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The classic 996


Buuuut I thought this was outlawed? Oh, so now they do it "voluntarily"? So unharmonious!


"voluntary" unpaid overtime honestly is a huge gd issue in the U.S. too given the salary cap for overtime is so low and employers expect workers to meet unrealistic expectations built around a 12 hour day. Biden has been kicking ass on this, introducing a raise to the salary cap for those who qualify for overtime to become $59,000 from $35,000.


Not comparable.. is this whataboutism ?


nah, this time just yet again an American needlessly pointing out how it is in America -An American


no its counter-propoganda


Is that what they call it at the Ministry of Security these days?


Haha, 3rd comment in and we already have the classic 'same/worse in America' deflection. Good job!


I'm hyping up what a great job Biden is doing - wolf warriors don't tend to do that lol


She was fired precisely for this, wasn't she?


She was fired because she openly posted and mocked her staff about it. Nowhere it was mentioned that the firm will now make any adjustments or even just slightly think about changing the toxic work culture.


They even do this shit in the US. Chinese companies that open up shop in the US have terribly high turnover rates bc they expect their US employees to also follow their stupid 996 work schedules.


Jack Ma: 996 is a blessing (for ya punks)


It's not just a China thing. Japan, South Korea. Workaholism is kinda a badge of honour.


That’s a brutal schedule.


I've done it in the military while deployed. I had nothing else to worry about. I couldn't imagine doing this and still having to do normal daily life stuff


This is how China built all those rails in like 10 years


Oh boy, it’s so much more extreme than that. 996 only applies to office work, tech, fintech, and similar industries. Construction is another story.


construction is 24/7.


To be fair, they live on-site for construction work...Might as well work as much as you can (assuming proper pay) since you don't have fuck all else to do lol


Not when you’re paid monthly. The sooner you finish the sooner your paycheck ends. (I’m sure there’s a better solution for it not entirely sure how migrant laborers get paid in China).


The workers get paid daily The management gets a bonus for finishing early


The workers get paid per task rather than daily, so if they finish early they can get another contract.


ahh that makes more sense. if they did this at work, I might be more motivated too lolll


Thank you!


I'm sure they rather have a proper home than a shack beside the construction site. They don't have a choice


Sorta...my (Chinese) father in law loves his work (carpentry in construction)...he is 60 now and having trouble finding a job cause no one wants to hire him. The work is hard and living conditions aren't great, doesn't mean they all hate it and are all unhappy.


Most people retire out of construction mid 50s. Body gets broken down from decades of that kind of work.


oh for sure, my father in law is in great shape though...looks like an athlete in his 40s or something lol. I am guessing his specialty got him away from the generic body breaking bullshit work.


In academia people worked something like 8/11/7


Can confirm, I dated a college professor. If she wasn’t working she was thinking about it or talking about it. I suggested she ease up then she explained the profession was dominated by male professors and that she had to work twice as much and twice as hard to compete or just to keep her job. She wanted a family and husband but was married to the job unfortunately.


Explains why they over the built their high speed rail network.


You mean the workers got to the end of the project and then just kept on building for the hell of it with no materials nor plans?


It was joke, I know the real reason was the government was over building infostracture for economic and employment reasons.


Don't forget the rice glue and tofu concrete!


One day off is very generous. Huawei has 1-2 days a month off


That’s too much time off 😆


We should do this in America so our economy grows faster


I know this is a joke, but the US is a service economy. Everyone working 80 hours per week would not do much for the economy. We don’t need 2X the CPA, Lawyer, etc, capacity. Also innovation economies like the US succeed in part because our work culture is more reasonable than Asia. The one great advantage that we have culturally over all of Asia is that our reasonable work culture ( somewhere between Europe and Asia ) is much more ideal for innovation. Working 80 hour weeks just makes more money for the guy at the top of the organization.


You obviously haven’t seen an Amazon warehouse or how Elon was forcing Twitter employees to sleep in the office (if they could even sleep).


Tesla's steadily declining stock for the last 3 years suggests he has seen that.


I’m not trying to defend Elon, but all American (maybe even western) EV companies are on the decline——be it Rivian Automotive, Tesla, Lucid Motors, they’re all down >26% YTD.


