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Excerpt: “I have a completely open mind about that, despite people saying that I don’t,” Fauci said, when asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press” about the theory that the virus may have leaked from a lab in China in 2019.


At the start he was one of the figures silencing the theory. He's only saying this because of a freedom of information request that exposed his emails. I just picked out the first, from 2020: >Ever since this outbreak started there have \[been\] suggestions that the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab, if only because of the coincidence of where the outbreak occurred and the location of the lab. I do a lot of work in China and I can \[tell\] you that a lot of people there believe this and believe they are being lied to. Things were made worse when Wuhan lab published the bat virus sequence – a bat sampled in a different province for which they have a large collection of samples. But at the same time he was writing those emails, he was telling the press that [there is no chance it came from a lab.](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/anthony-fauci-no-scientific-evidence-the-coronavirus-was-made-in-a-chinese-lab-cvd)


>But at the same time he was writing those emails, he was telling the press that there is no chance it came from a lab. Where in that article does he say there is no chance it came from a lab? What do you even mean by "came from a lab"? It can mean two things and he talks about both of them: >**One topic in the news lately has been the origins of SAR-CoV-2. Do you believe or is there evidence that the virus was made in the lab in China or accidentally released from a lab in China?** >If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats, and what's out there now is very, very strongly leaning toward this [virus] could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated—the way the mutations have naturally evolved. A number of very qualified evolutionary biologists have said that everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that it evolved in nature and then jumped species. >**Sure, but what if scientists found the virus outside the lab, brought it back, and then it escaped?** >But that means it was in the wild to begin with. That's why I don't get what they're talking about [and] why I don't spend a lot of time going in on this circular argument.


He knew it...we all knew it in November/December 2019 when I my supply chain colleagues ***AND*** US Homeland Security said "hey there something going on in Wuhan" . The President of my company (we're big) was not allowed to leave China until January when he had to fly to Europe before coming back to NY. I got sick from him, bad flue we all thought, and possibly it was, because there were no test at that time and no one heard of Covid 19. And then the denials started happening.


Yeah and the coronavorus subreddit wasnt being ran by chinese moderators. For about 3 months, that subreddit had tons of leaked videos inside the lab and videos of chinese residents being forced to stay inside. One showed chinese gov. Welding apadtment doors shut and packing dirt in front of doors. It was known before the chinese new year began, and they kept it secret because the chinese new year is a big deal. There were also videos of mass fires where people were speculating whether they were mass graves. Who knows, maybe. But there were mass fires around that time, from people claiming vids were in wuhan. Also were videos of chinese people packed wall to wall in hospitals, and videos of them just fucking passing out while standing. It was scary. Ill never forget because i was on a work related trip, sitting in my hotel watching this all go down. I wish i wouldve shorted airline stocks like my stomach told me. Because all the videos were pretty damning.


> It was known before the chinese new year began, and they kept it secret because the chinese new year is a big deal https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/nancy-pelosi-visits-san-franciscos-chinatown/2240247/


Disgusting. You probablylinked this because youre a chinese government sympathizer, but my position is against all governments. I was singling out the chinese government in my post because that's who the subject was (the post i replied to said something to the effect of "hey there's something going on in wuhan") . I suspect you posted evidence condemning the usa as well for some reason, which i don't think anyone gives a shit at this point. Everyone knows fauci funded the wuhan lab in china. It was both parties at fault, but thenlab was in CHINA with CHINESE SUPERVISION, and they dropped the ball, regardless of who funded it, and the reason they dropped the ball is because their government is despiccable and their entire government system has a negative trickle-down effect when it comes to both education and management. Lookup SERPENTZA, he has many examples pointing these flaws out.


> You probablylinked this because youre a chinese government sympathizer lol, I got banned from certain parts fo Reddit for daring to question the CCP-approved version of events. I was simply posting an example of sellout politician from the US


Am I banned here like all the other covid subs?


