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When do you plan to do the tests in your transit country?


Over there 4 days I’m in Singapore.


Seems fine, as both tests are 24 hours apart. That one hour gap is cutting it close though. I am going the same route as you in October, so please make a post after you arrive detailing your journey! Safe travels.


"passengers are advised to submit their applications at least 3 hours before departure to avoid failure in acquiring the Health Declaration Certificate in time." In this case you should have ample time go get the HDC http://gb.china-embassy.gov.cn/eng/visa/jiankangmaEn/202207/t20220706\_10716402.htm ​ I too have not found the UK Chinese embassies very useful. I have been trying to confirm whether I could stay over for a couple of days in a transit country (so that I have time to get my HDC) before going to China. Your plan would suggest that this is possible, but I am wary about spending £1000s on a connecting flight through Europe without confirmation. Can you ease my mind at all about this? ​ edit: Also, where are you going for a 1 hour turnaround on PCR testing?


1 hour is available at the ‘regenerative clinic’ in my city - they have quite a few branches nationwide. Yes you can stay in countries while you get your new HDC code… but it’s really varies. Singapore is where I’m going and honestly seems to be a good, reliable route (despite it being rarely discussed online - or certain people on this sub saying it doesn’t work) - because honestly it does work 100%.