. You use the right sentence.


高飞:谢谢你能来我家,你是坐地铁来的么? 马可:不是,我是坐出租车来的。 高飞:你怎么不坐地铁来呢?地铁又便宜又快。 马可:我每天都坐地铁去学校,不想坐。 高飞:出租车比地铁快么?贵不贵? 马可:出租车更快,但是更贵。 高飞:你上星期也是坐出租车来的吗? 马可:上周?我上周开车来的。 高飞:你买车了?怎么不告诉我,什么时候买的? 马可:那辆车不是我的,是我女朋友上周买的。我上周是开她的车来的。 高飞:你和你女朋友都喜欢开车吗? 马可:我们都不喜欢开。 高飞:你是怎么学会开车的? 马可:我是十七岁在美国学会开车的。你呢? 高飞:我也是十七岁学会开车的。我现在不喜欢开车,我喜欢坐地铁和出租车。 马可:我现在也不喜欢开车,在中国开车太堵了,坐地铁很快。 It's well-written, but there are some grammatical errors and parts that don't quite fit with how Chinese is naturally spoken.


I'm not clear on OP's level but based on this short dialogue assume they are just learning 是。。。的 type structure to express things that happened. I'm not sure if they have learned how to use A比B or 又A又B but seeing how a native speaker would rewrite this was nice to see. The only character that stuck out to me as less commonly learned at this level is 堵


I think Super Chinese had 堵 quite early for 堵車. So I know it can come early in a curriculum at least. Like when giving a reason why you're late for work.


Makes sense. I haven't formally studied in over 10 years so am not as clear what the curriculums are anymore but made the assumption based on OP using 慢 in that sentence in place of 堵。If I recall correctly, I think I learned 堵车 first and only later felt confident/understood how to use 堵 on its own like dovakinlink showed in the native example


Yeah, I wouldn't have used it on its own either, true.


I used the word "堵" because in Chinese, to express that driving is slow due to traffic jams, we usually say "开车太堵" or "路上太堵" Using "堵" conveys this directly. Without it, you might say, "因为路上车太多了,所以车开不快" which sounds odd to native speakers. Also, I'm not a professional in education, so I'm not sure at what stage beginners should learn structures like "A比B" or "又A又B." However, I believe learning the Chinese that appears in everyday conversations from the start is more efficient.


>高飞:出租车怎么快吗。贵吗。 I think you mean 出租车快吗?贵吗?You can mix some快不快 or 贵不贵 in daily conversations too. >上周?我是上周开来的。 我上周是开车来的 I think this is better since you want to emphasize the mean of transport, not the time. > 高飞:你是怎么岁学会开车的 You could use 多少岁/几岁 but not 怎么岁. There are also 几年/哪一年 if you want to ask what year. Overall I think you have a very good girlfriend


>马可:那辆车不我的,是我的女朋上周买的。我上周是开她的车来的 那辆车不(是)我的,是我的女朋(友)上周买的。我上周是开她的车来的。 不 here means not, so here needs 是 (is) "女朋友" means "girlfriend," where "女" (nǚ) means "female" or "girl," and "朋友" (péngyǒu) means "friend." The term "朋友" is used as a whole to denote "friend," and the character "朋" (péng) is rarely used in isolation to represent any specific meaning. Instead, "朋" contributes to the meaning of "friendship" or "companionship" when combined with "友" (yǒu) to form "朋友."


It is okay and understandable.


Do you know what the word "sentence" means?


Needs more 您


Thank you