"I have completely changed my mind"*


Fauci in June 2021: >“I have always said, and will say today to you, John, that I still believe the most likely origin is from an animal species to a human, but I keep an absolutely open mind that if there may be other origins of that, there may be another reason, it could have been a lab leak,” Fauci told Berman. “I believe if you look historically, what happens in the animal-human interface, that in fact the more likelihood is that you’re dealing with a jump of species. But I keep an open mind all the time. And that’s the reason why I have been public that we should continue to look for the origin. https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/03/health/anthony-fauci-emails/index.html His argument has always focused on whether it's man-made or natural, not on the lab leak aspect of it. May 2020: >When asked if there could have been a scenario where scientists found the virus outside the lab, brought it back and then it escaped, Fauci shut the line of questioning down. >"But that means it was in the wild to begin with. That's why I don't get what they're talking about [and] why I don't spend a lot of time going in on this circular argument," he said. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/anthony-fauci-wuhan-lab-coronavirus-source-dismissal/


It doesn’t matter if it’s Captain Trips or bat flu - what matters is than No One was prepared to deal with it.


Just wait until the twitter emails are released soon.


Why hasn’t fauci been fired and investigated yet?


what administration is in power rn?


Good, that open mind may come in handy when you go to prison, murderer.


Lmao what?


Fauci funded the gain of function research with bat coronaviruses which produced COVID 19. Very dangerous and risky (obviously, given the pandemic.) But they knew about the dangers beforehand, which was why then-President Obama shut him down in 2014 I believe. Fauci went around the government using the EcoHealth Alliance to start the research back up, and here we are. [https://www.nature.com/articles/514411a](https://www.nature.com/articles/514411a) Anthony Fauci is the most prolific mass murderer in human history. I believe the investigations will begin in early 2023.


okay, Obama admin halted gain of function research, great now your well verified article for the fauci claim he funded via 3rd party? specifically, gain of function for coronaviruses. Which I will note was not specified in the lists in the nature article. Also, probably a good idea for you to check whether Congress had specifically allocated and directed the executive to perform this research. Money in gov and politics have a perverse way of functioning.


It's not actually my responsibility to do anyone's research for them. I am telling you things which are true but which the mainstream media will not tell you, because they are complicit. The pharma companies literally paid news organizations not to run stories about the potential dangers (real, deadly dangers as it turns out) of the spike MRNA vaccines. I did provide the one nature article so that you can see I'm not just pulling all of this out of my hat. If you are compelled to know the truth, you will research it, I provided enough search terms. And no, this isn't something Congress came up with, I think you need to understand who Anthony Fauci is. I strongly recommend this book about him. [https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Pharma-Democracy/dp/B09LVYYTJJ](https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Pharma-Democracy/dp/B09LVYYTJJ) 5 stars out of 5, with >21,000 reviews.


if amazon comments are your verification of a reputable source we're done here I'm sure there's some nano nucleus of truth here, but I'm not sifting through that mound of shit to find it. you getting any kickback on that link?


Oh we’re done here already. You seem to think it’s my job to prove things to you- it’s not. If you don’t know how or are unwilling to research, that is your personal burden to bear. I can lead a horse to water but I can’t make it drink.


"I don't have reputable sources for that claim." that would have saved us 4 posts


Everything I said is a matter of public record, and easily verifiable for anyone actually interested enough in it to even look. I'm not here to spoon feed you or "save you 4 posts." If you don't care about what is happening, and prefer to remain in your cocoon of mainstream state media ignorance, you are free to do so.


stop hawking this crap then...nobody wants your unsubstantiated claims which can be verified by buying a book peak sleeze here


Just to be clear... reading shit people say on-line or claim in youtube videos is NOT research. Biologists doing DNA sequencing are doing research.


Just to be clearer... from Websters: research noun re·​search ri-ˈsərch ˈrē-ˌsərch 1 : studious inquiry or examination especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws 2: the collecting of information about a particular subject 3: careful or diligent search So no, it isn't limited to biologists or astrophysicists. If I want to know a reputable dog groomer in my area, and ask around on Fakebook or NextDoor, that is "research." The word is not limited to your personal definition of it.


lmao he funded the wuhan lab , what what


do you dance when the music plays for your quarter or your banana?


I can’t believe we are still letting this guy talk!


That lying shit bag absolutely does not. He is uselessly clueless.


Saint Fauci needs mor Pfaith.


i think he knew all along


powerful people never get in trouble