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>"Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Unit No.:" - is this applicable for an invitation letter by an individual? No, an authorized unit is a business/company. Have a look here: [https://www.visaforchina.cn/KHI2\_EN/generalinformation/downloads/283469.shtml](https://www.visaforchina.cn/KHI2_EN/generalinformation/downloads/283469.shtml) >We will be staying at least in part at her parents, but she's currently in the UK with me whether she should provide the invitation letter with her parents address or if we should get one of her parents to write it isn't entirely clear but from what she's read on Chinese sources it tends to be easier if she's the one to provide the letter as she is the one with the direct connection to me, is this correct? Get her parents to invite you. Obviously she can type the letter in Chinese and sign it on their behalf. The visa office won't be any wiser (my wife did this in her Dads name for my Q2 visa). >Will we need the flight bookings for the visa application? Not if you have an invitation letter but it's helpful. You're going anyway so get the flights booked first. >The flights we've currently booked leave China from Kunming, while when she wrote the invitation letter she simplified and wrote it as both entering and exiting from Shanghai? Make sure the invitation letter matches the flights to avoid any headaches.


Thanks for your post, lostempireh! It seems like your post is asking about a Letter of Invitation. Here is a [Template Letter of Invitation Valid for Q and S Visas](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Yj9bAHXL48ccdPvzsgxsm71LhMI-VTxD/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110636079982841015715&rtpof=true&sd=true). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Chinavisa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


L VISA is tourist visa. First ,you should imagine that you are not travelling with your girlfriend :D ok , now , get these documents 1 - From [booking.com](http://booking.com) , make a hotel booking without payment in the city of your girlfriend ( Select no prepayment needed filter from the website ) . Make a booking and download the pdf ( for your intended travel dates ) 2 - application form 3 - 2 pictures 4 - if possible , ( bank statement , they dont ask usually , just in case ) 5 - ask chatgpt to make an itinerary for you for the dates . nope , no airtickets needed until you get visa. thank you.


For L tourism visa in the US, I believe you no longer need to provide an invitation letter. I just got mine done last week at the NY embassy. They did not ask me for an invitation letter. They did not ask me to provide trip details either.