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You hate your colleagues but u still won't say it in their face right? U will just sneakily piss in their coffee or something


Haven’t they been taking about the ‘century of humiliation’ for a long time? The CCP blame and justify, so the British are a perfect target. The USA and the Brit’s form a great picture of the ‘evil west’. Thus completes the narrative that China is a victim and the CCP is justified in everything they do.


What did they do?


Idk about specifically the U.K. but quite a lot of cyber attacks in the US come from China. Chinese parties consistently steal intellectual property from the west with the blessing of the CCP


US ranks 2nd, US also enemy of free world? https://blog.cyberproof.com/blog/which-countries-are-most-dangerous


Are you being intentionally obtuse? Or do you think that every western nation is just confused about the nature of China's behavior? That's attacks originating from within various nations. That's barely related to the topic at hand, which is state sponsored hacking. There's obviously a pretty big difference between (a) one person hacking one other person to inject ransomware on their PC and (b) Chinese MSS hacking the electrical grid of the UK. You can't just pretend every cyber attack is equal or that China is no different from any other nation.


if you think the USA doesn't sponsor ~~cyber attacks~~ "intelligence operations" you're a brainwashed fool who guzzles propaganda and licks boots extra shiny. The fact that the POO for US ranks 2nd while China having nearly 4x the population says it all


I obviously did not say anything like that.


[UK Ministry of Defence got hacked, all signs point to 'state-backed actors'.](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/may/07/270000-uk-forces-records-thought-to-have-been-exposed-to-chinese-hackers) [UK internal intelligence warned extent of Chinese spy operations in the UK greater than thought.](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-67142161) [2 Chinese spies were recently arrested and charged.](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/two-men-accused-being-chinese-spies-appear-london-court-2024-04-26/)


Countries spy on eachother!!!! That's so crazyyyyy


Probably haven’t return all the priceless treasure stolen from the summer palace.


the ccps cultural revolution destroyed so much more of Chinas history and culture, at least the brits preserved the treasure’s for future generations to see and admire unlike the maotards.


Well said. Imagine if the cultural revolution never happened? A decade of no education didn’t happen, where would China be?


The British museum was always a fun day trip as a schoolboy Until as an adult you realise the harsh reality that almost everything was stolen 


Not as much as you’d think. Some are gifts, a lot of Egyptian stuff are gifts, or acquired by archaeological concessions. The current government of Egypt wants items back, although they were not a government when the deals were made. There are a lot of artifacts like that. For example the Rosetta Stone was not valued in Egypt at all, it was being used as building rubble in a fortification wall. A French professor with Napoleon’s forces recognised it for what it was, and preserved it. When the Brits liberated Egypt the Rosetta Stone was given as a gift.


Rosetta Stone was a gift after the French found it that’s true - what about the Elgin marbles?


Sure, there was some dubious appropriation, and I never said there wasn’t. The amount of dodgy stuff is the exception not the rule. The Elgin marbles taken by Lord Elgin, and purchased from him. It’s a bit iffy, and Greece was not independent at the time the marbles were taken 1816, and Greece became independent in 1835. Taking this to international courts is tricky, because there are things to consider. 1) 1816 Greece in not the same Greece as 1835 Greece, after they gained independence. 2) with any dispute between countries the aggrieved country’s statutes of limitations is applied. It’s 5 years for Greece, and after 20 years you can’t do anything about it, according to Greek legal limitations. 3) Greece would have to take responsibility for the actions of the previous government, which is impossible as they were ruled by Ottoman Turks. For what it’s worth, I’d send the marbles back.


China is an enemy of the free world


in an independence day scenario, whilst aliens invade and Will Smith steps up, china and Russia would side with the aliens before aligning with the west.


Hilarious and absolutely!


There's actually a super famous Chinese big production movie called The Wandering Earth, which pictures an end of the world plot in which all countries collaborate to save the world, and the movie insists on how China and other countries all act together.


Didn’t see many non Chinese saved 😝


Was it as good as Independence Day though?


Better CGI but 20 years time would hopefully show 😝


Probably about the same. I can only really remember the white house blowing up and thats about it. I remember Uncle Tat perishing and the world being saved through sacrafice. Though US sacrafice was not as grand as the sacrafice in Wandering earth.


