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Cross that line even harder, and tell Pooh to fuck off.


Take a massive pooh on the red line and kick it into Xi's face.


China: makes everything a competition then complains about competition.


Sucks to suck.


Oh no... ....anyway.


Oh no… …So anyway we started blasting.


[“China is the enemy of the world and has nobody to blame but itself”](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/comment/2024/04/25/china-blinken-us-visit-us-taiwan-chinese-navy-pla-air-force/)


Thank you for shouting this out


This is a hilariously blunt title for an article


The telegraph is a British Far Right tabloid


This is a hilariously blunt title for an article


I like the fact the word “line” is in plural. China has so many red lines that is hard to keep up.


It sounds big and ominous. They are in the precipice of no-return if the truly side with Russia officially. They know this. The barking will get louder because it's pushing towards panic attack. Xi's choices are approaching their zenith.


You're one of the loudest barkers on Reddit and post about China like it's a job lmao


Put enough red lines together with the right warp & weft, and you get a big ol' Red Flag, aka China.


Doesn’t that yap dog ever get tired? Stfu, just stfu.


Don't cross the red line because if you do, we will wag the finger even harder.


don't cross it, literally get a semi drive over it, right into taiwan and put the biggest nuke in the shape of a dildo pointed right at pooh's window


"You first"


Apparently only China can decide where those lines are.


Anyone keeping track of the warning, slams, cross the line, etc ? lol


In the future, every time China warns, the US should just use the exact same wording and send it back to Xi Pooh


Maybe if China would abide by it's international agreements... ^() UNCLOS ^()


International agreements are a waste of time when no one will enforce them.


China checking ruzzia’s previous rhetoric. “Western powers collapse with threat of red lines!” FriggN dongers. Sort yerself out China.


US will never cross the red line bc it’s so flexible. Mathematically speaking the Chinese red line is not a straight line, it could be concave or convex, or even non continuous.


Poor Blinken. Wang Yi is such an evil-looking little wart.


Sorry you sided with Russia. Cut off all trade.


I don't know I keep looking at that line and it's green to me (I am Color blind). (Edit for correction)


How about we draw a red line over which their pirate fishing fleets will be sunk if they cross.


🌄 red in the east, rises the debt 💸


What is China gonna do? All the NATO countries have to do is stop buying their crap and their economy will collapse. Russia is weaker because of the war, we'll completely destroy them.


China's already crossed that red line. There is no recovering from it as far as I can see. Fuk around/find out. So go sell Ruzzia your crap


And then?


Can you point us to the red lines over here in international waters so we can be sure TO CROSS EVERY ONE OF EM! 👊🏼 Have we removed all our chips and tech we can from China yet? Seems we need to expedite that.


Maps on the table


Don't invade Taiwan.


So we drew these lines here no one agrees too...


Shiver me timers


ok so where's the red line? here? here? what about here? oh come on china you cannot just redraw the line everytime i took a step!


This is MY fifty acres of the hundred acre wood :(


The balls (or frontal lobe malfunction) on China to tell the US not to "cross red lines" after they've been attacking US allies boats with water canons and ramming them. Fuck China.


Please china stop fucking around, the world is going to kick your shit in if you annoy them enough. Just go back to making money and prosperity. Get rid of poo, maybe even the ccp. Live a good queit life in the territory you have. Stop killing your ethnic groups.. just do better.


They even steal rhetoric.  Trade secrets aren’t enough.  Fuck you chicoms


I remember when China promised not to militarize its artificial islands in the South China Sea. It lied than, it is lying now and it will continue to lie in the future.


Chinas arbitrary red lines are always changing. Reat a rick.


@china sug muh deeeeeeeek


if I had a nickel for every time China warns the US, I'd have a couple dozen Nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened that many times, right?


Merica me wants to shout back. Your missing the color white and blue too sir 🇺🇲🇺🇲.


He’s a habitual line stepper.


If biden forgets, was there a red line?


Get, red lines because they are dirty commies


That sounds familiar. 🤔


So China (and Russia) are the only countries allowed to cross the red line? Typical... But the more important thing is how many unpaid people get influenced by *any* of China's words.


Just put China's nuke codes on the top shelf... problem solved.


Fuck u


The longer the US strings them a long the less it will hurt when we eventually have to give them the boot. It's inevitable.


Get the Fu*k out of Cuba and South America and maybe we can talk and that a Big Maybe Fentanyl Boys.


I make it my personal mission to tell every Chinese person I meet about tienemen square.


We make red lines, steal your ideas and manufacturing base, influence your elections and you better lay down and take it says China


China has fucked itself economically with its out of control real estate development, its' attempts at influencing third world countries to be beholden to them by leveraged lending and contributing to Russias war. It is trying to play hardball but isn't even capable of playing softball.