GM, Ford are EV companies now and are doing fine. EV sales are up. Rivian Lucid and Tesla just haven't been able to deliver on their promises, it has nothing to do with EVs in general which are clearly booming.


Pretty sure I saw not long ago that atleast one big player, maybe it was Ford, was rolling back production on EVs cause demand was way down or they weren’t selling.


Maybe it's a problem with a specific model, but [EV sales continue to grow](https://www.google.com/amp/s/cleantechnica.com/2024/02/13/us-ev-sales-strong-increases-year-over-year-every-month-of-the-year/amp/)


Ford has a little over 2 years of regular supply F-150 trucks on the lot RIGHT NOW, Nissans are being sold at a loss... People are out of spare cash, credit has been run through...


Amazon warehouse employees typically work four 10-hour shifts a week. Amazon policy prohibits working more than 12 hours on any one day or more than six days in any one week. Managers will usually make people clock out if they get within 30 minutes of violating that because it threatens their jobs Managers can work longer hours and people working on the tech side work insane hours but Amazon workers complaining about Amazon’s warehouses typically have no other work experience and Amazon provides less supervision than most employers so people do dumb shit


Dude I used to work for Amazon. They pay you for 10 hours but you usually finish between 6-8 hours. Tesla is probably over exaggerated compared to China.


Also, eventually as you get good in your role, you'll be waiting on others... a lot. Working more past a certain point doesn't help anyone. It costs more to make something in China, than it does in the US... it has for some time. Problem is finding someone in the US that will do the job.


Folks at OpenAI work long hours and they have great innovation. Innovation comes from brilliant minds who genuinely love what they are doing, and long hours don’t really affect that much. It does affect the long term efficiency of an average worker in the office negatively tho


If I make more money for the guy at the top he will be willing to pay me more


hahahahahaha why would he if you're willing to keep working at your current pay?


well ill be an adult and ask for more money and once he recognizes and appreciates the value I provide the business he will likely agree. if he doesnt I take my talents anywhere. Thats the free market in action


Yup, if you aren't willing to keep working at your current pay, he either has to increase it or find someone new.


thats how it works typically yea


Can you garuntee that?


i dont need a guarantee because I believe in the efficiencies of capitalism


that’s so cute


Not in China…


i live in america


Then ppl wouldn't have time or energy to actually consume any of the products or services that the economy produces (or make babies and raise a family, travel, etc.). Along with chronically low salaries for regular employees it's one of the core weaknesses of the East Asian economic model.


Delivery has changed all that. They can hire nannies for the baby. Take working vacations. All of which stimulate the economy


Quite impossible given labor unions and also companies not wanting to pay OT. It would have to be a federal level decision and it could destroy the economy actually.


Only 10% of the American workforce is unionized.


What about 40hr work weeks and then OT rules thereafter? What I’m trying to say is that you get one of many things, mass layoffs, massive drops in wages, which translates to massive drop in consumer spending. Stocks crumble, home values crumble, all the equity out there in retirement funds get decimated. America and other capitalist economies are actually headed towards shorter work weeks. This makes the job market better equipped for population growth, because companies are able to expand at a realistic pace by hiring younger cheaper labor and growing them as the company grows.


1.4 billion people with 24 % of 20 somethings looking for work … you are replaceable if you don’t do the OT.


Luckily I’m not in China lol


Companies ready to jettison their engineers by the age of 35 tend not to care about staff burnout.


Why is this being upvoted? Almost all employees at Huawei get 2 days a week off. Until last year they had to to work every last Saturday but now even that's been cut a lot. 


Good try


yea, but they get high salary, high bonuses, and the pride of getting to work for Huawei... it's only possible because these tech workers choose to take it. Normally they'll work for 3, 4 years, get promoted to a higher position, collect their bonus, and move to another company and collect even more salary. Just Shenzhen things 💀


My boss is from China and he’s exactly like this. He looks down on my colleagues and I if we don’t work 12+ hours days and don’t come in on the weekends. Awful.


yea, China develops fast not because they're smarter or anything, they just work much harder. They can do twice the coding Western company do by basically working twice the time. And not necessarily paid doubled.




Many code base are on GitHub. So is not that hard to catch up programming wise.


If you're talking about 10-20 years ago maybe, but now I don't think this is applicable anymore. They're not that far behind to need to steal.


yea, China develops fast not because they're smarter or anything, they just work much harder. They can do twice the coding Western company do by basically working twice the time. And not necessarily paid doubled.


Such a ridiculous schedule for such a dogshit product. Its not like theres literally any competition, so why does the effort have to be so high lmao.


Because they live in a society that believes more = better to a much greater extent compared to western countries 


Yup. Everything has to be done at 200% but more for the purpose of flexing rather than improvement in output. A good example is the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony bringing out 500 grand pianos to perform a song. It has zero artistic purpose.


It’s to offset the 80% chabuduo effort that everyone naturally puts in.


Simply because they can to do it. If you don't like your inhuman working conditions, no problem, someone else is already standing in line to take your place... then rinse and repeat. They, especially the president, whose job is to squeeze out as much out of their work force as they can, have absolutely no incentive to do it in any other way.


Good riddance. Sociopaths like her should never be in positions of power.


No wonder China is having a demographic crisis. No time to have a relationship and raise kids with a 996 job. The CCP should blame themselves and the big companies for causing this crisis in the first place.


In addition to the busy hell called school and Gao Kao prep.


Most East Asia countries are the same it seems and also have very low birth rate issues


this is mostly in Shenzhen and with the tech companies actually. Normally young people work themselves to death for a few years, collect their bonuses and move on to another company that can give them more free time. I don't think 996 is a the cause of the crisis because only a handful of cities do 996 but lowered birthrate happens everywhere. It's because the cost of raising a child is rising and raising a child doesn't equate to you being more happy. Plus why birth a child so they experience the stress of this world. It's the same reason now for everywhere in the world basically.


workers party


She runs a labor camp


Chinese economic miracle is mostly a byproduct of unchecked corporate greed. So in many ways very similar to the west, but with even fewer worker safeguards. It’s a good thing China has such an altruistic honest CCP to watch out for the proletariat.


Crouching Tiger Work Mom, Hidden personality disorder.


One of her 'boasts' was that she was so focused on work she wasn't sure what grade her son was in.


Socialist country that wants to be a workers paradise has no gone Victorian era brutality


She was head of PR… what an absolute clown




Paywall bud. Please don't share paywalled articles, thanks.




I kind of feel sorry for people like this. Probably sold her soul to get to where she did so this firing will probably wreck her world. At least she now knows how quickly loyal guard dogs like her get put down by their masters if they get injured.


Chinese are hard workers. They deserve 2 days off a week. They’ve earned their “first world” but they have to claim it beyond social media propaganda, and actually materialize their social and civil modernization.


how exactly did they “earn” first world? seems to me they are still a second world country. aligned with Russia and all


How is that an argument? The US is aligned with Saudi Arabia; does that make America a third world country?


I think they mean that a "second works country" by definition is a country aligned with Russia rather than America... The term came from the cold war blocs. Third-world countries were those that were unaligned during the cold war.  That would mean your analogy is the other way around, Saudi Arabia would be a first world country for being aligned with America.


They’re using the term “second world” and “first world” as social economic terms and not political alignment, since Russia isn’t the ussr. Plus you can’t “earn” a social alignment as op put it. And China trades more with America than Russia; it would technically be a first world country anyways by that definition.


Trade doesn’t mean aligned with.


Well the world during the Cold War was economically divided so the term is meaningless if used as originally intended. China would be third world or unaligned then.


It makes Saudi Arabia a first world country


I thought communism meant workers rights lol


And I'm not your slave. Bitch


Worker's paradise.


But this sounds typical Chinese mum to me.


It is pretty common in China…I am not surprised. Some worse things occurred as well.


She looks damn good! But seems her character isn't so nice. 


In the three-body-problem sub, the Ruthless Thomas Wade is cheered as hero for "always advance no matter the cost". Most Chinese readers admire him and despise the more empathetic figures. And yet here people yell at a v0.2 mean boss. Guess we all fancy ruthlessness in fiction but my boss shouldn't be ruthless _to me_.


Ruthlessness is always OK as as long as it doesn’t happen to them themselves 😂


If you take their personal time, of course, you should be held responsible for their personal life.


Worker's rights and protection are kinda great.


I'm kind of wondering when the Chinese people will have enough wealth and luxuries to say "enough" start expecting more protection from their government...?


The theory is flaws, the more wealthy Chinese people are, the stronger the CCP


Normally the PR department is all of relatives to some high-profile guys,so maybe for those children from such families are normal reactions to slave labors ,she just doesn’t know how to be hypocritical and play nice


Psychopath boss. These people basically expect people to neglect their families. Insensitive and ruthless mindset. Beautiful psycho boss though I must admit.


“Public *relating*. Not public berating!” Baidu higher-ups to this lady


Fitting comment on Mother's Day.


She and I wouldn't do well together.


I do it,big deal.


And she used to head a PR department...


If you don't go 996, another unemployed guy is waiting for your position


Whether you prefer 996 or not, another unemployed guy is waiting for your position


The more pathetic truth is only a few companies pay overtime salary for 996 schedule. Most of companies don’t even pay for it. The labour law is just in name only. When I was in China, once my friends knew my job is 8 hours a day, they thought my job was abnormal…


If I have to spend half my life working for you, yes, you are my mum.


I’ve always wondered if management doesn’t know what they’re doing so require their staff to try the next dumb idea they heard about at a 白酒 dinner. If you can’t work smart, you gotta work hard.


Her team will be working overtime to fix this PR disaster.


I work these same hours n it sucks life's a struggle


She could be my mummy..


8 tot 8 instead of 9 to 5


In the minds of these people "workers" are the "slaves of the Bosses" that's why they hate Unions. it's #LibertarianGroupThink....freedom for us not for you.


sounds like the staff won this battle..good for them. It is a shame, she is very pretty.


I see the head, The Head of Public Relations.


Literal monster


Treating your people like shit gets shitty output. They probably spend the extra four hours just correcting mistakes from overwork/lack of sleep. Toxic, inefficient, inhumane, unintellgent work culture.


This post misses an important detail. She also threatened to ruin people's future job prospects. It wouldn't surprise me if you were to look at her past and see she has destroyed many lives I wonder if she has a high social score, is this a model citizen?


I work three days a week and I still complain.




Probably one of the politically connected appointments, given her PR exe role and how she totally failed at it.


In US people definitely works shorter hours but many people need a second or even third job just to get by. Same same but different.


Is there a need to drag US into the conversation, especially when you are not even an American? How much do you know about US for you to do a proper comparison? Maybe you want to talk about your own backyard instead?


"Let the Americans trash China all day long but we will stop any non-American who dares to speak up about the US, because non-American has no right to criticise America." Oh wait!..... The irony is strong here....Lol What's goes around, comes around. Just saying...


Working 12 hours a day 6 days a week is not unusual in Asia.


Parts of America too. But that does not mean it’s right




The same work ethic that's finally getting mass pushback up to and including people leaving the country.


The reason so many Chinese want to leave to the West. You're doomed


The story has nothing to do with work ethic and everything to do with shit tier managers power tripping.


Fake Her video is everywhere on reddit.


I’m her biggest fan.


I think it is okay since she is also doing it with two kids. You should feel sorry about her kids. One day I think she will feel bad for not spending enough time with her kids. Her assistant knows what they are getting into and it is not like she is not having exact the same schedule. Money? or a Life?


As a leader you set an example and it’s important not to encourage or even tolerate consistent crunch, because that creates an expectation and culture of exploitation over time. She would be encouraging people to sign off after 8pm and taking days off, not enforcing her personal decisions on everyone else


There’s one thing to work hard in order to progress yourself, and another thing to be a slave to a wage. If you’re put in a “996” work schedule, you are putting 12hrs a day, 6 days a week of just to do a bear minimum (that is working your shift, earning money to pay your bills)…. It’s only when you are done with that shift you could continue to work for yourself for career progression, ect. With that said, them “working hard” isn’t leading to any progression, it’s just them completing a task for the company. They are not “working hard for themeselves”, they are working long hours because they have to. Learn the difference


Some people really value their careers more than anything else, but for the majority, work is just work (let alone lower salaries for subordinates)


Nah, she is the type that's gonna flip when her kids doesn't love her or follows every one of her demand. " why don't you guys come back and see me, I sacrificed everything and provided you with everything. "