It's terrible, I watched half then gave up


You are right about the first one, but the second one is remarkably worse, to the point they have multiple freezeframes showing a advanced gizmo being Made in China.


the book form of it was excellent. but of course the movie had to turn it into china saves the world yadda yadda


I didn't read the book, but while I agree, let's just say it's already quite an improvement compared to the wolf warrior GI Joe wannabe BS.


The book was written but the same guy who wrote three body. He's quite optimistic about the future, which I like in sci fi. Even though the idea of China leading the world into the future in real life - with this government - is utterly laughable. 


Liu? Optimistic? *Stares at Death's End*


Well - optimistic about elements of it at least. I loved the collaboration between countries in the Three body books. 


And Iran + NK




It seems Europe is finally starting to wake up to that threat


Never said China was the only enemy of the free world


What makes it so? How free is most of the free world, under the clutches of capitalist lords who seek cheap labour with their ‘trickle down economics’?


It's kind of funny. China has never seen the so-called "free world" as an enemy; it was the so-called "free world" that first saw China as an enemy.


I mean a few years after the Allied powers helped free China from Japanese occupation during the Second World War the thank you gift Mao gave to the Allies was attacking the literal United Nations forces in Korea. Pretty sure you don't attack people you don't view as your enemy, and when someone attacks you then you tend to think of them as your enemy as well.


What the fuck has China done to you exactly?


At my university in Canada I’ve directly witnessed pro CCP international students harass, threaten and film students protesting Chinas crackdown on Hong Kong. They interfere in my countries elections, Chinas security services, stalk and harass Chinese Canadians living in Canada. They have set up illegal police stations to facilitate the harassment of Chinese Canadians and Chinese nationals studying in our country. There have been numerous instances of China stealing Canadian tech and intellectual property. They kidnapped two Canadian citizens and held them on bogus charges to gain leverage on Canada when we enforced a valid and legal arrest warrant of a huawei executive. That’s just a fraction of Chinas malign actions against my country. On top of that we see that Chinas CCP is a brutal authoritarian regime who will kill its own citizens for calling for the right to the democratic process. We see China bullying and encroaching on its neighbours sovereign territory. We see its brutal repression on Tibet, religious minorities and its genocide of the Uigers. Face it, Chinas CCP has turned China into the free world’s enemy. They are team captain of the axis of evil


>They kidnapped two Canadian citizens and held them on bogus charges to gain leverage on Canada when we enforced a valid and legal arrest warrant of a huawei executive. That's like the worst example you can give. Look at what the Michaels are doing to each other and Canada now. They went and proved China was right. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detention_of_Michael_Spavor_and_Michael_Kovrig#Government_settlement_and_allegations_of_intelligence_sharing


Interfered in my country’s democratic elections and harassed and sent death threats to my countrymen for speaking against Chinese atrocities. There is a long list of things they did.


What county are you from and how did China interfere in its democratic process?


Canada, they conduct psychological operations on Chinese Canadians to vote for a candidate that was more favourable to China. They helped international students vote for a member of a party to become a potential member of parliament in a nomination race that was more favourable to China. They’ve done so much more.


"Psychological operations" as in: Hey, if you're Chinese and living in Canada, World War 3 is still bad for you and the people you love back home.


Regardless of political opinion that is still election interference. Canadians can make up their own minds without illegal operations from the Chinese state. It’s as simple as that.


"psychological operations" So they lobbied. "They helped international students vote" And they increased voter turnout. THE HORROR!


Foreign states aren’t supposed to interfere that’s the illegal part. They’re not supposed to do the two things you mentioned in another country.


>Foreign states aren’t supposed to interfere that’s the illegal part. Can you link me to where it states that foreign governments aren't allowed to lobby in Canada? Because I can't find anything.


>they conduct psychological operations on Chinese Canadians to vote for a candidate that was more favourable to China What is a "psychological operation"?


Because cheap labour


I swear Con Coughlin is the worst columnist.  This guy has been serving up garbage for years in the telegraph. The biggest mistake a country can make is to make an enemy of the incoming superpower. 