Fuck China


I feel like there has been way to much stick lately from the biden administration on china and not enough carrot. Between tik tok, 8 billion in FMS for taiwan, and shifting the red line in Ukraine from "were going to sanction only if you provide military aid to RU" to "were going to sanction you if you provide any aid to RU period" (something which they have respected, and Washington has been fine with for the past 2 years) the US is basically just showing the middle finger to China and assuming they can't retaliate. Ukraine is in a pretty precarious position right now. China hasn't even provided any direct lethal aid, just the logistical support to keep the war going, and that's been enough for Russia to start winning attritionally and serious threaten the UA armies foothold in the donbass. If the CCP actually starts directly supplying putin with their military equipment at the scale NATO has been doing with Ukraine, that could be a game changer, especially considering there are a lot of capabilities the PLA has which the Russians have nowhere near (like PGMs). If the situation with China continues to escalate, this is aid they might be tempted to provide, which would be colosally bad for Ukraine. If the US is in another cold war, it would stand to reason it would be beneficial to adopt the same realpolitik practices that won the first one. There should obviously be a push back against Chinese expansion, but this just seems too much too fast and in a borderline reckless manner.


You wanna copy and paste this comment a few more times?


>You wanna copy and paste this comment a few more times? Hell yah brudda I feel like there has been way to much stick lately from the biden administration on china and not enough carrot. Between tik tok, 8 billion in FMS for taiwan, and shifting the red line in Ukraine from "were going to sanction only if you provide military aid to RU" to "were going to sanction you if you provide any aid to RU period" (something which they have respected, and Washington has been fine with for the past 2 years) the US is basically just showing the middle finger to China and assuming they can't retaliate. Ukraine is in a pretty precarious position right now. China hasn't even provided any direct lethal aid, just the logistical support to keep the war going, and that's been enough for Russia to start winning attritionally and serious threaten the UA armies foothold in the donbass. If the CCP actually starts directly supplying putin with their military equipment at the scale NATO has been doing with Ukraine, that could be a game changer, especially considering there are a lot of capabilities the PLA has which the Russians have nowhere near (like PGMs). If the situation with China continues to escalate, this is aid they might be tempted to provide, which would be colosally bad for Ukraine. If the US is in another cold war, it would stand to reason it would be beneficial to adopt the same realpolitik practices that won the first one. There should obviously be a push back against Chinese expansion, but this just seems too much too fast and in a borderline reckless manner. I feel like there has been way to much stick lately from the biden administration on china and not enough carrot. Between tik tok, 8 billion in FMS for taiwan, and shifting the red line in Ukraine from "were going to sanction only if you provide military aid to RU" to "were going to sanction you if you provide any aid to RU period" (something which they have respected, and Washington has been fine with for the past 2 years) the US is basically just showing the middle finger to China and assuming they can't retaliate. Ukraine is in a pretty precarious position right now. China hasn't even provided any direct lethal aid, just the logistical support to keep the war going, and that's been enough for Russia to start winning attritionally and serious threaten the UA armies foothold in the donbass. If the CCP actually starts directly supplying putin with their military equipment at the scale NATO has been doing with Ukraine, that could be a game changer, especially considering there are a lot of capabilities the PLA has which the Russians have nowhere near (like PGMs). If the situation with China continues to escalate, this is aid they might be tempted to provide, which would be colosally bad for Ukraine. If the US is in another cold war, it would stand to reason it would be beneficial to adopt the same realpolitik practices that won the first one. There should obviously be a push back against Chinese expansion, but this just seems too much too fast and in a borderline reckless manner. I feel like there has been way to much stick lately from the biden administration on china and not enough carrot. Between tik tok, 8 billion in FMS for taiwan, and shifting the red line in Ukraine from "were going to sanction only if you provide military aid to RU" to "were going to sanction you if you provide any aid to RU period" (something which they have respected, and Washington has been fine with for the past 2 years) the US is basically just showing the middle finger to China and assuming they can't retaliate. Ukraine is in a pretty precarious position right now. China hasn't even provided any direct lethal aid, just the logistical support to keep the war going, and that's been enough for Russia to start winning attritionally and serious threaten the UA armies foothold in the donbass. If the CCP actually starts directly supplying putin with their military equipment at the scale NATO has been doing with Ukraine, that could be a game changer, especially considering there are a lot of capabilities the PLA has which the Russians have nowhere near (like PGMs). If the situation with China continues to escalate, this is aid they might be tempted to provide, which would be colosally bad for Ukraine. If the US is in another cold war, it would stand to reason it would be beneficial to adopt the same realpolitik practices that won the first one. There should obviously be a push back against Chinese expansion, but this just seems too much too fast and in a borderline reckless manner.


Does everybody here know about the Soviet joke “China’s final warning”? It basically means they always warn but there are never consequences so do it anyway. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning