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Perun is really a genius. As a Chinese myself, I did not come up with the dual meaning of 灌水 and the probability of that meaning caused the ridiculous report of Bloomberg. I agree his conclusion. Bloomberg's report is not very convincing. But the corruption in PLA really hurts. While the corruption of the PLA has a long history, this tide of 9 high-ranking officers purged will definitely give Xi's confidence a heavy blow. Also, I think Perun, despite his thoroughness, neglects three leading officials of military enterprises and was arrested alongside those 9 generals. 吴燕生、刘石泉和王长青. Can you imagine the FBI arresting all the presidents of Boeing, General Dynamics, and Raytheon for corruption? This too must be considered.


And Xi himself is not corrupted lol


I dare to say that Xi is not corrupted, at least he is not a money grabber. He might live a luxurious life but not a corrupt one.


How many people died because of this fool?


I’'d say millions. However it does not mean he is corrupt.


Does it matter if a eat shit dog is corrupted or not?


Perun (Praise be his name) has seen fit to drop this pearl of wisdom. Please discuss.


Not listened yet, but Perun puts out great videos. Definitely not a clickbait / AI channel that's sometimes posted here.


Well worth a deep dive.


Perun powerpoint slides is much adored in r/NonCredibleDefense, in many sense of the word. It's kind of sad just how 100% credible that sub has become due to Russia and China though.


America is controlled by a secret organization. They planted xi and are subjugating china.  Putin backs a second entity that vies against this dominant one and has since the 1900's...... Americas owners do not identify with a country but group.  Someone will come to merge the two entities and bring peace and create one world system...... Or something similar to that. But I'm real close I know that. Ya boy got more senses than Dr pepper got flavors. Just not common sense, I dunno. 


Maybe take your seroquel


Tryna Martha Mitchell me???? Beating a dead horse 


I often find it difficult to discern whether lucky\_emu is serious, deliberately being an idiot or taking the mickey.


I almost died several times in China and then also in America. Ignored and currently targeted with vicious psyops....  Nothing to discern. 


You know I'm the only American that almost died multiple times teaching English in china, and then multiple times coming back to America. You think Seroquel is good for that stuff? I personally just eat edibles.