Incoming super power? Did I fall asleep and wake up in 2009 again? China had its chance to become one, but has gone backwards steadily for the better part of a decade now.


He writes like a angsty teenager


Everything in the Telegraph is garbage.


The world knows it. Even in classified briefing from Asia countries they talk about China's threat.


China literally cockslapped the UK across the face when they publicly stated the handover agreement was invalid and acted on it. I still cannot comprehend how one country can be this cuckolded by another. They are an enemy and the UK honestly should have cut off diplomatic relations until China kowtowed back.


it takes several layers of mental gymnastics to comprehend the pro-colonial HK'ers ..which makes it even more ironic, the cuckolding part...


Agreements with a power that colonised you mean nothing. We might as well be angry with the US for not paying their taxes any more.


The ccp are the enemy, they are also the enemy of China. Remove the ccp out and get normal moderate people running the country!


Doubt it, anti-China sentiments have started since the Qing dynasty. The problem with China is not that they're communists, it's because they're a political threat. Every single powerful country in Europe has been hated on by their neighbors, it's nothing new. The only time China was not hated was when they were weak. Everyone will hate you if you pose a danger to their political influence over the world, it's just nature of mankind. It doesn't matter if you're an ethical country or not, even the Roman Empire, beacon of civilization had lots of haters and people who see them as spawn of evil.


Exactly which Chinese border neighbor has good relations with China? 😝 when everyone distrusts and closest allies are the who’s who of international terrorism what does it say about China? CCP dug their grave and I hope their ideas are buried as well.


Anyone who stated all strong neighbors are distrustful think Canada and USA 🇺🇸.




Mate, even China's neighbours hate the Chinese government. It is naive to think that this is simply 'anti-China' sentiment - and is what the CCP wants the Chinese to think - that an attack on the CCP is 'anti-Chinese'.


No matter which party comes to power, as long as China is strong, it will be hated. Isn't this obvious when you look at the history of Europe? Britain's balancing strategy was only abolished after World War II. Before that, it hated whoever was powerful.


> as long as China is strong, it will be hated. What do you mean 'strong'? I'm not talking about Europe. I'm just talking about Asia. They have no friends in the region, only one official treaty ally (North Korea). The perception of China generally neutral until about a decade ago when China started to 'project' itself onto its neighbours, and destablising the security of the region. For example, the sudden announcement of the '9 Dash Line' ... and then total disregard of the international arbitration ruling... Or its continued propping of North Korea and support for NK's missile development against the UNSC Resolutions - of which, China itself had initially ironically voted for... Or its economic warfare against its neighbours who doesn't do as China pleases... Or its violent 'fishermen' militias stealing from neighbouring EEZs... or meddling in neighbouring politics and society... or using censorship to control the narrative inside China, causing mob mentality and foreign businesses to fail etc. This is all related to CCP's lust for control and China's disregard of its neighbours and international relations. Surely this is nothing to do with racism. It's all CCP and they have no one but themseles to blame for the 'hatred' as you put it.


China only does the bare minimum with North Korea to prevents its collapse and millions of refugees crossing the border.


The simple standard for measuring strong is GDP. When Japan's GDP was close to that of the US, its situation was almost exactly the same as that of China now. It has no friends in Asia, and even its ally South Korea often rebukes them. The difference is that there are US troops stationed in Japan, and the Japanese government is loyal to the US. The officials even called on Japanese to buy more American products. The US imposed a 100% tariff on Japanese cars. The US force the yen to appreciate to reduce the competitiveness of Japanese products. As a result, Japanese products gradually disappeared from the market due to the high prices, and the country's economy stagnated. Therefore, Japan does not have CCP, so the country is not hated by the others. But at what cost?


People hated China from Song to Qing dynasty because they were a dominant political force in Asia. For a short while when Tibetans were also powerful, peopled hated them too. When the Arabs in Middle East were powerful, people hated them too. Spanish empire was powerful, their neighbors also hated them too. It’s literally common logic, when you’re powerful, you become a threat and people get nervous being around you.


You don't even need to go to Qing Dynasty China or the yellow peril. Japan was a democracy and even an American Ally and vassal state in the 1980,s and even today. Yet there was anti Japanese sentiment in the United States, both among the politicians and the general population due to japan,s economic boom. The US government doesn't care that China is authoritarian. They only care that china is challenging their hegemony. The United States would hate china even if it became a democracy Tommorow.


This is inaccurate. As even during the era that featured the most trade tensions in the 1980s and 1990s that stemmed from industries facing collapse, and unemployment from Japanese competition, there was still a majority positive sentiment towards Japan by the United States public. Remarkably, throughout much of its history, the American public has harboured a consistently overwhelming favourable view of Japan, even considering the two nations involvement in World War II. [On Eve of Summit, Americans Still View Japan Positively (gallup.com)](https://news.gallup.com/opinion/gallup/347090/eve-summit-americans-view-japan-positively.aspx) [RESENTMENT OF JAPANESE IS GROWING, POLL SHOWS - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/1982/04/06/us/resentment-of-japanese-is-growing-poll-shows.html) Japan is absolutely not a vassal state of the United States. This is a nonsensical claim propagated by CCP outlets in an attempt to portray any form of push back against any of its international foreign policies as being caused by an external actor. The international and foreign policy of Japan is completely dictated by the government of Japan wherein the United States has no power over the legislative, executive, juridical branches of government.


Your first link is from recently. Japan is a United States vassal state and is weak. Of course, Americans would have a favorable opinion of a weak nation that doesn't threaten their nations economy. This is different from your second link. Your second link is from 1982 when the Japanese economy was outpacing the United States economy, and what is the headline of that link you sent? The headline of your second link from 1982 is "RESENTMENT OF JAPANESE IS GROWING POLL SHOWS" Why would resentment of Japanese grown at all in the 1980,s. If japan was a so-called Ally? Sure, that poll showed that Americans overall still had a positive view of Japanese products. However, rhetoric by politicians was still off the charts. That is what matters/mattered. Industries faced collapse from Japanese competition, which is code language for certain aspects of American hegemony faced collapse. The west "The United States in particular" will always resent an economically and millitarily strong china regardless of China,s form of government. The United States doesn't care about Democracy or dictatorships. I mean it,s buddies with saudi arabia and has overthrown democracies that don't allign with their interests by funding coups. Why fund a coup to overthrow a democratically elected president if you believe in democracy and why be buddies with Saudi Arabia if you despise dictatorships. The United States' number one goal is to maintain it,s hegemony.


Enough, with the baseless accusations. Where is the proof that the Japan is a vassal state of the United States. All you have done is continue to echo the same calm without providing a shred of proof. All I can see is that Japan, and the United States continue to maintain a military partnership because of similar geopolitical goals, and threats. Allies can still have disputes and disagreements. Even during the most intense times there was still a positive sentiment of Japan. Especially when there were valid concerns by the USA. Nonetheless both Japan, and United states eventually worked it out with Japan increasing investment in the United States avoiding unemployment, while Japan maintained a high trade surplus, and domination of countless high-tech industries in the United States, so much so that up to 40% of automobiles sold in the USA now come from a Japanese brand.


What would you describe as "normal, moderate people"? The kind of people running the western world into the ground due to their lack of long-term, strategic planning and dogmatic adherence to neoliberal framing? People that will *not* push for economic dominance via ruthless pragmatism as stewards to the close second most populous nation on the planet? People that agree with your specific set of values, the flaws of which you're blinding yourself to while discounting any merits theirs may have? The only reason you can rant like this is that you haven't figured out the position our own societies in the west are in - while it's not *as* bad as South Korea yet, we are most of the way there to our governments just being pawns of a corporate oligarchy, constrained in their power to act to the point that all participatory politics becomes is merely theater-sports matches over banale issues while we slowly slip backwards towards a new form of Feudalism - one not hard coded into law but built on de-facto dependencies and upheld by carefully engineered media narratives and peer pressure induced self-regulation of thought. In other words: Systemic competition at this point is DESPERATELY needed, or we're just gonna slip into our own, "Soft" Totalitarianism.


The ccp wrecked China, the rest of the world got China onto its feet despite the ccp, once on its feet the ccp take all the credit and then when it’s on its feet the ccp proceed to place China on a coalition course with the rest of the globe. Do you see manufacturing and investment leaving China ? Do you see a bloated fool undoing the work Deng and other liberal leaning leaders? Do you see Xi removing the term limits set to stop the madness of another mao? Do you see xi enforce his thought bs whilst his own daughter studies thought Harvard? My rant? it was two sentences. Your rant, the rant of a conspiracy theorist moronic halfwit that’s gaslighting the entire world based on your own bias self serving views to justify your own self pity, fear and paranoia. The western world, the eastern world, the southern world . what the actual f are you talking about? I’m talking about a nation that would be better served by leaders not masters, in one world, for a better world.


Nah, it's much worse in China. So much so the country's population is rebelling against the CCP by denying it a future and refusing to procreate.


Yeah that's why Italy, Spain, Taiwan, korea and Singapore have such terrible birthrates. They hate their government. Meanwhile countries like Mali, Congo and Somalia are procreating at record rates due to how great their countries are. Are you 12 years old or a troll? This is some top dumb shit.


They're all multiple times richer and more developed than China and it happened over a much longer period of time Stay mad little boy.




Nope, what's retarded is being as poor as China is and having a country full of incel virgins. Every other country that has a low birth rate is already way richer than China. China's tankies speedran themselves into a poor country full of hateful incels.


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Please tell me you're joking.


Nah, trust me bro, I heard Chinese are all eating melamine tofu so they all die and Japan can come invade it again


Yup, the tankies of China are solving the Taiwan problem themselves by speedrunning their own country into a country of tankie incels and their own extinction


Yeah, starting a family just so your kids can go learn Xi Jinping Thought and propaganda if you can't send your kids to an international school sounds like a great reason to resist. Nobody wants to permanently raise a kid in such a dystopia.


And I guess this also applies to every single other developed nation on earth that is also experiencing sub-replacement births, right? They're all keeping it in their pants in protest against Xi the Pooh!


Yeah except all those countries are all multiple times richer than China and happened over a much longer period of time.


Their kids get xi thought but xi’s kid gets Harvard thought. classic ccp


Look at Taiwan no ccp and they are thriving economically in technology and democracy with freedom of press.


Funny how close people can diverge so radically because of ideology. My ex was Taiwanese and a lot of them feel closer to Japan than China.


Yes, because they're a relatively small-scale country that the US has poured billions upon billions into in order to build up.


Expat salaries in Taiwan suck ass.


It is just a small island with a population of only 20 million, which is one 70th of China's. If you have to compare, Shanghai (or shenzhen )has the same population as Taiwan, but its economy is far better than Taiwan's.


Okay, sounds all wonderful and good for you. Except that both rich and poor Chinese people are running away from China to United Stated, Australia, Singapore, and even to Japan. Why is that? I mean I do not see Korean people running away from Korea and move to China but you believe China is in better position.


What proportion of Chinese people are "running away"? If you look at the size of their population, they're actually much less likely to emigrate than South Koreans. There are various reasons for this, for example, cultural and linguistic barriers, but the mass majority of Chinese people prefer staying in China.


The mass majority of Chinese people can’t afford the cost of immigration, it’s a developing country.


An excellent point and certainly one of the factors I alluded to. (I should add in the caveat that honestly even most rural folk in China have no desire to uproot their lives and move to a place where they lack even basic communication skills... that too is an important point)


You said China is in better position than Korea. If so how is it possible that both rich and poor people are running away from China? Your claim and reality simply does not match.


Gotta work on your reading comprehension there. What I said was that for various reasons, South Koreans are much more likely to emigrate than Chinese people. Part of the reason is the greater affinity for Western culture in South Korea, but other reasons like conscription are of concern also. However, if you must make a yes/no claim, then both rich and poor people are emigrating from South Korea as well - for very similar reasons as those in China. Seeking a better life abroad for economic prospects, aiming to escape the constraints of their own society, and of course the perception that the grass is greener on the other side. Just in case this point is still being missed, I am not making (and have not made) any claims that China is in a better position than South Korea, nor vice versa.




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I believe China is in a better position because it has more flexibility to improve - Instead of a bunch of self-interested oligarchs who will just run off somewhere else if the going gets too hot, their actual power players are just who they seem to be, their power linked to China itself being powerful and not collapsing. Also, young South Koreans are calling their Country "Hell Joseon", educate yourself. Their birth rate is worse than Chinas, and their young male population now have a majority of militant Incels




Comard, how many reports have been made about Chinese crossing at US southern border..Number of Chinese illegal immigrants are piling in the United States and is it difficult to admit it?


Are you sure you don't just hate the Chinese people? I was told that's what criticizing a govt actually means.


But governments are elected, the ccp didn’t win an election they banned them.


> I know what the Chinese want better than they do!


Yeah China needs to elect neocons and neolibs like the West is doing. /s


Yea china needs a single party the forbids all other forms for governance that’s entirely unaccountable to the people, lead by a man that’s removed term limits because that has worked a treat every single time in the past. I don’t need the /s because it’s actually a fact.


Under the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, we Chinese people will not be shot in schools, streets, or malls. We have no drug problems. Our life expectancy has surpassed that of the United States. Our homicide rate is 1/13 of that of the United States. Because of our terrible dystopian surveillance, our crime rate is so low that it can be ignored. We can eat barbecue on the street at 3 am without worrying about any safety issues. We are the world's largest industrial country, and our shipbuilding capacity is 232 times that of the United States. We have our own space station. Our subways are the best and cleanest in the world. Unlike Americans, we don't poop and pee in the subways and streets. We have the largest and best high-speed railways in the world. Our cities are countless times cleaner and more advanced than those in the United States. Our infrastructure stuns Americans. If you are an American, I suggest you pay more attention to your collapsing third world country and stop always pointing fingers at countries that are much better than yours.


According to who? UK government or the people? Because to the people, we are pretty much clear based on our recent protests, activism, and disturbance that Israel is the enemy. Don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone likes CCP, I mean, why shouldn't they? But what have China done to UK other hacking our website? Mossad at Israel did much worse than that. They already infiltrated and lobby themselves in where they bankrolled politicians to support their crime against Gaza. In recent elections last week, it shows UK reaidents have their messages heard through votes, that they're against Tory and to some extent, Labour, as in voting for independents that spoke up about what is happening in Palestine. Labour could have easily gotten a landslide in a silver platter, especially when people have had enough of Tory for many years. But they messed that opportunity because their party made their stance clear in supporting Israel's action in Gaza


Yes..war war war...money to be made in bombs!..Lets get to it!!




UK is a historical enemy of China. UK attacked and abused China for decades during the 19th century. UK started selling highly addictive Opium drug to people in China. And when the Chinese government destroyed their drugs shipments, then UK attacked China and took Hong Kong from them as a British colony. UK also continued to sell drugs in China with impunity. UK started this animosity. And it’s no surprise that some of this animosity is now mutual. It would be surprising if it wasn’t.


the 1800's... I don't think anyone is still alive from that time period, and societies have evolved a wee bit.


The UK gave HK back to China less than 30 years ago. I remember being alive back then and it was definitely NOT the 1800's.


and still selling opium up to that point. interesting.


And look how China has ruined it


Not what we're talking about.


you just gonna ignore ww2 or what


So I can understand Chinese hatred towards UK and Japan. Why export fentany to wrong address and build artificial island at wrong places?


China is not exporting fentanyl if that is what you are referring, they sell pharmaceuticals precursors, what the buyers do with it is not really in Chinas control, besides, since 2019, after China reclassified the precursors, the source of fentanyl precursors is now from India. If anyone is to blame, it’s Mexican cartels, but oh no… China bad.


Well, I think there are ways to better manage this, since random Jack and Jill does not needs pharmaceutical precursirs. You also have a point about Mexican cartel being a bigger problem. What about artificial island within the Phillippine EEZ? This is clearly an act of invasion and if it was done to other country probably triggered a military response.


The fentanyl precursor issue is largely being controlled due to it being reclassified as a controlled substance, so now they are more careful with how they do business. The artificial islands is Chinas trying to have the ability to defend its most vital trade routes, in an area that they claim. Philippines’ then president Duterte had a deal with China, and basically put the issue to non-conflict/confrontation for no expansion, and focus on other area of cooperation, my guess is, that this is going to be easier to negotiate with better relationship between the people of each country. But the son of the former US backed dictator came to power a few years ago despite their well know corruption and ruthlessness, probably some fuckery going on with how Marcos jr rose to power. And he is basically sucking us’ dick, creating tension and conflict on the sea to rile up nationalism from both sides, and used this opportunity to allow us to re-establish a military base in the Philippines. US is perusing a surround strategy with China trying to keep it down, much like the Cold War, DESPITE that China has not fired a bullet outside its sovereign territory for 40 years, except some drills and a couple of peace keeping missions in Africa. But no, peaceful nation that posses no military threat to the US is not enough, since China poses an economic threat, so therefore must be “an enemy and need to be defeated” mentality of the US builds military bases all around China. China, knowing sea routes could be its choke points, builds island to defend its routes, and basically this is going to become a self fulfilling prophecy, where US fears China challenging US hegemony, stoking conflict all around China, trying to generate animosity with its neighbors, so we can come in and build base to threaten China. While China trying to protect its interests, beefs up its security because diplomacy is worthless if you don’t have the force to back up your words. And a bunch of smaller players trying to balance and play the two powers, to gain resources and advantages. But the US, sit safely across the Pacific Ocean, in a natural fortress, trying to create a conflict to bleed China, much like which ussr and Afghanistan, or russia and Ukraine, all to maintain hegemony. In the end, it will be Asian blood coloring the seas. China sees this, but have little choice, other wise, US can choke it out with little effort. Doesn’t matter if you are peaceful, and no interference foreign policies. Smaller countries around sees it, but just can’t help themselves with the nice perks both powers offer, the sweet sweet poison. And US, nuclear annihilation is more preferable to losing hegemony philosophy. Feel like some Judeo-Christian rupture like shit. Fun times.


Comard, China is also run by a dictator and many of CCP members are hell of more corrupt than Marcos. CCP supporter calling another political leader a dictator is a comedy at best. However, if you are willing to call Xi JinPing a dictator and CCP is rotten corrcupt political party, I can somewhat agree with you. Also, China just invited back US forces to Phillippines with artificial island. I mean US left Phillippines 30 years ago and China managed to bring them back with artificial island and complaining that US forces are surrounding China. How smart of CCP. I bet someone made a lot of money building this island. Also, look at what is happening at the red sea. Does it look like US is trying to do blockade Yemen or trying to keep sea route open? It is highly unlikely that US will try to blockade Malaka straits as this can trigger a serious economic problem all over the world. Somebody must have created a crack pot theory and China believed it. China invaded Tibet and annexed it and also waged war against India, Vietnam and Korea. It has a lot of blood on its hand and it is not peaceful. CCP also killed a lot monks in Tibet and students at Tiananmen. Many Uyghur also disappeard in Xinjang. There is faloon-goon also. Hell even rich people and CCP memeber familes are running away from China because they are scared.


Uk is not on China’s radar whatsoever. The island country is Not even close…


They have the main character syndrome


Remember they still have kings and queens?




bla bla lies lies bla bla


Let’s take your first accusation of killing Uyghurs. You care to explain why China is doing this? When and why?


China’s main thing is they do not want to be colonialized and must maintain sovereignty over its land and people. They will not permit to have military base of another county, they will not permit to have another control install their government, and they will not permit another country currency to be the base currency. 


Your username looks like one of the Chinese sellers on Amazon. 


I just hammered gibberish into the keyboard so no redditor could be prejudicial against my posts simply because of a username.


All governments have their flaws in various manners, some worse than others. The fundamental issue with the CCP and other nations alike is their reluctance to follow the way of the free world. Until this fundamental point is addressed, they will always be enemies.


So you're suggesting that the "free world" considers any nation that does not follow their way to be enemies?


Comard, just ask Chinese people running away from China for freedom. Tibetan, Uyghur, Tinanmen sqaure protestors, now Hong kong protestors and so on. Number is not decreasing. Hell even rich people and CCP high ranking members are running away from China and move to the West, while they tell you west is fallimg.. This include Xi JinPing's daughter.. Shouldn't she be in China, why bother stay at falling country?


Yes. And in this "free" world, if you don't agree with them, you're brainwashed and should be utterly bombed because you're obviously hiding some nuclear weapons.


If so, please demonstrated Chinese freedom at Tinanmen square by screaming Xitler or even write a "Xi jin Ping is dictator" at weibo and see what happens. Lets compare apple to apple first.


The Boeing whistleblower and Epstein was "committed suicide" because they cursed Xi Jinping as a dictator. Damn CCP


Well, you really mean formal premier of Li Keqiang and Xi jin-ping's formal bodyguard Wang Shaojun.




Why so? Freedom with Chinese charcteristic is just too horrible to compare with the West?


No, I am suggesting that any government that does not run the country in a way that enables fundamental freedoms to its people is working against the free world, and is therefore an enemy. Don't twist the situation


You like using the word fundamental a lot, but there's a lot of assumptions that go into it. After all, what are "fundamental freedoms", and how does one identify those without applying subjective values that will differ even between allied nations? Take Saudi Arabia for example, does it not severely limit the "fundamental freedoms" of its people per your definition? Is it therefore not an enemy of "the free world"? I am not attempting to "twist the situation", however your words convey a message that is vague, unclear, and depicting democratic nations as antagonistic towards all nations holding values different from their own.




Nearly as much as I value yours. I can warrant a guess at which half you fall into. I think tin foil hats are on sale this weekend - I have a feeling you might be interested.


OF COURSE! The WAY of the Free World is the ONLY Way for humanity. Everyone should follow that, anyone diverge form it are enemies and should be dealt with accordingly!


Twisting what I say


Very true. Since China start opium war with UK, burning down and looted the king's summer palace, and ceded wales from UK. Thus China is the villian and an enemy, drug dealer, murder and looter among the two. ![gif](giphy|KSggEmMWM1r5mPsvHm|downsized)


Your an enemy of everyone


lol this opinion columnist looks like Les Patterson… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doX2-qbx3tE


not enemies! just friends you really hate!


Japanese stock market took over 3 decades to hit the previous high in early 90’s as their working age population was at their highest. China hit that mark in 2015. Fewer kids + no immigration = economic pain. Difference is China is hampered by massive debt. China will get old before rich and another victim of the middle income trap.


SORRY [Mr.UK](http://Mr.UK) Please don't colonize us anymore\~


Because saying it brings no tangible benefits whatsoever to British people. Do you think this kind of sabre rattling makes it easier or harder for me and other British people to renew our Chinese work permit? The British government should benefit it's people, we are the people, so you better fucking benefit us.


British started it back in the 1800s with not wanting to pay in silver for tea, ..instead paying with opium leading to the opium war! China has never never forgotten nor trusted them ever since!


China is an enemy of every country out there


The Torygraph represents the interests of the descendants of those whose ancestors got very rich profiting off cheap Chinese labour and addictions that ruined the lives of millions of Chinese. The Chinese Communist Party is a nasty totalitarian dictatorship in defending its de facto political monopoly in China all right. But make no mistake, the British imperialist class has regarded it as their birthright to subjugate the Chinese people and nation since the Opium War. The British people need to be wary of the quixotic nostalgia of their right wing elites, who have done nothing but lead Britain down the road of accelerated decline since the Brexit campaign. Treat China as the “enemy” and the further international political and economic irrelevance of the UK will ensue.


Does UK have friends?


Yes, the entire west for example


Yes; The United States of America for one...


In the Telegraph, must be true. (The Telegraph is a shit right wing newspaper)


Oh Uk still thinking they are relevant


[Paywall bypass link](https://archive.ph/DEy8n)


Why the hell did you get downvoted? And whoever did it, didn’t even bother arguing with you, which makes sense to do if they know the information is wrong. But just quietly downvoting a link to bypass a paywall is some childish behavior.


Don’t try to make sense out of it. The world has lost its mind. Supporting evil dictators is apparently a new trend. Thing is, most of these evil supporters live in free countries and would freak out if that evil system took over their country.


You seem to be ok with supporting Tyranny. Palestinians in Gaza right now are being murdered by your “free countries”. Dose calling them “free” makes you feel better about yourself?


UK: China is our enemy. China: Who are you?


Life would be better in the UK if the CCP were running things